
Not a bad thing

Giving a smile and biting into the cone Cassy doesn't answer right away as she chews before finally swalling. The ice cream really had hit the spot tonight.

"You know...I have no idea. I have to wake up tomorrow and draw out a chart. I am hoping to start monday but I've got to get all the paperwork and everything together first."

Taking another bit Cassy got the feeling Leo really didn't like talking about himself but she hardly new anything about him. She wanted to get to know him more.

"Needing help is not a bad thing. Pst, it means your human. I think I'd rather need help than get the image I know everything. You wouldn't happen o know anyone who would like to be my secretary do you? I might need one."

Cassy gives a little laugh as she finishes off her cone.


Leo quirks an eyebrow, wondering at Cassy's sudden interest in his job. "Nah, most of us share the work. We get put in charge of individual cars but when it's too tough of a case we put our heads together to solve it. Well..." He pauses and rolls his eyes. "Ryan and Axel never need help, but me and the other guys sometimes do."

Shifting a little to sit almost sideways, Leo's mouth tweaks just a tad in the corner, a glint in his eye. His turn to switch the conversation back again. "So when's your first night for lessons?"

Differnt or the same

Cassy lets out air from her lips and a shake of her head again as she eats her ice cream before replying.

"Hardly anyone can put up with me. I asked most of them before when I was trying to get this stuff put together there. I am a difficult person and when I find someone I can deal with I gotta keep them ya know. So I think I'll stick with you for the long run."

Giving a little laugh Cassy knows Leo had turned the conversation from him but she was going to turn it back now. They hardly even talked about him and she never pushed but maybe...today was ok.

"So, working at the grudge gets you to meet a lot of interesting people I guess huh? Do you guys all have cretin jobs you do or do you all kind of share the work?"

Enough money

Easing down next to Cassy, Leo shrugs. "Things are going alright I guess." At least he and Ryan were on speaking terms... kind of. "Work's been okay. Nothing out of the ordinary I guess. Same old stuff."

Looking down, he realizes for the first time that evening that he still had oil stains around his fingernails. It almost seemed a symbol that no matter the dreams or the goals he'd had, he was just a mechanic and it would always show.

Glancing back to Cassy, he bumps the conversation back to her instead. "I meant to tell you that whenever you need maintenance or whatever done, you can give me a call. I'd be glad to come help out where I can even though you're up and running now." He grins and gives a short laugh. "Of course, now that you are up and running, you'd have the money to hire someone who actually knew what they were doing."

And All

Cassy can feel the smile grow on her face a little more. Leo had a way of making her feel good that was for sure and she needed that sometimes more than others. She was happy he offered it when he thought it was right.

Looking back at Leo under the light Cassy's eyes sparkle a little as she continues to study his face. The light just seeming to dance across it, his eyes filled with so much, yet so little.

"Yeah sitting for a short moment might be good. Don't want to strain my knee to much. Thanks."

Taking another lick of her ice cream Cassy turns to the little bench that the light illuminated. Leaning back a little she gives a content sigh turning a little to face Leo and chat with him better.

"So how are thinking going at the shop and all?"


Leo smiles as he listens and he nods. "I think you'll make a great teacher. The worst teachers I had were ones who weren't passionate. But you've got the passion."

Falling silent again, he concentrates on finishing his ice cream before it melts, and succeeds. It was a nice treat to end the day. Coming upon one of the glowing lights, he stops and leans back against it, studying Cassy's face in the light for a moment. His mouth opens as if he is going to speak but he stops before a word is uttered. Then hooking his other hand in his pocket, he nods to her knee. "Need to sit a bit?"

Who knows

Getting her cone and beaming Cassy decides not to argue this time about him paying. She wanted to congratulate her and she didn't want to rune that by insisting she payed for her own. Taking her cone and starting to eat the cold treat as she walked with Leo.

Hearing his question Cassy gives a small nod stopping eating for a moment just continuing to walk with Leo. The lights on the path leading the way as the breeze blew softly.

"I still want to dance again, this is a hold me over so I don't go crazy because even if I want it tomorrow thats not being real about it. So if I can make other people love dancing as much as me than I feel good and get a work out myself."

Returning to her ice cream Cassy takes a few more licks letting the quiet linger before she continues on.

"Who knows, maybe I will fall so in love with being a teacher I'll just keep doing that."


Leo laughs and shakes his head. "It's not bad - it's a gift to your tastebuds."

Making sure the girl behind the counter knew what Cassy wanted, Leo steps in, giving Cassy a sidelong glance. "On me tonight." He pauses. "As a congratulations and... an I'm proud of you."

Turning to place his own order, he requests a cone with strawberry ice cream. Once they both have their treats in hand, Leo ambles over towards the park, reaching the path. Eating slowly he tucks one hand halfway in his jeans pocket, not rushing their pace.

The sun was sinking lower and lower and the park was dim enough now for the decorative lights to come on alongside the path, lighting the way for only the few that were out and about this evening.

Leo is quiet for a while but eventually breaks the silence as they continue their slow walk. "Still think you're gonna move on from this... the studio I mean?" It didn't sound right and he scrunches his nose. "I mean you still view it as just a stepping stone to bigger and better?"


Following Leo Cassy had no problem he was leading. It was nice to let him take the wheel and stear where they went. Liking the idea of having ice cream at the park the smile on Cassy's face widens a little bit. This was the kind of celebrating she liked a lot.

Once the car is parked and Leo comes around to open her door it was a nice suprise but Cassy excepted the kindness. It was nice to have someone do that for her and it made her giggle a little.

Following Leo to the window Cassy looked over the menu and gives a nod before looking at him and smiling.

"I think taking a walk, or seeing on a bench in the park sounds like a great idea."

Looking at the menu again Cassy didn't know what she wanted. Most of the time she went for the fat free ice cream, but today..today she felt like something more festive.

"I think I am going to venture out and get a waffle cone with a chocolate bottom and cookie dough ice cream. I deserve being bad once and a while."


As Cassy whoops, Leo laughs, enjoying seeing her excitement. She deserved it. Asked if he were ready, he nods. "Sure am." He holds up his keys. "I can drive. When we get back, I'll help you with the tables and chairs."

Leading the way, he opens the door for Cassy, letting her exit first. Once they're outside, he leads the way to his car, taking his time as he enjoys the cooler evening air.

It doesn't take long to be on their way and Leo opts for an ice cream shop not too far away, near the park. Parking and getting out, he's quick enough to get Cassy's door for her and again leads the way, but not inside - instead, he chooses the order window. "Figure we could find a bench in the park," he explains. "Unless you'd rather sit inside where the AC is."