
Save Postage

Watching Trey's reaction to the note, Pete wasn't sure what was going on, but he opts to just stand and wait a few minutes before taking off. Hearing about Wes, his eyebrows rise. "Wow, that's awesome." His surprise turns into annoyance, as does his expression. "And Jason didn't even tell me. I'm gonna have to slap him around a little when I get back to work." He rolls his eyes, but grins.

"Well, I won't keep you, Trey. We ought to get together sometime soon. Maybe a double date or something."

Realizing what Katie almost says, one of Jason's eyebrows arcs, but he doesn't comment. He knew all too well how hard it was to break a habit. It wasn't that long ago that it would have been a given for them to travel together if they wanted to go to Texas...or anywhere else, for that matter. 

Letting her recover and reword her sentence, Jason then shrugs at her question. To be honest, he was surprised she could take off at all with how long she'd been away from work already, but he knew that wasn't any of his business. 

"I do want to go see my mom and sister and Wes too. All depends on work though." And when Katie was going. Jason really didn't want to end up there when she was too. It would just make things more awkward than they needed to be. 

"If you head down there though, let me know. I got a couple things for Mom and Kaylee and if you're going, I might as well save postage...that is, if you don't mind." 

"It's an option," Kip admits. "But I don't really think I wanna do that. I'd be getting paid for nothing, basically, and I don't want to be hanging around and making them feel bad when they find a new bass player either." 

Kip knew good and well that Twila could take his place on the bass, but then they were still down one instrument and their sound would change. He knew they would decide to replace him when he left - it just made sense. He couldn't stick around during that process, knowing they'd feel bad about it.

"I don't want to do that to them," he concludes quietly. "They've done so much for me already. I think it would be best just to changes paths and see where a new road takes me."

His eyes meet Karla's, his gaze so full of such a deep sadness. He was letting go of something he loved dearly, but he just couldn't see what else he should do without hurting the band even more. 

Alec wrings out the mop once more and continues to clean the floor. It wasn't so long ago that he would never accepted a job like this, but it really wasn't all that bad. He didn't particularly like doing this kind of thing, but it could be worse, and at least it was putting a few dollars in his pocket. And he and Carson hadn't started any wars either, so that was another plus.

"Hey, Alec, want a coke before I clean out the machine?"

Alec glances over his shoulder to the counter. It still felt strange having Carson be civil, let alone nice. "Yeah, sure, if you don't mind me taking a break."

Carson shakes his head. "Naw. You're working fast tonight anyway. Come on." He pours himself a glass of coke too before leaning his elbows on the counter and taking a sip.

Alec joins him an sits on a bar stool before taking a swig. "Mm. Thanks."

"Mm-hmm." Carson is quiet for several moments until his eyes drift over to roam Alec's face. "How's Misty?"

"Same as she was the last time you asked me... and the time before that... and before that." Alec quirks an eyebrow at him. "Worrying doesn't fix anything, ya know."

"I know. I can't help it."

"She's fine, Carson. She and the baby are both as healthy as can be."

Carson nods slowly. "Okay." He takes another sip of pop. "What about Mac?"

Alec is rather surprised, since Carson had never asked about her before. "She's alright. I get along with her pretty well."

Carson rolls his eyes. "I never did get why she took to you like that."

Alec grins. "Me either. You talk to Justin much?"

"Yeah. He said Mac was doing a lot better and really enjoys seeing you and Misty."

"She misses you, ya know."

Carson sighs. "I never did get that either."

Alec shrugs. "Maybe that's what she and I have in common."

"What do you mean?"

"She has a very strong desire to be close to family."

Carson cocks his head. "That's... what she has in common with you?"

Alec looks down into his coke and shrugs again. He wasn't used to talking like this with his brother. "Yeah, I guess so."

Carson wonders if it's Alec's that changed, or him. Because for the first time, he sees Alec not as an enemy and not someone he simply pities... but as a brother. "Well... I'd suggest the three of us getting together but I've been pretty much banned from the family."

Alec downs another several swallows of coke before sliding off the stool. "Eh... I'm in fair standings at the moment, as long as I keep clean. Maybe I can convince them to do something... or convince Justin to convince them."

Carson grins. "Or convince Mac to convince Jason to convince Justin to convince them."

Alec blinks before returning the grin. "Right." 

I was thinking...

Hearing Pete at the door Trey squints at the clock on the stand next to him. It wasn't even close to bed time but since moving there really was not much to do and sleep was better than getting himself into trouble. He's have to start looking for a job soon even if his parents were still sending him money he wanted to try making some of his own to try and stand on his feet.

Making his way to the door hearing Pete's knock and holler again Trey opens the door squinting out at the light and Pete. He or Ariel were usually always over, but it was strange for one of them to come unannounced. An email from Jason? That was odd...was there mother ok?


Taking the email quickly from Pete Trey holds it reading the words. He couldn't help the little look of shock on his face. He'd never new Wes but his mom had talked to him about him, and new it was Kaylee's dad and he had been killed in combat. But he was alive now, Kaylee would know her dad and that alone but a small smile on Trey's lips.

Looking up at Pete Trey gives a nod to him. He was thankful for getting this and that Jason would ever think to include him into the whole circle. He had been a pretty big jerk to his brother but to be far so had Jason. Shaking his head a little Trey tucks the letter into his pocket. Even if it wasn't hand written it was from his mother, the first letter he had ever been given.

   "Let Jason know I said thanks Pete. This was from my mom telling me Wes was found alive and he is back home."

Hearing the knock on the cubical wall and than hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up quickly. He had been the last one she expected to see there. She had heard about Wes but not expected Jason to come and let her know. It surprised her but maybe...maybe there was a little hope there still to be friends.

   "Rosetta called and told me about Wes. I am so happy that he is safe and home. I was thinking maybe we could..."

Realizing what she had said Katie stops for a second looking down at the papers on her desk. Getting her head together she looks back up at Jason and gives a little smile trying to just play it cool. She didn't want to over step the bounds.

   "I was thinking of heading up there within the next week or so to visit, and welcome Wes home too. You thinking about heading up as well?"

Taking the last bite of her ice cream Karla looks across the table at Kip. She new he had been thinking about leaving the band but something about the way he said it now made her thing he really meant it. That look in his eye was so deep and full of emotion.

   "What if you didn't quit but you just took a break? Maybe try helping with set up for a little while or something and just feel things out. That way you are not quieting in case you want to come back, but till you decide you can feel like are not holding them back either."

It sounded like a good idea to Karla than Kip wouldn't have to miss out or be away from the band family. She didn't know if he would go for it though. At least it was an option so Kip didn't feel like there weren't any in this situation.

   "I mean, at least its an option to consider."