
The Only

Jared eyes Grace with worry in his gaze. He believed her though. If she said she'd stop him, then he would trust her. All he had to worry about now was himself. Was she right? Could he really break old habits? 

Turning over his hand, he curls his fingers around hers, giving them a little squeeze. He searches her face for a few quiet moments, just thinking things through and calming any lingering irritation.

"Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten my memory back," he admits softly. "But then... if I didn't remember who I'd been and all the people I'd dealt with... I wouldn't be as amazed by you as I am now." 

He turns his head back to the blank television, but keeps his hand in hers. "I'm sorry about saying I didn't want you to be my therapist anymore. I was just... scared of hurting you and I didn't know what else to do. I... really don't want you to stop coming." 

His gaze turns back to her again. "You're the only friend I've got." 

Rick just chuckles at Misty's comment, leaving his nephew to fend for himself. 

Clay lifts his hands in surrender as he quirks a grin at Misty. "I've gotten beaten up enough lately, and for some reason I think you probably pack a whallop... so I'll come. Better than sitting around listening to my uncle all evening anyway."

"Hey..." Rick smirks, although it was obvious he and his nephew had a special relationship. "You're right about Misty though, so watch it. And don't tangle with the other guys tonight either - trust me, you'll end up on the losing end."

"Sounds like... a nice bunch." Clay gives Misty a wary look, although he was pretty sure he could trust her. 

"Alright, I'm here, make it quick." Jason enters the infirmary, not even realizing he's interrupting until he sees Clay. "Oops. Sorry."

Rick rolls his eyes. "It's okay. Just barge on in. It's not like we have private offices in here." 

"Uh-huh." Jason wanders over to the table to sit, throwing Misty a wink.

Clay catches it and his eyebrow arcs at Misty. "Boyfriend or brother-in-law?"

Jason can't help laughing outright. "Ha! Don't let Alec catch you asking that. He'd - ow!" He glares at Rick as his finger is pricked. "You used to be nicer with those things."

"You used to be a better patient," Rick retorts. "Your sugar's lower than I like."

"Well I can't help it if I've got an overactive pancreas. You told me to lay off the sugar."

"The bad stuff. Eat more fruit and see me next week."

"Yeah, yeah."

Watching the two men go back and forth, Clay still wasn't sure who the guy was, but it seemed he shared the wry humor of both Rick and Misty.

A genuine smile creases Clint's lips, and he nods. "I'd like to come over very much, and I'm sure Wendy will too. Thank you."

Wandering to the door, he leans on the frame and looks out at the dark ranch. It was peaceful tonight. The dark always felt that way. Maybe that was why he worked late, and sometimes got up before the sun to work. 

"Well... another day gone," he muses, more to himself than anybody else. He couldn't remember when he'd gone to bed feeling at peace. Things had felt so overwhelming lately.

Around more

Giving a smile to Jared it was good to see his expression change a little bit. It meant he was at least accepting the face she was going to be around a little more and really thats all she could ask for. Hearing Jared's request she couldn't help but smile a litlte more as she leaned forward on his bed.

   "I'd slug you if you did just so you would remember not to do it again."

Reaching her hand out and placing it on top of Jared's Grace lets her fingers run over her or a moment before letitng them be still. She let the silence linger on a little longer before finally specifying again.

   "It wont go to far I can promise you that much Jared. Old habits can be broke, and I am willing to help and stick with you."

Cocking her at Clay and giving a slight irritated that was laced with a smile to show she was only playing around Misty leans on her desk and study's him for a long while. Making new friends would do him good or so she thought. Clay seemed lonely and with a string of bad luck like he had  Misty could see why maybe he was, but she wanted to change that for a reason she wasn't sure of.

   "If I minded or thought I was going out of my way I wouldn't have asked you at all."

Looking past Clay at Rick Misty shakes her head but still smiles. She wondered how well Clay could take teasing but there was only one way to find out and she could be the master at it. She'd take it easy on him at the start though.

   "You know if he is going to be around more he better learn quickly or there are going to be some people whacking him over the back of the head a lot. Better teach him quickly."

Wes smiles at Clint it was nice to know that the young man missed his company. Not that he really had thought any differently. But it was still nice to hear him say it. Wes really had missed working along side his nephew as well. It had always been a nice pass time and he'd enjoyed it.

   "Well that's why we made Wendy the secretary because I new she'd be bale to help you with that kind of stuff. Even I get confused when trying to figure it all out."

Heading to the office and looking around nothing much changed. a little more marginalization witch was nice and he could guess was Wendy's touch but things pretty much looked the same as always. Taking soeme of the books out and glancing through them the note had been kept good and ever transaction as well.

Taking one of the daily reports out that Rosetta printed out on everything that came in and out of the ranch giving it to each area Wes looks it over. A few donations caught his eye and it made him smile. It meant that even though Clint didn't think business was good he was doing something right for the peple he did help and they were rewarding him. 

Leaving the office and joing Clint again Wes lets out a little sigh, I really was good to be back and there way not way he would ever be able to describe it to anyone. It wa slike seeing a long lost friend ten times over again.

   "Hey I have to check it over with Cindy but I don't think she will mind to much. Would you and the family like to come over for dinner tomorrow?"