

Sitting on the couch and listen to Ty talk it was nice having his hand in hers it gave her comfort, and it made him feel real. Continuing to pay close attachen to what he had to say, and watching as he showed her, his scars she couldn't help the look of surprise on her face. She never would of guessed he had been through this too.

"Oh wow babe, I...had no idea. I'm so sorry."

Not even thinking twice about it Libby lets go of Ty's hand and wraps her arms around his neck giving him a hug and leaning her face into his neck. Hearing everything Ty had been through as well it was a realization that he had just lived through his own nightmare with her all over again.

"I guess we have something else in common now huh? Not the greatest thing in the word but...I don't know what I am trying to say."

Giving Ty's neck a kiss and letting it linger for a moment Libby pulls away. Running a finger along Ty's cheek, and under his eye were the slight wetness had formed she have a soft smile, and though it hurt.

"I guess we can be each other knights in shining armor now. I think you win in the good look factor right now though."

Too close

Ty just listens quietly, knowing how scared Libby was, and wishing he could take that fear away somehow. But he knew he couldn't... it just had to fade on its own.

Her question brings his eyes down to his own hand, realizing that she was right. He was still shaking. He gives her hand a squeeze and nods, trying to continue calming his nerves. "Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. I just..." He thinks for a long moment, trying to come up with the right words to say. This whole thing had stirred up a lot inside of him, and he needed to sort through it without making Libby feel worse.

Kicking off his shoes, he brings his feet up on the couch to sit almost sideways, facing Libby. His thumb runs through her palm as his hand still shakes slightly. "I don't like seeing you hurt," he admits softly. "It... upsets me and..." He shrugs. "I guess I got really angry back there."

Swallowing hard, he tries to push back some more thoughts, but they were too stubborn, continuing to rise to the surface. Taking his free hand, he rolls up the sleeve of his shirt to show a scar on his shoulder. "That's... from when I was about twelve. I... fell down the stairs... by way of someone pushing me."

His eyes remain downcast as he pulls up his pantleg to show another mark on his ankle. "That was from a chair... that was thrown at me."

Ty's voice had grown even quieter. He never spoke this specifically of this to anyone, not even Wyatt. "I know how it feels, Libby... to have someone who... who's supposed to love you and care for you... turn on you instead. I just... happened to run away from it quicker than you did."

Finally raising his eyes, a wetness glimmered in his gaze. "And I try to forget. So... seeing you and... then with Victor... I just lost it, knowing you'd been through what I had, and worse. 'Cause no one should have to... especially someone like you."

Looking down again, he gives a little shrug. "I guess it hit too close to home this time."


Finally getting back to Ty and Con's Libby sits on the couch. Just staring at the blank tv for a long while Libby lets the quiet around her just sink in. The silence was nice, yet startling at the same time.

Looking up as Ty comes back into the room Libby just watches him for a long moment. Finally answering his question her voice was still shaky as she reached out to take his hand in her own.

"I think I feel semi safe now. Ok thought...I...don't know whats gonna happen now. I can't stay here with Wyatt and you forever living on your couch. I mean sure I'd love to be with my friends and you but its just...something I can't think of the word. I guess I am just scared now because I don't know whats going to happen to me. I have no plan. Than there is the fear of Victor finding me too...and....that scares me too."

Looking down at Ty's hand in her own for the first time she sees him shaking a little himself realized how much he really had cared. She new he had cared, but just not how much. She couldn't remeber the last time someone really had. She'd almost forgotten the feeling all together. Now she looked to him on what to do next, but maybe he needed comfort too.

"Are...you ok too? Your shaking Ty."


Seeing Victor back off, Con breathes a sigh of relief, while Ty is still livid. The younger man turns around to see Libby, so angry at this whole mess. Going to her, he starts to help her pick up the clothes and put them back in the box. "Don't thank us," he murmurs. "Getting you out of here is thanks enough in itself."

Con waits a moment to gather himself again, then sets about packing once more. Between the three of them, it doesn't take long to have all that Libby wanted into boxes. Nothing was sorted and it was all mixed together and crammed into the boxes, but it was there, and that's what counted. The back of her pickup was loaded up without much trouble between Con and Ty.

Backing out of the driveway, Ty can see Victor staring at them from the window, but he doesn't care. Good riddance.

On the road, Ty leads the way to his and Wyatt's place without incident. Parking and getting out, he goes around to help Libby out as well. Not much had been said on the way here... what could be said?

Putting an arm around her, he leads her slowly to the house. "You're safe now," he assures. "No one's gonna hurt you here."

Con follows behind them just to make sure everything was settled before he left. Wandering inside, he scans the house, knowing that Wyatt wasn't home yet.

Ty takes Libby into the living room and lets her sit on the couch. "I'll be right back.... we can sit a while then I can start bringing some of your stuff in." At least they had marked boxes that were necessary for right now, and others that could wait until she was settled more permanently.

Heading back towards the door to show Con out, he stops to lean back against the wall. Now back here with Libby safe, and without her seeing him, he closes his eyes for a moment, just trying to pull himself back together again.

Con looks at him with just a bit of concern, realizing that Ty was shaking. "You alright?"

"Yeah... yeah, I will be." Ty takes a deep breath. "Guess I just got sorta tense."

"Sorta." Con gives him a wry grin. "You sure you're gonna be alright? You need me to stick around?"

"No... no, we should be fine. I'll put Libby's truck in the garage - Victor shouldn't know this address so we should be alright. And if not, there's a shotgun in the closet."

Con frowns. "Yeah... just don't get trigger happy. You got a phone for a reason."

"I know, I know. Get going. You'll be late for supper." Ty watches Con leave before shutting the door and wandering back into the living room. Sitting down next to Libby, he realizes that his hands are still shaking. "You okay?"

Be Sorry

Being pushed twords the door Victor's eyes blaze even more as his fists ball at his side. He wanted so bad to push back but stops himself as he takes a few steps twords Ty. He was outnumbered easly with Con there, not to mention hitting someone so much younger than himself. Looking past Ty at Libby his eyes eyes cut through her.

"You deserve to be with the rats. Don't bother coming running back here if you need help, after all I've done for you. You'll be sorry."

Looking to Ty again and than Con Victor turns cursing an muttering under his breath about Libby most that couldn't be heard before he disappeared somewhere else in the house.

Letting out a long sigh and glancing to Ty than Con Libby's eyes showed her fear all over as her eyes welled with tears. Going over to the box and picking up what was dumped out of it Libby is quit because her voice finally speaks a little weak.

"Thank you. I...I couldn't do this without you guys. I'm to scared of him, I have been for a long time."

Not this time

Seeing Victor go for Libby and throw her box to the side, Ty can't take it. Slipping from Con's grip, he steps between Victor and Libby, fire in his eyes. Without time to think, he gives Victor's chest a hefty shove to send him back towards the door.

"Back off," he growls, pointing a finger at him. "You pull any more stunts, so help me, this roof is coming down on your head and they won't even recognize you when they find you."

Con looks at his younger friend with warning. "Ty..."

"Shut up, Con." Ty doesn't break his gaze from Victor. "You're lucky all we're doing is helping Libby out of here. Now you can either stand here with your trap shut, or leave this room. There are no other options... not this time."


Giving a smirk as Ty come twords him but see the other big man stop him Libby's step father just eyes him. Than looking to Con himself he looks the big man over considering his own options. Catching sight of the Elite badge he gives another scoff and rolls his eyes, he new all to well who The Elite were.

"Fine, you can leave but all this crap stays here. You leave with the cloths on your back and the. The rest of this junk is mine."

Looking up at her step father trying to be strong the fear could still be seen in her swollen eyes. She was trying her best to be a strong person with her friends there with her it was just so hard. Glancing down in the box she was holding Libby doesn't meet her steps fathers cold eyes.

"I...I bought most of this stuff. It's mine to take with me...I'll leave the stuff I..I didn't buy."

Squinting his eyes a little fire could almost be seen behind Libby's step fathers eyes showing how upset he was. Taking a step twords Libby he grabs the box from her she was holding and throws it to the side hitting the wall and sending cloths everywhere, the cold tone in his merciless voice.

"I said No. I put food in your mouth, and a roof over your head when I should of kicked you out long ago. This stuff is what you owe me."

Libby gives a jump and cringes a little as her step father grabs the box from her. Her eyes filling with a few tears on how scared she was frozen in her place.

Feel free

Getting into the house and into Libby's room, Ty and Con waste no time in helping her put items in boxes. They do as she suggests, but also take the initiative to pack things she hadn't mentioned as well.

As her stepfather appears though, everything comes to a screeching halt. Ty whips around and his blood begins to boil, just seeing this man who had hurt Libby. Hearing his words and hearing Libby be called a liar was the last straw.

"You swine," he hisses. He takes several strides towards him, anger blazing in his eyes and his fists balled.

It was Con who reached him first though, putting a strong hand on Ty's shoulder to stop him abruptly. Self defense was one thing, assault was another. Keeping his hand on Ty to hold him back, he towers over Libby's stepfather. His eyes stare down at him with cold ire that could cut through steel. He hadn't caught all he'd said, but he didn't have to.

"I'm sorry sir," he responds as calmly as he can, "but your stepdaughter is four years legal to do whatever she wants. It is her legal right to leave this house, and my friend and I are here to assist her in moving boxes."

Ty wants so bad to pounce on this man, that his face becomes flushed and his hands clench tight enough to make his knuckles turn white.

Con looks down at Libby's stepfather with warning. "We will be gone shortly. If you feel the need to call the authorities in the meantime, please, feel free. But I don't think that will do anything but cause more trouble for yourself."

Moving his one hand slightly, his jacket gets pulled back just a little to show the edge of his Elite badge on his belt. "Now, please... leave us alone."