

Misty's hand on Jason's cheek brings heat to his face, but he doesn't pull away. Her touch was so soft...gentle. He'd always seen her as so rough and tumble - a kick butt chick. But right now in this short moment, he knew he was gazing on a tenderhearted woman. What was happening between them? Was this just something in the heat of the moment that would be gone in the morning? Was this how they truly felt about each other? 

For a mere second Jason recalls the one kiss he had shared with Misty oh so long ago. There had been no doubt that they liked each other. Been attracted to each other. Some might call it chemistry. But they had known that they had different paths to take - and so they had parted to remain only as friends. And it was a friendship that had stayed as such - respectful of each other, and never daring to approach any lines, much less cross any.

But what about now? What about now when Jason had been left on his own, dealt a broken, lonely heart? What about now when Misty's husband had left her and she was going through a divorce to finalize the break and be her own woman again? They had no one else. They had no other paths that would dictate their actions. But... did that mean they were really free enough to show each other affection? Jason's heart skips a beat. 

Having some marshmallow wiped from his face, he grins and finishes his mouthful, licking some chocolate off his lips. It only takes another bite or two to finish the s'more, but even as he swallows the last bit, his eyes still search Misty's. Why did he feel as though he were standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall?

"Thank you..." His voice was quiet... almost a whisper. A gentle breeze blew through the park and he reaches over to tuck a wisp of hair behind Misty's ear. His hand trails down her arm until finding her hand, where his fingers run slowly through her palm. Looking down and studying her hand, he spreads his fingers, laying his palm to hers.

Without lifting his eyes, he speaks softly. "Did you say you wanted some more music?" 

Dani nods, shifting her hand under Dalton's to feel his warm comfort. "I want to forgive him... maybe I already do, I don't know." 

She sighs deeply. "He's just... I guess he's just not the kind of person anymore that I want anything to do with, ya know?" She looks up again, tears hiding behind her eyes. "I know how important family is. Carson meant the world to me. But I guess I can't let blood override how I feel about his decisions and his lifestyle. It's not that I'm just mad at him or hold a grudge... I just don't want to have a relationship with somebody I can't trust." 

Pulling back her hand, she picks up her fork again to return to her meal, although suddenly it didn't taste quite as good. "Just because I forgive doesn't mean I have to talk to him," she states quietly. "I can't risk my heart again." 

"Yeah." Jeff nods. "The doctor is still saying tomorrow afternoon. As long as everything stays stable 'til then, that is. He said he wants to try some new heart medication on me that should allow me to do normal stuff I want, just no heavy working... like usual." 

Hunter can see the depression in Jeff's eyes and he felt badly. He couldn't imagine not being able to do the things he wanted. Hard physical labor felt good. Kept him in shape. Kept him motivated. To have to find something else... that would be hard. "Ya know, one time I took apart a pocket watch my uncle had."

Jeff quirks an eyebrow, having no idea where Hunter was going with this random thought. "Okay..."

Hunter grins. "Well, see, I wasn't very old and I wanted to see how it worked. And... I was doing it at the kitchen table while he was outside - figured I'd have a looksee before he came back in. But when I got the back off..." He throws his fingers apart like a little explosion. "Kaplooey. Parts went everywhere. Needless to say, I didn't get it put back together before my uncle came inside. I didn't even get all the parts picked up." 

His expression grows sheepish. "When he came back in, he didn't get mad, but he did have to hunt down all the parts on the floor with me. Then when he finally got everything put back together, it didn't work. Well... took him several hours but he finally realized there was one itty-bitty spring missing.  I remember thinking he had to be wrong - that nothing could fit into that tiny space. We scoured the kitchen floor until it was way past my bedtime." 

Jeff cocks his head, still not sure what the point was, and beginning to wonder if Hunter had a cog loose himself. "Ever find it?"

"Nope." Hunter rolls his eyes. "And... the watch never worked again either. With all those other parts in there... the big springs and the shiny gears and all that... no matter how hard they worked together and tried to run... it just wasn't successful anymore, even when that missing part was so small. The watch needed it to run. It was that simple." 

A sudden silence takes over the room as Jeff is hit with Hunter's point. Hard. Sinking back a little, he studies the younger man's face, finding it difficult to be offended at that calm, honest expression. No, all he could do was acknowledge that the point was valid and aimed directly at his attitude. 

A small smile spreads on his lips and he shakes his head. Glancing over to Katie, he points at Hunter. "You better look out for this guy. He's a slick one." 

"Naw." Hunter didn't want this conversation to turn back around to him, and quickly moves on. "So are we having lunch or what? I, for one, am starving." 


Feeling Jason's touch against her own Misty couldn't help but close her eyes for a second before opening them. It was electric going through her body but not the kind that hurt, it was more of the kind that made a warm fuzzy feeling and gave goose bumps. 

Jason and herself had always had an attraction to each other, something that connected them to one another. But both had known and respected too that life had just not worked out for them to be together. However now...now it seemed that feeling that had lied at bay had come back ten fold.

Returning her eyes to Jason's Misty just smiles again. It was much different from the grins she had givin Carson this was more of a soft smile one that lit up Misty's face like the rising of a new sun, and it had been thanks to Jason she was able to keep this smile even if he didn't know it. His friendship meant the world to her and knowing she didn't have to go through it alone was a comfort.

Bringing her free hand to Jason's face Misty lets her thumb run over his cheek bone for a long moment as she just maps the side of his face. Finally stopping her finger by his mouth Misty whipes a peace of stray marshmallow away and gives a small giggle.

Giving a nod Dalton moves to the cubord  and pulls out the place settings before going back to the table to set everything up. Making sure it all looked good Dalton returns to the kitchen and helps Dani a little more. He was an ok cook and if given a little direction he could help and it would still be edible.

Finally sitting down to eat Dalton liked hearing about Dani's day and her new job. Anything she talked about Dalton liked listing. He liked the sounded of her voice it was almost mesmerizing. And he found what he did to be boring to anyone else who was not hands on with it even if he did tell her a little and she seemed intrusted.

Hearing the phone and raising her eyebrow Dalton looks at Dani for a long seconds. Seeing the look on her face and hearing who it was Dalton could feel his head sink a little bit for her. He was upset with what was going on with Carson but he felt worse for Dani.

   "I think it depends on you really. If you're not ready to talk to him yet than don't. But also I don't think you should hold a grudge either. Even if you don't want to talk to him now I think you should have the intent to talk to him sooner or later."

Reaching across the table and placing his hand on top of her Dalton gives a smile to Dani. His eyes giving a small twinkle. Dalton new how much Dani had looked up to Carson and loved working with him. This whole mess, this one mistake had torn that away. He couldn't understand why Carson would do that.

   "Family should always stick together even when we get mad at them. So...sooner or later just remember to forgive him."

Katie shakes her head setting the bag down. Let him be depressed and miserable of course she wouldn't let him be. Putting the bag and pulling everything out of the bag she lines the stuff up looking to Jeff and smiling.

   "No you can't be depressed and down. You need to be happy...you alive and have people who love you."

Sitting down Katie looks to Hunter and gives him a thanks. Looking at Jeff Katie is quiet for a moment. She wasn't sure what to say she didn't want to make him upset or saying the wrong thing.

   "So any more news on when you can come home? I know they were talking about tomorrow originally. We miss you back at the ranch so we can't wait for you to get home."


Looking at the s'more in Misty's hand, Jason isn't sure what he meant by "help," but this would do just fine, even if it was rather silly. Gaining a new grin, he leans forward and takes a bite, feeling the sweet melting sugars tickle his tastebuds. It had been a long time since he'd had a real s'more and this one tasted oh so good. 

Drawing back only slightly to chew, his eyes somehow find themselves locked with Misty's. As the fire flickers in her eyes, a strange chill runs down his spine and he almost shivers. While his inner instincts suddenly give him an odd warning that he should be backing away, there was simply no awkwardness felt. Being this close to Misty... felt... good. He didn't want to move away. He liked her attention. He liked dancing with her gaze.

And as his eyes pierce hers, there's a sudden change in the air, like a cool breeze blowing over them... as if something dormant had just awoken. 

Taking another bite of the s'more, Jason's hand goes to Misty's to steady it and make less of a mess.

Alec leans back against the picnic table, quite content with eating his own s'more and enjoying the new treat. But as he glances over to Misty and Jason, he finds himself staring. That... seemed... like more than just a friendly gesture, did it not? Were they...? Alec had always seen Jason and Misty as friends and had assumed that hadn't changed. But what he was seeing right now, quite possibly portrayed something different - at least in his mind. He wasn't too sure what he thought of that possibility, but for now, he just sits quietly where he is. It was pretty obvious that his presence had been forgotten at this point anyway. 

"Ummm...." Dani withdraws from Dalton and thinks for a moment. "If you wanna just set the table, that'd be great, and I'll get the food started. You can help me mix up the pasta salad as soon as I get that ready, too." 

Dani always liked cooking, but having Dalton hanging around as she did made it all the more fun. She liked Libby's company, of course, but having Dalton over was special and she enjoyed it more every time. 

Eventually they were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying the meal and chatting about the day. Dani liked telling Dalton about her job and the people she was getting to know at the radio station. She wasn't sure if he found all of that interesting, but she liked hearing about his work too, even when it was all about computers. 

Halfway through the meal, Dani hears her phone vibrating at the other end of the table. Picking it up, she checks the number. Her shoulders drop and she declines the call, setting her phone back down again. Sighing, she shakes her head, playing with some pasta on her plate with a fork. 

"Carson keeps calling," she admits. "Keeps leaving me messages that he just wants to talk but... I haven't called him back." 

She looks up at Dalton, her eyes proving how much it pained her to be separated from her brother like this, yet she was still so angry with his decisions and lifestyle. "Am I wrong?" 

Seeing Katie, Jeff's eyes light up and he smiles his greeting. "Hey, Kiddo." Pulling himself up to sit a little straighter in the bed, he also nods to Hunter. "Hi there." 

"Hey." Hunter gives him a wave. "How's it goin'?"

Jeff smirks. "How's it look like?" He looks back to Katie and shrugs. "I'm feeling okay." His body was still utterly exhausted, but it wasn't going to stop him from enjoying this visit. "Mostly just bored." 

Seeing the bag of food, he quirks an eyebrow and grins. "You won't let me be miserable, will you?" 

Hunter chuckles as he pulls a couple chairs closer to the bed. "She has a way of doing that, I've discovered." 


Watching Alec as he made his treat Misty gives a smile. Seeing he was enjoying himself and even hearing the small chuckle she smiles. She was happy to hear that from him and happy he was enjoying himself. If nothing else matter this did.

   "You can have as many as you like Alec, just make sure you leave me at least one."

Turning back to Jason and smile Misty see him put his guitar down and is about to hand him a stick when she hears his comment. Smirking for a second she thinks studying his face for a long second. 

   "Well I do like the music, and I do want you to play more so...I guess I am going to feed you the treat."

Looking down at the treat for a second and than back up Misty gives a grin before moving a little closer to Jason herself. Holding it out twords him so he can take a bite Misty's eyes find Jason's. The fire illuminated them even more causing them to sparkle and shine.

Feeling Jason's breath against her hand Misty can feel a shiver go down her spin. Her eyes not leaving his she continues to hold the treat as a million thoughts run through her mind. Bitting her bottom lip she says no words as the silence was not awkward. It never had been with them, and it never would be. 

Some Help

Jason's smile widens just a little at Misty's compliment and he glances down, just continuing to strum. He was glad she enjoyed this. So did he. It had been too long since he'd just sat and played for the simple pleasure of it. Usually he was practicing with the band, not just relaxing and letting his fingers do whatever they wanted. 

Spying Misty with the stick and marshmallows, Alec hesitates before finally joining her on the ground near the small pit. He felt rather silly having never had s'mores before, but he knew what they were and... he'd always wanted to try one. 

Accepting the stick and putting a marshmallow on the end of it, he holds it out near the fire, watching it go from white to golden to brown. Pulling it out before it turned black, he does as Misty had directed, albeit awkwardly, with the cracker and chocolate. Once he's got it all together though, he dares a bite, making the marshmallow and chocolate ooze out the sides.

Laughing a little he grins at the taste and nods. It was a strong enough sweet flavor for him to taste and... Misty was right. This could definitely become a favorite. "Mmm... yeah..." He nods again, swallowing his bite. "This is good stuff." 

Looking back at Misty, Jason studies her in the flickering firelight. They'd known each other for quite a while now, and though Jason had never voiced his thoughts, he did think she was very beautiful. Despite her circumstances with Carson, perhaps it was the baby that held that glow in her eye. Or maybe it was just her sheer will and determination to survive and not let life get her down. Either way, Jason was glad to see her not wallowing in despair. 

Noticing a sudden shy look in her gaze, his lips curl into a new grin. Maybe he'd only admit to himself that it flattered him. 

Only then does he even realize that she'd asked him a question moments prior, and he pauses his guitar playing. "Sure... I'd love one, thanks." 

Watching her create the sweet treat, he resumes his playing and humming until he sees that she's successfully built the s'more. Setting his guitar carefully to the side, he comes nearer the fire. Once there, though, he realizes that the s'more is already oozing in quite the delightful manner, as far as dessert was concerned, but if he was going to play his guitar any more, sticky fingers would not be a good thing. 

Looking at his hands then to Misty, he gives her a sheepish grin. "If the music's over, I can handle this myself. But if you want any more songs, I'm gonna need some help eating this thing."