

Giving a chuckle Destiny turns back to the pan on the floor and cleans that up. Placing the pan into the sink and than throwing the paper towels away. Once than was finished Destiny was able to finish up the breakfast getting some toast together before putting it on the plate and take taking them to the table.

Hearing Chance come back in the kitchen again Destiny was just bringing there tea in and sitting down. She always cooked a lot for herself at home, but it was nice to cook for someone else now too and have them like it.

"That wouldn't be such a back though though!"

Giving a grin and letting her eyes sparkle her voice was laced with a teasing manor.

"I know I know..take the boy out of the city but you can't take the city out of the boy."

She new Chance would be leaving, and though it didn't seem to hurt thinking about it now she wondered by the small pang in heart at the thought if it would later.

"I hope you enjoy it. I add a bit of spice to my eggs so its different."

Not even relizing how fast the time went by Rayne was having way to much fun to car. Being alone for such a long time she liked it, but now having someone there and spending time with her really did open her eyes to what she had been missing.

Letting the dr check her over Rayne couldn't help the silly face she made at Phil before the dr was done and she quickly snapped to attachen so he wouldn't see. Hearing she was able to go home now please her. Not that she was in a hurry but she hated hospitals.

Once the dr was gone and Phil was waiting in the lounge for her Rayne slowly started getting her things together. It was a little hard with one hand but she didn't have much here so it was manageable. Checking out and heading down to the lounge Rayne smiles seeing Phil.

"Ok I am ready to get out of here."

Heading out of the hospital with Phil Rayne squints her eyes as the sun light hits them. Standing still for a moment she lets them ajust before she starts on again following him to his car.

"I live on 16 water chest street. Its a yellow house, on the right. Just pull in the parking lot..I live in the back part."

Where you live

Chance looks down at himself then gives Destiny a wry grin. "I think I better go finish getting dressed. I might get used to running around like this and I'll run out of secret scars."

Tossing her a wink, he turns around and finally leaves the kitchen to go figure out where he'd left off. It doesn't take but a few minutes for him to find his shirt and don it before also donning one of his holsters and gun as was his habit, even in the house.

Eventually, he makes it back to the kitchen, seeming more ready for the day now. Smelling the food again, he grins. "Mmm... this smells good. You shouldn't do this every day though, you're gonna spoil me and I'll never want off this assignment."

Phil's smile is still present and he moves to sit on the now-empty spot on the bed where he could face Rayne and set the cards on the tray. "Don't worry... I may like to play cards, but that doesn't mean I'm any good. Kyle was always the one with the knack."

Shuffling the cards, Phil deals them and helps Rayne pick them up, careful not to look at them since she had to play with one hand. And suddenly, the time seems to fly by. Conversation started coming easier and easier until Phil was completely relaxed, not paying attention at all to the time...

"I can't believe you beat me again." Phil smirks and lets his cards flop back onto the tray. "I knew I was bad, but I didn't think I was that bad!" He grins though, not minding a bit.

It's just then that the doctor comes in and gives Rayne one last check before giving the go-ahead for her to leave. Phil is now standing nearby, and waits for the doctor to leave again before speaking to Rayne once more.

"I'll go wait down in the lobby, okay? Then you can show me where you live."

Fine with that

Being totally wrapped in the kiss Destiny gives a little jump but breaks out in a little laugh of her own hearing Chance laugh. Leaning into him again as he gives her the final hug once again Destiny's arms slide around him as well. Looking up at Chance Destiny shakes her head a little her own eyes twinkling.

"We might be crazy. I think I like it thought."

Giving Chance another squeeze Destiny finally lets go and takes a few steps back. Looking down at the pan and than back at Chance Destiny laughs again. It felt nice laughing about nothing and not really knowing why.

"Why don't you now go finish getting dressed. I'll clean this up here and get the rest of breakfast ready so we can eat. Unless you wanna eat shirtless because I am fine with that."

Giving a smile to Phil Rayne can feel some color coming to her cheeks. Hearing his comment about meet his family was a nice gesture and a little forward but non the less nice. Did that mean she would see more of Phil?

Seeing the cards in Phil's hand Rayne seems to perk up a little bit as the smile spreads across her face. Giving a small nod she curlse her legs up on the bed so Phil can sit on the bed and pulls the little tray over again.

"Its been a long time since I played hearts and gin, but I use to with my grandparents. So I'd like to try and see if I remember. Don't beat me to bad."


Chance really wasn't sure how long he and Destiny stayed in their embrace. It didn't seem to matter. Though later, he was sure it was much too long.

Everything about this moment was completely unplanned, and no matter if they'd been making out and falling asleep together the night before or not, it still seemed sudden.

Moving around a little too much, Chance leans back against the counter, his elbow hitting an empty pan. Sliding off the counter, it clangs loudly to the floor, bouncing off the cupboard as it goes. Chance jumps and pulls back from Destiny, his eyes going wide as he looks down at the fallen pan. "Oops."

Looking back up at her, he grins. The grin becomes a smile that widens. A chuckle surfaces and his eyes twinkle. The chuckle becomes a laugh and Chance pulls Destiny back close, his arms wrapping around her in a strong hug. He wasn't sure why he was laughing so. The falling pan really wasn't all that funny. Perhaps it was just this whole thing.

Drawing back a little bit, Chance's hands come up to either side of Destiny's face and he searches her bright eyes. "Are we crazy or what?"

"Well... I'm glad you came to the US." Phil's tone was genuine. "Maybe... since you don't have any family here... you can meet mine sometime."

Realizing that sounded just a bit more bold than intended, his face reddens just a little and he chuckles. "I, um... I've got a deck of cards in my pocket. Do you know how to play any card games? Might help pass the time before that stubborn doctor lets you go."

About me

Feeling Chance pull her closer Destiny's hand runs from his chest down a little, around his side and to his back keeping him close to her as well. The emotions were grand, and the feeling was great, if this would be there last day together she would remember it always.

Being cared for by a man was a feeling all in its own. Feeling him thank her with such a gentile gift it was so much differnt than a simple friendship it was different from a family member and Destiny couldn't help the small shiver of happiness it sent through her. All problems seemed to be chased away, as Chance's arms of protection were around her.

Letting her own kiss deepen her arm seemed to tighten around Chance as her other found the back of his head. Feeling his arm on her back rubbing it softly it felt so good. All else seemed to be forgotten as Destiny felt herself fall into this bliss.

Listing to Phil talk about himself and his family was nice and Rayne liked listing. It was nice to hear he was still so close to them. At one point in time she had been close to her family too but that all changed when they found out her planes of moving.

As Phil falls silent Rayne thinks for a long moment. She didn't have any family story's to talk about really like he did, though she could tell him of what she did know. Even if her parents didn't want anything to do with her anymore they still were her family.

"Well...I am the youngest out of six children. Four boys and two girls. My father works in a grain mill, and my mother was a cook at a local restraint. I am from Kamchatka, Russia and lived there all my life. They have some of the best beaches. I had a friend who would come and visit there for the summer, and she would always tell me about the US bringing with her different trinkets for me. It always sounded so pretty here. Finally I just wanted to see it here for myself, and I've been here since. I don't have any family around here, but I still talk to my grandparents once and a while and they keep my filled in on my family."


His shadows? The darkness in his heart? With Destiny's words, Chance experienced yet another new sensation. It was an emotion that seemed almost foreign. Someone cared about him. Not for gain, not to use him, not to succeed with their plans. But simply to find... him.

Still processing that thought, he doesn't move as Destiny nears for another kiss. Almost in another world, it seems for a moment he's forgotten how to return the affection, but feeling her breath and her lips brush his, he's brought back into reality.

Moving his palm to the side of her face, while his other hand slips around her, he draws her closer. Letting his kiss linger, he shows passion through a gentleness that gradually deepens. For in this moment, he was thanking her for her words. If this was a dream, he would remember it always. If it was reality, he would always wish to go back in time to feel this again. To feel not just expressing his own affection, but having it returned with a genuine desire to know him and be closer to him. It was new... different... real.

Gently rubbing her back with his hand, he pulls her even closer to press against him as he turns his head and continues his kiss.

Phil really wasn't sure if Rayne wanted him to stay or not, until she admits she likes talking to him. She wouldn't have said that, had she wanted him to leave, right?

His grin widens. "I think I like talking to you, too."

An awkward silence follows, ended by Phil's chuckle and clearing his throat. "Okay, well... get to know each other, huh? Let's see..." He thinks for a moment. "Well, since you've only been around here for half a year, you might not know JetStream used to be a four-piece band instead of three. I have a brother, Kyle, who was with us up until about a year ago. And our sister, Jen, is the one who runs our sound - you've probably seen her. So I've got them as my siblings and my parents live near here, and.... I've got a set of grandparents still living too and they're just across town."


Rayne gives a small laugh at Phil's comment about crowding her. She thought it was a bit funny in a way that he would say that.

"Well, I wouldn't mind if you stayed at all, but I've never been to good at finding things to talk about. So if maybe you'd like to get to know each other better than we can do that. If not than...I would guess you could come back."

Really she did want to tell Phil to stay but she herself wasn't sure if he wanted to get to know her better or was just trying to be nice. So she didn't want to make him stay.

"I do like talking to you though. It's nice."

Looking up at Chance Destiny could feel her own heart beat so hard in her chest she wondered how it was not popping out itself. The warmth of his hand, the warmth of his skin it all seemed so perfect, something she never felt before.

Moving her head to the side a little to look up at Chance continuing to look deep into his eyes her own problems seemed to melt away, last night had been the first, today it seemed those feelings hadn't changed any. She still felt the tingle, the warmth and the want for Chance's arms to be around her.

"The scars are ok. They make use who we are, stronger, faster, wiser...we all have our own scars."

Feeling Chance's soft lips on her own Destiny returns the kiss as well. As Chance pulls away a little she can feel her breath bounce off his skin, and his own breath mixing with it. So light, it sent chill down her spin that cause her legs to feel like Jello. How she stayed standing she wasn't sure.

Hearing Chance's words Destiny could feel her cheek turn red a little. His words were soft, sweet, and romantic and they made her stomach flutter more than it had been already.

"Mmmm...whats a better way to protect me than to hold me in your arms and I can chase away the shadows that lay behind your eyes, because I'll challenge them head on, I wont run and hide. Venture forward into the dark, I'll keep searching to find that place in your heart."

Bringing her free hand up to his face once again Destiny lets her fingers run how his cheek, mapping the lines in his face before running softly over his lips. Bringing her lips close to him again Destiny's eyes stay connected with his own till the fall shut as she lets her lips brush his, before retreating and turning her head he other way returning once again her lips pressing his lightly once again.

How can I

With Destiny so near again, her hand resting on his chest, Chance was sure she could feel that his heart beat had quickened. If anybody from back home could see him now, they would think he wasn't even the same person. They would remember someone brash, reckless, on the go and with an attitude that spoke loud and clear he was in charge and no one else. ...And here he was, melting under the touch of a woman.

Looking down into Destiny's eyes, he wanted so badly to hold her, and he wanted so badly to move away. Which was right? Which was wrong? Was there even a right or wrong at all? Last night he'd decided to throw caution to the wind. This morning, he'd decided to get his head on straight. Now he wasn't so sure. Nobody else ever wanted him. He had been struggling to make it all his life, always trying to please someone, always trying to impress and get on their good side just so he could make it one step higher. But nobody ever truly cared. Toby was as close as he'd gotten, and even he was always reprimanding Chance for this or that. Destiny... she liked him the way he was... even his scars.

"How do you do it?" he asks softly.

Reaching up, he lays his hand over hers, holding it between his chest and palm. "You even make the scars seem okay."

She was beautiful. There were no two ways about it. Inside and out, Destiny was a beautiful young woman with so much more to offer than the world could see.

Chance slowly leans down and gives her lip a tender kiss, last night rushing into his mind and the hours they'd spend together just the two of them. It was almost as if she were irresistible... addictive to the point that no matter how much Chance said no to himself, he'd wind up returning affection anyway.

Drawing back, his grin emerges. "Now I know why the boss wouldn't approve. How can I look out for bad guys when my eyes are always on you?"

"Hey, that sounds all right." Phil smiles his approval of the work Rayne did.

"Listen, um..." He glances at his watch. "I don't have to be to work until later. I can leave and come back when they release you, or I can hang out here for a while too. I don't wanna crowd you though so... I'll leave that one up to you."

It's Ugly

Destiny listens to the story and her eyes grow a little wide. That must have been some fall if he should of died from it. It was an interesting story to say the least and Destiny was sure he had more to go with it.

Giving a shake of her head she looks at the scar and than looks back up at Chance again. Just studying him for a long moment. Deep into his eyes, trying to see past what was on the outside...those eyes she had looked into last night and still this morning looked the same to her and she liked it. Her voice a little on the soft side replys.

"I don't think It's ugly. Its a part of you, and who you are so there is nothing ugly about it."

Destiny runs her fingers softly along it again still looking up into Chance's eyes. She outlook on things, and people was much different than one would expect. Growing up with her family was different, but at the same time values were in place. Her father had always been one to make sure she new right and wrong no matter how funny it sounded with him being Agency.

"If anything if adds to you character, and gives a story to be told. It's...a battle scar."

Destiny leans into Chance a little bit pressing her other hand against his chest. He felt so warm, so soft, she felt silly being draw to him like this but it was just something she couldn't help. There was something different about Chance and the more time she spent with him, the more she wanted it to last.

Continuing to listen to Phil Rayne gives a nod of her head to show she was listing. Her eyes never seeming to leave Phil's. There was just something about him that made her comfortable not to mention his cute American accent was nice to listen to.

"My job isn't to grand ether but I don't mind it. I work the next town over at a place called Inter World Inc. Pretty much I do a bunch of shipping to company like Best Buy, Walmart, and other music and video games stores."

Giving another smile to Phil Rayne thought it was nice to be able to talk to someone diffent. She liked it, most of the people she worked with she would talk to but it was never anything to grand and she just kept to herself. But having Phil here now and talking with him was really nice.


Feeling Destiny's hand on him, Chance stops and looks over his shoulder in question. Her light touch and soft kiss to the scar that now had no pain sent a tingle all the way down his arm and to his fingers. He'd always thought it to be an unattractive mark, certainly not deserving of a kiss. But Destiny soothed that fear away.

"That was a few years back," he answers quietly. Turning to face her again, he shrugs. "I was on this assignment with a buddy of mine. We were supposed to just observe - nothing more. The guys we were watching were in this cabin in the middle of a thick forest. Only way we could get a good view was to climb a couple pine trees. So we did." Chance shakes his head at the memory.

"We were all settled up high and I really don't know how we were spotted. But somehow we were. One of the guys took a shot at me." He shows Destiny another smaller scar on his side. "Just winged me, but it knocked me off balance."

Whistling like a dropped bomb, he gestures a nosedive with his hand. "I remember thinking there were an awfully lot of branches on my way down. Next thing I know, it's three days later and I'm in a hospital with my head all wrapped up and a bazillion stitches in my arm there. The buddy who had been with me - he'd gotten us out of the mess, but he said there was no way I should have survived that fall."

Chance shrugs again. "I 'should have died' a lot of places - Toby thinks I have nine lives. Anyway, I never climbed a tree again after that." He gives a little laugh. "It's an ugly thing, isn't it?" He looks at his scar again. If wearing a short-sleeved shirt, just the end of the scar was visible and most people didn't even notice.

"Mm-hmm." Phil nods, a little grin on his face from having won the 'I'll take you home' battle. "I work at a lumberyard. Not the greatest job in the world but it gets the bills paid so I can have play time with the band."

He cocks his head, his eye still on Rayne's face. "What about you?"