

Medridge listened intently to Victoria, showing little to no emotion...until she delivered the news of Garret's death. His eyes darkened and his grip on his cane tightened. He refrained from standing, though, until she'd finished. 

Rising, he wandered to his map on the wall where marks and notations would make sense to no one but him. He leaned on his cane and sighed deeply. "Aaron was not much of an asset. I trust your judgement, so if he was a weak link, I'm glad to be rid of him." He was quiet for several moments before he turned back around. "But Garret..." He shook his head. "I had great plans for that man. Never have I had someone in the ranks who fit the profile so perfectly for someone to be my partner in running this empire." 

His eyes narrowed. "He had skills to take out a mob - so if they killed him, I can't imagine what he must have looked like. The Elite...they will pay." Anger laced his tone. "They took the wrong man to make a point. An eye for an eye...an agent for an agent." 

He turned again and ran a finger over his map. "Go and rest. You must be tired. You are free for three days."

Glancing up from the floor, Garret was surprised it was Nate, and even more surprised at being asked to join him outside the cell. Nate wanted to show him around? What for? Why? Just listening though, he was hesitant to believe Reese had changed his tune. The stipulations...they made Garret bristle, but he held his tongue. 

He remained silent for the entire tour. Some things he'd figured out on his own, and others were new. Being allowed access to so many things though...it was almost too good to believe. The rec room brought on a bit of interest. It might be nice having somewhere other than his cell to try and work off some energy.

Turning to Nate, he folded his arms, his eyes still dark and hollow. "Too bad Reese didn't  change his mind before Victoria left." 

He aimed back towards his cell and went back inside to sit on the cold floor again, but left the door open. His gaze remained out in the hall though, still watching Nate. "Thank you though," he mentioned just loud enough for Nate to hear.

Eric could hear someone coming up behind him, but knew it was Stacy, so he didn't move. Her soft voice...her touch...her words...they were all strong enough to help soothe his soul.

He remained quiet for just a little while, though his hand reached over to find hers and hold it. His eyes remained on the countryside surrounding them, but his mind was so very far away.

Eventually, he found his voice. "Results came back." His tone was soft, almost timid. And it was another long pause before he could continue. "I...I'm a father." Just saying out loud made it even more terrifying, and before he could stop them, tears filled his eyes, one of them tumbling down his cheek. He cleared his throat and shook his head. "Wow..." He forced almost a chuckle. "Kinda hard to say that, ya know?"

Dark Days

Sitting across from her grandfather Victoria was silent for a long moment. She was composted as always little emotion shone in her face, but inside, inside there was term oil. So many thoughts, so many reasons, so many unanswered questions. It hurt knowing Garret was not here, but she would never turn him in. She just couldn't.

Not wasting anymore time before someone thought something was wrong Victoria started her briefing. She told everything about finding Garret to Aaron's insubordination, but the ending...it was much different.

   "...Garret was found dead when we got there. It looks like put up quite the fight but whatever happened was just to much."

It was hard acting like Garret was dead but she had to. For his safety, and her own sanity now that he wouldn't always be here. She would always have her memories. The ones that she couldn't share but held so close to her heart.

   "Aaron went off the deep end after I told him to stay put. It was me or him, and I choose to stay alive. Killing him was to good for him, but I had no choice. He was a weak link, and to much of a danger for what we stand for."

Standing Nate just continued to look at Reese for a moment as a small smile spread across his face. At least Reese really did care and it would seem he was trying. That's Nate wanted himself was to see he was at least trying.

Leaving the office Nate makes his way across the floor and down to where Garret was being held. Seeing the door was still open Nate knocks before stepping inside and giving a small smile to Garret. He was pretty pleased with his meeting with Reese and hoped this would be a step in the right direction.

   "Hey Garret. Follow me I want to show you around."

Nate motioned out into the hall before starting to walk with Garret. As they walked he gave him the low down on some of the things he had talked to with Reese and some of the stipulations that he was under. He new maybe it would be a little harsh but at least he wasn't going to prison and it would be a good start to gaining his trust. 

Getting to the break room Nate stops and gestures to the inside. It was on the smaller side but it was nice, and always felt like the next best thing to his own kitchen.

   "This is the break room and you are aloud here any time you want. Most of the time the fridge and pantry it pretty stocked. Anything is free game unless it has someones name written on it. If you need to go to the store for anything just let me know. Slap your name on it and no one will eat it."

Exiting the break room Nate shows Garret a few more places on the main floor that might be important for him to know. Moving down the hall again to where Garret's holding cell was they continue to walk past and down a few more steps. Stepping into the dark room Nate turns the light on revealing the reck room. 

   "And this is were most of us like to take out our frustration after a long hard day. Almost anything you can think of is here. There are cameras down where that are kept an eye on when someone is down here but not because its you. Promise. It's more of a saftly thing for anyone. Accidents happen and we'd rather not wind up with a dead body."

Stepping back Nate just let Garret take everything in. He new it was a lot at once but at least he new his bounds and a place to take his energy out. He hoped it would be enough, and Garret could just let loose here.

   "So, I'll let you be now. You're free to roam. No more cuffs, no more locked cell as long as you can maintain control. The more trust you gain, the more you'll be able to do, and than finally we will go about finding you a place to live other than here, and a job. It wont happen over night, but in time it will."

Stacy had got a glimps of Eric as he wondered into the near by field. His demeanor told her so much with not even knowing anything. She wondered if it was best to just let him be or see if he needed someone. Changing her rout Stacy ends up going after him. Seeing him on down on the tall grass she slowly sits down next to him her legs crossed.

   "Sometimes the toughest part of life is dealing with questions like What if, What will, and How?"

Laying her hand on Eric's back Stacy just rubs it for a moment as a small smile spread across her lips. Eric would be ok. She new it would be no matter how scared and worried he was now.

   "But you want to know what...everything will be ok and God wont give us anything we can't handle even on the darkest day...because trust me..there will be some, but it makes those sun shines even better."