
Right Back

Continuing to eat her food and keep an eye on BJ at the same time she listens to the conversations with Mick and Dylan. She was happy to have herd that someone would be coming to the ranch for security. Not only for Dylan but just in general it was something nice to have to keep everyone else safe as well.

Not saying anything but letting out a small sigh Rosetta new Mick was trying, and Dylan was trying to but it just seemed there was still so much to work twords still. Rosetta could only hope that it would come in time. Looking to Mick she gives a small nod to let Dylan go. If they tried to keep him it would only make it worse.

Looking from his plate BJ looked between Mick, Rosetta and Dylan. Though he was young he could feel the tension that had come into the room. Letting his gaze go back to Dylan it was almost a gloss knowing he would be leaving so soon. It meant so much to him that his brother had come to eat dinner with them he wasn't ready to let him go.

"I'll be right back."

Hopping down from the table BJ doesn't wait for his parents to reply as he darts into his bedroom. If Dylan was going to leave he had to give him this now. Making noise in his room moving things around as he searched finally a little sequel could be heard finding what he wanted.

Letting his little feet come pounding back across the floor a paper in his hand BJ stops by Dylan with a halt. Smiling up with him with his grin showing he'd lost a tooth his face was a proud one as he held the paper out to Dylan. On it was a cake, a table, and five people sitting around it labled with Dylan, Mom, Dad, and Jade. Across the top in the best handwriting he had it said thank you.

"I made this for you to thank you for having dinner wif us."

Turning and going back to his place at the table BJ struggled a little but hopes up into the larger chair. Going back to his food he looks up at Rosetta as she gives him a nod and than looks at Mick before taking another bite of his meat.

Just laying on Jason's chest Katie just moves up and down with Jason's breathing her own eyes drifting shut. The rhythm seeming just peaceful, quiet, and almost like a lullaby. Katie likes quiet moments like this when everything seemed ok, and at peace.

Hearing Jason's question Katie keeps her eyes closed as his breathing continues. Her voice was soft, maybe she had been a little more sleepy than she thought but never to tired to talk with Jason.

"I see your dreams most of the time. Unless they seem to privet and than I've kind of built up an immunity so I can block them out while I am sleeping. I don't want to dig to personal into your emotions without you knowing. Why do you ask?"

Shifting a little and locking her foot with Ty's under the table as she popped a peace of chicken into her mouth Libby thinks for a long moment. A move was always good, but now what would she want to watch tonight? A funny movie would be good, but she liked the scary ones too. Than she could cling a little more to Ty.

"How about Dracula? I always liked that one and we can pop some popcorn too."

Wits end

"Movies are good." Ty nods his approval of the idea before taking a sip of his drink. "I like movies." He grins and gives Libby a little sidelong glance. "As long as you pick, 'cause I'm way too indecisive nowadays."

Munching on another piece of chicken, he glances around the little restaurant, his knee bouncing just a little. Ever since he'd been off work, he just felt out of place, out of the loop and on edge. Things just didn't feel right, and he still felt stupid for getting suspended in the first place. He wasn't sure if he'd change his decision now or not, but in the end, it just proved that no matter how hard he tried, he always managed to get himself into trouble one way or another.

Jason chuckles and wraps his arms around Katie as she cuddles more into him. "At this rate, I'm liable to fall asleep right here." He yawns and shifts himself around a little bit so his throbbing knee was in a more comfortable position. Closing his eyes, he's quiet for several minutes.

"Did you ever know my dreams?" he asks softly. "If I was asleep and you were awake... do you see the things I see?"

Reaching over, Eli gives Ryan a loving, light punch to the arm. "Yeah, I know... nothing gets Speedy down for long." A wry grin sneaks onto his lips. "Your big brother worries about you anyway though." And maybe one day he might be ready to admit that in a corner of his own heart, he was hurt that he'd lost a friend too.

It had finally happened. Dylan sat at the dining room table, his eyes on his plate as he picked at his food. It wasn't that he didn't like the food - Rosetta was a good cook. This just felt... awkward.

Sitting with Mick, Rosetta and BJ in their home, he was finally here for dinner as suggested a long time ago. He'd just gotten used to sitting alone in the corner of the dining hall at meals... this was completely different, and for the umpteenth time, he shifts uneasily in his chair.

Mick glances to his older son, then to Rosetta, his eyes conveying that he really wasn't sure what to do, but Dylan's discomfort was obvious. After helping BJ cut some of his roast beef, he clears his throat. "Forgot to mention, I got a call from Reese today," he comments. "It's a sure thing now that he's got a new agent he's sending out here. It's a woman who's been on the police force for a good number of years... apparently she's got a great reputation and is a hard worker. Divorced... has a daughter - seems to think the ranch will be good for her."

Dylan takes a sip of his water and goes back to picking at his food. "The only reason someone's coming is because of me, right?"

Mick sits back a little and looks at Dylan, unsuccessful in getting the young man to look at him. "Well, I suppose that spawned the decision, but it's a good idea anyway. Why?"

Dylan shrugs. "Just don't like being the center of attention is all."

"Oh, don't worry. She'll be here for more than you." Mick gives his arm a teasing nudge. "Don't give yourself so much credit."

Unfortunately, his teasing wasn't well-received. Dylan still had enough embarrassment from the past that thinking about having a security guard around here because of him still didn't set well with him. He sets his fork aside. "I think I'd like to go now."

At his wits end, Mick sighs, his eye drifting to BJ and on to Rosetta. Should he just let Dylan go or try to get him to stay a while longer?