

Continuing to walk Trey took in Ariel's words and thought about them for a few moments. Though he didn't say anything more about them he just kept the thoughts to himself for now. It was interesting to say the least having these new feelings stirred.

Stopping for a moment as Ariel does Trey just waits as she continued to talk. Looking down into her own eyes there was something there he could see. Something soft but said she had her own past as well. A strange sensation comes over Trey the need to want to know what it was about her. She was different and...he liked it.

"And so the time moves on, not waiting...but the path we walk can lead back to the start so we can try life once again."

Trey shakes his head a little and gives a tiny scoff. Why he remembered that from a move he'd watched with one of his ex girl friends he didn't know. It was a chick movie and he had hated it but now in this moment he remembered that one line.

Feeling Ariel's arm link with his Trey looks down at her quickly. He hadn't expected her to do that and he couldn't help but wonder why. She hardly new him. Not even thinking Trey's own arm tightens just a little bringing Ariel closer to him. He was warm as it was, but feeling her closer she had her own warmth that was different and sent a strange feeling through him. Looking down at her as they walk Trey grins returns.

"I've been told I am like a human heating blanket. Stick close and I am sure you wont get cold."

Moving his arm a little bit so her arm let go of his Trey reached out and put his arm around her shoulders bringing her even closer into him as they walked trying to offer some of his warmth to her. Yet he could not deny the new feeling he felt inside and was odd, but good at the same time.

Taking some plates and some pans from Carson to dry Misty does so before putting them away in the right places. She new pretty much where everything went in the kitchen just from helping out once or twice so it was easy to talk and put them away at the same time.

"Well at least Ryder will be coming home. Thats a step in the right direction and I am sure it will help him continue to heal. As for Thirteen helping him, I think when it comes to Ryder she wouldn't take no from him."

Looking to Carson and giving him a little snap with her towel at his comment she shakes her head her mind going back to the comment of some time off.

"I think we both need some time off together. I miss spending the days with you. They just come few and far between. Oh well, it will come soon though...right?"

Dalton was up and out of bed before Dani even agreed to him coming to see her. He was awake now, and already throwing on some lounge clothing. He wanted to be there for Dani, he loved being there for her.

"I'll be there shortly, just need to find an old hoodie to throw on."

Not bothering to change out of his soft cotton pajama pants Dalton goes to the closet and pulls out his black hoodie slipping it on over his head. Grabbing his phone, wallet and keys Dalton heads out.

Not taking to long he pulls into Dani's drive way and shuts the car off before getting out. Heading up the side walk and to the door he new it would be open for him. Letting himself in he lets his eyes get used to the dim light for a moment before glancing into the living room. Seeing Dani's form on the couch he enters and leans down of her giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

Retreating Dalton's comes around the couch and sits down next to Dani. Putting his arm out and around her shoulders he pulls her closer to him giving the top of her head a kiss. He would be her shelter, he was be her strength.

"Hey Babe, I'm here. You're safe now I promise I wont let anything happen."


"Um..." Dani really didn't want to be a bother to Dalton. She knew she'd woken him up - he'd have to get up, dressed and drive over here. Even if he didn't mind, she still didn't want to make him do that. But...

She bites her lip. Curling up in his big strong arms was all she wanted right now. "M...maybe just for a little while?"

Dani felt just a little silly about this whole thing, but a few minutes later as she waits for Dalton to come, she turns on the one small lamp in the living room and grabs an extra blanket for the couch. Sitting sideways, she leans her head on the back cushions, trying to settle her nerves as she waits. She knew he could just let himself in and she'd let him. Knowing that he would come... it gave her a nice warm feeling.

"It was alright." Carson rinses another pan and hands it to Misty to dry. "Busy. Party tonight was a bit of work, but it was worth it to see them having a good time. Any group with the bands is always a good one - I never have to worry about anything, even if I do give them a hard time."

Continuing to work, his mind wanders a little. "I'll be glad for a few days off eventually, but until Ryder's back on his feet, I doubt it'll happen." The only day he had off was Sunday and what he really wanted right about now was a vacation. "He gets to go home tomorrow, but he'll be on crutches for a while. Sounds like he got tore up worse than he wanted to admit, the galah. At least he's got Thirteen to look after him, if he'll let her."

Sighing, Carson rinses off one of the large pots and sets it in the strainer to air dry. "Us Aussies like to take care of ourselves, you know." He grins and gives Misty a sidelong glance. "Though I must admit... I'm kinda getting used to you taking care of me."

Ariel found it thoughtful of Trey for him to suggest they go back to the fire. Even though she wanted to stay out here and keep looking at the stars, she knew it was a good idea to head in that direction.

Ambling along beside Trey, she listens, curious about his past and his family. She got the feeling that there were secrets. She wasn't sure why, but just the way he spoke... there seemed to be a mystery there, and quite possibly one that she didn't want to find out about. He seemed a little lost, and she did wonder if he would be staying in the area or traveling back home anytime soon.

"I guess if someone looks hard enough, there's almost always something worth staying for," she muses quietly. "It does take open eyes though." She pauses her steps near the beginning of the pier and glances back over her shoulder at the water. "Sometimes it takes being away from what we love, only to realize that we did love it."

Turning her gaze back to Trey, she looks up into his eyes, finding them rather soft, but with what seemed to be a hard exterior. She wondered if it was penetrable.

Smiling a little, she hooks her arm through his without asking and continues the walk towards the fire. "If nobody's made hot chocolate, that's what I'm going to do."

To much

Continuing to watch the sky and seeing the shooting star Trey's grin turns into a small smile. He'd seen something like that in a movie before but seeing it right in front of his eyes was a whole new meaning.

"Wow, this is defiantly a new experience. I think I like a little."

Seeing Ariel shiver a little out of the corner of his eye Trey wished he had taken his own jacket along today. He would of let her use it. Some might think it was odd someone like him would have manors, but among anything everything else his parents had taught him manors so he could make them look good and it just stuck.

Giving a little nod to the area Trey didn't want her to get sick, and he was a little chilly himself. Nor did he know when Pete wanted to leave.

"Come on lets go back to the fire where its warm."

Slowly starting back the way they came Trey's walk was slow almost like he didn't want to go back but new for there own sakes he had too.

"Don't know. As far as it looks now I am going to be here a long while, but for what is to come...I don't know. Mexico is my home, my friends and family is there. But if I had something worth staying for I just might."

Giving Ariel a side long glance he watches her for a moment. He'd had a nice time talking with Ariel but did he belong in a group like his? He wondered it was so different than the norm for him.

"It's my job to make you feel good. Though its not hard because you make yourself look good."

Watching as Carson walked back to the sink Misty leans hear head aganst the door again just watching. Letting out a content sigh. Every moment she spend with him her heart grew to his even more. She'd fallen hard for him and loved every moment of being married.

"Here, let me help so we can get home sooner."

Coming up behind Carson Misty grabs the towel from his shoulder and starts to dry a few things off. She didn't mind helping him even if there was work at home waiting too. Just spending time with him was what mattered.

"So you have a good day?"

Hearing Dani's voice on the other end of the phone Dalton snaps out of his sleepy state instantly alert as his heart pounds wanting to know whats wrong with Dani.

"Hey babe, no no no...don't worry about it. "

He didn't care Dani had called him. He could never be angry with her for waking him when she was in need. He cared to much about her for that.

"Want me to head over and sit with you? I don't mind at all knowing your ok with my own eyes would be me at ease."

Dalton would do anything for Dani she was just that important to him. Her being safe, and knowing she was ok was always on the top of his list.

Shooting star

Feeling Trey's touch as he moves her lock of hair, Ariel glances to him quickly, searching his eyes for a moment. There was no fear... no reprimand. Perhaps only curiosity as to why he'd done that. She remains silent, even when his hand brushes hers, though her fingers move just a little as if testing to see what his hand felt like.

When he withdraws to look at the sky, she smiles and follows his gaze. "Sometimes taking time out to notice the little things makes life worth living."

A falling star shoots through the dark and Ariel sucks in her breath before smiling again. "So pretty. Sometimes I just come out here all by myself at night. I could sit for hours just watching the sky. In town there are just too many lights and I like to get away from the noise. Towns and cities make me feel like I'm suffocating after a while. But if I can get out of there a little bit every once in a while, it revives me."

The breeze picks up a little and it was surprisingly chilly for as warm as the day had been. Ariel rubs her arms and then folds them across her chest, wishing now she'd brought her jacket with her. "Are you staying in the area for long, Trey?"

Just letting the affectionate moment linger as long as it would, Carson can feel the tension of the day beginning to melt away. Pulling back just a little, he rests his forehead on Misty's, his eyes bright. "You always know how to make me feel good, don't you?"

Kissing her nose, he grins. "I missed you today, too. Unfortunately, I have to finish up cleaning now. But I don't open 'til late tomorrow so if we want to watch a movie tonight or something, I'm all for it."

He gives her a last kiss before finally letting her go and returning to the sink.

"Dalton?" Dani's voice quakes as she clutches the phone in her hand. She sits in the corner of the couch with her knees up to her chest and a blanket pulled up over her, a box of kleenex on the end table. It was late and she knew she might have woken Dalton, but a nightmare had woken her and without even Libby here, it was too quiet. She'd tried getting up then going back to bed, but she just couldn't settle down enough to make it work.

"I'm... I'm sorry to call but... but I... I had a nightmare and I just... I needed to hear somebody's voice."