
Boxed Memories

Arriving at his apartment, things were quiet. It was a somewhat sleepy part of town, which didn't bother Hunter much. He had one flight of stairs inside, and had the bigger of the apartments in the corner of the building. It suited him alright. Not too expensive but not too shabby either, and within his budget as long as he kept winning races and gaining income for bets. He knew one of these days he'd have to find a real job, but so far he'd been able to survive without it. Better sense told him he better start looking soon though. One lost bet would be all it would take to be short one month's rent.

Unlocking the door, he steps into the living room. It was a nice big open area with walls painted white except for the outside wall that was brick and housed a nice large window looking down over the street. He didn't have much furniture. He had a couch and an entertainment center to hold his television and DVDs. A shelf in the corner held a few pictures in frames and some odds and ends for knick-knacks. An open box on the floor next to it held even more pictures along with trophies and medals from karate tournaments. He had yet to unpack those even though he'd been living here for a little while now. He just hadn't had time. Or... maybe he just hadn't had the gumption yet to sort through everything in the box, knowing there were pictures from his past... some from Break Out. 

For the most part, his apartment was pretty well-kept. Off to the side was a small kitchen with just enough room for the necessities and a small table, then towards the back of the living room was a short hallway to the bedroom and bathroom. He had a few things on the walls, but not much. An abstract painting he'd picked up last year. A calendar with photos of cars.

Sighing, Hunter tosses his keys onto the end table by the couch and throws his jacket over the back of the couch for now. Or indefinitely. Depending on whether or not he'd pick it up later. Slipping off his sneakers, he goes to grab a beer from the fridge then flops down on the couch, flipping on the television. Finding nothing good to watch, he leaves it on anyway. He needed the distraction. 

He'd had a good time with Katie tonight, no doubt. It had been different. Fun. It was the good clean fun that he didn't have anymore. He'd wanted something else. He'd wanted to walk the fine line and get as close to trouble as he could. There was thrill there. Adrenaline. And yet... the good old days remained in the back of his mind as the best. He didn't like to think about it much. So that's why he settled for a dumb movie on television. 

Later that night, he'd find himself inputting Katie's number into his phone. He wasn't sure if he'd ever call her or she him. He might not even see her again at all. But he'd keep her number just in case. 

"Yeah..." Mick was grateful for Roesetta's efforts. It... didn't make him feel much better though. Pulling her in for a hug, he kisses the top of her head. "Thanks. I suppose I better get back out to my fence. It isn't gonna fix itself." 

Managing a smile, he backs away and retrieves his gloves from his back pocket. "I'll probably see you at lunch now. Still having a party for Ashlee, right?"

Eric thinks for a moment, then shrugs. "Lots of things I liked about racing. Horses in general... going fast... pay wasn't too bad." 

He gives Ashlee a sidelong glance and a smile. "There's something cool about flying across the ground with a horse between your legs. Never got into the major races or anything - I was too heavy. Mick and I both were too tall. We had fun though. 'Til I had my accident." He taps his head. "By the time I could ride again, I'd been out of it too long and there was no going back." 

Picking up another piece of leather, he continues to work. There was a part of him that missed those days. He'd been free. Respected. At the top of his game. Now he felt like a washed up truck driver. It was nice getting back into a routine with the horses at least. But would it last? Would he stay? He didn't know. 

"How's that saddle coming there?"

Time, Pashents, and Care

Once outside Katie gives a nod and a smile to Hunter. It had been a nice time and she'd enjoyed it. Now the night was ending and she wondered would this be the end of there friendship or would there paths cross again? Would one or the other really call or was it just something people said? Katie didn't know but there was always the possibility.

   "See ya around. Try not to get into anymore trouble. Arresting you would be awkward now."

Giving a grin and getting into her car Katie waved. The drive home would be a slower one because she was slightly tired, but it felt good non the less to have hung out with someone tonight and not be stuck doing something alone. It defiantly felt good, and knowing it felt good...having felt that emotion even more a moment...felt even better!

Glancing up at Mick from her paperwork Rosetta had been listing to everything he had said and her heart went out to him. She new and it was easy to see how despret he wanted to know him son, to connect to him and be close to him. It just wasn't working out that way. Rosetta herself had hoped once Dylan was well and out and about again they would have a little more contact but it just didn't work out that way.

   "You're still not doing anything wrong, Dylan just... I don't know. I don't have an explanation for why he wont get to close to anyone. Even Sparky he talks to but isn't close."

Laying her pen down and standing up Rosetta walks over to Mick and lays a hand on his arm looking up into her husbands eyes. She new she'd said it before and now it didn't make it any better but maybe Dylan just needed more time.

   "Just don't get to frustrated with him. Keep trying and it will show Dylan you really do care and want to be there for him. Maybe right now he just...not sure."

Sitting down next to Eric and starting on the saddle Ashlee rubs the oil into it gently working very diligently, and with great care. The smell, the way the saddle leather looked at you rubbing the oil into it, it was a little bit of everything that she liked.

   "Mmmm...I think if I was asked I like the smell the most. I don't know why it's just...nice I guess."

Continuing on the saddle Ashlee listens to Eric talk about racing. It sounded fun, dangerous, but fun at the same time. Feeling free, and just hitting the track. Ashlee couldn't help but wonder what the feel of the wind through her hair would feel like, and running top speed twords a destination.

   "What was the best thing for you about racing?"


Eric smiles and nods in agreement. "The tackroom is probably my favorite place in the barn. There's just something about the smell of leather."

Nodding down the barn aisle, he leads the way, trying not to favor his leg too much, lest Ashlee worry about him. Getting to the tackroom, Eric flips on the light and sets his hands on his hips, looking around for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. "Ah. There we go. I knew there was a saddle that needed some attention." 

Setting up a saddle rack in front of the bench, he retrieves one of the smaller western saddles. "I think this thing could use a little TLC."

Ten minutes later, he was sitting next to Ashlee, working on a few bridles, keeping one eye on her as she worked too. "When I was horse racing, on my days off the most relaxing thing I could do was oil saddles," he muses. "Some of the others thought I was crazy - they wanted to get away from the barn and work whenever they could. But to me... this was n ever work."

"Well, you look like you've been working hard." Becky smiles as Dylan wanders into the kitchen. 

He was hot and sweaty from already having cleaned several stalls this morning. Nodding a little, he takes off his gloves, aiming for the sink. "I just need something to drink."

"How about some lemonade?" 

Pausing, Dylan quirks an eyebrow. "That sounds really good." 

"Good. Because I just made some." Becky retrieves a glass for him before heading to the fridge. 

Leaning on the counter, Dylan looks around the kitchen. "Something smells good." 

Becky chuckles. "Just working on the birthday girl's cake. Trying to get it done while Eric keeps her occupied in the barn." 

Birthday girl... birthday... Ashlee. Dylan inwardly groans. He'd forgotten all about Ashlee's birthday. He'd thought he'd missed it while he'd been gone, but apparently it was later than he'd remembered. And... he had nothing for her. Sighing, he accepts the lemonade that's handed to him. "Thanks, Becky." 

She smiles and gives his shoulder a pat. "You're welcome. Don't work too hard out there today, huh?" 

He shakes his head, taking a long swallow of the sour drink. "Trying to cram it all in this morning so I can hit the books this afternoon." 

"On a Saturday." 

"Yeah..." He sighs. "I'm so far behind." 

She gives him a softer look. "You'll catch up, don't worry." 

"I hope so." Quickly finishing the rest of his drink, he nods his thanks again before leaving the kitchen by way of the back door. Returning to the barn, he sets to work once more. 

Leaning on the window frame in the office, Mick stares outside, watching Dylan heading back to the barn. Sighing, he shakes his head. Eventually, he turns around and eases into a chair. "I wish I knew what was going through that boy's head." 

Taking a short break, he'd ended up in the office while Rosetta worked at the desk. "Since he was able to go back to his own bunk, he's said about ten words to me. I thought maybe he'd talk to me after all that, but apparently not." 

He looks down and picks at a new tear in his jeans he'd received this morning while working on a fence. "I just wish I knew he was okay. I know he's depressed... and when he was feverish there, he was telling me he almost killed himself while he was gone... I just... I worry about him." He shakes his head. "I still don't know where he went or what really happened. He just... doesn't say anything at all. Sparky knows him even better than I do." 

Mick glances up to Rosetta, his eyes showing how much he just wanted to be close to his son. "What am I doing wrong?" 

Taking Katie's number, Hunter grins. "Thanks." 

Too soon, the check was paid and it was time to leave. Outside on the sidewalk, Hunter takes a long breath of the night air. It was far from country fresh air, but it wasn't too bad at this end of town. 

"Well, Miss Katie..." Hunter gives her a casual one-fingered salute. "I'll see ya around."