
Forgive yourself

Having Hunter pull her into his lap Katie gives a little laugh, his arms around her just holding her in his lap felt so nice. She'd missed this warmth, this comfort and the patter of her heart with him around. Leaning into him she wouldn't pass up the time now since she had him here and to herself.

   "Well...I don't have to much more. Maybe like an hour if you want to stick around till I am done."

Looking at Hunter again and leaning into him giving him a kiss Katie rests her head against his for a moment. Than still sitting in his lap Katie turns the chair back to her desk to start working once more so she could be done sooner than later.

Thinking again Jamie is quiet for a moment. Gathering her thoughts and trying to figure out everything in her head  before she said it. This seemed like a perfect opportunity from God to show there face, and show how someone can change she did want to pass it up but she didn't want to scare Jaz away either.

   "I personally believe that Carson is telling the truth. In my heart I've seen the change from him, and I saw how he wanted to get Misty back so badly this time. If he'd been doing anything but trying to save Misty I don't think he would have tried so hard."

Looking across the table at Con Jamie gives a smile. Con had helped her so much with him she'd achieved great things and helped forgive her own self  and everyone else. Between God and Con he helped keep her head on right.

   "Before you can forgive anyone else you need to learn to forgive yourself. Thats where God comes in because he forgives you witch enables you to forgive yourself."

Searching Jaz face Jamie hoped that it made sense to her and if it did she would ask more questions. Hearing Con had to go back to work Jamie looks to him and gives a smile with a little nod.  She was happy he had considered ask if they needed someone else to come over. 

   "I think...we should be ok. Once you leave I'll make sure to lock the doors and everything. As long as Jaz feel safe as well."

Pulling into Ariel's driveway Tray gives a little beep of the horn. He had the top down since this might be one of the nicer days as fall was coming quickly. They might as well enjoy it while they could. He didn't mind the cold though either, after being here for a while his skin still enjoyed the coolness instead of the heat and dry air of Mexico.

 Seeing Ariel come out Trey gives a smile and a wave. He's told her it was a surprise where they were going and he still was sticking to that. Dressed a little nicer than normal there was still a casual feel about him, and his hair was on the messy but in a neat way.

   "Hey there Sunshine..ready?"

Pulling out of the drive way and heading down town the ride is a little quiet but Trey does his best to keep up the conversation as much as he could. Though in the back of his mind the burning subject of what he wanted to talk about was dieing to come out. It wasn't anything to important but it was something he wanted to talk with Ariel about.

Finally getting to the resonant he had chosen and parked he was happy with the outside and how it looked. Fancy but not overly fancy so they way they were dressed was completely fine. Getting out and going to open Ariel's door as well it wasn't long before they were inside, comfortable, and had there food ordered.

   "So...I know its not super important but I wanted to talk to you first about it. I've deiced...to stay here in Nevada. I miss home, and I miss my family there but...there are people here who I'll miss too and want to get to know better."

Putting down the straw wrapper and looking up at Ariel she would be on of the people he'd missed. Even though they had it a little rough there for a short time he'd still miss her and he enjoyed her company too. 

   "I'm gonna call mom and dad tomorrow and ask them to send my stuff once TJY finds me a place. I have money saved up in an account so I know I'll be ok for a little bit till I can find a stable job so...thats that. I just hope I can find some place ok, ya know?"

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