
Short Story

Thinking for a moment one what Quinn said Anastasia did find it kind of him to offer just letting this end here so neither would get hurt. But looking into his eyes she could see the look that he really didn't want it to end tonight almost as much as she didn't want that either.

"Why end a fairy tale now when there is still a few days to go? There is such thing as to short of a short story."

Quinn would be leaving soon, but this feeling she had round him, this comfort it wasn't something she wanted to just toss away until she had too. There was a reason they had come together like this. If nothing more than to just know this feeling, to see even to her how God works in a wonderful way, and to give Quinn the courage to face his brother than it was well worth it. Even if it would be sad saying goodbye, Anastasia would be thankful she had met Quinn and got to share this moment with him.

"Maybe tomorrow we can grab some lunch and I could show you my old record collection. It would be nice to have someone who appreciates it take a look."

Spending what time she could with Quinn it would be the best, hoping his brother would call him and maybe seeing that happen even better. Family was important for anyone. And Anastasia would be ok in the end. God had a plan and she just had to wait.

I'll see if she can sit with you in a little bit while I call Reese in a little bit. Don't worry J I'll do all I can with her so she knows she can help.

Katie wasn't sure to this. She had done work as being a body guard before but having to help someone along the way was different. Why it felt so different this time than helping other times she wasn't sure.

Continuing to move around in the kitchen a little Katie trys her best to stay quiet so Jason could rest. Once fixing herself something and getting some fruit for Jason she comes back into the living and sits on the edge of the couch.

Hun, I need you to eat some of this. It will help your sugar go up, and give you some fluids back in your system.

If you'd rather...

Mm-hmm... rest... when don't I do as I'm told?

Jason grins a little again and lets Katie go, shifting a little to curl up with the couch pillow again. His head hurt and he felt like he had a fever. Would Rick bring him back something to take? He wonders. He also wonders if anything would do any good at all. If this was emotion-induced, there might not be anything to do but wait it out. It wasn't something that everyday medicine could fix.

Just starting to drift off again, Jason hears Destiny's voice and he tries to hear what's being said in the kitchen. He can't quite make it out, but he thought she said she didn't want to bother him. His emotions to Katie were equivalent to him rolling his eyes.

Make sure she knows she's not a bother, okay? Even if it means her helping with me or something. She needs to feel useful.

Annoyance trickles into the mixed emotions.

This was not a good time for this to happen.

Quinn looks down at Anastasia, taking in her eyes once more. Why did they have to be so alluring? It wasn't fair.

His hand comes up to brush her cheek. Her question hung in the air awaiting an answer.

"I don't know." He didn't know why he was whispering either, but he was almost afraid to speak too loudly, lest the moment be shattered.

"I'll be in town for a couple days but..." He chews on the inside of his lip for a moment, really not sure what to say or how to say it. "If you'd rather the fairytale end on this night where nothing can spoil it then... I understand." He didn't want to lead her on if he was just going to leave, and he didn't want to prolong their parting if this was it. If she wanted to see him, he would - he was in a strange town, waiting for a phone call that might never come. Having someone to be with, especially Anastasia, wasn't something he'd say no to. But he didn't want to hurt her either.

Will it?

Keeping her arm around Quinn as they walk back Anastasia leans into him a little. She wasn't cold, but the coolness from being close to the water, long with the warmth from Quinn's arms just made her all the more comfortable.

Getting to the parting lot that was little a little more than the peer it was like the fairy tale was finally coming to an end just a little more light being shown. Than soon they would be back in town with even more light would that mean the fairy tail was over? Was it over for good just a short story or would the chapters continue.

Tighting her arm again to give him a little hug Anastasia's her voice a small whisper maybe if they she talked softly they wouldn't have to end this tail yet. even though she know it didn't work like that it was worth a try.

"No we don't have too. We can let this night last forever."

Standing there again for a moment finally Anastasia gives a long sigh before looking up at Quinn. Her eyes bright and sparkling with life.

"Will this fairy tail really end once we get back into town? Or does the story continue?"

Katie just pulls on Jason's walm feelings comforting him. Not everyone needed to be worried least of all him when he should be resting.

Don't worry I've already planned on staying here, and I will look after Destiny till your feeling better. Don't you worry about it, Hero's got it under control. Rest now ok!

Giving Jason's hand a squeeze Katie gives him another push pull of warm and fuzzy feelings before slipping her hand from him. Going to the kitchen Katie roots around in the fridge looking for something. Standing and turning around she comes face to face with Destiny. Both Women jump a smile spreading on Katie's face but Destiny's remained unchanged.

"Hey Destiny, I didn't know you were up yet. Are you hungry?"

Seeing Katie Destiny was a bit surprised. She heard voices a little bit ago but couldn't make them out. Not hearing Jason's voice it made her a little worried. Finally hearing it go quiet again though she figured she would poke her head out of the room and see what was going on only to come face to face with Katie. Did this mean Jason was gone? Without telling her?

"Where is Jason? Did he leave?"

Closing the fridge door Katie leans against the counter for a moment contemplating what she would say. She didn't want to lie and she didn't want to startle Destiny either causing her more stress than she already had been under.

"He's still here just resting on the couch. He's come down with something not sure what though."

"Is he going to be ok?"

"Oh yeah, it's nothing to worry about right now. You can go see him if you want."

"No thats ok, I wont bother him while he's not feeling good. I'll...see him later. I'm just going to grab some water and pop tarts."

Still holding her smile Katie gives a nod. She'd leave Destiny be for now not wanting to force her into anything. Maybe later if Jason was feeling up to it they could all watch a movie or something.

So much pain

Jason wasn't convinced, but he nods anyway.

Maybe I got a bug at the same time or something.

That was highly doubtful, but it was worth the positive thinking. He didn't want this to be caused by the whole emotional chaos... if it was, that meant there was no cure and that just meant more pain down the road. There were days he still hated it.

Knowing that those very emotions of negativity were slipping Katie's way, he reaches out a hand to pull her a little closer to him. He might hate the bad part of their connection, but he was far from hating her or from feeling their closeness and he wanted to make sure that his hatred of the bad wasn't the only thing she felt.

I'll be right as rain here in a while. Just gotta shake it off.

His eyes drift shut again and he kisses her hand softly.

Make sure Destiny has some breakfast, okay? And ask Reese if you can stay here on guard. I'd rather have you than Gunner - he wouldn't give me any sympathy.

He grins a little, proving his humor was still in tact. There was a part of him that was in so much pain from reliving his childhood nightmare, but he was trying to overcome it so it wouldn't hurt so badly.

Quinn doesn't resist another soft kiss from Anastasia, and he returns it with gentle passion, his arms holding her closely but so tenderly.

Sighing a deep, contented sigh, he shifts to look out across the water, his arm slipping around her shoulders to hold her at his side. Leaning his head to rest on hers, his eyes roam the dark lake. "And some say a moment can last a lifetime." He pauses, enveloped in the quiet sounds around them. "Maybe it's just in one's mind where the moment is held forever."

Would he hold this moment forever? For some reason, he thought he just might.

Glancing back down the pier, he knows that their time is short. Giving Anastasia a little squeeze, he starts walking back towards the shore, his arm still around her shoulders. His walk was much slower this time though, each step lasting a little longer as if he thought maybe if he slowed down enough, they'd never reach the parking lot.

Unfortunately, reaching the start of the pier again was inevitable, as was reaching Anastasia's car again. Stopping a few feet away though, Quinn doesn't let go of her just yet. "Do we have to?" It sounded so childish - yes, they did have to go. It was a silly question. But it came out anyway.

Wrapping them

Continuing to listen to Rick Katie trys to keep her own emotions under control. She wanted want to alarm Jason or even disturb him from resting. Though she new some of them did slip through to tug on his own feelings.

"How....I mean...will...you need to find something to stop this. Maybe we will have to take the pills again or something."

Katie glances back into the living room where Jason was resting on the couch. If anything happened to him She didn't know what she would do. He was an important part of her life in more way than one and her heart belonged to only him.

"I'll keep him comfortable and call if anything changes. Just call before you come again so I can shut the security off before you get here."

Giving a slight nod to Rick Katie heads back into the other room to sit with Jason. Feeling his question though Katie let out a small inner sigh. She'd let enough emotions slip through for Jason to tell something was wrong. There was no way she could not tell him now.

Rick says your sick from last night. He took some blood samples to check it out closer. In a day or so you should be better though. Don't worry about it now though Babe. I'll take care of all I can.

Still saying so close to Quinn his arms around her Anastasia can feel the warmth and his words float on the wind so soft, so comforting. Tomorrow, what would tomorrow hold and when would Quinn be gone? They were real questions that she was sure when she finally layed in bed and it was quiet she would think more on.

But for now the comfort and warmth, the bond two people had made tonight was an amazing one indeed. A power greater than any other had draw these two hearts together.

Bringing her hand to the one side of Quinn's face Anastasia runs her finger a long his cheek just mapping his face with her soft touch.

"Maybe, for a few more minutes I do, but sadly time will continue to tick afterwords. Some say thought its in those moments when the world does stop that counts the most."

Tightening her arm a little around Quinn Anastasia gives him a half hug as she leans up to kiss his lips softly again just letting the kiss longer. The soft sound of the waves in the background seeming to add to the soft mood. The moon still shinning down on them wrapping them in the soft light.

Stop time

Anastasia's returned affection makes Quinn feel warm all over. It had been a long time since he'd felt anything close to this, and even then it had seemed very different. This was... special.

His arm still laid around her waist, his other hand still running through her silky hair. Leaning his head into hers as she withdraws from a final kiss, he rocks just a little. The original song was over, but another soothing melody was drifting from the nearby campsite, continuing the dream-like atmosphere.

"I think for the first time, being a wanderer has a downside," he muses quietly. They'd met, talked, become friends and more than friends in a matter of hours. It just wasn't supposed to happen that way. This was real life... there had to be some catch... some bizarre twist of fate that would turn it all around again and remind them that this just wasn't real. But Anastasia really was in his arms. They really had kissed. And the feelings... were they real too? Or were they just a fleeting thought that would be gone once the sun rose again? Surely a bond of any strength could not be formed in only a few hours. It just didn't happen that way. Surely the feelings were only surface, formed by mutual physical attraction. Or was it chemistry? Either way, did it matter? In a couple days, Quinn would be gone.

Apart from this moment... this scene... was a life that Quinn both loved and hated. And at this point in time, he was also in the middle of a strange chain of events surrounding this town... his brother... and this woman. There was more than bliss... more than this moment. There was more that would weigh him down once the sun rose and reality returned. There were fears that needed to be faced and a brother whom his gut told him he would have to see. And afterward? He was planning to return to the road, his destination vague.

A strange wave rolls through his stomach. There was something bigger at play here, and for one of the few times in his life, he felt very small compared to the One who was really in control. For one of the few times in his life, he felt uncertain about his own future.

With his head rested against Anastasia's, he shifts just a little to kiss her cheek then return, still swaying gently. "You don't know how to stop time, do you?"