
Make sense?

Pausing his work and turning to Katie, Rick gives her a warm smile. He hadn't seen her much lately, and hoped things were alright.

Her stated concern though, makes him furrow his brow. Folding his arms, he cocks his head and studies her for a moment. "I was wondering how you were doing..."

Sighing, he contemplates the whole situation. "I assume you mean you can't feel your emotions." He gestures to a chair to have her sit down. "I was wondering what sort of impact this whole thing might have on you. Although..." He squints. "From what I can see, you're looking mighty sad, which means you're feeling something."

Siting down next to her, he gives her another smile. "I could be wrong... but I'm wondering if you can still feel just fine - but things feel differently to you. I'm wondering if your emotions are still there, but since they're not being amplified by Jason, perhaps they're just harder for you to sense and to recognize. Does that make sense?"

Rick shakes his head slowly. "I may not be right - but that's my theory. Do you know if Jason is experiencing the same thing?"

It had only been an hour, but Dylan had no sense of time. All he knew was that he'd been woken by his stomach. Kicking off the blankets, he half rolls, half falls out of bed. Standing shakily, his legs buckle and he gropes for the door. Making it to the hallway, he leans against the wall, his whole body trembling. Thankfully he makes it to the bathroom in time to throw up, but once he's on the floor, he doesn't have the strength to get back up.

Seeing Pete and Trey come into Mom and Pop's, Dani's first reaction is a little sigh. She never complained about the one or two late nights a week, but she'd been hoping for a boring one tonight so Carson would let her off early and she could get in at least an hour with Dalton.

Slinging a towel over her shoulder, she eyes Trey with question. Hearing about a party, she's just about ready to react when he explains it's only three people. Grinning a little, Dani shakes her head. "Yeah, I can crank up the music a bit. But only if you guys order a pizza and make it worth my while."

It was a few minutes later that Ariel arrives as well. Entering the little restaurant, she glances around for Pete and Trey. She really wasn't sure about this. She was glad Trey was sober, in a better mood, and had apologized to her. But she wasn't ready yet to just act like everything was fine either. But he was apparently trying his best, and so was Pete, so the least she could do was make an effort as well.

Seeing Trey at the counter, she waits to see where he and Pete would sit.

Something Wrong

Completely not paying any attachen to her work now Katie leans back in her chair chewing on the end of her pen. She tried to fish for more emotions, to try to feel more but it simply would not come. She thought she felt something but what it was she had no notions of what it was. As her phone goes off again Katie looks at the message again letting out a small sigh before replying.

Yeah, I feel bad for your mom too :( I...I think I am ok.
I am gonna have to call my Aunt later and see how
everyone else is. Mick's probley taking it hard too.

Sitting there a little longer after hitting send Katie felt bad. She felt like there was more emotion she should be feeling but she just wasn't. Getting up from her desk Katie makes her way across the floor and to the infirmary. Entering she spots and see Rick standing at one of the counters. Going over to him her voice is quiet hoping she wasn't bothering him to much.

"Rick...I think there is something wrong with me. I...I can't feel anything."

Stacy gives a nod to Mick as she goes to the kitchen and sits down at the table. She didn't mind how long he slept as long as he got some sleep. Sitting at the kitchen table she could keep an eye on the room Dylan was in and be comfortable at the same time.

Entering Mom and Pop's Trey glances around. It wasn't busy like Pete had said so it should be a nice night. Walking over to the counter and leaning over it a little bit to Dani he gives a smile.

"Hey do you think you could find a way to play some music. We have a part coming in and a little music would make it fun."

Stopping to think about what he said Trey shakes her head for a second resaying what he wanted.

"Well...its a three person party so nothing major."


Jason reads Katie's message. Was he okay? How could he even answer that? No, he wasn't okay. But it wasn't a "not okay" that he was used to. It was different. He was less okay with his emotional state, or lack thereof, than what he felt about his stepfather possibly being dead.

He stops for a moment, thinking about Wes. He'd tried so hard. He'd tried to be as much a father he could, even when Jason hadn't warmed up to him. But Jason had always seen how Wes had treated his mother - it was more than any other man had done. And now Jason had a little sister, too. No, he had no malice against Wes at all. There was definite... sorrow. Was that what this was? Sorrow? That faint feeling back in the nooks and crannies that could barely be felt? Since he didn't feel happy, did that mean he was sad?

Jason shakes his head. He was just going around in circles now.

Hitting the reply button, he pauses yet again. What did Katie think? Did she feel anything either? Although technically she was no relation to Wes at all, other than him being her aunt's brother-in-law, Jason knew Katie still considered him her uncle - all of the Henson's were like her aunts and uncles and they all considered her their niece too. Wes was no exception. Was Katie bothered by this news? Jason simply didn't know. There was no blip in his emotions. There was no hiccup in the flow to tell him something was wrong. There was no flow at all.

He sighs.

Yeah I think I'm ok.
Worried about Mom.

Mick thinks for a moment, wiping his nose again. Exhaustion wasn't even close to how he felt. Would Dylan be okay for a little while? He did trust Stacy.

Finally, he nods. "Okay. I guess I could use a little sleep. Let me go clean up then get him cleaned up too and I'll let you take over."

It takes him a bit longer than anticipated to get his nose to stop bleeding, but once it does, he heads back to the bedroom. By now, Dylan appeared to be back down in a low state of fever mixed with depression mixed with exhaustion. It was just as well - Mick figured it would be a while until he exploded again, if he did at all.

Managing to get a clean shirt on Dylan and pulling the blankets over him again, Mick exits once more into the hall. "He seems to be quieted down again." He rubs a hand over his face, feeling as though he could collapse right there. "His fever has been going up and down and he gets chilled pretty bad, but I think his outburst has passed." He shakes his head. "All night it's been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. One minute he's determined to beat this, the next he's depressed and would rather die, and the next he's desperate just for more drugs and doesn't care how he gets them."

Stacy didn't need all of that information. But maybe Mick just needed to vent a little. He manages a small smile. "Thanks for your help. I'll be in the master bedroom if you need me. I'll try not to sleep too long."

In bed, Dylan shivers uncontrollably. He was hot. He was cold. He was nauseous. He was thirsty. He was angry. He was subdued. He craved the drugs. He was determined to get through this. It didn't matter what he felt one second - the next he felt the opposite. Had he just been outside? He wasn't even sure. Where was he? He wasn't sure of that either.

Burrowing farther under the blankets, he tries to shut everything out. It didn't work though. When he closed his eyes, all that was waiting were more nightmares.

Lack of

Continuing to help Mick bring Dylan back to the bunk Stacy could feel her own heart break. It was always hard having a case with a child involved now it just seemed even worse being so close to who it was. She felt so bad for Mick and new he was doing what he could.

Taking a quick scan of the area there were people wondering what was going on but who she was looking was not there. Stacy breath a sigh of releaf knowing Ashlee had not see any of this. It was not something she would want not to mention it might have scared her. Dylan was her friend too and she just didn't know how she would react.

"Easy does it Dylan, no one is trying to hurt you."

Stacy's voice was softer than her normal gruff demeanor proving that maybe she'd delt with this before. Looking to Mick she gives a nod showing she was ready to continue to the house.

Getting inside proves to be a challenge but once it is finished and Dylan was in the room with Mick Stacy stayed out in the hall and leaned against the wall till Mick emerged. Letting his catch his own breath Stacy studied his face for a long moment. She could see how tired Mick was and in this state he would be no use to anyone.

"Yeah I can watch him. You clean up, and...why don't you get some sleep too. I can see on you face how little you have actually gotten. Your not gonna be any use to anyone unless your rested. I can't watch him its not a problem. Thats what I am here for anyways."

Stacy gives a smile to Mick proving she really didn't mind at all. If she could help by watching Dylan for a little bit than she wanted to be able to do that. Right now she didn't have anything else going on anyways.

Sitting at her desk Katie's mind wonders to anything but her work. She wondered what Jason was doing, and felt the emptiness of not knowing was almost tourer. Hearing the beep of her phone Katie reads the message slowly. Wes was MIA? Her Uncle was...lost.

Something welled inside Katie's chest was it sadness? It felt so bleak though so...unimportant. this was her Uncle, Jason's step father shouldn't she be crying or at least feel worse than she did? The lack of emotion confused her and she didn't like it.

Hitting the reply button Katie wasn't sure what to say and only one thing came to mind.

"Are...you ok?"


Finally succeeding in ripping free of Mick's grasp, Dylan resumes his course to Angel's office, but he only makes it several steps before he's caught again. As his arm is cranked behind his back, he howls in protest. Locked in Stacy's grip, he tries to break free, but all it does is serve to cause more pain in his arm. "No! Let me go!" he shouts.

Though he fought with all he had, by now, his energy was almost spent. His thrashing slows, his breathing growing more rapid and shallow. Tears stream down his face as he fights against Stacy and against the invisible force that felt as though it were ripping him up inside.

Mick slowly picks himself up off the ground, thankful that Stacy had been nearby. Wiping his bloody nose on his sleeve, he opts to ignore that for now, along with the pain in his shoulder. Trudging forward, he doesn't waste time talking to Stacy yet - they needed to get Dylan back to the house.

By now, Dylan's tugging and pulling had lessened immensely, although his anger had not. "I hate you!" he screams, not caring if he was talking to his father, Stacy, or both.

Mick feels as though he's been stabbed through the heart... again... but doesn't react. "Come on, Dylan," he prompts quietly. "Let's go."

Taking the other side, he nods to Stacy, letting her keep Dylan in her grip and using her help to aim him back to the house and half drag him up the porch. Once inside the house, Mick is glad for Stacy's assistance in getting his son down the hallway and back into the spare room. Forcing Dylan onto the bed, Mick pins him down, looking him square in the eye. "You will stay here," he commands firmly.

"No!" Dylan struggles but his efforts are week. "Get off of me!"

"I will... but only if you settle down."

Dylan glares at him, still out of breath as sweat drenches his shirt. "Why do you hate me?" Though angry, his voice cracks in almost a whimper.

"I don't hate you." Mick keeps his voice steady and calm. "I love you very very much. That's why I'm doing this."

Finally, finally, Dylan begins to relax.

"Can I let you go now?" Mick asks.

Dylan nods numbly.

Taking the risk, Mick loosens his grip and straightens, backing away from the bed. Stepping out into the hall, he shuts the door for a moment, leaning back against it and closing his eyes for several seconds to regroup. Eventually looking to Stacy, he nods. "Thank you. He went crazy and when I tried to stop him, it was like I was trying to hold back the Hulk."

He wipes his nose again, finding it was still bleeding, and he rolls his eyes. "I better take care of this. Would you mind just making sure he doesn't leave the room for a minute while I clean myself up?"

Jason hangs up the phone in his living room, a strange feeling settling over him. It was... numb. He should be more upset. Maybe he was. Is this what it felt like? He couldn't tell. It bothered him that it didn't feel worse. Why wasn't he upset? Why didn't he...feel?

Swallowing hard, he picks up his cell phone this time and flips it open to text Katie a message.

Mom just called. Bad news.
Wes is MIA. No details yet.
Pray for her.


Trey gives a small smirk at Ariel's comment about socializing. He was pretty horrible at it, but in time that would become easier too...right? Putting his hands into his pockets he gives a little sheepish grin before looking to Pete.

"Maybe if he's not to busy we can get special treatment too."

Giving a wink Trey turns to head out but stops heading Ariel wanted to ride alone. Cocking his head a little bit he wondered if it was anything. Giving a small smile he nods, he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. She was meeting them there that was good enough.

"Sounds good to me....That just gives Pete and I some time to see what kinda trouble we can stir up."

Turning again to head out once more another crack formed on the wall around his heart..forgiveness. Tonight was turning out pretty good all in all. Better than Trey had expected.

Not to far away Stacy was making one of her mid afternoon rounds. Even though she was sticking around for Dylan she had to still take care of her normal stuff too. Hearing the commotion over in the yard though Stacy stops for a second and listens. Heading that was she walks quickly to see what was going on.

Just getting to the yard Stacy see Dylan break free of Mick's hold and her walks becomes a sprint. Getting to Dylan Stacy grabs him by arm and pulls it around to his back but not hard enough to hurt him only to keep him from running. Taking his other hard in her hand Stacy hold it firmly. It was hard with Dylan's power of adrenalin behind him but she tried to stand from taking a few steps back here and there.

"Dylan you need to calm down. This will be a lot easier on you if you do."

Still trying to hold Dylan Stacy looks over to Mick. She hopped he was ok. Normaly she would of checked on that first but her first instincet here was to get Dylan before he hurt himself. Now it was just trying to get Dylan back to the house before many people saw him that she was worried about. He didn't need that much attachen on him.