

"Hope?" Justin knocks lightly on her open office door before stepping quietly inside and offering her a friendly smile. "Got your message. I just happened to be in town so I thought it would be just as easy to stop by rather than calling you back." In truth, he'd been to see his mom and exchange a few awkward words with Jared. At the moment, he'd just as soon concentrate on somebody else for a while, and he did have genuine concern for Scott. 

Hooking his thumbs in his jeans pockets, he cocks his head, studying Hope for a moment. She looked more tired than the last time he'd seen her. Was it her health or Scott that was having an affect on her? 

"I've been keeping an eye on Scott's mood and you're right - I think he's got some anger that's starting to surface. We covered a lot of things while at Brookshire, but it was mostly dealing with the present, not necessarily with what happened to him. I didn't think he'd push you away though. What happened?" 

Standing back and watching in horror as her dad took a swing at Chad, Rosalyn is too upset to even cry. She was glad that Chad had his wits about him and was able to avoid getting hurt, but this whole thing was making her feel sick. Not knowing what to do, she just nods numbly at Chad as he walks away, still standing in the bunkhouse. It wasn't until Jim moved that she did. 

Angry that he'd been unable to get the upper hand, Jim stalks out after Chad. "Don't you walk away from me!" he shouts. "I told you to pack up and-"

"Leave him alone!" Rosalyn finally finds her voice as he comes up behind her father. "You've said enough!" 

Jim whirls around to glare at her. "I haven't said nearly enough to either one of you! If I had-" 

"Hey, whoa, what's going on?" Eric had already been up for a short while, and was mounted on Static for an early ride before getting started with the day. Reining in his sweaty horse, he looks with concern between the three involved in this seemingly chaotic scene. 

Jim shoots him a look. "None of your business, so butt out." 

Frowning at Jim's tone, Eric holds Static steady as the horse senses the tension in the air and starts to fidget nervously. "I think y'all just need to calm down here."

"Don't tell me what to do! This is not your concern!" 

"It is when you're causing a scene!" 

Rosalyn's eyes widen as the two go back and forth and Static grows more and more nervous. Backing up a step, she glance to where Chad had walked, feeling trapped in this whole horrid mess. 

"Go take care of your horses or whatever it was you were doing," Jim growls. 

"I'll stay here if I want to." Eric shakes his head in disgust before giving Static's reins a warning tug for him to settle down. At this point, he just wanted Jim to leave Chad and Rosalyn be, before he did something stupid. He had no idea what had started the fight, but it had been an awfully long time since he'd seen that kind of blazing anger in Jim's eyes, and he wasn't about to take it lightly. "How about you and me go getting a cup of coffee an talking about it, huh?" 

"I don't need to talk about it!" Jim yells. At the same time, he throws his hands up in frustration. 

Too close to the horse, Static takes advantage of the moment by spooking at the flying hands. Shying to the side, he rebels against the bit and gives a quick buck with his hindquarters. Focused on the situation and not enough on his horse, Eric was unprepared for the quick movement. Tossed from the saddle, he does a sloppy somersault over Static's neck, landing hard on the ground. Rolling over, dazed, he looks up to see Static sprint towards the barn, reins flying. 

Now caught between still being angry, and also being sorry for the incident, Jim reaches a hand down to him. "You alright?" 

Breathing heavily, Eric looks up at the hand but doesn't accept it. "I'm fine. Just... knocked the wind outta me." Not happy, he locks eyes with Jim for just a moment. "I suggest you walk away." 

Knowing it was time to back down for now, Jim's expression is one of irritation and apology both. Backing up a few steps, he finally turns to leave, not looking at Rosalyn or Chad, but heading straight for the barn instead. 

Only now does Eric wince as he tries to get up. His bad leg had taken the brunt of the impact, and it felt none too good. 

"Eric, I'm so sorry." Rosalyn bends to help him up as tears form in her eyes. "Are you okay?" 

"I will be." Eric takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. Standing, he puts little weight on his one leg but doesn't want Rosalyn to worry. "Don't be sorry - it wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was. It all is." The tears spill over and down her cheeks. "This whole thing is all my fault." Not wanting to even look at Chad right now, Rosalyn spins around and takes off at a half-jog towards the back corral, ignoring all the eyes that had stopped to stare at the scene. 


Lost Time

Assessing the the situation Chad was one step in front of Jim and from his body language he could tell his next move was to throw a punch. Chad really hoped that he wouldn't but he was ready just in case. Seeing the Jim was not going to rethink his actions Chad sets so the side ducking under Jim's swing and turning around quickly. Standing tall again Chad's eyes held a deep emotion of hurt more than anger. He was irritated, and upset but Jim's words cut him deeper than he would admit to. No one deserved to be judged no matter what, and to think Jim would think so little of him before he even new who he was.

   "I am going to go grab some coffee and breakfast and than see if I can help out around here to pass a little time like everyone else who is welcomed here and as far as I have seen I am welcomed other than by you."

Looking to Rosalyn Chad give her a look of sorry for getting her into trouble. He should have known better than to let her and himself fall asleep. No matter if they did anything wrong or not it looked wrong and it was simply not decent of him.

But on the same hand he gave her a small smile that showed his confadince that he wasn't going to be bullied or back down. He had a strong will when he new what he wanted and that he'd had a great deal of honor getting it. When it came to Rosalyn he respected her, and would never dishonor that respect.

   "Sorry I got you in trouble Rosalyn. I hope to see you at breakfast as well."

Turning around and making his way out of the bunk house Chad walks down the porch and starts across the yard heading to the mess hall. He couldn't stand there or he might say something he would regret. He meant no disrespect and he wanted to keep it that way. So walking away right now was the best thing he could do.

Having Cindy shift and sit into his lap Wes welcomed it. Even if he was still just a little bit sore he would never let on or reject having her close to him. Not now, not ever, not when he'd almost lost her and she had lost him. It made him see just how much more he was thankful for his wife, for the small things, the things that most people took for granted.

   "Shhhh...I don't hold that against you Cindy. If I really had been gone I would of wanted you to move on, so you could be happy, so our daughter could be happy. I know if was not you forgetting me, but just moving on with life. I'm happy I was able to come back though before it was to late."

Leaning his head down into Cindy's hair for a moment Wes just takes in the sent of it. The mornings he'd wake up and smile seeing her sleeping next to him. The afternoons when he would come home from lunch and find her rocking Kaylee in the nursery. The moments when he'd just watch them without them even knowing. Those moments and memories were the ones the he had clung to and gave him the will to move forward. 

Looking up again and into Cindy's eyes Wes just smiles. He'd never tire of searching the deeps, seeing the the twinkles, and the life. As Cindy moves into him he was all to willing to accept the kiss she offered. Wrapping his one arm even tighter around her, and the other cradling her face he kiss with such passion. He'd missed these moments, he'd missed her, and he never wanted to feel that again. So he left the kiss linger making up for so much lost time.

Sitting in her office Hope lets out a small sigh finding out that Scott had called in today. Something had told her that he might but she really had hoped he was wrong. She was lost on what to do and just leaving things be seemed wrong to her. But on the same hand she wondered if it was for the best. But still something seemed missing...

...The hours seemed to pass and Hope lets out a frustrated sigh putting down some paperwork. She had done her best to focus and get some stuff done she needed to but her mind kept wondering back to Scott. She was having a hard time just letting this whole thing go. Maybe she could talk with Justin? He was still working with Scott so maybe he could help in some way.

   "Hey Justin sorry I called at a bad time. This is Hope from TJY. I was just calling because I was worried about Scott. He's been pushing me away as of late and...I dont know I guess I felt like there was a problem that was not being addressed though I am not sure what it is. Maybe anger, in himself, the world I am not sure. I just felt like I needed to tell someone other than myself. If you have any other question feel free to call me. Take care."

Hanging up the phone Hope was kind of glad in a way she got the voice mail. She wasn't sure what to say to start with to Justin so not he could just listen to her babble. But at the same time she hoped he would understand too and maybe be able to help Scott through whatever he was dealing with.