

Leaning back aganst her pillows Beth leans over to turn the light on and her tv off. Now on the phone with someone she didn't want to be detracted but by him. Listing to everything he had to say Beth took it in listing, and processing what he was saying about his day.

Hearing about his mom and inviting another woman over Beth gives a little chuckle that soon ends, shaking her head a little.

"I am sure your mom did mean well. She probably just wants to see you happy."

Quieting again and letting Justin talk some more Beth listens taking it all in and just enjoying him talk about his day. It made her feel a little less lonely.

Having the conversation turn to her Beth can feel her heart pick up a little more and her instinct kicks in to want to run. But she did her best not to...not this time she was tired of running away from people.

"My day was....pretty bad. I was late on everything, and work just...was...bad. It...was...just...jsut one of those days."

Pausing for a moment Beth leans her head back against the head bored and closed her eyes for a moment as her mind turned her lips moving even if she didn't want them too.

"On...my way out...I saw....a group of people...and...they were laughing and it...made me feel...sad. A lot sadder than I had been in a long time."

Drawing silence again Beth's voice was shaky as she spoke. Words she hadn't said to anyone before. Not even to the shrink she had a while ago. But after seeing Justin all the time Beth would like to consider him a friend. Someone she could talk to even if that scared her even more.

"I haven't laughed in a long time. Not since before my parents died. I...I know its late and all but would...would you like to get some coffee and get to know me a little more?"

Returning the kiss with her own passion Scarlet was happy to be in Eli's arms, and hearing he missed her just made her deepen the kiss a little more. Finally pulling away Scarlet looks up at him and her eyes still twinkle.

"I missed you a lot too."

Backing up a little bit as Eli goes for the gift for her Scarlet waits. Taking the pictures she looks to him with question before opening them up. Seeing the first few pictures of the paint job Scarlet gives a nod not to sure who's car it was but knowing Eli did a great job.

"These really are good. I'm not sure who would want Hello Kitty on there car, but its really good you did great."

Continuing on to the next picture where she saw who's car it was and the look on his face Scarlet's eyes go wide and she can't keep a loud laugh in. and once she started she went to the next picture and than the next her laughter growing as her eyes started to water.

"Oh Eli....oh my...oh....this....this is amazing and the look on his face....he was so angry...and its so funny."

Continuing to look through the rest of the pictures and than put them back in the case Scarlet whips the tears from her eyes before looking at Eli again. Going to him and wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing him back on the bike a little so she could sit in front of him, facing him she gives him a kiss on the lips before pulling away.

"No one mess with Eli. I think he might have got the point now. Ohhh Eli... This is so funny. Thank you. Now I just wish I had been there. Wait till Jimmy hears he's going to be rolling."


Justin's eyebrows rise as he realizes nothing was wrong but he can sense Beth stammering just a little as if she were trying to keep him on the line. Odd.

"No, no... I don't care that you have my number. I don't mind any call that's not for tech support or a leaky roof."

Beth's question about the dog confirms that she wanted to continue the conversation... but why? She had no real purpose to have called him?

Justin could remember the first day they'd met. If he'd had to sum her up from just their first meeting, he would have described her as strong, tough, confident and alone with a purpose. And now, he would say the same things, but only to describe her outer shell. It was lonely, dark and timid on the inside and he was getting glimpses of it every now and then - tonight especially.

She was being pretty timid though - was he seeing more of that now because she was starting to trust him? It might seem backward to some - that someone would become more shy or timid after getting to know someone else. But it made sense to Justin. When they'd first met, she'd had no reason to be timid because there had been no risk of conversation or further interaction. But now they saw each other almost every day, and she was being forced to interact... to trust. And naturally, her timidness came forth.

Justin ambles over to the couch and eases down, his mind working on what to say and how to say it. He truly was glad she called - it showed growth and he was pleased.

"Dog's are great. They were pretty antsy by the time I got home but they survived the day alone. We roughhoused a bit then I sent them off to bed in their doghouses."

He fiddles with the television remote, keeping his hands occupied. "And me, I'll probably be up for another several hours, reading, cleaning and who knows what else. Normally I woulda been home hours ago but I went over to Ma's for supper. Wouldn't you know it, she actually invited a woman over without telling me? Talk about awkward."

He smirks and shakes his head even though Beth couldn't see him. "She's like that though - my mother. Loves me to death and I mean to death. Sometimes though I think she gets a few too many crazy ideas in that Greek head of hers and there's no telling what she's going to do next."

He glances up to the wall to see a picture of him and his brother when they were about high-school age, standing with their mother for their church photos. "I think sometimes she gives me a double portion of oddities since she can't deal any of them out to my brother."

Justin rarely talked about his brother. It just wasn't something he did. Hearing Danitza bark, he gets up and goes to the window to look out but sees nothing. "So how was your day?"

He knew Beth's routine... hospital, work, home... but if she wanted to talk, he was here and he'd keep up the conversation for as long as she wanted.

Being greeted with such gladness, Eli can't help but smile and gather Scarlet into his arms, his leather jacket squeaking with the movement. Her kiss to his ear makes him nuzzle into her, chuckling. "Mmm...."

As she draws back, he looks down into her eyes, his hands coming up to cradle each side of her face. "You may get to claim me, but I think I'm the lucky one."

Leaning down, he gives her lips a tender, passionate kiss. "I missed you." Smiling, he straightens and takes off his jacket, hot in the sun if he wasn't riding his bike. "And... I've got something for you."

Getting into his saddlebags, he rummages for a minute before pulling out a small pack of pictures. He waves them in the air before handing them to Scarlet. "I had to show you pictures of one of the best paint jobs I've ever done. And no, I couldn't wait to show you." Not only did he have the pictures he'd taken in the garage after finishing with Roth's car, but he'd gotten a snapshot from someone else, who had caught an angle of Roth at the race when his car had been uncovered.

"It's okay." Reese puts his arm around Angelica's shoulders as he ambles back towards her office before going to his own. "We can do what we can to keep him here and I could arrest him any time I wanted to even if he doesn't think so but... if he puts up too much of a fight, I'd rather put Bret, Charlotte and the baby in protective custody than put up with a riot around here. Speaking of which..."

Making it to her doorway, he stops. "...we can do dinner but if you get that call that the baby's come, we can skip on dinner and go see them instead."


Squinting in the dim light as the sun was slowly setting Scarlet looks up at the sound of a bike engine. An engine she new just found the sound. Setting her paperwork on the table next to her a instant smile forms on her face seeing it was indeed Eli out on his bike.

Standing and going over to the railing Scarlet gives a call bad herself not minding if other people would hear her and Eli or not. She was proud to be Eli's girl and wouldn't hide it.

"Mmmm...I'm the one who gets to clam the sexy guy as my own."

Pushing off the porch Scarlet comes down the steps and walks over to Eli her hands on her pockets till she got there. Giving a smile, her eyes twinkling she wraps her arms around him and gives him a hug. Holding him for a moment she turns her head and brings her lips to his ear letting a lingering kiss be placed on it. Her words soft, and light.

"My knight on his motorcycle, a dream come true."

Pulling away a little bit Scarlet searches his face. It was good to see Eli again after a week. Work had been long and hard this time around, so to see Eli's face now was good for her eyes no matter how tired she felt.

Trey keeps his own ground his arms crossed over his chest. Listing to what Reese had to say. He new what the law was, and even if he new who his parents were he couldn't arrest and charge him because he had no proof that Trey was even involved with that.

"It would be kinda hard to charge someone for something without proof now wouldn't it?! And seeing as smoking a cigarette is NOT against the law no I don't think I will kick the habit."

Not even bothering for Reese to answer Trey goes into the room and closes the door behind him not even bothering to invite Angelica in or to try and talk anymore to her.

Rising her hand to for a moment but seeing the door being shut on her Angelica lets out a long sigh before looking at Reese and turning around.

"I'm sorry this is going to be a hassle. I guess I should get some work done too. I'll let you know if anyone for the hospital calls. If you'd like to do dinner tonight still too let me know."

Angelica gives a smile to Reese letting him know she was not upset with him only stressed by this whole thing. Just having try not be so hard headed would of made it to easy but it would of saved on a lot of headaches.

Katie can't hold in the smile that formed on her face. She always loved when Jason made plans they were always romantic to her, even the sleeping Dog.

I think thats one lucky girl to be going on a date like that. Sure there will be kissing in there too. How could someone say no?

Reaching out and brushing the side of Jason's face with her hand Katie just looks deep in his eyes letting her feelings of how happy she was flow to him.

Right after work is good for me!

Being in bed and dozing Beth gives a little jump as the phone rings. Knowing it might be someone from the hospital Beth gets up to answer the phone. Hearing Justin on the other end and hearing he was worried something was wrong Beth sinks down on the bed again.

"Yeah, everything is ok...I think. Mmmm...I just felt lonely more than normal. so I though I'd call you. I...I hope you don't mind I have your home number."

It kind of felt nice to hear someone else voice on the other end of the phone, to have had someone call her back other than the hospital or the doctors it felt good. Though her heart was still racing, and she felt all nervous there was something else added to it that felt...good.

"Ummm...I...I don't really know what to talk about or anything I just...I don't know. You saw me this morning and all, and I hope you don't mind I called you. How...how are the dogs??"

She felt stupid now not know what to say and asking about his Dog. She kind of wanted to keep the conversation up even if it was late, but she liked hearing Justin's voice over the phone even if she only admitted it to herself.


Justin watches Rebecca drive away and gives a wave before heading back in the house. His mother is already in the kitchen starting on the dishes, so he joins her, grabbing a towel to dry.

Lydia's eyes remain on the soapy water as her hands keep busy, but her speech is aimed at Justin. "So did you like her?"

Justin had known the question was coming, so no irritation surfaces. He grins a little as he dries off a plate. "Who?"

His mother smirks. "That beautiful, single, nice young woman who was just here. Or did your eyes not notice?"

Justin hides a laugh. "Well I'm not made out of stone, if that's what you mean."

Lydia pauses her work to throw him a look, but ends up shaking her head. "You look just like your father when you try to hide that smile of yours."

Justin chuckles softly and stacks a second plate. "Rebecca is nice," he finally answers. "I think she's attractive and fun to be around."

"I have her number."


"Alright!" Lydia throws up her hands, flinging soap suds in the air. "But should you want to call her, her number is on the refrigerator. She doesn't work on Fridays."


...It was a while later that Justin finally makes it home. Thought he was exhausted, he makes sure to take time to play with the dogs and feed them before sacking out in the living room for the night.

Once settled with the television on though, he suddenly realizes that he hasn't checked his answering machine. Getting up again, he wanders over and is a little surprised that there is actually a message. Caller ID indicated a number he didn't recognize.

Listening to the message, he slowly sits back down on the couch, very surprised that Beth had called him. Her voice sounded a little more strained than normal... tired, perhaps. It was the first time she had made any steps towards him on her own, and for a moment, Justin hopes that she really is okay. It might be nothing, but it might be something more too, that had triggered her to reach out. He couldn't tell without seeing her eyes.

Thinking for a long moment, he looks up at the clock. It was past eleven by now. He wished he would have had the sound on so he could have answered the call earlier. Would she still be up? Should he try calling or wait until morning? He'd hate it if she really needed someone tonight and he neglected to call her back.

Finally, stands again and goes for the cordless phone, dialing the number she'd given and waiting until he hears her voice. "Beth, it's Justin, hi." He paces in his living room, scuffing his bare toes into the carpet. "I hope I didn't wake you. I just now got your message - was a crazy evening. Is... everything okay?"

Hot date?

Jason turns and grins at Katie slyly.

Mmm, I'd say about the hottest I can get. That is, if she's willing to go for a motorcycle ride down to watch the sun set over the lake, followed by an evening ice cream, followed by a movie, snuggled up on the couch with a snoring dog by our feet.

Reese holds his stance in the doorway, not impressed with Trey at all. "No wandering until we're sure of your situation. Right now your world exists of this room, the bathroom down the hall and the break room, right down there." He points. "We don't have henchmen here - they're called agents or officers and you'll be pretty hard up to find anyone to report them to since you're the one with illegal connections. There's a refrigerator with sandwiches and drinks in the break room - you can help yourself until we make other arrangements." He knew the goal was to move Trey downstairs where there was a bigger area to roam, but right now, he'd just keep that card hidden.

"No smoking allowed inside this building. If you're not strong enough to kick the habit, you may call on Hal in the control room right down there." Reese points again. "He'll escort you outside and back in again."

Pausing, he searches Trey's face. "No one's going to force you to stay here, Trey. If you decide to pack up and leave, that's your choice - but once you leave, we will be forced to make an arrest, and then there will be a whole lot less luxury. Your parents wanted you safe and that's what we'll do - other people's safety is riding on this too and I'm not willing to turn my back. So you're just going to have to put up with what you've got."

Nodding with finality, he turns to leave, glancing at Angelica. She could stay as long as she wanted, but he would leave the young man be for now. "I'll be in my office."

Having Ryan put her arm around him, Alec suddenly realizes that it's not the same. It wasn't the same as a cuddling on the couch or when she wanted a kiss or to play. It was... an offer for something else... something warm something... Comfort. Yes, it was comfort. ...And it felt so very foreign.

Alec hadn't felt this way in years... he was feeling guilt, wanting freedom and now with Ryan, it was as if something deep down like a little boy was screaming to get out. He'd never let it out before... never bent to anything below his tough exterior because he could always handle everything. But right now... with just him and Ryan... in this atmosphere where no one could see... it was safe.

And a wall crumbles just a little bit more.

Slowly leaning over, almost awkwardly, Alec leans into Ryan, resting his head against hers. This time it wasn't his arm around her, but hers around him. But today... in this moment... it was okay. He was not ready to say what was on his heart - to utter the words about what he was feeling. But the stillness and quiet was okay this time.

Looking out at the water, Alec says nothing but just watches the few rippling waves, wondering what it would be like on the other side where there were more trees.

An engine revs down the street. A loud engine. A motorcycle engine.

Eli had gotten Scarlet's message a couple hours ago at work but had decided not to call her back right away. Instead, when he got out of work, he'd headed over to her place. Unable to help the smile that creased his lips, he parks and takes off his helmet, squinting to the porch.

"Hey!" he hollers, not caring if anyone heard. "If I'm sexy, what does that make you?"


Getting out of work Beth lets out a long sigh coming around the bar and standing for a moment before making her way to the door. Her feet hurt today, and she was tired. Her bad day this morning had gone to worse while at work.

The laughter of someone at a table stops her though. Looking over at a group of people smile on there face and how they got along it put a pang in Beth's heart. So much of her life was gone, and time like these people were having she never felt before. Her face was stone, and never smiled or laughed.

Company...the words enter her mind....and for the first time Beth felt more alone than she ever had before. Continuing her rout to her car Beth's arms wrapped around herself. Sitting in her car for a long moment she just sits. It wasn't to late, some people would still be at the hospital.

Heading there Beth doesn't stay long and visits Sarah again while she is there. It was always good to see her sister again but today this visit it would last long and she promises tomorrow she will stay with her longer.

Getting into her car once again Beth just sits there for a long moment holding a paper. It felt odd contemplating this and so out of her element, but maybe it was time like she had been told. Alone had been the way of life for so long it felt normal to her now. Finally just dialing the number Beth gets the answering service and for a moment it kind of glad.

"Hey Justin, I just called...to...to say Hi..I think. I know I just saw you today and all but umm..I got your home number from a friends..and I just wanted...to...say Hi I guess. Maybe...I was looking for...your company. I...figured if I was...gonna...gonna start somewhere...maybe over the phone would be the...best. Yeah...so I'll let you go for now...My home number is....694-872-0176 if...you wanna call me back if not...thats...that ok."

One could tell by the lack of conversation on the phone this might very well be the first social call made in a long time and that was the awkward tone. But other might think it was good step in the right direction for someone who kept everyone out.

Getting out of the car behind Trey Angelica pulls up the rear and walks. This was sure going to be difficult but again she was happy Reese took the lead for now. Once everyone was settled in she would do her best to get to know Trey but if it would come easy she didn't know.

Rolling his eyes again Trey follows behind Reese, Angelica being behind him it felt like he was in jail already fighting for his freedom already. Getting to the main floor and scanning the area Trey held his head high, no one would see him defeated, first impress was everything so his parents had said.

"It's just this way Trey. I have some of your stuff at my house so if you need something just let me know. Your other stuff is down the ways in a store room of sorts. We can show you it later."

Looking into the room and giving a disgusted grunt Trey takes a step in before turning to look at Angelica and than Reese crossing his arms over his chest.

"So now what? I stay here like a good little boy or do I get to wonder? And who do I talk to when I want to go outside? When do I get to eat? This is important stuff I need to know you no. Late thing I need is one of your henchmen tackling me for no reason and than I have to report them."

Seeing Reese and Angelica along with another younger man Katie just looks for a long moment. Feeling Jason's emotional flow change so sharply she gives a little jump but recovers nicly, though now it made her heart race. She didn't get a good look at the guys face but something about him seemed familiar. How he walked, held himself...it was...odd.

Something seems...familiar about him but thats crazy, Never met him before he's from Mexico Reese said. I guess just stay our distance till said other wise. Maybe keep our eyes out for now. He's from a rough family, who is involved in all sort of things I'm sure there will be a lot of commotion here and there from him.

Continuing to watch as the head to the room by the infirmary Katie lets out a small sigh and looks back to Jason. Work was anything but normal around here now that people new who they were. Quiet was hard to come by but once and a while it happened, and having Jason so close helped pass the time too with all the noise.

So, what are your plans for tonight? Got any hot dates?


Ryan gives a nod as she takes another bit of her ice cream. Feeling Alec move his legs Ryan moves from leaning on him so he can have more room to move and she wasn't holding him down. Just scooting away for now till he was comfortable or whatever she would sit there.

"..My boss is pretty good about giving me off when I ask. Maybe I could get a weekend off, and if Eli can do the same we could go out Thursday after work and camp till Sunday. I think that sounds like fun. I'll have to talk to him and than let ya know."

The continued look in his eye made Ryan a bit sad to see he has so many shadows still to get past. Coming to terms with what you did was hard, and she new it was still new for him. But no matter what she would be there ready to help if he asked.

Seeing he was in a still position again Ryan finishes off her cone and than comes next to Alec again. Lightly putting her arm over his shoulder and just held it there, letting him know she was there for him.

"Hey there Sexy, I was back in town and was just wondering if you'd like to catch a drink tonight. I though about stopping by the shop but I didn't want to guy to get at you more than they do already. Anyways let me know..talk to ya soon."

Hanging up the phone before heading inside Scarlet new Eli would be at work but she called him anyways. It would be a nice surprise for him when he was able to get to his phone.

It had been a long, hot week and work had been more than planned but everything had turned out for the best and it was a job well done. The Smithsonian saved a lot of money not buying an item Scarlet found out was a fake and for that she felt proud. But now it was time for a nice long hot shower, and a relaxing sit on her porch.

Again sometime

Reese keeps an eye on Trey through the rearview mirror, now wondering if this had been such a good idea. But... Bret and Charlotte's safety was on the line, let alone their new little one that would be joining their family any minute.

Making it back to TJY, Reese is glad that so far there had been no mishaps. The only thing that irked him now was that the lower holding room was unavailable - it should have been empty today, but true to form, Alec had neglected to show up last night or even this morning. This time, at least, Reese knew exactly what he'd tell the young man. And hopefully it would stick this time. The only bad thing was that now Trey would have to stay in the spare room next to the infirmary. Reese just hoped that it wouldn't be for long - sometimes they needed that room in emergencies.

After parking in the lot, Reese is the first out of the car, waiting for Trey and Angelica. He was pretty sure Trey wouldn't run... though the guy might be angry he was here, Reese had a hunch he was smart enough to stick around at least for a while - he was used to money and getting his way... if he set out on his own in strange territory, it could be his undoing and he most likely knew that.

Aiming for the building, Reese stops at the door and glances up at the security camera, giving a nod. He knew Hal would be watching on the other end, making sure they'd made it back with their cargo in one piece. With new regulations, the doors weren't locked until after hours, so they made sure eyes were on the cameras at all times.

"In you go." Reese opens the door for Angelica and Trey before taking the lead once more when they're inside. The elevator ride is a very brief one as they only went down a partial floor, then they were in the main area with the cubicles. Still leading, Reese heads straight down, not stopping to talk to anyone and aiming for the hall.

A ways away, Jason is leaning on Katie's cubicle, grinning after giving her some teasing. As motion catches his eye, he looks up, getting a glimpse of the newcomer.

Well, looks like he's here. Reese only let a few of us know about him, but everybody's gonna know now.

Jason's eyes fallow the trio, landing on Trey's face. Though he was across the room, a chill suddenly runs down Jason's spine, his emotions lurching in a small spike.

I don't like him. Something about this doesn't feel right at all.

His face had grown tight with tension and he had straightened to watch the three trek towards the hallway.

Guess it's none of my business though. I just hope Reese doesn't assign me to watch him.

I know you'd never want anything to happen to me... Chance's thoughts stop with those words of Destiny's, his mind reeling in all directions. He had... he already had let something happen to her. It couldn't happen again.

Turning and kissing her head, Chance nestles his face into her hair, breathing in the sweet smell as he closed his eyes. Innocent. That's what she was. She was innocent in this whole thing... a bystander, caught in this merry-go-round, not of her choice. She was a pawn in a deadly game of chess. Was he capable of playing this game? Would the enemy fall into the trap or see through the plans and destroy the battle lines?

Resting his head atop Destiny's, Chance pays little attention to the droning movie. Instead, it was plans, future, strategies and consequences that were running rampant in his mind.

Alec thought that a camping trip with Ryan, Eli and his girl sounded like... fun. "I've camped out before but... not for fun," he admits. "Just... a couple times when we had somewhere to go and get a job done." What he really meant, was ambush a family in a cabin and take their father away from him to be questioned, tortured, then later killed.

For several long moments, Alec is deathly quiet, seeming to be in a completely different place, far from this peaceful setting. The sound of a passing jetski brings him back though as he gives a little jump.

Glancing down at his ice cream, he swirls his plastic spoon around. It was one of the first times that he'd lost his appetite over something like that. Guilt was a brand new feeling and it made his stomach churn.

Setting aside what was left of his treat, he leaves it uneaten. Bringing his knees up, he leans forward to rest on them and just look out at the water, trying to forget all of it. "We ought to see when Eli and you could get off work to do it," he concludes.

Laughing again, Justin shakes his head, tucking his feet up a little more on the couch where he sat across from Rebecca and his mother.

Rebecca laughs too at the story just told, her eyes twinkling. Looking at the nearby clock, she sighs. "Though I'm sure there are many more stories, I should probably let you two get back to your own evening."

"Nonsense," Lydia retorts. "All I do is sit around and watch television anyway."

"Well, but Justin-"

"All he does is sit around and watch television with his dogs."

The women crack up, Rebecca wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "I really would like to meet your dogs sometimes," she mentions to Justin.

He grins and nods. "I bring them over here once in a while. Maybe your paths will cross sometime."

Finally standing, Rebecca doesn't want to outstay her welcome. After thanking Lydia for everything, she's joined by Justin, who walks her to the door. Standing on the porch, Rebecca looks out at the sky as it grew dark, a rainbow of colors spreading across the horizon. "It's beautiful," she breathes.

"Mm-hmm." Justin walks out with her and leans on the porch column. He'd always loved his house. Right on the edge of town, no one had built up around them yet, so they were right on the edge of open country with trees and grass. Sunsets were almost as pretty here as they were at his own place.

Turning to Rebecca, he offers a crooked smile. "Look, um... I think I might have been a little rude earlier tonight and I just want to apologize. It had been a long day and-"

"It's okay." Rebecca rests a hand on his shoulder to stop him. She grins and nods inside. "You think I don't see what she's up to?"

Justin can feel a bit of heat creeping into his face, and noticing Rebecca was now blushing two, both of them laugh again. "Yeah, she has a way of doing things, doesn't she?"

Rebecca giggles and nods. "She does." Lowering her hand, she cocks her head, studying Justin for a moment. "I don't think I mind though."

Searching her eyes, Justin clears his throat and looks away. "It was good to meet you, Rebecca. Have a safe drive home."

"You too." She steps down onto the sidewalk before turning and looking up at him again. "I wouldn't mind doing this again sometime."

Justin's lips curl into a small smile. "Well maybe we can then." He waves as Rebecca backs away. "Goodnight."