
Whip Cream

Feeling Jason's arms wrap around her Misty can't help the smile that spread across her lips. Even with her eyes closed she could tell it was Jason who was around her. His smell, the feel of his arms around her. It was just something she could feel and tell.

   "Mmmm...there are left overs in there he can eat. I think us going out for some dinner sounds good."

Looking down at her paperwork and than across her desk at Rick she takes note he is looking away. Leaning back and tilting her head up to Jason Misty grins before giving him a kiss on the lips and than pulling away again.

   "I'm almost done here for the day than we can head out...ok?"

Looking up at Hunter's voice Katie gives her head a little shake and a laugh. She'd finished up the stuff for Gunner and now was working on the last little bit of stuff she had to do. Finally finishing it up Katie shuts her computer off and puts some files away in her desk before standing and coming a little closer to Hunter.

   "Now...you can kidnap me...and I'll like it."

Catching Ariel's eye as it follows the cake Trey can't help but give a little laugh. The dessert did look rather good though and how could you not follow up a good meal with out dessert.

   "Mmmmm...Sure I can as long as we can both share it."

Trey's eyes sparkle for the perhaps the first time. Now that he had deiced to stay there seemed to be a peace about him. Maybe he was relizeing things didn't have to be how they use to be or now he could spend more time with Ariel, maybe it was even both.

   "Oh, and some whip cream."

Standing off to the side Chad waits...Rosalyn would be along shortly and he could feel his heart start to race already. As she steps in though and his eyes catch her she looked even prettier now than when he has last seen her. She was a sight for sore eyes, for a warm soul, and he could feel his heart kick it up even more than he though she might hear. How she had this affect on him Chad didn't know but he new she was special..unlike anyone else. 

Stepping out from behind the shadows Chad has to resist walking up to her and giving her a kiss. Remembering what she had told him about not being safe that last thing he wanted to do was scare the crap out of her. So instead till she new he was there he would do something different.

   "Let me be your sun, I will shine when day is done. Let me be the one, Love for you I cannot hide And a lake of tears I've cried. Was love but a dream, With a passion so extreme? Fairy tales are dreams! I need you here, you need me, This is our reality."

Setting his hand on her shoulder Chad can't help the smile that spread across his lips. He was happy he'd come back, he was happy to surprise Rosalyn and now he was just hoping she was happy to see him too.


Giving a laugh Katie was about to say something to Hunter when Jason's voice startles her. Recovering quickly and sitting up a little straighter she takes the papers from Jason just watching him for a second. There was a strange look in his eye and Katie couldn't quite make it out, anger, sadness, she wasn't sure.

   "Alright, I'll have these done Gunner before I go. Thanks Jason."

Finally looking away from him Katie puts the papers on the table as both guys go back and forth for a second. She could feel the hairs on her neck rise a little bit. It almost sounded like both of them were battling for her but that was silly...seeing as Jason had Misty...right?

Once Jason was gone Katie let out a long sigh before turning slightly to look at Hunter. Giving a small smile and a nod she liked the idea of a motorcycle ride. To feel free...yes she did like that.

   "Ok, If you want to wait in the break room that would be great. I might be a little longer now that I have some more work but I will try and hurry. I'll take you up on that bike ride too."

Leaning back Katie gives Hunter a kiss again before getting up off his lap so he could move and she could sit down once again. She wouldn't be much longer than what she had originally said.

Looking back at Ariel Trey just studys her for a long moment as she talks. The soft glow from the restront looked so pretty making the reflections as her hair framed her face nicely. She really was very pretty and Trey new it when he'd try to look away and couldn't.

   "Thanks for the confidence Ariel it...really does mean a lot."

Moving back a little as there food comes Trey could feel his stomach growling. He new he was hungry but he had no idea he was this hungry. Everything looked good though and he had good company it was great.

   "You look really pretty tonight. I like when your hair is down it looks so soft."

...Three days later...

Pulling into the ranch drive way the jeeps wheels crackled on the stones. No one would notice the jeep...it had never been seen here before so that wouldn't give anything away. Finding a parking place Chad just sits there for a second a smile spread across his lips. He's said he was going to take some time off and what a better way to do that than come to one of the most peaceful places he'd ever been.

Spotting BJ playing in the lawn Chad looks down at his watch taking note to the time and where Rosalyn probley was right now. Getting out of the jeep and going over to him he squats down giving a smile.

   "Hey there...can you do me a favor? Can you go to the mess hall and give this note to Rosalyn?"

Typed on the paper was the words: Meet me in the Barn. Chad had deiced to type so Rosalyn wouldn't notice it was his writing. Seeing BJ run off twords the mess hall he stands and turns making his way to the barn. With any luck not many people would be there and he'd be able to surprise her.


Trying to concentrate was futile. Jason growls in frustration before giving in and shutting off his computer. He didn't know why all of a sudden he couldn't get his brain to function. Or maybe he did. It was stupid either way. Grabbing his keys, he leaves his office, locking the door behind himself. Going to the infirmary, he nods to Rick but heads over to Misty's desk. Coming up behind her, he bends down, slinging his arms over her shoulders and leaning his head down to kiss her cheek. "You wouldn't be interested in dinner out tonight, would you? Let Alec fend for himself?" 

"Okeedoke." Hunter stands up and ruffles Katie's hair playfully before finally leaving her cubicle. Hanging out in the break room wasn't exactly the highlight of the day, and he did find himself dozing off once or twice, but a Mountain Dew from the pop machine helped.

Once an hour rolled around, he meanders back out to the main floor and to Katie's cubicle once again. This time he leans over the wall, giving her a forlorn look. "Can I kidnap you yet?"

Trey's compliment makes Ariel blush and she looks down at her plate, smiling shyly. Why she wasn't able to just brush it off, she wasn't sure, but he really was being sweet. "Thanks..." 

Taking a bite of her chicken, she nods with approval. "This is really good. Thank you, Trey... for bringing me here tonight." 

Glancing up again, she catches his eye and smiles. It was kind of nice to just enjoy his company without being concerned about keeping him out of trouble or monitoring him for Pete. Still... where was this going? 

Movement catches her eye and she looks over to a nearby table where a some kind of chocolate dessert was served to a couple who had started to share it. "Mmm..." She tosses Trey a sly grin. "You buying me dessert too?"

In the barn? Rosalyn furrows her brow as she reads the note for the third time after thanking BJ and shooing him from the just-cleaned kitchen. Some man had given BJ the note? The boy apparently didn't recognize the visitor, and that alone sent Rosalyn's mind racing. Was this a prank? Something worse? One never could be too careful around here. 

Taking off her apron, she walks into the dining room to find it empty. So much for asking someone else's advice. Well... it was just here at the ranch... the barn was safe. One scream and she'd have a whole handful of men coming to her rescue.

Sighing, she finally heads outside. Pulling back her hair as she walks, she spies a strange vehicle. Did that belong to the strange man? Coming closer, she sees the license plates. Nevada? Stopping for a moment, she thinks. No... no, it couldn't be. No, it was probably someone from TJY or something like that. Maybe this had something to do with Katie. Surely it wasn't.... 

She stops her brain before her thoughts could turn into hopes, and she resumes her route to the barn. Tucking the note in her pocket, she squints in the dim interior, glancing around. Looked like most everybody was off doing work somewhere else at the moment, and the barn was pretty quiet except for a few horses who nickered their greeting. 

A little irritated along with being confused, Rosalyn walks in a bit further. There was also the possibility that it was one of the guys around here just playing a joke out of boredom. If that were it, she'd get them back for sure. 

Setting her hands on her hips, she glances down another aisle. "Hello?" 


As Katie shifts on his lap, Hunter sets his chin down on her shoulder to stare at what she was doing. "You sure you can't just skip out early?" He turns his head to give her neck several teasing kisses before he chuckles softly. "You might not get any work done at all with me here anyway."

Having gone unnoticed while standing by the hallway, Jason's fingers fiddle with the papers in his hand while his eyes remain on Katie's cubicle. There was a strange kind of emotion bubbling deep down, but he had yet to label it. And perhaps...he didn't want to either.

Moving forward again after having paused upon Hunter's joyous arrival,  Jason aims for Katie's cubicle. Rapping his knuckles on the wall, he reaches over to hand Katie the papers. "Data entry. Gunner needs an organized report before you leave for the day. Sorry."

As his gaze wanders slightly, his eyes lock with Hunter's. "Boss is pretty cranky today. If I were you, I'd go have a seat in the break room 'til Katie's ready to go - it's down the hall. Unless you wanna risk getting her in trouble."

Hunter keeps his arms around Katie, not intimidated by Jason's curt tone. Instead of recoiling, he smiles. "Thanks. If I can get her to move, I might just do that. At the moment though, it seems she's glued to me pretty good."

Jason tries not to let his irritation show and he simply shrugs. "Suit yourself." His eye drift back to Katie for just a moment before he turns and heads back to his own office.

Only after they're alone again does Hunter's smile fade, but still behind Katie, his expression goes unseen. His grip tightens just a little as he gives her a squeeze. "He's probably right. I should let you work. I can hang out here or just meet you later if you want. Although if you let me wait, you can get a motorcycle ride..."

Jaz wasn't too sure about all that Jamie was saying, but she didn't particularly like the odd little churn deep down in her heart. It was the same feeling she'd gotten when Carson had talked to her about God too. 

Not really wanting to continue the subject right now, she sits back and nods at the opportunity to move on. "Yeah, I feel okay here. I wish I didn't have to keep looking over my shoulder, but I'd rather be here than back at the apartment." 

Being picked up and taken to the restaurant, Ariel was pleased with Trey's choice. She was glad she'd chosen to wear her peasant skirt and blouse - nothing fancy but nice enough to be comfortable in this atmosphere. Her hair fell over her shoulders as the dim light caressed her face in a slight glow. 

Hearing that Trey had decided to stay, a smile spreads on her lips. "I'm glad you decided to stay." She knew that it would probably be better for him that he stayed - away from all the bad dealings that had gone on in Mexico. It was a wise choice to remain here and start another life away from all that. 

Cocking her head, she is unafraid to study his eyes for several quiet moments. What was behind his gaze? What was going on in that head of his? What was he thinking about behind that cryptic look? 

Quirking a little grin, she finally drops he gaze to take a sip of her water. "You'll be able to find a place, no problem. This city has its faults, but it's got a lot of opportunities too. And... seems like you got a few people looking out for you. You'll be on your feet in no time. Of that, I have no doubt."

Did this mean that he would continue pursuing a friendship with her? Did he want more than that, now that he knew he'd be staying? Whether or not he did was a mystery behind those eyes.

Hearing someone come into the dining room, Rosalyn wipes her hands on a dish towel and abandons the dishes for now to poke her head through the doorway.

"Junk... junk... bill... junk." Becky smirks at Mick as she pauses cleaning tables to look through the mail he'd just handed her. "Thanks a lot."

Mick laughs and shrugs. "Sorry." He flips through the rest of the handful of envelopes. "Looks like you might have gotten the best deal of the day."

"Ew. Well, don't forget to duck."

Mick grins and heads back for the door. "Uh-huh."

Rosalyn sighs and slips back into the kitchen. It really hadn't been all that long since she'd gotten a letter from Chad. But it was longer than usual between correspondence, and, if she were to be honest with herself, it felt like forever.

Returning to the sink, she runs her hands through the dishwater's bubbles, watching them pop in her palm. Was the future to pop just like that? Was the hope she'd actually dared to hope going to burst like these tiny bubbles? There were millions of reasons she might not have heard from Chad again. Maybe his letter got lost in the mail. But none of his others had. Maybe he was just extremely busy with work, and traveling a lot. But... he'd always found time to write in spite of that before.

Sighing again, Rosalyn resumes washing the waiting dishes. She was being silly. First, to be so worried he'd forgotten about her, and second.... well... to be so worried. 

Forgive yourself

Having Hunter pull her into his lap Katie gives a little laugh, his arms around her just holding her in his lap felt so nice. She'd missed this warmth, this comfort and the patter of her heart with him around. Leaning into him she wouldn't pass up the time now since she had him here and to herself.

   "Well...I don't have to much more. Maybe like an hour if you want to stick around till I am done."

Looking at Hunter again and leaning into him giving him a kiss Katie rests her head against his for a moment. Than still sitting in his lap Katie turns the chair back to her desk to start working once more so she could be done sooner than later.

Thinking again Jamie is quiet for a moment. Gathering her thoughts and trying to figure out everything in her head  before she said it. This seemed like a perfect opportunity from God to show there face, and show how someone can change she did want to pass it up but she didn't want to scare Jaz away either.

   "I personally believe that Carson is telling the truth. In my heart I've seen the change from him, and I saw how he wanted to get Misty back so badly this time. If he'd been doing anything but trying to save Misty I don't think he would have tried so hard."

Looking across the table at Con Jamie gives a smile. Con had helped her so much with him she'd achieved great things and helped forgive her own self  and everyone else. Between God and Con he helped keep her head on right.

   "Before you can forgive anyone else you need to learn to forgive yourself. Thats where God comes in because he forgives you witch enables you to forgive yourself."

Searching Jaz face Jamie hoped that it made sense to her and if it did she would ask more questions. Hearing Con had to go back to work Jamie looks to him and gives a smile with a little nod.  She was happy he had considered ask if they needed someone else to come over. 

   "I think...we should be ok. Once you leave I'll make sure to lock the doors and everything. As long as Jaz feel safe as well."

Pulling into Ariel's driveway Tray gives a little beep of the horn. He had the top down since this might be one of the nicer days as fall was coming quickly. They might as well enjoy it while they could. He didn't mind the cold though either, after being here for a while his skin still enjoyed the coolness instead of the heat and dry air of Mexico.

 Seeing Ariel come out Trey gives a smile and a wave. He's told her it was a surprise where they were going and he still was sticking to that. Dressed a little nicer than normal there was still a casual feel about him, and his hair was on the messy but in a neat way.

   "Hey there Sunshine..ready?"

Pulling out of the drive way and heading down town the ride is a little quiet but Trey does his best to keep up the conversation as much as he could. Though in the back of his mind the burning subject of what he wanted to talk about was dieing to come out. It wasn't anything to important but it was something he wanted to talk with Ariel about.

Finally getting to the resonant he had chosen and parked he was happy with the outside and how it looked. Fancy but not overly fancy so they way they were dressed was completely fine. Getting out and going to open Ariel's door as well it wasn't long before they were inside, comfortable, and had there food ordered.

   "So...I know its not super important but I wanted to talk to you first about it. I've deiced...to stay here in Nevada. I miss home, and I miss my family there but...there are people here who I'll miss too and want to get to know better."

Putting down the straw wrapper and looking up at Ariel she would be on of the people he'd missed. Even though they had it a little rough there for a short time he'd still miss her and he enjoyed her company too. 

   "I'm gonna call mom and dad tomorrow and ask them to send my stuff once TJY finds me a place. I have money saved up in an account so I know I'll be ok for a little bit till I can find a stable job so...thats that. I just hope I can find some place ok, ya know?"