
Like fun

Destiny gives a laugh at Chance's comment not being able to help it. At least he new now that there was no point skidding around anything with her because she would know anyways.

Looking at his out stretched hand for a moment Destiny than looks back up into Chance's eyes. Her hand meting his and giving it a firm shake and a smile.

"Deal, I think I can handle that. You help me, I help you. Sounds like fun!"

Letting go of his hand and giving a deep sigh like the air had been cleared again Destiny scans the area before looking back at Chance again. She hadn't said it but she was starting to get a little hungry.

"Alright how about we have our shopping extravaganza now?!"

Taking the keys out of the ignition Ryan holds them for a long moment now turning her head to look at Alec. She could see the confusion on his face and the slight bit of pain in his eyes. She felt so bad for him that he was dealing with this conflicting but she wasn't sure how to help other than offer encouraging words to him.

"Jason and Reese can think what they want, in that business there is a fine line between murder, and self defense and if they are so quick to accuse you than they should accuse themselves too. When someone is coming at you with a gun there is no time to stop and think, auction has to be taken before its to late."

Jingling her keys a little bit Ryan continues to look Alec in the eye. What she said was not because she had a thing for cops but because it really was the truth. There was a find line and she was sure many had crossed it in one form or another.

Reaching out Ryan runs a finger down the side of Alec's face, softly just running over his cheekbone.

"This bothers you so much more because now you know your life has changed, and your trying your darnedest to do whats wrong. So in killing this man you think your slipping when your not. And what makes this different from when you killed before...is now you care enough to feel bad."

Don't understand

Chance cracks a new smile at Destiny. "If I need you to play along, I'll let you know. Or... change that... you'll probably know already without me having to tell you." He laughs a little, still a bit sheepishly.

As she pats his leg and apologizes, he shakes his head. "Naw... I like your bold mouth. It's... what gives you that edge, ya know?" He grins at her. "We're going to be invading a lot of each others' spaces for a while, so I think we better get used to it. I'll go easy on you, if you go easy on me."

Holding out his hand, he offers to shake on it.

Alec tries to shrug the whole thing off, even when Ryan speaks, but it doesn't work very well. Whether he liked it or not, these mixed feelings really did exist. She was the only one who would see him like this though. He'd lost his cocky air and his devilish glint. But only around her. She was the only one he trusted to see what was really going on inside of him.

Once they're to their destination, Alec takes a look around. It looked like a pleasant place on a little lake. Different. He liked different.

Turning in his seat almost sideways, he leans his head on the headrest and just studies Ryan for several moments. She didn't think any differently of him just because he'd killed somebody. For that, he was grateful.

"Jason doesn't think it was self-defense," he admits. "And he's got Reese convinced of that now too." He shrugs. "Maybe they're right. It just... happened so fast. I saw the look in Drew's eye... Jason wanted to take him in for questioning but I knew the guy too well... he would have died with his secrets rather than share with the Elite. Rotten to the core, that one. I wouldn't have felt guilty or anything 'cept for Jason coming after me. Kinda made me think about it I guess."

He looks in Ryan's eyes, almost like a lost little boy looking for reassurance. It was rare behavior on his part. "I used to kill without blinking, Ry... I don't understand why this is bothering me so much."

Good Looking Woman

Continuing to drive Ryan keeps her eyes on the road but hearing Alec killed someone She turns her head to look at him for a moment. Not out of shock or anger but more worried, worry for him and how he might be feeling right now.

Looking back to the Ryan listens to the rest of Alec's explanation before she jumped to any conclusion. Understanding a little more her look becomes soft knowing a lot of things must be going on inside of Alec. This defiantly had to be something he was not use to.

"I bet it feels a lot different killing and having a contentious now, but I guess you have to look at it this way too. If you hadn't of killed him, he probably would of killed you and hurt that girl you guys were with too."

Ryan new her words might not mean much but she hoped it would bring some kind of comfort to Alec. It was different seeing hi like this, down and out.

Coming to a fourway intersection Ryan takes a left following the signs that point to the small beach. It was nothing big like the other beaches around the area but it was quiet and had a little hot dog and hamburger cart there along with a few other things she liked eating at.

Pulling into the parking lot Ryan parks the car but doesn't get out yet. Still sitting there silent for a moment she turns to Alec a little to look at him.

"I can't say I know how you feel because I don't, But I do believe that feeling your having it normal and a few other people at the Elite probably get it too. It dosnt make it wrong what you did because there is a big difference, you were saving yourself and someone else this time."

Once finished with the lawyer Destiny was happy at least one apointment was down. It was just one less she would have to go to yet there will still to many to come. Getting back into the car and riding to the store the journey is quiet but she doesn't mind to much. Though on the outside it didnt look like it bothered her on the inside she was still broken apart about her parents and just going to the lawyer set everything in motions in admitting they were really gone.

After getting to the store and about to get out Destiny stops as Chance asks her to wait. Not sure why it didnt seem like he had spotted anyone that might be trouble so she looks to him with a little confusion.

Listing to everything Chance said Destiny gave a little nod of understanding. Now she saw why he might have lied to her and understood a little better on what was going on. Giving a smile she turns a little more to face Chance, her words were sensear.

"Like I said before anything thats said between you and me will stay here...So you don't have to worry about Reese finding out. Anyways if anyone asks you can just tell them I'm your good looking woman you happen to see every now and than. I think I can play along with that..after all we are living together for a little bit."

Destiny gives Chance a little wink as she reaches over to give his leg a little pat. She wasn't upset, she no longer was confused, and she couldn't help but envie him a little for his under cover work. It sounded like fun.

"I guess I am sorry too. I've got a bold mouth on me that can get me into trouble, and I use what my dad taught me all to well sometimes. So I am sorry if I invaded you space."


"Huh?" Alec is brought from his wandering train of thought as Ryan speaks to him. "Oh... yeah... yeah, everything's fine."

His head falls back to resting against the window as he tries to figure out what he was feeling. It wasn't something he recognized. Ever since he started seeing Ryan, he'd encountered all sorts of feelings that seemed foreign to him... or at least that had been buried under a callous surface.

Watching the scenery zoom by, not even the speed seemed to thrill him today. He hadn't heard everything Ryan had talked about either, though he wasn't about to tell her that.

"I guess... it never bothered me... killing a man... until yesterday."

He hadn't told Ryan about what had happened at Destiny's apartment. As far as she knew, Reese was just being stubborn and hadn't let Alec out last night.

Turning his head, Alec manages a crooked grin. "Yeah... had a good ol' showdown yesterday at this girl's house - apparently she's got the Agency after her. And I... shot a guy I actually worked with once." He points an imaginary gun at the dashboard and fires. "First time I ever questioned myself after a kill."

Chance is about to come back with an argument about accusations and respect when Destiny seems to drop the whole thing, taking his arm and starting for the building.

"Bu- wha- you...." Smirking a little, Chance shakes his head and follows along with her. "You're something else, you know that?"

Glancing both ways, he lets her take the lead into the building. "And I'm the one that wound up with you."

The visit takes a little while, and Chance keeps a close eye on everything, not minding having to wait for Destiny. It gave him some time to think, and by the time they were back in the car, he'd become a little quieter than normal. Avoiding too much conversation, he asks the way to the grocery store since Reese hadn't called him back in. This was his assignment, and he'd take the initiative to get things rolling. They needed to get moved into the safe house, and he wanted to get Destiny settled as soon as possible so she at least had some stability.

Parking in the lot of the grocery store, Chance shuts off the engine and unbuckles his seatbelt, but doesn't yet move to exit. Pulling the keys off, he looks at them for a moment before glancing to Destiny. "Hey... hang on a sec, okay? I want to apologize about... well, about earlier. I, um... I was embarrassed you were too quick for me. Saw right through me." He gives her a brief, sheepish grin. "Uh, so yeah. It wasn't a salesman that I talked to on the phone, and you had every right to call me on that."

Pursing his lips, he thinks for a moment, fiddling with the car keys. "I...I want to tell you about me because I want you to trust me. But it's big for me because that means I gotta trust you with something awfully important too." Turning to look at her, his eyes held a seriousness in them. "See, I got called up here to be your bodyguard, but Toby - that's my boss - had me on an undercover case a couple months back. And... I've still got those connections. I'm not supposed to be some Elite agent in Nevada. As far as the other guy knows, I'm still a gambler in Arizona."

Sighing, Chance leans back in his seat. "I gotta keep up my cover, or I'm a dead man too. Not even Reese knows about it because it's such a hot case. All I gotta do is lay low while I'm here, then when this is all over, high-tail it back to Arizona and pick up where I left off so we can nab those scumbags and finally close the case."

He turns to look at Destiny again. "That's why I lied about the call. I didn't want it to get back to Reese and risk exposing my position. But... I see now I gotta trust you." A wry grin emerges. "'Cause you're too smart for me."


Destiny continues to watch Chance the wonder still there on why he would continue to lie. He could of simply left it at what was said and moved on but he hadn't. He now was continuing a lie with a lie. Had she done something to make him think he needed too?

"Well than next time just tell me its non of my business. As for spreading around that your a lie, thats something I wont do. What we talk about together stays between us."

Looking down at the cell phone that was stretched out to her it would be easy for Destiny to dial the number back and see who was on the other line but that its itself was to much work.

"I'm not just a dumb blond Chance, my father trained me in enough that if the Agency even came calling I could work for them and not die because I was of no use. Yeah that plan backfired and now they want to kill me anyways but I'm smarter than I look. So put you phone away, I'm not calling anyone because personal I don't care. I just think I deserve more respect than to be lied too."

Searching Chance's face again she new he was irritated but she was nether upset or disappointed only trying to get her point across to him. It really wasnt any of her business what he was doing but she had show entrust in trying to get to know him better. If he wanted that than so be it but what was the point of lieing.

"Come on lets head inside before we are late and they tell us to come back tomorrow. Its bad enough this is only one meeting out of several more I will need to go to. I dont wanna push it back anymore."

Giving a smile to Chance it was a symbol that even if he wore irritation on his face, she wasn't mad at him nore did she think differently of him. Linking her arm with his Destiny leads the way.

Getting into her car and pulling out of the auto shop Ryan it quiet for a long while before starting to babble about working and that cars, along with the race the day after tomorrow she wanted Alec to come to. Finally though she there is a pause in her conversation she realized Alec wasn't talking as much as normal.

"Hey, you seem far away in la la land today. Everything ok?"

Continuing to drive Ryan makes her way out of town and onto the dessert roads speeding up a little bit. She wanted something different today and since she had an hour give or take she was going to take the opportunity. It wouldn't take long to get where they were going not with her speed anyways.


"Alrighty..." Chance parks the car up by the curb and makes sure the sign is on the door. Putting his hand on the door handle to get out, Destiny's words take him completely off guard.

Turning and just staring at her, he blinks. How she'd realized he was lying, he didn't know. Toby would tell anybody that Chance was one of the best liars he knew - it was an unfortunate talent. But Chance must have not been watching his body language today. Destiny was sharp... sharper than he'd given her credit for.

Still silent and trying to think of what he could say, he watches Destiny get out and wait. If he wasn't supposed to be protecting her, he'd just tell her to go on in and he'd wait. Sighing, he gets out and slips the keys into his leather jacket pocket. Looking over the car at Destiny, he leans on the roof for a moment, searching her eyes. She didn't seem upset that he'd lied, but obviously didn't like it, or else she wouldn't have called him on it.

"Look, Destiny..." He runs his thumb along the shiny paint. "I don't know why you think I'd lie to you about anything, let alone a stupid phone call from an idiot salesman."

Cocking his head, he stares her in the eye, not angry, but irritated. Finally he moves around the car and steps up onto the sidewalk. "If I don't want you to know something, I'll tell you it's none of your business. I don't have a problem telling you that."

Chance reaches into his pocket and holds out his cell phone. "You wanna dial back and check my story? Go ahead. I don't have anything to hide. If there's one thing I don't want you spreading around is that I'm a liar. So go on... call."

He continues to look her in the eye. "You're right. We need to trust each other. So if it takes you checking up on me, then here... I'm willing."

Alec gives Ryan a sheepish look about the car, and follows her to her own vehicle. "I don't care where we go. I just wanted to get away from TJY."

Sliding into the passenger seat, he heaves a sigh, not realizing that he was signaling something wasn't sitting well with him. He knew what it was. It was yesterday's events. He hadn't realized that his fierce battle with Reese had more behind it than just routines and protocol... he wasn't used to analyzing his own feelings to recognize that much of it.

Staring out the window though, he's much quieter than normal, his mind far away.

Next Time

Getting Alec's return kiss Ryan welcomed it not caring who in the shop saw. She new things with Leo were still rough but she couldn't walk on eggshells ether though she would admit to herself if Leo had been there she wouldn't have done this.

As Alec pulls away the grin remains on Ryan's face. Turning slightly so she was standing more next to Alec than in front of him now so she would see the other guys she just rolls her eyes at them.

"You know Mile's if you payed more attachen to that car you were working on and not me, you might just beat me in a race once and a while."

The teasing tone was clear in Ryan's voice and she just couldn't help it. They all teased each other here and sometimes it was just easier than others.

Hearing her brother wanted to talk to Alec Ryan raises her eyebrow a little as the turn to walk out of the shop. She wasn't against her brother and Alec talking she only found it a bit strange. Brushing it off for now though she figured it was nothing.

Getting outside the shop Ryan stops once again looking around Alec at the shiny black car that was in the parking lot. She could tell it was an Elite car just from the looks of it. Looking back to Alec she smirks.

"Something tells me they didn't let you barrow that. Come on we'll take my car. Where would you like to go?"

Watching Chance as he talks Destiny takes in his face, his hand movements on the steering wheel and his eyes as he talked and drove at the same time. Something seemed off, she wasn't sure what but something.

Though she had never been active working with the Agency her father had taught her a few things so when the time came and they Agency wanted her, they could use her and not kill her because she was of no use.

He was lieing...though she wasn't sure what part or if it was everything she could tell he was lieing. Why would he lie to her though? After this was over she would probably never him again. Breaking her gaze from him for a moment Destiny looks at the surroundings finding the building they were looking for and making sure this was the right area.

"Yeah this is the right place. It's right over there. You can park outside the building just hang this in the window so if a cop comes by they know we are inside and don't need to pay the meter."

Waiting for Chance to pull up along side the curb and hand the paper from his mirror Destiny waits a moment before getting out of the car. Turning to Chance for a moment her eyes search his face.

"We are suppose be building trust, I trust you will protect me, and you trust that I wont cause you to much trouble. Next time you don't want to tell me something you can just say so...you don't have to lie, I wont be offended."

Opening the door Destiny get outs scanning the area herself. Getting up onto the sidewalk she turns and gives a small smile to Chance waiting for him to join her once again.

One of these days

Alec couldn't stop his own grin from forming on his face as Ryan approaches and he's pulled into her embrace. His arms automatically slip around her, one around her waist, the other over her back. He eyes her, a sly glint in his gaze.

Returning her kiss, he doesn't let go right away, just pulling her tight and enjoying the moment, ignoring the stares of the other guys in the shop. Alec wasn't so sure he'd ever admit it to anyone, but there was something about Ryan... she'd done something to him... something that no woman ever had... He had missed not seeing her the last couple days.

Finally pulling away, his smile returns and he gives her one last kiss on the lips, then one more on her forehead. "Well... I guess I'm lucky then that you'll take a break for me."

"You mean you two are actually gonna go to lunch?" Miles calls over to them. "Figured you'd just stand there and suck face all day long."

Alec doesn't miss a beat, cocking his head. "Mm.... it's tempting."

"No, please!" Ron waves his hands in the air. "Take it somewhere else!"

Alec chuckles. "Alright... but we might be a few minutes late getting back."

Miles smirks at them and is about to throw another comment, but he remembers something else. "Oh, Alec... Eli was here... forgot to tell Ryan too. He was looking for you. Might wanna call him or something."

"Oh... okay." Alec shrugs. He wasn't sure what Eli wanted, but he'd be happy to call him. "Thanks." His arm still around Ryan, he turns her towards the door. "We better get out of here before we don't have any time left." Winking at her, he aims for her car. "We also better take your wheels... I'm.... borrowing the car I got."

As Destiny asks about the salesman, Chance quirks an eyebrow. "You kidding me? What salesman is normal?" He shakes his head, keeping his eyes on the road as he grins. "This guy doesn't give up. He's selling a piece of land down in Arizona for a client of his. I showed some interest and bam... he's been after me ever since. Only way I can get him to shut up is to call him every now and then and let him send me specs he's put together."

Turning where he was supposed to, Chance doesn't miss a beat in directions or his conversation. "One of these days though, I'll have to tell him I'm not interested anymore. Can't afford it." He looks around at the buildings. "Did I turn at the right place?"


Following Leo to the door Cassy gives a slight nod. Some paint on the outside, a little pain on the inside setting a few more things up for sale and everything would be done. Cassy couldn't help but feel a little sad about that seeing as that meant much less time spent with Leo, but than again she'd have classes to fun so that would keep her busy.

"I look forward to your call. Have a good night Leo."

Standing at the door for a long moment watching Leo leave Cassy gives him a half wave before turning and shutting the door behind her. There were a few more things she needed to finish up here before heading home herself for a long night of nothing.

Getting into the car with Chance Destiny makes sure her seat belt was on before Chance pulled out of the driveway. Jumping at the sound of his phone Destiny felt foolish but she hadn't expected it.

Directing him on witch way to go Destiny can't help but semi listen in on his end of the conversation. It was strange and she could hardly understand what was going on from just hearing the one end. Once he is done Destiny points on what way to go next.

"Take a right here and than look for Jamison dr and take the right side of the Y intersection. Than you will look for the Martin & Hearting Law firm."

Falling silent again for a moment Destiny looking out the window till her curiosity couldn't take it anymore. Turning to look at Chance she study's him for a long moment before finally talking again.

"That salesmen didn't sound like a normal salesmen...what was he selling or what does he want that you have? Anything good?"

Really this was good conversation maybe she would learn a little about Chance since he new all about her but she nothing about him.

Bent over the car Ryan was lost in her own little world of work. This was the last car for her today and it was giving her the most problems. Better to have it be the last than to know there was more to come after it.

Hearing Alec's voice though breaks Ryan out of her trance as she turns her head to look at him slightly a grin forming on her lips. Looking back to the car quick and tighting something up Ryan speaks a little louder so Alec can hear her.

"Lunch break? Are you kidding me I don't know the mean of that word."

Finally finished tighting what she had been working on Ryan straightens up shutting the lid to the car. Leaning on the car and still holding her wrench she thinks for a moment her arms had spots of grease on them but she didn't care. Her eyes dancing with the same grin she wore on her lips the fire in them burning.

"But for you I think I can make an exception."

Taking a few steps twords Alec Ryan reaches out and grabbing him by the collar pulling him twords her. Wrapping her one arm around him and the other finding the back of his head Ryan grins even more as she looks up into his eyes. Pressing her lips to his she lets her passion go showing how even in only a few days she had missed him.

Don't call me

"Yeah... yeah, sure." Leo looks back up at Cassy, shoving all of his awkwardness aside. "I'd love to come, if you don't mind me being here." It wasn't so much that Leo was excited to watch a class, but Cassy had come so far he wanted to support her any way he could.

Wandering towards the exit, he uses his sleeve to wipe some sweat from his brow. "Thanks for the evening, Cass... I'll um..." He turns to look at her once more. "I'll call or something. Now that I got that trim done outside it needs to be painted and then you should be set to go."

Chance chuckles, cocking his head. "Cook for me, eh? That sounds like it could be fun."

Grinning, he nods to the door. "Well lets get your lawyer visit taken care of, then go from there. If I don't get yanked back to home base, we can go shopping, but you'll have to help me find where to go 'cause this is the first time I've been here."

Heading out the door, he sweeps the area with his eyes while Destiny joins him. Locking up again, he leads the way back to the car. Just as he's starting the engine, the cell phone in his pocket rings.

"Nice timing," he grumbles. Pulling it out to answer it, he goes ahead and backs out of the driveway and heads down the street. "Yeah? What ever happened to 'don't call me, I'll call you'?" He stops at an intersection and looks to Destiny, pointing either way to know which way to go while he remains on the phone. "Yes, I've got the stuff, but it's really not a great time to talk right now. Uh-huh... right. Genius. Yeah, I'm still on board, but cut me some slack here. I'll get back to you when I can. Don't push or I'm liable to push back." His tone had grown a bit irritated. "Just send me the list and I'll work on it."

Flipping the phone shut, he shakes his head as he stuffs it back in his pocket. "Salesmen... never know when to stop."

Coming into downtown, he quickly changes subjects. "Okay... now which way?"

"You walk out the door, so help me, you're not coming back!" Reese slams his file onto his desk as Alec turns his back and defies orders by leaving the office. "Alec Banks, get back here!"

Alec shoots anyone a glare as he heads from Reese's office. It was bad enough to have Jason on his case, now Reese was trying to give him a lecture about thinking before shooting. Alec wasn't an agent... he wasn't an officer, he was not Elite. He didn't have to take this kind of treatment and he wasn't going to.

Hearing Reese yelling at him, he ignores it, not stopping as he hits the outdoors. Looking both ways, he spots one of the Elite cars. One of his eyebrows quirks...

...Pulling into the auto shop, Alec parks and gets out of the shiny black car. Instead of going through the main entrance, he heads around to the open car bays and ambles to Ryan's spot. Leaning on the doorway, he watches her working for several moments before hollering in to her. "Hey, McKade! Ever hear of a lunch break, or are you gonna work all day?!"

"What on earth happened to your bike?" Tal's eyes were still wide when he finds Eli inside working on a car.

Eli looks at him without humor. "Don't ask. But mine wasn't the only one."

Tal stops, looking at him with question until realization hits him. "Not Scarlet's bike too? The one you just painted?"

"Yep." Eli finishes taping around the edges of the car and straightens up, irritation written all over his face.

"Do you know who did it?"


"Well... what are you gonna do about it?"

Eli purses his lips. "What any respectable citizen would do."

"Call the police?"

"Take revenge."

Opening Class

Knowing the key code in case she even needed it was important so even after she was inside for a few minutes she continued to say it in her mind until she new for sure what it was without hesitating.

Entering and scanning the whole room Destiny moves through out one way to the next. Everything was furnished, curtains, beds, dressers it was completely livable except for the food. Just listing to Chance while she explored Destiny could pick up on some cameras and what not where but to anyone else who didn't know it looked completely normal.

"I think I'll take the room that has the bathroom connected to it."

Nodding to Chance to show she understood how safe this place was Destiny followed into the kitchen after picking what room sh wanted. The kitchen was nice, shiny white and black tile, sliding doors that went out onto a deck. This defiantly was ok with her.

"This is really nice, I know Jason told me not to thank anyone anymore..but thanks anyways for keeping this as a surprise. It was a nice one for sure."

Entering a little more and going to the sliding glass doors Destiny looks out into the backyard. This was a nice little house, smaller than her parents but the inside seemed to reminder her of theirs in a way.

Turning as Chance mentions filling the fridge Destiny's face seems to lighten up just a bit as she turns to look at him. Sure she had gotten food for her own apartment before but something was differnt about this time that made her feel a little excited.

"Wow, we get to stock this place up on our own, that is going to be fun. We can do that after the meeting with my lawyer if you want. Your going to have to let me know what you like to eat too, than I can cook for ya, I'm not to shabby at it."

Leaning her head into Leo's hand Cassy's eyes fall shut for a moment just letting Leo's touch sooth her. Though his hands were rough there was still a soft nature behind them, that was nice.

Opening her eyes again slowly Cassy looks up into Leo's again as he speaks. The only reason she had done good this time was because he's been there supporting and helping her. With the movement he made weather he new it or not had been soft, and not edgy at all. The nice flow helped Cassy move without hurting herself.

Wanting to say something but holding back Cassy gives a smile as Leo lifts her up again and she hands on her feet. Shifting her weight so it was mostly off her one knee she new in the morning she would be in a good deal of pain but it had been worth it and felt great.

"I never could get enough practice, but I know you've had a long day and I better not push the knee more than I have. Thanks for helping with the edging. Only a few more things to finish and this place will be ready to open. You wanna come and watch the grand opening class?"

Doing really well

For some reason Chance couldn't explain, he enjoyed seeing the surprise on Destiny's face. Maybe because he knew that right now, not much was bright in her life. He hadn't wanted this assignment and would still high-tail it back to Arizona if he could... but it could be worse. Destiny was nice, and she did deserve a fair chance after everything had happened.

Getting out of the car too, Chance bites his lip and nods in response to her. "Yeah... I knew it was a place like this." His smile can't help but break loose again. Taking a good glance around their surroundings, even though it might appear to some that Chance wasn't paying attention, all of his senses were on high alert. This was one job in which he could never let his guard down.

"Alright... lets go see our new pad." Walking with Destiny, he heads for the door. He had a key, but that wasn't the only thing that needed to be used. A key code also had to be punched in, and he makes sure Destiny knows what it is and can remember before going inside.

It's a nice house - not grand but very clean with nice furnishings. The living room has a good amount of space and the kitchen is light and airy. There are two bathrooms and two bedrooms... Chance mentions they can have their own bathrooms, and he would probably claim a corner of the living room instead of the bedroom so he could be in constant monitoring of the house. Destiny was free to pick which bedroom she wanted or even both.

As they walk, Chance explains all he'd learned on paper the night before. This house had a whole lot more security than one could see. There were hidden cameras everywhere, connected to the alarm system. If the alarm was triggered, the cameras would automatically connect back at TJY so someone there could be alerted and would see what was going on. Outside, the house was surrounded by motion sensors.

Chance points out the kitchen window once they'd made a full sweep of the house. "So much as a dog pees over that line out there and I'll be alerted here inside."

He would be set up in the corner of the living room with several monitors that would rotate through the outside security cameras, helping him keep an eye on everything, day or night. All of the windows were bulletproof, and the locks were reinforced, preventing anyone from breaking in.

"It's as tight as a drum but rather pleasant." Chance sets his hands on his hips and looks around again, not minding this at all. Nights on an infirmary cot were not his cup of tea. This... this was alright.

Catching Destiny's eye, he grins. "The fun part will be stocking up the fridge before we move in."

Leo's chest heaved with his breath as his adrenaline continued to race through his veins. His eyes remain locked with Cassy's. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face. The silence is overwhelming, as is the feeling of her fingers raking through his hair. Her touch sent chills down his spine and he can feel the warmth creeping into his face.

The look in Cassy's eye is unmistakable. Leo knew that she still wanted to be more than friends, and his dancing style tonight had not helped matters. In this moment, she was in his arms and he in hers, making it nearly impossible to say no. Still holding her safely with one arm, his other hand comes up to touch his palm to the side of her face. He had rougher hands than one might think. While he was viewed by so many as clumsy and maybe inept, there was more hard work that went on behind the scenes, creating callouses on strong hands.

Leo's thumb moves along Cassy's cheek, the silence seeming to intensify the strange new tension in the air. Somehow Leo finally manages to find his voice, though it's quieter than intended. "Looks like you're... um... doing really well."

His eyes seemed to reveal he wanted to say more, but something held back his voice. Realizing he still hadn't moved, Leo shifts to straighten up, bringing Cassy up too so she could stand on her own. Letting her go, his eyes drift downward and he brushes at an imaginary piece of dirt on his pants. "I should... probably go if... if you've had enough practice."