

Looking to Kyle Alice felt so bad for him. His heart was so big, and he worried about Kip she could just see it in his eyes when he talked about him. They were all worried but there was only so much they could do. Alice wished there was more, but what?

"Part of the adventure is not always seeing how clear the path is. But the comforting part is that God is hour tour guide as long as we let him be."

Reaching over and taking Kyle's hand in her own Alice just smiles looking over at him. Things were rough and the path was unclear, but it was one they would face together and things would work out.

"How about we grab some ice cream an than take it from there? The sugar might help."

Just cuddling even close to Jason soaking in his warmth trying to chase the small chill from her bones Katie gives a small smile to Jason as she runs one of her hands through his hair, the other still wrapped around him.

"Con and I went out to lunch this afternoon and I was missing you so I asked him to drop me off here. I just wanted to spend some time with you. "

Nuzzling her head into Jason a little Katie lifts her head and gives Jason a soft kiss on the lips before leaning her head down on the pillow again. Her own eyes felt so heavy but she forced them to stay open so she could continue to see Jason, and just study his face.

"So how are you feeling today?"

Looking up from her desk as Susanna enters again Misty's can't help he sly smile that spread across her face. She new she broke the rules, but it wouldn't be the first time she had done that and she was sure it wouldn't be the last.

"If all that came out of this was Alec being happy for a moment having those cookies and knowing we cared than I would say its a mission complete."

Misty leans her chin on her hands and looks at Susanne again before giving a laugh on her comment about the brothers. It was kind of funny to think how alike Alec and Carson really were.

"I hope they can keep him out of prison too. He really does deserve more than that."

Quite something

"Yeah... goodnight, Stacy." Eric gives her a little nod and even a little tip of his hat.

Left alone, he looks back up at the moon again, just standing there for several minutes. Finally though, he heads for his bunkhouse. The encounter with Stacy had been unexpected, but now that the ice was broken, maybe he had one less thing to be stressed about. And her daughter... well... Ashlee had done a good job at being a bright spot in his day, and he had to admit that.

Seeing Misty intentionally knock her coffee over, Susanne's eyes widen. Then she realizes what's going on and a scheming smile curls her lips. Following Misty out into the hall, she nonchalantly slips by as Misty stops to talk with Hal. Getting to the stairwell, she waits until she knows the coast is clear before going the rest of the way down.

Hal gives Misty a look that clearly states, "You've got to be kidding me," but he simply sighs. Rising from his chair, he shakes his head. "You know... one of these days nobody's gonna be allowed to have coffee at their desks and it will all be your fault." He shakes a finger at her. "The third time, I'm gonna say you gotta go clean that thing up yourself."

He smirks and heads for the infirmary. Though his tone was stern, it was obvious that he wasn't all that upset, and Misty had him wrapped around her little finger anyway.

Downstairs, Susanne makes her way quickly to he holding cell where Alec was still kept. Since he'd been put in there, he hadn't been out once that she knew of. Knowing the code to get in, she punches the numbers and waits for the door to unlock. When she slips inside, she finds Alec sitting back in the corner of his cot with his knees tucked up to his chest. The look in his eye would be one Susanne would interpret as forlorn... but he'd never admit to that. "Hi, Alec."

Alec's eyebrows rise. "Did they change tactics or what? Sending the woman to break the prisoner now?"

Susanne rolls her eyes. "Can you really see me interrogating someone?"


She gives him a wry grin, then approaches him slowly. "I, um... made some cookies. I thought you might like some." She holds out the bag.

Alec stares at it but doesn't take it yet. "What's the catch?"

"No catch. Just thought you might enjoy them. I know you probably still can't taste an awful lot, but they have quite a bit of chocolate in them so I think you'll be able to taste them. If not, you'll at least get a sugar high."

Alec blinks. Cookies? From Susanne? With no catch? "Nobody but Hal, Reese and Justin are allowed in here. If it wasn't their idea for some sort of bribe, how'd you get down here under the radar?"

Susanne chuckles. "Misty's providing Hal with a nice distraction."

"Misty is a distraction."

"Oh is that a fact?" Susanne bites her lip, trying not to laugh. "Is it her looks or the fact that she doesn't take crap from anybody?"

The corner of Alec's mouth twitches. "Yes." Sitting up a little straighter, he takes the bag of cookies and looks inside. There were way more than any one man needed to eat. Not that he was going to complain.

Susanne lets the quiet linger for a moment before clasping her hands and sighing. "She said to tell you she'd been thinking about you, too."

Alec's eyes shoot back up. His mouth opens for a smart remark, but for some reason, any comment failed to reach the surface. Maybe it was because knowing that meant too much to him for him to make a joke or disrespect it. "Oh."

Susanne smiles. "I gotta get out of here before Hal gets back to his post. Who knows... more goodies might come your way again sometime."

Only after she leaves does Alec try one of the cookies. He couldn't taste it in full, but the soft texture and gooey chocolate was enough to make him eat slowly, savoring the rare treat. Susanne and Misty, huh? Susanne always had a soft spot, and Misty... she was one of the few who had been kind to him. Surely none of that could ever be regained though, no matter if he tried to avoid prison or not... right?

Making it back upstairs without having been caught, Susanne goes back to her office until she knows Hal is back at his post. Then she returns to the infirmary. Going back over to Misty's desk, she gives her a thumbs up. "Thanks. I think Alec appreciated the cookies. Didn't get much out of him, other than he thinks you're quite something."

She grins. "Apparently brothers share tastes. At least we know now he's still human. I just hope Angelica and Reese can keep him out of prison."

Realizing it was Katie who was here, Jason tries to pry his eyes open all the way and at least look halfway alert for her. He didn't need to though... as she lies on the bed with him, he knows he's not expected to get up yet.

Shifting so he can put his arms around her too, he pulls her even closer and kisses the top of her head. "I missed you too. What are you doing back so early?"

"Maybe." Kyle wasn't convinced about any incentive for Kip. He really didn't know what to do with their younger friend. He was so good at what he did, but had had so many setbacks. Even so, the rest of the band really had expected him to bounce back by now... but he hadn't.

Kyle could understand the problems with concentrating - he could certainly relate. He knew it had been a bit embarrassing for Kip, but he also thought that problem had been solved - or at least under control. It would always plague Kip but it had really seemed he'd figured out how to get by and find what he needed to do in order to stick with the band. Kyle still believed that under the surface, Kip had a streak of musical genius, but it just hadn't blossomed yet.

Of course, then there was the whole thing with Kip's dad that really seemed to be the last straw. It was something that still sent pangs to Kyle's heart. Did Kip need some real help? Did he need someone to really talk to and help him through? Was the band enough? Was Karla enough? Or was he crying out for help but no one knew? Or did Kip just need a kick in the seat of his pants to snap out of it? It was hard to tell. Even Erik seemed at a loss for ideas.

Kyle sets his gaze back on Alice and forces a smile to the surface. "Thanks. I know it'll work out. I just wish I knew what that looked like. Having it work out might mean something completely different... not having this band make it at all. Or having it work out might mean we make it big." He shrugs. "I just wish I knew what God had in mind."

He gives a light laugh. "Though I guess knowing that would take the adventure out of it, huh?"