

Dalton's eyes study Carson's face as he listens to his words. His heart starts to race, hearing his reply. Did Carson really think that little of him? Did he really not like him all that much? Dalton had thought for sure he wasn't that bad. He'd always walked on God's path the best he could and tried to uphold morals.

Letting out a small sigh, Dalton can feel his heart sink. He really did love Dani and he wanted to be able to take care of her. But without Carson's blessing, it would have to wait for now. He wanted to at least try to get Carson to like him enough for his blessing.

About to turn and leave, Dalton stops as Carson turns around once again. His expression was completely different now than it had been a few moments before. Dalton can't help but cock his head a little bit and as he hears Carson's new words, he lets out a longer sigh that seemed clearer.

"You think you're a funny guy, huh?" He can't help but laugh a little as he sinks down into the stool by the counter. His heart was now racing even more than it had been before. Looking up at Carson, a little of his own humor dances in his eyes as he thinks about how silly he must have looked. "I guess you have to start somewhere with scaring the crap out of your little sister's guy, right? I'm just happy you were joking."

Picking up the small box again and placing it into his pocket gently so it wouldn't get lost, Dalton gives a smile to Carson again before standing and saying his goodbye. He wasn't sure when the time would come that he would ask Dani, but now that Carson gave his ok, when that perfect moment hit, he could.

Stacy can't help the smile that spreads across her face as Eric confirms that those boots would be best for Ashlee. Her daughter wasn't spoiled but she liked getting her the best, or at least right, things when she could.

Tilting her head to the side for a moment as Eric continues to, what seemed like, talk, Stacy does her best to follow along and understand. She can't help though, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide a small laugh. Eric was trying so hard and it just wasn't coming out right at all.

"Don't give up. If you do, then nothing will ever get done. Even if you do get hung up a little bit, it's part of learning, after all." Putting the boots under her arm and glancing in the direction where Sparky and Dylan were, Stacy just focuses on them for a moment as she thinks about Eric's question. It would put a smile on Ashlee's face to learn how to ride, and Eric seemed trustworthy enough. He also knew how to handle a horse, or so it seemed the other day when she watched from afar as he worked the horse in one of the round rings.

"It would be okay with me if you taught Ashlee how to ride. I think she would really like that. It would give her something to do as well, and could even count as gym class for school."

Stacy laughs and shakes her head a little bit thinking about it. "That would make Ash happy, not having to worry about doing anything else for gym besides riding a horse. I think it would be really great, Eric, if you were to teach her. Thank you."

Taking a few steps forward, Stacy stops next to him and gives him a smile, resting her hand gently on his arm as a thanks - a contrast, perhaps, to her rough exterior. She felt it was important for her daughter and herself to fit into the ranch as best as they could, ad so far it seemed easier than she had thought. They had opened their arms to them and treated them just like family. It was a nice feeling and Stacy was glad it had been an easy transition.

Biting her lower lip, Beth is quiet as she just watches and listens to Justin. He didn't have to say he was upset - she could already tell - by the small flicker in his eye. She wasn't good at reading people like Justin was, but she had come to know the different looks he had and what they meant.

"She is ve..." Beth doesn't bother finishing her sentence as Justin changes the subject rather quickly and gets up, leaving the room. Once he is gone, she leans back on the couch and lets out a rather long sigh as she moves the spoon through her melting ice cream.

Justin hadn't yelled at her, but it was easy to see that maybe she'd really messed up on this one, even though she was just trying to do something good. She'd been on a high, feeling good about herself, but now she felt pretty low. It wasn't Justin's fault - maybe it was just her own and she had been overconfident.

"No...that's...that's alright. I don't need any. I...probably should go soon."

The movie wasn't close to being over, but if Justin was angry, she didn't want to stay and invade his space any more than she already had. Perhaps letting him cool off was the best thing right now.

Michaela can't help but laugh and shake her head. If her own contents in her cart had been any more exciting, she would have made a comment. But she just left it alone before she embarrassed herself with her female products.

"Oh, so you really want to go to coffee with me? I figured since you never returned my call...you just liked talking about it more." Leaning on her cart, Michaela's eyes dance with her own silly humor. She missed their talks online and through their blog, even if most people would think it silly - she really liked interacting with Rocky.

"Well, on another note, I just need to pick a salad dressing here and then I am done if you want to grab some now. I am game. Or, we could become more prepared and go later tonight."

Being there with Tal and Holly was an amazing experience and something Ryan would never forget. to see life being created in front of her eyes, it was simply amazing. She looks to Tal several times as a bright smile shone on her face, and her eyes filled with the same amazement and wonder.

As the sky turns colors, and the puppies and new mother fall asleep, Ryan lets out a yawn. It had been a long night filled with excitement to keep her awake, but now, now how tired she felt was starting to sink in.

Looking over at Tal and seeing him curl up on the blanket with the pillow, Ryan gives a small laugh. Few words had been shared tonight, yet it felt like they had had a whole conversation. It was a good feeling - a comforting feeling. Seeing Tal motion for her to come closer, she hesitates for a moment but finally relents as she crawls over to him and snuggles in close. It wasn't long before Ryan was fast asleep, the smile still on her lips.

From inside, Carol just watches Nikki and Pete, a smile forming on her face. It gave her great comfort, knowing Nikki was being taken care of and was happy. She wasn't long for his world and would soon be going home. Knowing her daughter was okay, or at least having the confirmation, was nice.

Slowly making her way back to the living room, Carol slowly sits down in her chair, tired from the short walk. Leaning her head back, she says a little prayer before drifting to sleep.

Entering Reese's office, Nate is a little surprise to see Chance. He'd been out when the whole thing had gone down originally, but he had heard about it and knew who Chance was. "What's up, Boss?"

He puts aside how strange it was that Chance was here, and he turned his attention to Reese. It had to be for a good reason, and as he starts to explain, Nate listens even closer, not missing a detail. Someone's life was depending on this, yet another's life hung in the balance.

One Reese is finished, Nate gives as nod of understanding before looking to Chance again and just studying him for a moment. He wondered himself if this was another trap, but he had to trust Reese on this one.

"Yeah, I can do that. Just let me know where we need to go and when it will happen and I am all over it."

"You are the heartless killers or you wouldn't have killed my father in the first place when he was trying to get out. That is the truth, plain and simple. You intended on killing him and you won."

Not saying anything else, Destiny puts her head down again, letting the woman leave. She was angry, she was scared and she couldn't help but wonder if anyone really was coming for her at all, or if this was the last room she would see.

Looking into Kips eyes, Karla gives a small smile. She could never be mad at him - it was just something that did not seem possible. So giving a smile was her way of conveying that to him.

Listening to everything he had to say about what Kyle had told him today and what he was trying to decide, Karla felt a little sad, but only because she knew how hard this had to be on Kip. Something like this, being told you needed help, was not easy to hear and she knew it.

"I think if you cut out now on something you have a great talent in and love doing, then you're never going to be happy because running away won't make the reason go away."

She is quiet for a moment as she thinks on her words before saying them. Rubbing her fingers along Kip's, she is quiet for a long moment before speaking again. "I know you can get through this and over this hump, Kip. You're stronger than you think and it never hurts to get a little help in doing so. At least you could go and try it out. It couldn't hurt, right? No one will think differently of you because of it. I'll be with you, Kip, every step of the way as long as you let me... I promise."