
Speed Limit

Giving a nod Katie pulls her keys from her pocket and hands them to Hunter before turning and heading to her car. Getting in Katie reaches into the back seat and pulls out a little blue light she set on the dashboard and turns on. This was a good time as ever to use it.

   "Don't worry about lights, or the speed limit just stay close to the ambulance. I know you can do that, you a racer after all...just be safe."

Pulling out of the ranch Katie new that following the ambulance he would be able to find his way alright and it would be quite a drive. That was the only bad thing about living all the way out here it took forever to get to where one was going.

Looking to her brother Rosetta's face was filled with worry. Turning to Mick to folds her arms around herself. Right now she new both of them couldn't go even if they wanted to because someone had to stay at the ranch.

   "Mick, I am gonna go if thats ok. Can you stay, call Jay and let him know whats going on please?"


Walking with Katie, Hunter couldn't help his smile.  Conversation was lighter for a while and having someone to just be goofy with was... well, it was just nice. As they get back to the ranch yard and the ambulance comes into view though, Hunter's pulse quickens. That couldn't be good. Was it -

Too late to think. Katie was already running. Sprinting after her, he keeps a safe distance, unsure what was going on, but not wanting to abandon her either. Realizing that it was her dad that was in trouble, his heart aches a little. This wasn't good at all. She'd told him that her dad had been rather ill, but he didn't know anything more.

Angel brings his attention back up and he nods without hesitating. "Yeah... yeah, sure. No problem." Being told the directions, Hunter embeds them in his mind. They were out in the middle of nowhere here - it would be a fair drive.

Seeing Jeff placed on a stretcher and taken to the ambulance, Hunter sets a hand gently on Katie's shoulder. "Come on... give me your keys and we'll take your car, okay?"

Watching as Jeff is loaded up and the ambulance driving away, those who were gathered were tense and a bit shook up. It was unusual that anything drastic enough happened that Angel couldn't handle it. And knowing Jeff's condition on top of it... It did create a sense of fear.

Eric folds his arms, gritting his teeth. He'd heard the words "heart attack" from one of the medics but nobody had given them any more information. Easing over next to Rosetta, he looks at her with worry. "I see Katie and her friend there... who else is gonna go?"


Dalton gives a nod and a laugh at Reese. He new his boss already figured he was into over time since he was here more than once a night late himself. But thats not why Dalton stayed. If he got payed for it or not it didn't matter to him. He just enjoyed the work he was doing and that alone kept him sane on the days Dani wasn't around.

   "Yeah yeah yeah I am going."

Turning and heading out of Reese office Dalton goes back to his own to shut down his computer and grab his things. Tomorrow was another day and he could do more work than. As for now left overs Dani brought him, along with a hot shower was calling his name.

Coming out of the office Angel takes in a deep breath of air. She'd been in the office almost all day and now it was time to just take a break. Dinner would be soon anyways and she wanted to see how Luke was feeling and if he was up to going to the mess hall tonight or eating at there place tonight.

Walking past the bunk houses she see someone laying on the steps. Her heart starts to race as she races over to the form. Seeing Jeff her heart starts to thump even more. Bending down next to him she checks his paulse before pulling out her phone and dialing 911.

Feeling Hunter's hand trail down Katie's arm it gave her little shivers. There were good shivers though and made her smile even more. Having his fingers lock around hers Katie closes her own fingers to lock them with his. She had many things that still raged war inside her, and a cretin person she did miss but this moment, Hunter's kindness and the length he went made her feel special.

   "Alright lets get you looking even better for dinner."

Still holding Hunter's hand Katie moves forward with him continuing the light chat. A few laughs also spilled over as one of them would say something funny to cause them to go into a laughing fit. 

Coming around to the bunk houses though Katie stops seeing the flashing lights of a ambulance outside her dad's bunkhouse and many people gathered around. Katie's face goes ghost white as her hand drops from Hunters.


Katie breaks out into a run going twords the bunk. Seeing her dad laying on the ground she is stopped by Angel who holds her back a little bit. Though trying to struggle a little Katie looks up at her her face masked with much pain.

   "What happened? Is he ok? Where are they taking him?"

Looking down at Katie Angel's heart went out to her. She hated seeing Katie worried and upset. She new how much she cared about her father and how scared she was if losing him all over again.

    "He passed out and I found him on the steps. They are taking him to the closest hospital. You can drive and meet them there."

Seeing movement behind Katie Angel gives a nod to Hunter. She'd been introduced to him earlier in the day and new it was one of Katie's friends. In this state she didn't want Katie driving herself so maybe he would.

   "Hunter, if  I give you directions would you mind driving Katie please?"


A new kind of smile creases Hunter's lips as he continues to study Katie. She was so different from anybody else he knew. So much more to her than just the surface. 

Feeling her hand on his, his thumb continues to caress her face. It was soft. Warm. It wasn't the face of a woman who had ill intentions or wanted the wrong things from him. It was the face of an innocent girl who just needed some extra understanding and someone who could care. 

"I think I'm gonna be glad I came," he responds quietly. He had no idea how long he intended to stay. A week tops was what he'd had in the back of his mind. But he had no set plans. He had no job he needed to return to. His apartment could take care of itself for a while. And if he was genuinely wanted here then... who knew what he'd end up doing? He was used to flying by the seat of his pants. 

Finally letting his hand down, it gently runs the length of her arm before finding her palm and interlocking her fingers with his own. He didn't know why he he felt so strongly about being her friend. But he did. And until she told him to go away, he had no intention of turning his back. 

"Walk me to my bunkhouse," he prompts. "Then I can clean up before supper." 

Jeff throws another pitchfork full of manure into the wheelbarrow before wiping his brow. Was it getting extremely hot in here or was it just him? Continuing to work, the air in the stall seemed hard to breathe and he found himself on the verge of wheezing. Forcing himself to finish the stall and dump the load out on the manure pile, by the time he gets back to the barn, he's drenched in sweat from head to toe. Avoiding anyone else, he wanders towards his bunkhouse, planning on just lying down for a short while before supper. It would be about an hour... that should give him enough time to catch his breath. 

When he reaches his bunk though, his world starts to spin - enough so that he catches himself on the porch railing, fearing walking up those two small steps. Bending and closing his eyes, he tries to get a hold of himself but what he felt only worsens. His chest had been tight all morning - now it was starting to hurt. 

Sinking down to one knee, he desperately tries to ward off the darkness. He would stay conscious. He had to. He couldn't let this win. He would win. He would... 

His eyes start to roll back in his head as he continues to fight. 

Reese nods to Dalton, still lost in thought though. "Yeah... yeah.... tomorrow if you have time, check a little deeper I guess. See if you can find out anything else. There's more than this. I can feel it in my bones. Carson doesn't just randomly do things. He's methodical. He plans and he does it well. There has to be more to all of this than him just researching a few Agency files." 

Standing up, he takes the printouts with him. "Thanks, Dalton. Now go home before I have to pay you overtime."

You Here

Giving a smile up at Hunter Katie was thankful for his words. They were encouraging and they did help her feel better. Though his some of his words did send a pain to her heart as well. Lonely, she was slightly lonely even though she had family around her.  She still felt distant from them. Happy to be here but...strange.

   "It dosn't help much to talk about my feelings because I have no way to describe them. It's like knowing how you feeling but not really knowing. Its more of a guess and see kind of thing."

Stopping and looking up at Hunter Katie lets out a small sigh. Maybe her eyes did tell the whole store seeing as Hunter almost hit it right one the head. 

   "All of the above."

Giving a small smile and feeling Hunter's skin against her face Katie leans her head into it a little. Taking in the soft comfort from it and the feelings it held. Strange to think with one touch she didn't have to suck the emotions from anyone. This way seemed more easy to enjoy, almost like it wasn't a quick rush but a soft intake.

   "Least I wont be to horrible lonely not that your here and...you wont have to be lonely either."

Katie brings her hand to Hunter's on her face and just holds it there while giving a soft smile to them. Maybe they could help see each other through there storm. Maybe thats why they had meant to become friends. There was a bigger picture here and Katie was sure of it even if she couldn't see it yet.

Taping the desk for a second and thinking Dalton was quiet. He didn't want to think Carson was involved in anything deeper. But than again he never though he would of left Misty either. Everything seemed so messed up that Dalton wasn't sure what to think.

   "I guess it couldn't hurt to check. Lots of things are screwy right now with him its hard to think what is in character for him and what isn't."


Hunter gives Katie and encouraging smile and nods. "At least baby steps keep you moving." He couldn't imagine how someone couldn't feel, or how they could but not understand what they were feeling. It had to be a strange place to be, let alone doing it without someone you'd loved and been connected to. It had to be... lonely. 

"And at least your surrounded by your family, right? I mean they all seem to be a supportive bunch." 

Still walking slowly, he pauses as a mixture of thoughts run through his mind. "Does it... well, does it help to like... talk about what you're feeling to figure it out?" He wasn't even sure he was making sense or if Katie would think it made sense at all either. "I mean... if you didn't know how you felt but you had someone to help you?" 

No... he wasn't making any sense. Stopping and turning to look at her, he gives her a sheepish grin. "I don't know what I'm talking about. But maybe..." He cocks his head and looks into her eyes deeply as if searching their depths. "...if you couldn't figure out what you were feeling right now... I'd guess you were determined to beat this... sad 'cause you're without someone you loved... comforted by being here, but lonely... kinda confused... and hoping that one day you'll wake up to find it all makes sense again." 

Reaching out, he runs his thumb along her cheek. "You might not know what you're feeling... but your eyes do." 

Standing and stretching, Jason nods to Misty. "Yeah, and thanks to you too. This was fun." 

Glancing to Alec he gives a little wave. "Take it easy." 

"Yeah, sure." Alec waves him goodbye.

Jason turns back to Misty and smiles. "See you tomorrow. Don't forget we're doing lunch with the gang." 

Watching Misty walk Jason back inside to see him off, Alec remains seated, just sitting in the quiet of the backyard. He could hear city sounds but it wasn't too loud, and it felt kind of sheltered back here. This evening had been different. Fun. It had been a long time since he'd enjoyed himself, let alone with someone like Jason. Alec missed the fun times with Ryan and Eli... thinking about that created an ache inside that made him want to cry, though he didn't. Oh how he wished he could go back and change his decisions. He'd still have friends. He'd still have Ryan. 

Swallowing the last of his pop, he stands and starts gathering up the cans and paper plates leftover from supper so he can throw them away. 

Having Dalton return to his office, Reese looks up expectantly. Taking the printouts, he glances over them just briefly before shaking his head. Sighing, his eyes return to Dalton. 

"It would take a couple hours tops for him to research this stuff. He's been here night after night, spending hours here - there has to be more." 

Rubbing his face wearily, he sighs again. "But that means he had to have hidden it, just like you said. But why? Why would he cover his tracks if it was legit? Why would he hide anything if it weren't something he knew he'd get in trouble for?" He searches Dalton's face, worry in his eyes. "In your opinion... do we need to investigate further?"

So So

Enjoying the air and the light chat Katie really was happy Hunter had come. She had friends here at the ranch and people she could talk too but Hunter new a little more about how things were going on with her so in a way she just felt a little more comfortable.

Hearing his question Katie new it would come sooner or later. They had hit on many topics but had avoided that one till now. Letting out a small sigh and tucking her hands into her pocket just thinking for a moment she finally talked.

   "I'm...here. Each day its getting a little better but...I still kinda feel crappy."

Kicking a stone as they walked Katie keeps her eyes down till finally looking up at Hunter. She new a lot of things he didn't understand but he at least tried and caught what was imporant.

   "Slowly I am starting to be able to feel again and understand what each one is. Let me tell ya it's not easy to do but...baby steps,,,right?"

Misty can't help but laugh again as she takes the last sip of water. Tonight had really turned out to be a great night. It was something she needed and something she was so happy to be able to share with two other people who needed it too.

   "Holy cow...it is later than I thought. I think in the morning I am going to be a zombi."

Standing Misty gives a smile. She didn't want to tell Jason good night and she didn't want to go to bed yet herself. But she new it was that time and she had too. There would be other nights filled with fun she just had a feeling about it.

   "Well, Thank you Jason for coming over and sharing the meal and game with us. And than you Alec for cleaning up the back yard to make it possible. It means a lot guys."

Looking up from his desk Dalton study's Reese as he talks. He new they had been watching Carson and trying to figure out what was going on but not Dalton had the feeling things were getting deep. But If Reese requested something than He would take the challenge.

   "Yeah I can go and do that now before I head out and get back to you. It's not a problem."

Leaving his office and going to Misty's computer Dalton sits down and cracks his knuckles. Typing away seconds turned to minutes, soon and hour had passed and Dalton new very little than he did before. If Carson had been looking for more he sure had covered his tracks well but with as deep as Dalton had searched it would have been hard.

Standing Dalton goes to Reese office and knocks before entering holding a print out. Putting it down on his desk he gives a small sigh. It suck he had respected Carson and now all this had happened. There had to be a reason right.

   "As far as I can tell the only thing Carson had been doing was looking through Agency files. I have some print outs on what ones but if anything else was going on he hide it well."