

Following Leo to the door Cassy gives a slight nod. Some paint on the outside, a little pain on the inside setting a few more things up for sale and everything would be done. Cassy couldn't help but feel a little sad about that seeing as that meant much less time spent with Leo, but than again she'd have classes to fun so that would keep her busy.

"I look forward to your call. Have a good night Leo."

Standing at the door for a long moment watching Leo leave Cassy gives him a half wave before turning and shutting the door behind her. There were a few more things she needed to finish up here before heading home herself for a long night of nothing.

Getting into the car with Chance Destiny makes sure her seat belt was on before Chance pulled out of the driveway. Jumping at the sound of his phone Destiny felt foolish but she hadn't expected it.

Directing him on witch way to go Destiny can't help but semi listen in on his end of the conversation. It was strange and she could hardly understand what was going on from just hearing the one end. Once he is done Destiny points on what way to go next.

"Take a right here and than look for Jamison dr and take the right side of the Y intersection. Than you will look for the Martin & Hearting Law firm."

Falling silent again for a moment Destiny looking out the window till her curiosity couldn't take it anymore. Turning to look at Chance she study's him for a long moment before finally talking again.

"That salesmen didn't sound like a normal salesmen...what was he selling or what does he want that you have? Anything good?"

Really this was good conversation maybe she would learn a little about Chance since he new all about her but she nothing about him.

Bent over the car Ryan was lost in her own little world of work. This was the last car for her today and it was giving her the most problems. Better to have it be the last than to know there was more to come after it.

Hearing Alec's voice though breaks Ryan out of her trance as she turns her head to look at him slightly a grin forming on her lips. Looking back to the car quick and tighting something up Ryan speaks a little louder so Alec can hear her.

"Lunch break? Are you kidding me I don't know the mean of that word."

Finally finished tighting what she had been working on Ryan straightens up shutting the lid to the car. Leaning on the car and still holding her wrench she thinks for a moment her arms had spots of grease on them but she didn't care. Her eyes dancing with the same grin she wore on her lips the fire in them burning.

"But for you I think I can make an exception."

Taking a few steps twords Alec Ryan reaches out and grabbing him by the collar pulling him twords her. Wrapping her one arm around him and the other finding the back of his head Ryan grins even more as she looks up into his eyes. Pressing her lips to his she lets her passion go showing how even in only a few days she had missed him.

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