

Prince Charming? Katie actually...wanted... him to kiss her? Hunter can feel his pulse quicken slightly. What horrible spell must be broken? Would his affection help the sunlight enter Katie's world again? 

His finger continues to run softly up and down her cheek as he contemplates her suggestion. She was so beautiful. Everything about her. He'd thought so from the beginning. But especially right now. Maybe it was because she'd been asleep and was so peaceful looking. Or maybe it was because she trusted him enough to be lying here next to him without fearing his intentions. She seemed small... almost fragile... yet something he'd never want to harm. Would romantic affection spoil their friendship? Something told him it would only enhance it. 

Slowly leaning in closer, Hunter's eyes lock with Katie's. A thousand and one feelings seem to float on his gaze. Finally letting his hand glide from her face, he reaches his arm across her to position his face just inches above hers. "Would Prince Charming say no to Sleeping Beauty?" he asks quietly. A smile comes to his lips before they lower to Katie's cheek, kissing her softly. Sliding down, a trail of gentle, slow kisses moves to her neck then back to her cheek before finally Hunter's lips meet hers. He lets them remain for only a sweet moment before drawing back far enough to see her eyes again. 

"Did I break the spell?" he whispers.

Jason grins, glad he'd picked something Misty liked. For him, it really was hard to go wrong with Chinese food. He'd eat just about anything, loving most of it. Lately it seemed he had more of a hankering for something spicy though, which was what he got today. And when something at Tou Han's was marked as spicy, it really was. 

Taking a sip of coke in between bites to calm his burning tongue, he sighs with content. "Yeah, I'm pretty happy with most dishes too. A buffet... now that's what we ought to do sometime. Then we can both pig out on everything." 

Nodding, he licks his chopsticks, savoring the flavor. "So.... you heading home after work today, or you wanna do something?" He didn't want to pressure her if she'd just rather go home and rest. He really didn't want to go home and watch stupid television with Trooper, but he was going to let Misty lead on this one, not wanting to smother her.

If you want...

Feeling the warm hand on her cheek Katie makes a soft noise. She was somewhere between being awake and being a sleep. Deep enough that it would take a moment to wake, but awake enough she could hear what was going on around her. 

Hearing Hunter's words Katie could feel a little cold shiver go up her back though now awake she still didn't move. Finally opening one eye she looks at Hunter before closing it quickly again. 

   "Didn't you know Prince Charming is meant to kiss the Princess to wake her up?"

Letting her smile grow a little more Katie opens her eyes and just looks up at Hunter. Not moving from her spot something about him just laying next to her seemed comfortable. Like she had no worry what his intention might be it was just comfortable. Not to mention incredibly sweet for not just haled off and kissing her. She might of slugged him for that one.

   "And a kiss breaks the horrible spell you know...maybe you should try and see if it works?"

Katie gives a grin soaking in how handsome Hunter looked at this moment. He always looked good but something about right here, right now just made him look extra good. Could of been the right out of the shower look, the scruffy look or maybe the light was coming in the window just right.

   "I mean that is...if you want."

Placing a hand over her stomach it had almost become second nature to do that now. Letting her grin grow even more her face lighted up at the same time. Misty had never planned on being a parent though the desire was always there. Now though it was completely different actually knowing she was going to be a parent and it was exciting.

   "Yeah I am eating for two and it gives me a reason to get fat."

Giving a laugh and going to sit down Misty leans back in he chair stretching for a second before reaching out and grabbing the food. It didn't take long as Misty dug into the food. It tasted so good she hadn't really realize how hungry she was till now.

   "When it comes to Chinese food there is not much I wont eat, however you picked food with the shrimp and broccoli, its what I like eating the most."

Whispered Warning

Hunter just smiles as he keeps his route to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. How he'd got himself in this position, he wasn't sure. But... even though he complained about how sore he was... there was something about it that felt good too. 

A few minute later as the warm water washes over him, he closes his eyes for a several moments, just reliving the past couple days. He wasn't sure why Mick, and even Eric, seemed to have it out for him... but it wasn't even like that either. It was more like they were teasing him... testing him. Did they do that with any friends Katie brought home? Maybe that was all it was. Maybe they liked pushing her friends just to see how well they'd hold up around here. Well, if that was the case, Hunter wasn't going to give up. Not to mention... it was nice having new things to do that didn't remind him of the past... the accident... or anything else he didn't want to think about it. Sore or not, it was worth it. 

Making his shower a quick one, he's soon dressed again and running a comb through his hair. He could use a shave... He runs a hand over his face. Not now though - not enough time. 

Whistling a tune as he exits the bathroom, he glances around to see where he'd put his sneakers. "Well, it's not as bad as I thought. Hot water seemed to loosen me up a bit and..." 

His sentence trails off as he sees Katie on the bed. Realizing she'd dozed off, a smile creases his lips. Wandering closer, he just watches her for several moments, finding her peaceful form had a calming effect. Easing down on the bed, he lies on his side beside her, propped up on his elbow. He wasn't surprised she was so tired.... maybe picking up her dad would perk her up a bit. He'd rather see her smiling and happy than down. 

Reaching over, he brushes her cheek with a gentle finger. "Hey partner," he whispers. "I thought we were gonna go get soup and sandwiches." There was way too big of a temptation to just curl up beside her and fall asleep too - his only option was to wake her up so they could go eat. She was just resting so peacefully though. "You better get up..." His voice was still quiet, even though he warned her. "I'm liable to kiss you if you don't."

Jason's office? For lunch? Rick found that a little bizarre, as he did Misty's silly laugh, but he just lets it roll off his back. It wasn't worth his time to try and figure her or Jason out. Maybe he was just turning into an old fuddy-duddy.

Smiling as Misty enters his office, Jason shakes his head. "No problem. I was just as hungry as you, ya know." He pauses and glances to her tummy then back up again. "Well... maybe not," he teases.

Taking the food out of the bags, it isn't long before he's seated in his chair, his feet up on his desk as he ate out of one of the containers with a pair of chopsticks. "Mm... I don't think I'll ever get tired of Tou Han's." 

Looking to Misty on the other side of his desk, he hopes he'd gotten her the right thing. "You had an awful lot of confidence in me - I hope I did get something you like."


   "I guess I'll wait here so if you fall down I can go get help."

Giving a laugh Katie leans back on Hunter's bed. Keeping her feet danging over the edge though so her dirty shoes didn't get onto the covers Katie puts her arms behind her head. Just looking up at the ceiling for a long moment before her eyes fell shut. 

Opening they again she told herself she couldn't fall asleep. There was lunch still and going to pick up her dad than more chores how could she think of sleep? Her eyes slowly drifting shut again Katie trys to reason with herself. It was only till Hunter was out of the shower than they could go. She didn't know why she felt so tired all of a sudden but his bed just seemed...comfortable.

 Giving a laugh at Jason's comment Misty can't help but shake her head again. She thought his comment was rather funny and the fact that it got him so flustered was even better. There was just something about his cheeks going crimson that made it all worth wild.

   "Alright I'll see you again in a little bit."

Returning the kiss Misty gives a small smile and watches as Jason leans. As Rick enters mumbling to himself Misty's eyes go wide for a second as she looks quickly down at her paper work. Everyone was going to know about her and Jason, but maybe not pushing it to fast would be a good thing.

...As the minutes tick by Misty does her best to pay attachen to what she is doing but she couldn't help her mind wondering. She was hungry, she wanted to see Jason again she felt like a high schooler. Finally hearing her phone buzz and than hearing Jason's voice Misty laughs before looking up at Rick and giving a silly grin.

   "Alright I'll be right there but it best be more than just soup in the office."

Standing and making sure everything was together nice on her desk Misty moves around to the other side before stopping and looking to Rick. Giving a smile and a nod she figured she should at least let him know she was leaving.

   "Just heading out for lunch if you need me I'll be in Jason's office. Don't wait up to late ok?"

Giving another laugh Misty takes her leave. Making her way across the floor and to Jason's office she gives a knock on the door before entering. Stepping inside and taking a deep breath the smell of the food made her that much more hungry.

   "Man oh Man does this smell good or what. Thanks so much Jase."

Don't Care

"Hobbling?" Hunter quirks an eyebrow. "We're talking barely walking here - hobbling would be if I was in good shape." 

Gaining back a grin, he shakes his head. "I guess I deserve it." 

He sighs again but agrees to Katie's suggestion. "Okay... I'll take a quick shower then." Wriggling her hand, he finally lets her go and manages to sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed. Kicking off the boots, he grimaces. "I'm gonna have to get myself my own pair of boots. I think I have at least four blisters." 

Realizing how much he's complaining, he gives Katie a sidelong glance before laughing. "Can I get much more pitiful than this?" Standing up, he heads - slowly - towards the bathroom. "Shower. Lunch. Stay here or go save me a seat, I don't care one way or the other. I'll only be a couple minutes." 

Returning Misty's intent stare, Jason felt as though he were looking into a portal that led to a whole new world yet to be explored. He could just stare into those eyes forever. 

"Yeah... I think I know what you like..." 

Only after he'd said it does he realize that it could possibly refer to something other than food, and his own cheeks gain a little color. Biting his lip, a teasing smile spreads as he stands up. "I'll go get the food in a bit and I'll let you know when I'm back." 

Turning to leave, he stops and looks over his shoulder. After just a moment, he turns back around to lean down and give Misty a light kiss on the lips. "See you again shortly." 

Almost running into Rick as he leaves the infirmary, he skids to a halt at the door. "Oh, sorry."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute." Rick stops him in the hall. "Don't we have an appointment?" 

"Huh? Oh. Later. I got... work. Busy. Later." 

Watching Jason walk away, Rick roll his eyes before going over to the counter. "That boy never changes."

...It wasn't too much later that Jason had returned with the food and was in his office. Picking up the phone, he hits the button for Misty's desk. "Soup's on..."

Sitting in the backyard, leaned back against the shed, Alec fingers the photo he'd been staring at for the last hour. Wiping his eyes, he runs his finger over Ryan's face again. It never failed. Whenever he had a free moment, his mind returned to Ryan. Earlier he'd thought he'd heard a familiar car engine and had gone around the house to look, only to find the street empty. It wasn't the first time he'd done that either. Every night as he laid on Misty's couch, he wished he could feel his arms wrapped around Ryan again. He wished he was falling asleep at her and Eli's place, waking up to Ryan's sweet kiss and smile. He just... missed her.

Sniffing and returning the picture to his pocket, Alec slowly gets to his feet and returns to work. It was taking him longer today with his sore hand.


Giving a laugh Katie can only imagine Mick breaking in Hunter, or at least showing him how different it is. Katie wasn't sure the reason but she new there had to be on there. Somewhere he had a hidden reason the real mastery was figuring out why.

   "Not mean, maybe he was just giving you a reminded not to get to cocky."

Looking down at Hunter after he rolls over Katie smiles and shakes her head. He was a different one for sure, but Katie didn't really mind that much. He'd stuck it out with Mick for most of the morning and that alone said something. 

   "No way, if you get up, take your shower now I might just save some for you. I'll even give you a little extra time for hobbling ok?"

Giving a laugh and shaking her head at Jason Misty's eyes twinkle. It had been a long time since she had seen the silly side of Jason. It was nice though to see if again and see the sparkle that had come back to his eye. Misty wasn't sure where it had gone to start, maybe it was the whole connection that he had shared that seemed to make it dissipate but now, it was back and she liked it.

   "I think bringing it back here to eat in your office sounds like a better plan than going out and rushing the food down."

Leaning forward onto the desk and looking at Jason Misty smiles again. As she looked at him, searched his eyes her heart seemed to pound harder in her chest and it was something she could not help. There was something special about Jason, there always was and finally being able to let her feelings out she realized just how strong they were.

   "You already know what I like so you don't have to worry about taking my order. Just nothing to sloppy I don't want to make to much of a mess of your office."

Misty gives a shy wink to Jason as small bit of color comes to her cheeks.

Two Out of Three

Hunter just gives Katie a grunt in response but as her hands start rubbing his back, he automatically begins to relax. "Mm..." He sighs deeply, just lying there for a few more moments, enjoying it. "I think I'd take this over lunch," he mumbles into the pillow. "Even tomato soup and grilled cheese." He pauses as she hits a sore spot, but it still felt good. "Can I hire you?" 

Finally though, he manages to roll over. Looking up at Katie, he gives her a sheepish grin. "Yeah, this city slicker done got broke in alright. You have a very cruel uncle." 

He rolls his eyes. "Or maybe it's just that I figured I was hot stuff and he enjoyed watching me find out I'm not." Picking up her hand, he toys with her fingers. "Either way, I think my legs are permanently positioned in the shape of Bonzai's back. And I still need a shower... which means I may have to miss out on lunch after all." 

"Oh, I don't know." Jason finally lets his hand drop, scooting his chair back just a little and swiveling back and forth. "Who said anything about being fair anyway?" 

He grins and shrugs. "How about... Chinese? I'm swamped today but I'll have enough time to make a quick trip to Tou Han's, if that sounds alright to you." Gaining a new sly look, he cocks his head. "Or I can go pick it up and bring it back here so we could eat in my office. Then we'd cover two out of three options." 

Loosen Up

Walking in farther Katie just study's Hunter for a long moment not sure what on earth he was doing. Just laying there she didn't know if he was hurt, sore or what on earth was going on. Hearing his groan though and thinking for a second Katie and an idea.

   "Ah, I see the city boy was broken in today huh?"

Coming in closer and sitting down on the bed Katie gives a little chuckle before placing her hands on Hunter's shoulders and starting to run before moving down his back. She wasn't as good as he was yesterday but at least this would help him feel a little better.

   "Gotta get you loosened up a little bit. Today is grilled cheese and tomato soup we can't pass that up."

Giving a smile to Jason and his comment maybe Misty didn't know the full existent to what she did do to him but if it was anything like she felt she new at least half. Just letting Jason's fingers run over her skin Misty closed her eyes for a second. As Jason passed over her lips she gave his finger a soft kiss before opening her eyes again.

She loves the way Jason touched her, it was soft but strong his skin seemed rough but not to the point where it hurt. Everything just seemed balanced and almost perfect. These simple moments seemed to be just as good as the more indeepth ones.

   "Lunch sounds good to me, but this time you get to pick because I picked yesterday and its only fair you get to once and a while...right?"