

"I think I might just do that." Jared brushed a strand of hair from Grace's face before leaning down and giving her a final gentle kiss on the lips. "Goodnight...and thanks."

It wasn't easy getting himself to bed once Grace was gone, but he managed. His mother had come home at some point - he imagined earlier in the evening, but she'd done a good job at making herself scarce...something he'd have to thank her for later, since he knew how hard it must have been for her not to keep an eye on him and Grace.

Once in bed, he was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was exhausted, but his dreams were sweet. It had been a good day.

Hearing Hope's voice, Gunner sighed. He'd figured she'd call, and resented it that she'd shown up here again. Couldn't anybody leave him alone?

Getting himself up off the floor, he left his bedroom, his bare feet scuffing on the carpet. "What's going on is I'm trying to think for myself," he growled. He came into the living room and stopped, folding his arms to accompany his glare at Hope. "Had a lot of time to think the last couple days, and all I can figure is you all are having fun manipulating me. Reese has me on an 'or-else' leash, and you come hunting me down if I miss an appointment."

Without waiting for a response, he turned his back and aimed for the kitchen. "And if Reese wants to fire me 'cause I don't wanna talk to a shrink, then so be it. If he feels that way about me, then it isn't worth sticking around anyway."

His stomach growled for the umpteenth time that day, convincing him to finally eat something. He grabbed a box of cereal and poured some in a bowl, but it wasn't until he was halfway to the refrigerator that he realized it was afternoon...breakfast was for mornings, and the morning had passed.

Switching gears, he poured the cereal back into the box and went to make a sandwich instead. Even then, he had difficulty figuring out just what was supposed to go on a sandwich, and when he got everything spread out on the counter, he wasn't sure why he'd retrieved the bag of carrots and an apple...and apparently he hadn't thought about lunch meat. Was it mayo or mustard he liked? He stared at the two containers, not completely sure.

Only when he'd given up and turned around did he realize Hope was still there. After staring at her for a moment, he blinked, turned back to his food, then glanced over his shoulder at her. The anger was gone. All that was left was a look of confusion, as if he had no idea what he was doing. "I was supposed to come see you today, wasn't I?"

Trent chuckled and shook his head at Thirteen. "Don't need a thing, though I suppose by suppertime, my stomach might complain. I, um..." He glanced at Ryder, then back to his daughter. "...Guess I didn't have any plans or anything. Just sorta took off from the ranch without much thought as to what I'd do once I got here." 

His expression turned sheepish. "I never was much for planning." 

Ryder grinned. He squeezed Thirteen's hand and gave her a kiss on the check before letting her go. "I'm gonna go take a shower. You two figure out what to do the rest of the day." 

Let you know

Lifting her head to look at Jared Grace's eyes were groggy proving that maybe, just maybe she had been sleeping too. It had been so comfortable though, and Jared was a nice pillow did she really have to go?

   "Do I have to....your so comfortable."

Though she was comfortable and really didn't want to move Grace new it was getting late and she had too. The movie was almost over and though she hadn't seen any of it she didn't much mind. The night had been a good one and she really had enjoyed it.

   "It's getting late. I guess I really should go. Call me tomorrow?"

   "Reese, I just wanted to let you know Gunner missed his appointment with me today. I'm going to be heading over to his house now to see whats up. I just though I should let you know."

Letting out a long sigh Hope hang's up the phone before standing and grabbing her jacket. She didn't know why Gunner had not shown up but it irritated her. Didn't he want his job back, to get better? Or did he just want to go back to Northside?

Getting to Gunner's house didn't take long at all and it gave Hope a little time to calm down. Going to the door and giving a knock Hope waits. Once again getting know answer she enters. 

   "Gunner...you missed your appointment...whats going on?"

Finally letting go of Trent Thirteen can't help the smile that was still on her face. Knowing everything was ok and her dad just wanted to come to see them made her feel good. She missed him very much and was happy he was here now.

   "Of course we don't mind. We were just talking about what to do for dinner. Now we just need to add one more to the list and that is ok with me."

Taking her dad's hand in her own and Ryder's in her other hand Thirteen leads them into he house. The smile was still spread across her face. She couldn't even start to describe how happy she was right now. He two favorite guys right here with her now. It was an amazing feeling.

   "Are you hungry? Need anything?"