
Everything's Ok

Moving when the Dr came in Sapphire stood on the side of the bed and just watched quietly as they worked. She just watched Gage, and listened to what the Dr. said as well taking good note to it.

Once the Dr was gone again Sapphire could see the worry in Gage's eyes. Bringing on of the chairs back over to the bed she sits down in it and takes his hand with her own. This was all new to Gage too. Seeing what was more important and taking care of himself. Sometimes it was a hard desition but it was an important one to master for ones own health.

"Gage, if the Dr thinks it would be best you rest than you need too. Your body has been though a lot and needs time to recover. If you job can't understand that, and...your health comes first. You don't want to end up here again and maybe not wake up this time right?"

Sapphire gives a warm smile to Gage. She new this was all hard for him but she wanted Gage to know how important it was. The last thing she wanted was for him to get hurt anymore than he was. She hated seeing him here now hurt, to see anything else it would break her heart.

Just listing to Alec start to talk about his family and how he got into the Agency Misty doesn't say much. She didn't mind him talking about everything and just listing to him. Misty was happy Alec felt comfortable enough to talk to her. Inviting him here maybe was good for him.

About to say more Misty stops as Carson comes into the room. Not knowing he was there Misty jumped a little bit but smiled when she saw who it was. Leaning up and giving him a kiss back it was after she saw Alec and how unsure he was.

Looking back to Carson at the mention of his bible Misty gives a shake of her head and a short chuckle. She new he carryed a bible in the car already to have come home to get the other one was not really the reason he was here.

"You bible huh? Alright...I'll pretend I believe you."

Shaking her head again Misty new better but she couldn't blame him. He just wanted to make sure everything was going ok. She was happy for that knowing he cared enough to check now because he didn't think she couldn't take care of herself but because he just wanted to make sure.

Turning back to Alec Misty gives a small nod her smile still remaining as her eyes twinkled.

"You should sit and eat before it gets cold. Don't worry everything ok."

Feeling Susanne's arms tighten even more around him Chuck smiles under the helmet. It felt nice having her hold onto him, and knowing that he was in charge of taking care of her and she trusted him.

Just continuing out of town Chuck new he might be testing the water a little bit with Susanne but out here it felt more free and he could open up a little heading to one of his favorite places to be.

Not taking to long they finally come to a small pond not to far from town but far enough away from the road some might not know it was there. Stopping the bike Chuck takes his helmet off before looking over his shoulder a little.

"If you want to go back we can but I though this would be a nice place to kill some time. Its quiet, and I often like talking with God here."

Waiting for Susanne to get off the bike as well he searches her face to see if she really wanted to go or not. If she did, they would. Talking a few steps away from the bike his hands in his jacket pockets the leather making a little sound he walks a little ways to the water and look over the small pond.

"Did you like the ride? It wasn't to fast was it?"

For dear life

Reese lets out a long, weary sigh and is silent for several moments. So many things were running through his mind and heart. Honestly though, he'd expected Hope to have far less time than that. Miracles could still happen, but by the tone of Dr. Fuller's voice... he could tell that the were not hopeful.

"Okay. Thank you, Doctor. I will... let others know and... if anyone wants to see her again, I'll make sure they know that it needs to happen soon."

Ending the call, he stands and goes to his office door, closing it quietly. Returning to his desk, he folds his arms on his desk and bends to rest his head on them. Running TJY was never an easy job, but this was probably the most stressful it had ever been. What was happening? Why were there so many hurts in people's lives right now? It didn't seem fair. If he could just help fix one problem... just one... But there was nothing he could do about any of them. Hope. Scott. Nate, Con and Jamie with Laura. Sapphire with Gage. It felt like everything was falling apart.

With Sapphire joining him on the bed, Gage takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, allowing his eyes to fall shut again. It felt strange, knowing he'd just been asleep for so long, yet he was still so tired.

Keeping her hand in his, he lets his head rest to the side so it was against her own. If he let his imagination go far enough, he could believe that they were back at his apartment like they often were, just lying together as a movie played, simply content to be with each other. It was as if nothing else was really all that important, as long as they were together. It was still a new feeling for Gage that still held an element of wonder.

It wasn't long before the doctor came in to check on him, please that he had finally awakened. He explained to both Gage and Sapphire, that Gage would still need plenty of rest as his body recovered. He told them that he wanted Gage to remain for another day, but then he could go home. After that though, he wanted Gage to rest and not go back to work for at least another three days.

Once the two were alone again, Gage's eyes now held some worry. Looking to Sapphire, he searches for answers. "I can't stay home," he mentions quietly. "I only had a couple days sick time I could take from work and... if I have to take off four more days... I won't have a job to go back to. I can't do that."

Misty's prayer was just a little bit foreign to Alec, but he respects her for it, remaining silent until she is finished. Awaiting her answer to his question, he helps himself to some spaghetti and takes a bite to see if he could enjoy the flavor.

When Misty does answer him though, his eyes hold such curiosity... such confusion. Her mention of family seems to throw him off just as much as her comment about God.

Swallowing his mouthful, he leans back in his chair and just lets his fork rest on his plate, totally caught up in the subject, even more than the food. He blinks and looks in Misty's eyes, first one then the other, watching her eat, watching her talk and watching what went on in her gaze. He didn't really feel comfortable talking about God. He didn't understand why that all made such a big difference. He'd heard Eli and Ryan talk about it every once in a while. Eli had said something about missing church once. Alec figured maybe when they were kids or something they were religious and all, but didn't see much of that now. Really, God didn't make much sense to him, so he opts to not go down that route. Misty's observation of his feeling about family though... that one he felt.

Finally dropping his gaze, he runs the tines of his fork through the pasta, spreading out the sauce a little more. It seems like forever before he takes another bite, along with some meatball. The spices made his tongue tingle and he liked that. Food did taste different to him than other people so when he could distinguish the spices and flavor, he enjoyed it - and Misty's sauce was good.

No one hears the front door quietly open and close, nor the soft footsteps that come up through the hall and stop right outside the kitchen. No shadow signals anyone, the figure not allowing their presence to be known.

Even though Alec would prefer to concentrate on the meal, Misty's mention of family wouldn't let go of him. "I don't have much memory of family, ya know?" He shrugs lamely. "Raised by a single mom. Guess it was alright when I was a young kid but... I guess after I started high school, homelife sorta went downhill."

He glances up and gives her a wry grin. "I was the perfect target for the Agency. Trouble-maker, rule-hater and in need of a cause. Mom figured I was just hanging out with friends after school every day... she didn't know I was getting involved with the Agency. Then once I hit eighteen, bam! I moved out and that was it."

Twirling some more spaghetti around his fork, Alec returns his eyes to his meal, though his concentration was still on his words. These were things he hadn't even told Ryan.

A little scoff comes out and he shakes his head. "Doesn't feel like it's only been six years. The Agency makes it feel like you're with them for a lifetime, even if it's just a month. They make it seem so good, convincing you that it's a war you need to fight to defend yourself and your rights as a human. It was the next best thing to joining the Army I suppose... without realizing the difference, that is."

He shrugs again. "I guess you know some of it since you were on the outskirts of the Agency there for a little while." He was as aware of that area of her background as much as he was Carson's.

"I left everything... my mom... friends... well, if you could call them that... but I didn't care about any of it. And then... then I was sent on one mission that I failed... the only one I ever failed, and it should have been so easy."

His eyes find Misty's, wondering if she harbored any blame for the night he and his accomplice had tried to squeeze information from Scott. "And then... I found out I had a brother." He shakes his head as if for a moment, the meal was completely forgotten. "Carson... bloodthirsty, torture expert, don't-ever-make-him-mad Carson. And he was not a thing like I'd heard."

Another small, wry grin quirks the corner of his mouth. "And then I found out I had a sister, too." Looking to his plate, he shoves a meatball back and forth with his fork. "I know I used her to get me out of TJY and all... and I don't blame her for hating me for it now. She could have wound up under arrest herself for that stunt. But I guess... I don't know...." He shrugs again. "I guess you're right. My mom's the only family I ever had so... even if I didn't show it... yeah, it would be kinda cool, ya know? I've got a brother and a sister... we're all on the same side now... I know they're good people... and... and..." The words seemed to get stuck and he wrestles with them before they finally come out. "...and they're all I got. I got enough friends to count on one hand... then that's it. What happens when I'm gone? What happens when... when I need someone? I guess I coulda wound up as an only child and I know we're only half-siblings but..."

Alec finally gives up and takes another mouthful of food, not even sure how to feel and confused by his own emotions that made him want a connection to his family. He'd treated them poorly, but that didn't mean he wasn't sorry, and it didn't mean that deep down, family wasn't important to him. He never showed it but... family really was something he'd never had, but it was something he'd always wanted, even if he'd never admitted it.

Feeling a bit of heat in his face and he lets the food in his mouth be the excuse for his pause. Why he talked so much around Misty, he didn't know. "This is good," he compliments quietly. "I can taste it."

Without warning, the hiding figure comes around the corner. Realizing someone was there, Alec looks up quickly, staring right at Carson. Taken completely off guard and not knowing his brother's intention for being there, Alec is on his feet in an instant, backed against the wall with hands raised.

Carson gives him a once-over and quirks an eyebrow. "Who put a bee under your bum?" Wandering over to Misty, he leans down and gives her a quick kiss on the lips. "Only got five minutes. Just wanted to say hi and come get my Bible - forgot I got study tonight."

Alec doesn't relax just yet, still uneasy about Carson's sudden appearance. Was he really just picking up his Bible, or had he come just to check up on things? Alec would guess the latter, but even though things were fine here, he was still leery and unwilling to sit back down yet.

Grabbing her purse and jacket, Susanne really doesn't have time for much else as Chuck leads her through TJY. She could feel several strange glances being thrown in her direction, but she doesn't look up, feeling her cheeks still quite warm.

The fresh air felt nice, and even though it was warm out, it felt cool against her face. Stopping at the motorcycle, her stomach does another flip and she accepts the helmet lamely. Swallowing hard, she nods at Chuck's instructions, but still hesitates. She looks at the bike, looks at the helmet, then back again, shifting from one foot to another. Then glancing to Chuck again and catching sight of his eyes, she dons the helmet. She didn't normally just trust anybody, but there was something about him that felt okay. She was afraid of this venture, but she couldn't deny that there was a peace about him that she knew she would not feel if he were someone with bad intentions.

Finally mounting the bike behind Chuck, Susanne isn't quite sure where or how to sit, but it felt okay. She rests her arms just near Chuck's waist, but as the bike moves forward with a little lurch, her hands slide further around him and gain a better grip.

The ride through town wasn't so bad... they didn't move too fast and the turns were okay if she leaned a little bit with Chuck. If asked about the scenery though, Susanne wouldn't know. Her eyes were shut tight, her whole body tense. She'd done a lot of things through TJY, but being on a motorcycle was not one of them.

As Chuck heads out of town and starts to go a little faster, Susanne dares take a quick glance around to see where they were before scrunching her eyes shut again. He was taking her out of town... out of town... that should bother her, right? For some reason, it didn't, and she almost felt guilty for not questioning this move.

With the increasing speed, a little wail escapes her lips and her arms tighten around Chuck, pressing herself against his back and hanging on for dear life.