

Cindy nods with gentle understanding. If she were in Trey's place, she was sure she wouldn't feel much differently. She was just happy for anything she could get - and today was more than she could have asked for. 

"Jason... has an awfully tough shell to crack," she admits. "He always has. Well, at least after he was abducted. I didn't realize it until he was older. He was always so good at hiding the way he really felt - he even fooled some of his counselors. Unfortunately he locked a lot of things away that didn't affect him until later in life and by that time, he'd already become quite an expert at building walls and wearing masks." She shakes her head, her eyes showing remorse for the past. "He and I have always been close... but after being held for a year... beaten... starved... locked up like an animal..." New tears glisten in her eyes. "It has shaped a part of who he is, even after all these years. He has little tolerance, and trust doesn't come easily." 

She cocks her head and offers a new small smile. "Maybe you two have something in common after all."

"Food!" Kaylee bangs on her plate, sending crumbs exploding in all directions, a bit of mushy french fry landing in her hair. Her eyes go wide in surprise before she bursts into giggles.

Cindy rolls her eyes. "Kaylee... How many times have I told you not to bang your plate? If you want more to eat, you need to ask nicely." 

Kaylee is completely ignoring her, looking instead at Trey with her nose scrunched up in a silly expression. She points at a piece of cheese that Cindy had given her earlier but had fallen just out of her reach. "Sees?" She tries to ask Trey to give it to her. 

"Kaylee," Cindy warns. "Nicely?" 

Kaylee pouts for a moment before regaining her grin and pointing again, still looking to Trey. "Pwease? Sees?" 

Luke always appreciated Angel's encouragement. She would never let him stay depressed for long. 

Grimacing at what had happened to Eric, he nods. "I got a good guess at which horse it was too. Ouch." 

Having Angel draw near, he grins and slips his arms around her waist. He loved her affection and soaked it up like a sponge. With their foreheads resting against each other, he moves just a little so he can give her a peck on the lips while considering her question. "Hmm... well, this is good. We could just stay like this all day." Grinning, he gives her a little squeeze. 

Straightening, he shakes his head. "How about I let you get back to your work and you save an hour for a walk?" He knew it would be a slow walk, but he really did want to move around as much as he could and fight back against his weakness. And he knew that Angel wouldn't mind a less-than-fast pace.

Zach grins and lifts his glass to toast Beth. "Then to a fun-filled tomorrow." Finishing his coke, he sighs, knowing he needed to get going so he could run some errands. He waits until Beth has another free moment before sliding off the barstool. 

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. Same place for lunch we went before sounds good if it's okay with you..." 

...Going home, Zach felt happy. It was fun having a new friend, and he was looking forward to showing her around the animal shelter. If she did come to volunteer sometimes, he might even get to see her there when he worked too...

...Justin flops down on his couch and yawns. Between his session with Mackenzie, shopping for his mother and helping Mr. Jackson fix his rain gutters, he was exhausted. It hadn't been too bad of a day though, considering. Now that it was dark, his body was getting tired.

Picking up his phone, he dials  from memory and waits for Beth to answer. He figured she'd be home from work by now - he thought she had a day-shift today at any rate.

Hearing her answer, he grins a little. "Hi, Beth, it's me." He stifles another yawn. He was so used to seeing her all the time that it felt a little strange not to have spent any time with her today. "Hey, listen... I was thinking about dropping a fishing line in the pond tomorrow since I got some free time... wondered if you'd like to join me. Thought I might take a picnic lunch or something."

Far to Fast

Turning his attachen from Kaylee to Cindy again Trey just searches her face. He wondered how much he really could trust her, if everything she said was true. Why would she lie though? Right now she had nothing to gain from it so all Trey could do was trust her. 

   "I'm just taking it one step at a time to move forward. I don't want to leap to far to fast. I still...am learning to trust."

Trey's walls were still up but there were many cracks in them that let his different emotions through. It was a slow process but it was happening and Trey could feel it. Most of the emotions confused him, and at the same time made him worry. His biggest fear disappointing someone.

   "I don't think Jason will ever want to get to know me. He hasn't said it but....I can tell, not that I can blame him."

Giving a big smile as Luke enters the office Angel returns the kiss just letting it linger for a moment. Angel loved every moment she got to spend with Luke and on the bad days she thanked God even more. Today had been a bad one but she was happy to now see Luke out of bed.

   "Nah half the day isn't wasted. You just woke up so that means your day is just starting is all."

Patting Luke's arm gently Angel cleans a few things up after Eric's had been there. Just thinking for a long moment on Luke's question. Something had been different today with Eric there was a depressed look in his eye but Angel wasn't sure what it was about. It could have simply been because of his leg But Angel sensed it was something more. 

   "I think he's ok. Other than being kicked by a horse in his bad leg and it acting up now."

Coming back over to Luke and standing in front of him Angel drapes her arms over his shoulders. Leaning her head against his she smiles just taking in the depth of them. Angel always loved getting lost in his eyes. From the day she had meet look that was what captured her. 

   "So we got the whole day together, how should we spend it?"

Dan gives a nod to Dylan. Without him saying much he understood what his young friend was going through. The depression stage was never fun but Dylan was lucky he had so many people who cared and would help him though. Even if the young man didn't see it right now.

   "Hey Dyl...if you ever need to talk I'm still here for ya ok! Have a good afternoon too."

Coming back over to Zach again Beth keeps her smile on her face. She enjoyed being able to talk to Zach between customers. It broke the normal dull drunk talk she listened to every day.

   "Lunch than the shelter sounds good to me. Of course spending time with you is always been fun so far."


Kaylee giggles even more at Trey, although she does obediently settle down, knowing she'd get into trouble if she made too much of a commotion. Working on her fries again, she watches her mother and Trey intently. 

Cindy offers Trey a smile, knowing that it must have been hard for him to apologize. She certainly hadn't expected it either. "I understand. If I was in your shoes, I probably wouldn't have been much different. I just wish things hadn't turned out like they did." 

Leaning back and sighing, she reverts back to his other comment about Derek. "Your father... was a jerk, I'll admit. Boy I didn't see it at the time. But... if I'm going to be completely honest about the whole thing, I really didn't give him a chance either since he didn't know I was pregnant. He'd already dumped me so... I figured he wouldn't want anything to do with me anyway. I should have at least tried though. That was my fault." 

Taking a bite of her sandwich again, she reaches over and wipes Kaylee's mouth and gives her something to drink so she would remain satisfied. 

"Then when Jason was a child, he was abducted. It was about a year before he was found and I just about went crazy. I'd worked so hard at being a mom, that to have him ripped away from me like that... it wasn't fun. I guess..." She chuckles softly...sadly. "I guess when I found out about you and realized you didn't want to see me, it felt like my child was being torn away from me all over again." 

Pausing, her eyes linger on the table before finally looking up at her son again. "I'm sorry that I never knew about you. I know it's hard to believe... it's hard for me to believe too. But I had no insurance and was clueless about having a baby at all, so I never did what I should have - going to the doctor and such. When I did go, it was too soon to tell I was carrying twins. You and Jason came along early too. Jason was small, so I'm sure you were too. I just... had no idea." 

Tears form in her eyes once more, and she tries to keep her emotions in check. "Thank you... for letting me know you a little better, despite all that. I... I hope we can be friends."

Eric always hated being poked and prodded - by a female doctor, no less. But if it had to be anybody, at least it was Angel, and he trusted her. It never was comfortable though. Wincing a little as she runs her hand over the bruise, he bites his lip. He wasn't one to complain unless something really hurt... and this really did. Tundra would be hearing from him quite soon.

Heat and ice. "Yeah, okay." As Angel goes to the cabinet, he get his clothes readjusted again. He knew that tomorrow he would be even more sore, so he wouldn't ignore her orders.

Accepting the bottle of pills, Eric looks it over before glancing up quickly at Angel's extra instruction. Was it just a passing comment, or was it that obvious that he was feeling miserable? He shakes his head and stands up, giving Angel a faint smile. "Never can pull one over on you, huh?" He sighs, but nods. "These are for my leg. Got it. If I need something for here..." He taps his chest. "...I'll go for a talk over a cup of coffee instead."

Starting to leave, he pauses at the door, glancing over his shoulder. There was a part of him that did want to talk. But he wasn't ready yet to verbalize what he was thinking, let alone explain what had happened in the barn. "Thanks, Angel. If my leg gets worse, I'll let you know."

Exiting the office, he almost runs into Luke, both trying not to stumble down the couple steps.

"Whoa, sorry," Luke apologizes.

"My fault. Wasn't watching where I was going." Eric rolls his eyes. "Story of my life."

Luke furrows his brow. "What?"

"Nothing. Catch you later."

"Well are you..." Too late, Eric was walking away. Luke shrugs and continues his route into the office, leaning heavily on his cane. Spotting Angel, his eyes light up. "Hey, sweet thing." He grins and makes his way over to her slowly so he can give her a one-armed hug and a lingering kiss.

He hadn't seen her yet today, even though it was the afternoon. It had been one of those days that he'd been unable to get up out of bed this morning. He'd slept through lunch, though knew Angel had probably checked on him. He'd eventually woken again though, and managed to get his legs working enough to take a shower, get dressed and come over here. It was only maybe once a week that he had these bad days...maybe twice a week sometimes... so he tried not to let it bother him. It did though. On the inside. But he at least had gotten pretty good at hiding it... from everybody but Angel, that is. He still tried to though, just for good measure.

"So... now that the day is half gone..." He sits on the corner of her desk and gives her a sheepish glance. He knew it wasn't his fault he hadn't been able to get up earlier, but he still hated it and felt like he'd completely wasted a whole day. "Is Eric okay? I 'bout ran into him out there and he didn't look too happy."

Dylan finally looks up at Dan and gives a little nod. "I think so. I mean yeah. I'm just..." He shrugs. "At least I'm not puking my guts out anymore, right?"

It was a lame attempt at humor and he knew it. Even his lips didn't want to smile. Maybe it was because he was trying to hide the fact that even though he was thanking Dan for keeping him alive... at the moment... maybe on the inside, he felt... dead. His body was healing. The cravings were subsiding. His fever was gone. But deep down...

"I, um... I gotta go study. I'll prolly see ya later."

Jason purses his lips in thought, understanding what Katie was saying. He'd known they both felt like this... but they'd just never talked ab out it. 

"Yeah... It's... been kinda quiet for me too." He leans down to kiss the top of her head.  "I'm sure it'll pass though, eventually. We just gotta get used to it."

"Tomorrow." Zach nods. "Then tomorrow it shall be." He quirks an eyebrow. "I'll just have to call my boss and tell him I'm taking the day off whether he likes it or not because I have more important things to attend to." 

Taking a sip of his cherry coke, he gives Beth a silly grin. "Actually I only work part of the morning tomorrow, so that works great. How about....."

His sentence drifts off as she moves on to a customer, and he holds that thought until she returns. "...I meet you for lunch at noon, then head to the shelter?"


Sitting down at the table Trey settles in and order his food along with a coke. Listing to Cindy and hearing about her past Trey understands about a few things but he mind still wonders about how Cindy could not know she had two baby's. Maybe it was because he was a guy that he didn't understand, but now he did believe that she didn't know about him.

About to say something Trey stops as he gets hit in the head with a french fry. Slowly turning his head to look at Kaylee he can't help but grin and give her a little wink that he didn't mind even if mom has said not too.

Turning around again so she couldn't see his face Trey takes two frys and puts them in his upper lip letting them hang down like walrus tusks. Looking back at Kaylee he makes a funny face with the frys still in place just trying to get her to laugh even more. Having one of the frys fall out through Trey lets the other one fall too before replaces the throw fry on Kaylee's plate and than looking back to Cindy.

   "So....My dad sounds like a pretty big jerk leaving you like that. Even if it was a mistake...he should of helped you."

Taking a sip of his coke Trey is quiet for a second. He found it hard to make conversation with Cindy and not talk about his own life. It wasn't so great and most of the stuff from the past he would rather leave out so Cindy didn't have the option of not wanting to talk to him anymore form it.

   "My childhood wasn't to horrible. I mean it could of been worse really...My parents did love me so thats good. I really did always want to meet you though...even if...if I was so bitter at first. I'm...sorry for that."

French fry

Kaylee continues to watch Trey intently as he prepares to come with them. His question brings another smile to her face. "No."

Cindy grins. "I guess that answers that. Looks like we'll just have to pick a random spot then."

Making sure Trey followed, Cindy heads up and out the back way, avoiding the upper level entirely. She knew Jason was working today - she'd seen his truck - and she'd just as soon see him when she got back instead of now. She didn't want to make this any more awkward for Trey than it already was.

Getting out to the car, she gets Kaylee settled in the back in her car seat before sliding in behind the wheel. Waiting for Trey before pulling out, she looks left and right down the street, then shrugs, turning left.

It was a quiet ride, and quiet, but not too long, so the awkwardness didn't last very long either. Finding a quiet little diner, Cindy continues to lead the way until they were seated at a quiet corner booth, Kaylee at the end of the table in a high chair...

"...So I was pretty much on my own." Cindy takes a sip of her water, trying to mix light conversation with some explanations as well. Trey only had the short version of her past. "I'd made a mistake with Derek, for sure, but having my family react the way they did..." She shakes her head. "I vowed never to be like them. Struggling on my own wasn't fun, especially after I had a baby to care for." Sighing, she leaves the second half of her sandwich for now. "I only wish I would have known about you. I would have fought tooth and toenail to get you back."

"Ahh!" Kaylee squeals and tosses a french fry at Trey, interrupting the conversation.

Cindy tries not to laugh, and looks at her daughter sternly. "Kaylee... we don't throw our food. You know that."

Kaylee recoils slightly, bending her head, but at the same time, she looks at Trey with a mischievous grin. Stuffing a squished fry into her mouth, she giggles, part of her mouthful falling onto her bib.

Waiting a While

As Kaylee pulls his fingers apart Trey just lets her not minding at all. Her fingers so tiny against his, her skin so soft and unblemished. Trey is just quiet as he watches her. As she tried to say his name Trey can't help but laugh. It was a strange new emotion but like water it just seemed to spread and the feeling was so warm.

   "Tree, Ray, Yet...You can call me any of those Squirt and I'll answer. I've sure been called worse."

Bringing one of his fingers to her cheek he just rubs it gently before letting his hand drop. Looking to Cindy he things for a moment. He didn't have a care of his own yet to drive so her offering really was his own option. Something told him begging Pete for a ride might just get him knocked over the head.

   "Ya, I can ride with you. My only other option would be to walk and than you would be waiting a while for me."

Turning around to the chair in the one corner Trey grabs his jean jacket and puts it on. Grabbing his wallet from the dress and his phone he slips them into his pocket. Turning back around again he lets out a small sigh. Inside he was nervous about going to lunch with Cindy and Kaylee. He was still hurt but something pushed him in this direction and told him it was right that still didn't keep his hands from going clammy.

   "I don't mind where me go. I still don't know many places around here. What do you think Squirt? You got a favorite place to eat?"


Cindy's heart skips a beat as Trey stands and approaches. Was that... a smile? She was so scared he was going to yell at her... but... as he nears... she saw no malice. No hate. Not this time. Had she finally made it through the first barrier?

Kaylee studies Trey from head to toe as comes closer. Reaching out, she fiddles with his finger and giggles, pulling apart his other fingers too, seemingly fascinated by the fact that his hands were so much bigger than hers.

Watching the two interact, a tear finally slips out of Cindy's eye and rolls silently down her cheek. Yes... yes a barrier had been broken. And he wasn't yelling at her. Relief floods her veins and it's all she can do not to reach out and hug him. Not yet. She couldn't go too fast. It had to be at his own pace and she knew it.

Trey's question shocked Cindy. Sure, this was going well, but he... actually wanted to spend some time with her? It was far more than she'd dared hope for. She offers him a warm smile and nods. "I'd like nothing more. Truly."

She turns to Kaylee and kisses her cheek. "You wanna go get something to eat with Trey?"

Kaylee furrows her brow as if trying to decide - or rather, figure out what her mother was talking about - before she smiles again at Trey. "Tree!"

Cindy can't help but laugh. "Trey, sweetheart. His name is Trey."

Kaylee huffs a sigh. "Ray."


"Yet!" Kaylee giggles again, oblivious to why she was being laughed at, but apparently thinking this whole game was quite funny.

Cindy shakes her head in amusement. "I'll take that as a yes." Looking back to Trey, she studies his eyes.... his eyes so deep. He didn't look much like Jason... he looked a lot like her own father... but she could definitely see Derek in those eyes. "Do you... want to ride with me? I don't really have a preference as to where we go."


Sitting slumped down on his bed Trey couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the knock on the door. He wasn't expecting anyone and most of the time Ariel would call before coming over and Pete had his own rhythm knock. Cerosity drove him to to tell whoever it was to come on in.

As Cindy enters Trey was shocked and he sits up more on his bed. His eyes narrow for a second wondering what she wanted and who the child in her arms was. About to say something Trey is cut off by Cindy and he just sits on the best and listens not saying anything. Tears seem to want to well up in Trey's eyes but he fights them off. She'd come again to see him, to try to get to know him..and he...he had a sister.

Hearing the little words that come out of Kaylee's mouth and her trying to say his name another crack formed...family and love. A small smile spreads across Trey's face as he stands. Not saying anything Trey stands and walks over to Cindy and Kaylee. Bending down  a little bit to be eye level with the little girl he holds out a finger to her to grab on.

   "Hey there Squirt. You're a cute little thing aren't you? I bet you know it too huh?"

Trey never told anyone he always wanted a sister and now knowing he did...he could feel his heart beat a little faster in his chest. This feeling...it was...it was warm and fuzzy. He had a sister, so small, so impressionable. Her tiny little fingers, eyes and nose she was just so cute.

   "I bet your being a good girl for mom huh?"

Mom...the word just seemed to slip out of Trey's mouth and it felt nice. Cindy was his mom, she hadn't given up trying to get to know him and here she was again. The word it...it didn't seem so bad after all. DId she really care and want to get to know him?

Looking up at Cindy Trey's eyes search hers for a long moment. So much emotion laid in his eyes. Mixed emotions, Broken heart, the tortures of a past never forgotten.

   "Would...would you like to go to lunch with me? It's gotta be better than sitting here."