
Let him die

Giving another laugh Victoria continues to dance almost as if floating. To have a good dance partner made it all the easyer.

"Life needs a good mystery ro maintain the fun."

The next few moments seemed like a blurr. Screaming, shouting, running it all happened so fast there was hardly time for reaction and with her hand locked with her dance partnure there was no time to grab her own gun.

As she is spun around to come face to face with the man and his gun there was no fear in her eyes as she faced it head on yet under her skin she was shaking.

Seeing Garret coming twords them Victoria's hand tightened slightly around Mr. Harkins. Garret was always her knight, ever watching.

The shot rings out, the man fall to the floor and Garret soon to follow everything once again seemed so fast. Seeing deep red stain though on Garret's shirt a gasp get stuck in Victoria's throat.

"We need help in here, quickly."

Looking to her grandfather her face held confustion. What had happened here tonight. One dead and his closest guard shot.

"How did someone catch this. We could if been the ones dead tonight."

Looking around to one of the guards Victoria waves him over. Doing her best to keep her composure, to fight everything that told her to go to Garret. He was laying there and inside she was dieing.

"Put pressure on the wound but not to much invade the bullet us still in there. The medics should be here any moment. Do not let him die or my grandfather will having your head for killing his closest who just saved me life."
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"Your grandfather's invitation is what brings me here." Mr. Harkins smiles as he twirls Victoria across the floor. "That, and a few good drinks, some good company and... an unknown future."

He chuckles as his feet move with ease. "There is nothing more stimulating than the mystery of the unknown. Why do you think we men are so attracted to women? You are all beautiful mysteries."

Moving slowly around the room, Garret greets guests cordially, playing his part well. There were guards hanging around the doorways, although they looked far less threatening tonight. When Medridge chose to mask the truth, he did it well. Once again, the elaborate ploy could fool anyone. And there were times Garret wondered if even those who lived here chose to fall into the lie if only to live in blissful ignorance for a few hours.

Garret leans back against the wall, still keeping an eye on everyone but especially Victoria. There was a bad feeling in his bones, and over the years he'd learned to trust it. But why he felt it tonight, he wasn't sure. They were always so careful when they had events like this.

"Dirk..." Garret uses his wrist mic once again. "How things look outside?"

"No problem. Quiet. Too quiet."

"Yeah... I was just-"

Garret is cut off by a woman's shriek as she's shoved to the side by one of the men barging through the crowd. "Traitor! Traitor!"

Several more women cry out and the crowd immediately turns into a mess of confusion.

"Gun!" someone shouts.

Garret's sight catches a man who had just drawn a handgun and was aiming it towards Victoria and Mr. Harkins. His own gun appears out of nowhere and he takes aim, but there are too many people. He hears an order being shouted by Medridge, but doesn't understand - nor did he care.

Mr. Harkins spins Victoria around, keeping hold on her wrist as he faces the man with the gun. "Why you insolent-"

"You're despicable!" The man's outstretched gun shakes in his hand, his eyes blazing with anger.

Garret pushes a woman out of his way, paying no heed to her cry. He still had no clear shot, nor did any of the guards. His pulse quickens, as does his pace, though he struggles against the small mob.

Though it felt like an eternity, in reality it was only seconds.

The armed intruder glares at Mr. Harkins and Victoria both, his gun still quivering. "You have betrayed us all!" he accuses. "And you pay with your life!"

Few would realize what happened next, it was so quick. Garret's form suddenly appears as the hurls himself in front of the guest and Victoria. Gun drawn and pointed as he throws his body across the target's path and pulls the trigger as he rolls.

Only one shot is heard.

The intruder is thrown off his feet and collapses to the floor, a clean wound right between the eyes, providing instant death. Several woman scream and a round of gasps echo through the hall.

Having landed on one knee near the threatened couple, Garret doesn't move. His gun is still gripped tightly in his hand, and his eyes were dark and cold as he stares at the man he had just killed. His heart raced and a bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face.

Remaining on his knee, the scene before him blurs. Guards had finally arrived. One was pulling the body out of the room, others were calming the guests. Everything around him - all the sights and sounds started to cloud together in a strange jumbled mess.

"Garret." A hand is set on his shoulder, giving him permission to rise.

But he cannot. As his eyes roll back in his head, his gun finally drops from his hand and he collapses in a heap where he was, exposing the red of blood seeping through his clothes from the wound in his side. Two shots had been fired simultaneously. And Garret had been unprotected.


Entering the grand ballroom Victoria finally cracks a smile seeing her grandfather and his friend coming over. Letting go of Garret's arm a paib ran through her chest but she would didn't let her expression change. Giving her grandfather a kiss on one side and than the other she draws away.

"Grandfather, its good to see you again."

As Mr. Harkins takes her hand Victoria gives a shy smile to him before softly replying.

"It's nice to meet you as well Mr. Harkins."

Hearing her grandfather ask her to dance Victoria new it was more an order than a question. There was no way she could say no. This could very well be her reason for being here.

"I'd be honored to dance with you."

Moving to the dance floor Victoria locks her hand and rest her other on Mr. Harkin's shoulder. As they danced she could only wish if was someone else's arms she was in.

"You flatter me with your words Mr. Harkins. So what brings you here tonight?"

Swiftly moving across the floor, smiling the mask so easly painted did not fade. As they pass Garret though for a moment her eyes find his and though he expression did not change he'd be able to see the torcher she felt from having another man holding her.

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It was all Garret could do, not to reach out and caress Victoria's glowing face. Seeing her emerge from the room caused his breath to catch in his throat... just like it often did. His eyes meet hers for only a split second, lest someone catch him staring. Offering his arm, he walks beside her, caught in a world of lies and masks. But somewhere... somewhere deep within the darkness of his heart, where dreams were left to die, he imagined this ball for them. And he was walking his own princess down the stairs, able to show the world his love. 

Reaching the floor, reality returns and his eyes sweep the room full of guests. Music played, elegantly dressed men and women mingled, sipped drinks or danced. "Yes," he finally responds to her question. "Although something hasn't felt right since they started arriving." His eyes continue to roam the moving bodies and faces, his own bearing only a forced expression of disinterest. "Probably just my imagination though."

"Ah, and here she is." Medridge appears from the side, also dressed in his finest, his shiny black cane clicking on the floor. "Victoria, my dear, you look simply beautiful." He turns to a middle-aged man beside him. "Does she not, Harkins?" 

The man smiles and reaches out for Victoria's hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss. "Indeed she does." 

"Well then." Medridge smiles. "Mr. Harkins, Victoria Medridge," he introduces before looking back at his granddaughter. "Please honor my friend with a dance, will you?" 

Mr. Harkins retrieves Victoria's arm and also smiles. "It certainly would be an honor." Heading to where several other couples danced, Mr. Harkins takes Victoria's hand and waist. "Your grandfather was correct - you outshine everyone in this room."

As Medridge watches the two move into the center of the floor, he steps closer to Garret. "Dirk said he smelled a rat," he mentions quietly. 

"Mm." Garret doesn't take his eyes off of the people. "I'll keep my eyes open, Sir. Is there any intel I should be aware of?" 

"You've been briefed." 

"Then we still suspect someone from the Underground to appear?" 

"Perhaps. It would be daring for them to show up here." Medridge chuckles. "But then, that may be what makes them a worthy adversary." 

"Certainly." Garret's gaze wanders from guest to guest until he lands on Victoria dancing. And his heart quietly hurts.


Just continuing to swing lightly Victoria's eyes seem to take on a new gaze at the mention of Garret training. Anyone would be honor to have been picked for this oppertunity but to Victoria it felt like a curse. To know Garret would be gone and never come back sent a pain to her chest.

"You can only duck it for so long. I wonder if you do go if I can convince my grandfather to send me too."

As Garret slips his hand  down to link with her own Victoria closes her own hand around his just soaking the moment up. Because they had to keep there love quiet at any moment it could be gone. So soaking up all she could while she could was what Victoria did.

About to say more Victoria stops hearing the voice over the mic. There was always an intaruption and there was no delaying it or it would draw attachen. This was normal but there love flurshed anyways through it.

"Till tonight my love."

Giving a small wave Victoria would spends a little more time here before it was time to get ready for the party tonight.

...Moving around the room Victoria stops hearing knock on the door and Garret's voice that follows. A smile curles on her lips. He was a sly one for sure and always had his ways.

"Give me just a second."

Finishing zipping up her deep red dress it sparkled as she moved, a slit up the one side. Her hair done up so the ringlits hung nicely bouncing a little as age moved. Little white flowers accenting them nicely. Nothing was out of place because that's how it must be.

Grabbing her hand bag Victoria opens the food and gives a nod. It was all she could do here where walls had eyes everywhere.

"I'm ready now Garret. We should not keep my grandfather waiting any longer."

Holding out her hand like a royal would to have help walking, and protection if needed Victoria falls in step with Garret. Once again her faces lacked the emotion it gas before but the knowlege of there being made it so less awkward.

"Have all the guests been checked by the guards before entering? I don't want any problems tonight."

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"Mmm... good question." Garret shakes his head before leaning back in the swing and sighing deeply. Medridge always had a plan - always. Everything he did had a reason and nothing was done without having first thought it through. Victoria was right. Something as simple as her being at a party had a purpose. She might find out tonight. Maybe a week from now. And there was a chance she never would know what the purpose was. But it was a given that Medridge had a reason for her being there. 

Keeping his arm around Victoria's shoulders, Garret falls silent, his eyes simply roaming the trees that surrounded this tiny haven. He had a few more minutes before he'd be missed. That's all they had - a few minutes at a time. Yet their bond had somehow grown in spite of it.

"I'm on the list to train some new recruits," he comments quietly. He knew she would understand. Training didn't take place here. It took place somewhere else... somewhere far from here. And the program for new recruits required at least three months before they were passed on to another area of the Agency system. It made sense that Garret would be chosen to be a trainer, as his skills surpassed those of many other agents. So far though, he'd succeeded in ducking the job. He had everything it took to teach someone else - but he'd rather be here. If succeeding at being an instructor, there was a chance he would be forced to stay one, and that would mean not coming back here... and not seeing Victoria. No, he'd prefer not to be chosen from the list of other qualified agents. 

Pulling back his arm, his hand slips down into hers, his skin rough against her own. "Maybe your grandfather won't want to give me up as being his right hand man." He'd done his best to maintain his position, but within the Agency, no one's position was ever guaranteed. 

"Garret - you're needed in the conference room at the house." 

Garret grimaces but answers the mic on his wrist. "On my way." Looking back to Victoria, he gives her an expression of apology. This time hadn't been long enough. Leaning in, he gives her another kiss, letting this one linger for just a few moments. "I'll see you later tonight." 

Standing up, he finally lets go of her hand. "Look pretty... for me, not the guests." Winking at her, he turns to go before he stirred up any suspicion of his whereabouts.

...It would be several hours until they'd see each other again. Guests were arriving. To an outsider, it would seem a grand ball. But to those who knew better, understood that everyone invited had more motive than a few drinks and dances. No, like everything else, there was purpose here that perhaps only Medridge knew. Those arriving were either aware of plans or would be soon. They were wealthy. People of influence. People of politics. People who could be bought with money and ideas of power. People who would not question those who would be hurt. 

The party was not abnormal. Medridge often wined and dined those he wished to trap in his web. It was just a question of who would be seduced and who would refuse. 

...Garret's knuckle knocks lightly on the elegant bedroom door. No longer looking like an armed assassin, any weapons were well hidden so that the only thing anyone saw was a tuxedo. He was cleaned up well, his hair combed and his shoes shined. And it was all a must.

"Miss Medridge?" he inquires through the door. "I've been asked to escort you to the ballroom." In truth, he'd manipulated a couple other guys on duty to make it so they were unavailable, leaving him to be asked to bring Medridge's pride to join the party. "Are you ready or would you like me to come back?"

Shadow of Shadows

As Garret came around and sat down on the swing Victoria scooted over to let him sit only to move closer to him once again as he put his arm around here. In this placer there was not a camera, it was a spot that probley held ghosts for someone and for that reason no eyes turned here. But she had found it years ago as a child and now she was happy to share it with Garret. A place where they love could be free and there true feelings shown.

   "Even the wicked have something they fear too. No one goes untouched. It is strange when you think about it. But even the wicked have a haven where its safe."

Seven years slipped by so fast and every day, every meeting, every time Garret and herself could find each other it seemed like time stopped. Together they could get away even if it was in the company of themselves. Garret looks pasted what she did to survive, and she looks past his. To them there job was nothing to do with there relationship and in there eyes they were unmarked.

Her mother was a woman who had a good heart. She loved her to the end of the earth and love her father as well. But that didn't mean she agreed and she did the best to teach Victoria right from wrong in some ways. Her mother never went over bored though because even for her speaking against her grandfather was reason enough to die. Another shadow to hide from the shadows and Victoria learned, and grew and passed it on to Garret.

   "Thank you Garret! You're looking pretty handsome yourself today."

Victoria's smile was bright and it was filled with light a light masked when not with Garret or a pained on fake one. This sitting here...was real. Leaning her head into his finger slightly She closes her eyes for a moment as the cool breeze blows.

Opening them again Victoria gives a laugh at his comment. She'd thought about taking a bodyguard with her on one of her missions. She wondered if that was a good idea to do. Her grandfather new her skill and it might sound strange for her to request that.

   "Maybe you're the one who needs the bodyguard."

Victoria gives another soft laugh knowing good and well he would need a bodyguard about as much as she did. The thought was nice, the dream of getting away together was good but thats about where it ended for them.

   "You know my grandfather wouldn't let me miss it for the world. The only thing really though that will make it worth wild...is you'll be there too."

Leaning in Victoria places a soft kiss on Garrets lips before pulling away a little her eyes twinkling again. Tonight at the part would be much different than there time spent together now. There paths would cross, words would be exchanged but it would not be as if they loved each other. The shadows would hide in the shadows, there love buried waiting for the next time to unmask itself.

   "Grandpa said there would be some very important people there tonight. I wonder just how important and what plan he has for me in it all this time."

It was a daily game and no one ever really new what there part was till it happened. Secrets ran deep even to family that was it would ensure no leaks happened. But in each game there was a common goal, rune a life, find a reaction, fight hard, dont die and if you had to do a dirty task just do whatever was needed to come out as the victor in the end and even Victoria's hands were stained with the blood of the innocent and anything else imaginable.