

Hearing that Gunner had called in Hope frowns a little bit. That was odd that he would call in. After all it was not like Gunner at all to do that. Hope lets out a small sigh and wonders if this is connected with everything else.

   "Ok Reese thanks for letting me know."

Once everything was quiet again Hope sits back running a finger along her lips. Sitting forward again and picking up the phone Hope dials Gunner's number waiting for someone to answer. Not getting anything it made Hope a little worried. She couldn't hold this off any longer, for Gunner's sake.

...It wasn't to much longer that Hope was outside Gunner's place. She would come and see him if he wasn't coming into work, and if he wouldn't answer the phone. Giving a knock on the door Hope waits till no one answers. Knocking and trying the handle again it opens and Hope steps inside making her way down the hall and to a door that was open.

Seeing papers and pictures on the floor through the crack Hope pushes it open a little more seeing Gunner. Looking around at everything he had quite the collection. Hope would definitely say this was borderline obsession and it made her worry.

   "This is quite the collection Gunner. This why you didn't come into work?"

Grace can't help the laugh that escapes her lips. Jared's humor would always do that to her. Even if at times it was kind of dry she did understand it and it did make her laugh slightly anyways. Maybe it was that feeling in her stomach that said she cared that did that to her.

   "Alright outside it is than."

Gathering everything and helping Jared outside Grace gets to work on his legs with the heat and ice like so many times before. Once done with that Grace takes his one leg and starts to move it helping him with his muscles.

   "So...how have you been feeling? Feel like your legs are getting stronger?"

Searching Hunter's eyes Katie can see a small spark of hope in Hunter's eyes that was masked with pain still. She would talk to Kyle as see if she could work something out. Maybe if Kyle new Hunter was sorry and changed maybe they could be friend again and things would be ok.

   "Ok, when our lunch is done than I will call him and see about talking to him. If he knows you changed I think he might forgive you. Kyle is pretty level headed."

Reaching across the table and taking Hunter's had Katie gives a small smile to him. They had been spending a good amount of time together as of late Katie was enjoying it. Hunter was doing so well since he got back and she was so proud of him.

   "So we still on for tonight?"


"Right. Okay. See you later then." Gunner scratched his head and yawned again as he watched Bree disappear down the hall. Something felt weird today. Uneasy. Off kilter.

Shrugging it off, he hunted for his sneakers and gathered up his jacket and keys to leave. Since he hadn't brought anything to stay overnight, he needed to go to his apartment first. Take a shower. Change clothes. Go to work. What time was he supposed to be there anyway?

In the end, it wouldn't matter. After getting home, there was no shower. No changing clothes. Only a call in to work...

"Susanne?" Reese held down the intercom button on his office phone. "Anything from Gunner this morning?"

"Whoops, sorry. He called in sick earlier. I forgot to mention it."

"Oh...did he say what was wrong?"

"No. He just said to let you know he called."

"Did he sound alright?"

"Well, I don't know. I mean, he seemed kinda out of it, but he didn't sound like he was on death's door. Is everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah...thanks." Reese ended the call and leaned back in his chair to think. It was Hope's office he buzzed next. "Hey, Hope? First, I apologize for being in such a rotten mood yesterday. It was as bad day, but that's no excuse. Second, and on the same lines, just in case you didn't know, Gunner called in sick this morning. I just thought...maybe that was something you'd want to be aware of." 

...In Gunner's apartment, odor from a burnt breakfast still lingered in the air, charred remains of forgotten toast still sitting on the kitchen counter. A faint beeping could be heard coming from down the short hallway where the phone was off the hook and stuffed under a pillow to hide the sound. Also under the pillow was Gunner's cell phone, even though it had been turned off. It was nearing noon, but food, let alone a lunch date, had been completely forgotten.

There was silence.

The living room floor was haphazardly plastered with photos, papers, folders and more. One might think someone had taken an entire filing box and simply dumped it out. Off to the side, Gunner sat. He hadn't changed out of his jeans and t-shirt, although now he was in his bare feet. Sitting cross-legged, he was leaned back against the wall, simply staring at the mess.

"Um..." Jared thought as he tried to walk slowly beside Grace, using her for support. "Going outside sounds rather appealing. I haven't been outside since walking from the car to the house when I came home from the hospital."

He paused their walk to regain some balance before he glanced down at her with a teasing little grin. "Besides...if we go outside, that means I need more help. And if I need more help, that means I can keep my arm around you like this a little longer." 

Kyle paused mid-stroke with his paintbrush to throw Alice a smile. After setting down the bucket and brush, he wandered to the picnic table to take a long swig of lemonade and smacked his lips in approval. 

Hearing her comment about time, he laughed. "You kidding me?" Taking both her hands, he pulled her into a bear hug and kissed the top of her head. "If life slowed down, we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves. With us getting hitched and the band taking off, time is gonna fly right on by." He withdrew a little to set a finger under her chin and tilt her face up. "But fast or slow, as long as I'm with you, it's a little piece of heaven." 

Only after he'd given her a warm kiss on the lips did he finally let her go to study their lunch. "Mm-mmm... yessiree... The only bad thing about us living here is we got room for the band to be over here lots. And that means me sharing some of your cooking, an I'm not so sure I'm gonna be good at that." 

Hunter studied Katie's eyes for a few moments before he shrugged. "I dunno. I mean, I want to go. I want to see Kyle again and make things right, I just...I don't know if he'll ever forgive me for being the jerk I was. I know I don't deserve having him as a friend anymore, it just...feels unfinished." 

He looked down at the wrapper he was toying with. "And I don't want you and me to cause trouble between you and Kyle either. I know you're good friends, and I'm glad...I just don't want you going to bat for me if that means it'll mess things up with you guys." He shrugged again. "So I guess if you wanna talk to him, that's okay with me, but it should probably just be you. And if he says no, I'd rather you just let it go and go to the wedding and enjoy it. I made some bad choices and I gotta live with the consequences." If there was any way Kyle would let him come to the wedding, Hunter would be thrilled. A little scared, but thrilled nonetheless. Unfortunately, it was a long shot. But if Katie wanted to talk to Kyle, Hunter wouldn't stop her. 

He slid his hand across the table to curl around Katie's fingers. "Thanks for trying though. It means a lot to me." 


Feeling the couch move again slightly Bree rolls on her back and looks up at Gunner squinting her eyes. The rest of the night had gone without anything else happening on Gunner's part put it didn't feel all the restful. Everything that had happened the night before still was fresh in her mind. Even if she wasn't going to call Gunner on it right now it was still there and it bothered her.

   "Umm...its Thursday and I think lunch and dinner sounds good."

Finally standing Bree looks around the room. She wasn't surprised it looked like JT had left already. He always did leave before her when he had to work. Looking at Gunner and giving a smile she searches his eyes for a second before coming over and giving him a kiss.

   "I'll see you for lunch. I however need to take a shower."

 Looking past Jared and seeing Lydia Grace raises her hand a in a little hello to her giving a small chuckle before looking back to Jared. Shaking her head and coming in letting the door close behind her Grace goes over to him and slings one of his arms over her shoulder. She would be his support and would help him back to his room.

   "Come on you crazy man...I guess since you did come all this way I can help you back. Don't this counts as your workout though for the day. This was just...extra practice."

Leaning in and giving Jared a soft kiss on the cheek Graces eyes sparkle. She was so happy that at least they were trying to get past was was standing in there way and moving on with there relationship. It was a start in the right direction and thats really what did matter.

   "Alright...so back to your room and want to sit outside in the grass? It's a pretty nice day out."

Leaving the house with a tray of sandwiches and some lemonade Alice goes around to the west side where Kyle was patching up a few area's that had started to chip. It was safe for Alice to assume that the wind blew the hardest that way.

   "Kyle...stop working for a second and come eat lunch. I made egg salad, and have some fresh lemonade."

Setting the tray down on the picnic table Alice gives a small smile to Kyle. She new about what happened with Kip and it broke her heart. Kip was part of there family and to lose him as a band member was like losing a peace of the family and it hurt. It wasn't totally clear why Kip left and maybe thats what hurt most of all. Alice felt worse for Kyle though than she did herself. And Karla...what was she going to do now as well?

  "The house is coming along real nice. I can't believe this is going to be our home. Time sure has slipped away. Once we are married though I hope it slows down a little."

Looking up from the bubbles that poped in her drink Katie gives a small nod. She couldn't believe Kyle was getting married already. It seemed like just yesterday she'd found out and now..now the day was almost here. 

   "Yeah, I RSVP with a plus one."

Searching Hunter's eyes Katie could see how much he hurt and her heart went out to him. She couldn't imagen how hard this must be to know someone who was close like a brother was having an important day and you couldn't go. She really did feel bad.

   "I was thinking about asking Kyle if it was ok if you went. Or maybe we could ask him together. I figure I want you to go with me but just showing up with you might be a little disrespectful. So what do you say...want to ask him and see?"