

Trying to concentrate was futile. Jason growls in frustration before giving in and shutting off his computer. He didn't know why all of a sudden he couldn't get his brain to function. Or maybe he did. It was stupid either way. Grabbing his keys, he leaves his office, locking the door behind himself. Going to the infirmary, he nods to Rick but heads over to Misty's desk. Coming up behind her, he bends down, slinging his arms over her shoulders and leaning his head down to kiss her cheek. "You wouldn't be interested in dinner out tonight, would you? Let Alec fend for himself?" 

"Okeedoke." Hunter stands up and ruffles Katie's hair playfully before finally leaving her cubicle. Hanging out in the break room wasn't exactly the highlight of the day, and he did find himself dozing off once or twice, but a Mountain Dew from the pop machine helped.

Once an hour rolled around, he meanders back out to the main floor and to Katie's cubicle once again. This time he leans over the wall, giving her a forlorn look. "Can I kidnap you yet?"

Trey's compliment makes Ariel blush and she looks down at her plate, smiling shyly. Why she wasn't able to just brush it off, she wasn't sure, but he really was being sweet. "Thanks..." 

Taking a bite of her chicken, she nods with approval. "This is really good. Thank you, Trey... for bringing me here tonight." 

Glancing up again, she catches his eye and smiles. It was kind of nice to just enjoy his company without being concerned about keeping him out of trouble or monitoring him for Pete. Still... where was this going? 

Movement catches her eye and she looks over to a nearby table where a some kind of chocolate dessert was served to a couple who had started to share it. "Mmm..." She tosses Trey a sly grin. "You buying me dessert too?"

In the barn? Rosalyn furrows her brow as she reads the note for the third time after thanking BJ and shooing him from the just-cleaned kitchen. Some man had given BJ the note? The boy apparently didn't recognize the visitor, and that alone sent Rosalyn's mind racing. Was this a prank? Something worse? One never could be too careful around here. 

Taking off her apron, she walks into the dining room to find it empty. So much for asking someone else's advice. Well... it was just here at the ranch... the barn was safe. One scream and she'd have a whole handful of men coming to her rescue.

Sighing, she finally heads outside. Pulling back her hair as she walks, she spies a strange vehicle. Did that belong to the strange man? Coming closer, she sees the license plates. Nevada? Stopping for a moment, she thinks. No... no, it couldn't be. No, it was probably someone from TJY or something like that. Maybe this had something to do with Katie. Surely it wasn't.... 

She stops her brain before her thoughts could turn into hopes, and she resumes her route to the barn. Tucking the note in her pocket, she squints in the dim interior, glancing around. Looked like most everybody was off doing work somewhere else at the moment, and the barn was pretty quiet except for a few horses who nickered their greeting. 

A little irritated along with being confused, Rosalyn walks in a bit further. There was also the possibility that it was one of the guys around here just playing a joke out of boredom. If that were it, she'd get them back for sure. 

Setting her hands on her hips, she glances down another aisle. "Hello?" 

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