

As Nate was hit, Garret's instincts sent him flat to the ground as well. Who was shooting? Why? He was out in the open with nowhere to hide, but obviously Nate was the target, not Garret. That meant there was a good chance it was Agency. And if it was Agency, that meant there was a good chance they were here to get Garret out.

His eyes jumped to Nate's bleeding form. He was still breathing, but was in obvious danger, as blood was already soaking his shirt. And this right here could be what sent Garret to prison. His fault or not, who would believe him? Reese would blame him, and all this would be over. The smartest thing for him to do now would be run. Run and lie to the Agency, and at least he wouldn't rot behind bars. It wasn't what he wanted, but his plan had very obviously failed, and in a big way. He should have known the Agency would kill to rescue him. He'd been a fool to think he could handle this.

All of that went through his mind in but an instant. And it only took another split second for him to act. Moving to Nate, he first dug the keys out of Nate's pocket and released a wrist and an ankle, freeing his limbs.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Aaron glared at Victoria, not caring anymore whether or not she was in charge. "I just gave Garret his chance, and you want to stop that?! What is wrong with you?" He grabbed his binoculars to check on the scene. "See?" He pointed. "Our boy is letting himself loose, no thanks to you." 

Seeing how badly Nate was bleeding from his chest, Garret immediately put pressure to the wound. He growled his frustration with a curse under his breath. Risking to release him for only a moment, he tore into Nate's shirt sleeve, wadded it up and stuffed it underneath him where the bullet had gone through, before returning pressure to his shoulder. No one was coming outside. No one had seen what happened. If he and Nate stayed, whoever had fired would be here and things would escalate. Thinking quickly, Garret felt around Nate with one hand until he found his cell phone. It was simple to get in and find Reese's number. "Get out here now," he ordered, "and call an ambulance."

He tossed aside the phone and both hands went back to Nate, the blood pressing out between his fingers. "You're not gonna die on my watch," he muttered. He hadn't wanted anyone to get hurt, and though he had no proof, he knew this had to do with him. He knew someone had just tried to free him. And whoever it was...they would see him now, put two and two together, and he'd be a marked man much sooner than expected. But something stopped him from running. Something held him here. And watching Nate now, he had the same churning in his gut as he'd had when pulling the trigger on Victoria's mother. It was a feeling he didn't like, and didn't want.

"Stay with me, Nate, come on," he coaxed.

Still peering through the binoculars, Aaron swore before waving a hand in frustration. "What is he doing? Why is he staying and helping that agent?" Forgetting he was mad at Victoria, he looked over at her again. "I can't believe I'm seeing this. They're gonna come for us now, and all because he didn't make a move."

Receiving the call from Nate's phone, Reese immediately called Hal and made it quickly outdoors, gun drawn. Seeing Garret - free and leaning over Nate's bloodied body - he stopped and raised his weapon. "Garret! Back off now!" he ordered.

Garret didn't budge, and only lifted his eyes, speaking very calmly. "I will, but only if you want Nate to bleed out. Otherwise, I'm not moving my hands until the squad comes."

"You expect me to believe that? What happened? Who shot him?"

"If you want your agent to live, don't make me move. As far as who shot, I don't know." He glanced back across the street. Did he dare try to expose the shooter? If they were smart, they'd be gone by now anyway. "But I'm pretty sure the shot came from that building, so if I were you, I'd send someone over."

It took Reese a moment to decide what to do, but he finally lowered his weapon and ordered Hal to call for an ambulance before he knelt next to Nate and checked his pulse. "Nate? Nate, can you hear me?"

"He blacked out," Garret mentioned, still refusing to move his hands. "Bullet hit above his heart though, so he's got a chance..."

...It felt like an eternity, but in reality, the squad arrived quickly. Garret never moved until the paramedics were fully ready to take over, and as the ambulance drove away, he was left standing still half-cuffed, blood on his clothes and hands, watching the vehicle leave. There were so many unanswered questions now.

"Back inside." It was Hal ordering him around now, and once again, a gun had appeared.

Garret sighed, but did as he was told. If he escaped prison now, he'd be the luckiest person in the world. It was back to his cell to wait for Reese's wrath...

"...Come on." Gunner waved Katie behind him as they carefully but quickly crossed the street on foot, ready for anything. He motioned around the corner to the fire escape stairs that led to the roof. "If I were a sniper, that's where I'd go. What do you think?"

By now, it was obvious the Elite was coming, and Aaron was already packing up. "You coming?" he asked Victoria. "I'm certainly not going down here."


Hearing Aaron shuffle around Victoria gave once glance at him seeing him get into position to take his shot. It didn't matter to her or not if the guy down there with Garret died or not. All she new is Garret was there and from some reason he looked as though he didn't mind. It made little to no sense and caused Victoria to believe that they had done something to him, or were holding something over his hear in order to make him stay. What she didn't know, she didn't know a whole lot of anything.

Looking back out the window for a moment Victoria catches Garret move slightly and look over her shoulder right in there direction. Did he know they were there? If he did was this a message to them...could they have this all wrong and this was a bigger part of a plan he had? Not wanting to take a chance Victoria can hear her voice come out strong.

   "Aaron...NO, WAIT!"

Seeing he was not heeding her words Victoria is quick to move next to him and give him a shove jerking his arm. It was to late though and the gun still goes off. Growling under her breath and pushes off of Aaron and stands up.

   "You stupid idiot...I said to wait."

Looking to see where the bullet went Victoria can see it hit the intended target as he slumps to the floor. Anger flashed in her eyes even if she wasn't looking at Aaron. He could of cost Garret everything.

   "Reese is a softy because he takes care of his own. We are all family to him, and he'd do anything for family. I know it probley seems strange but.."

Nate's words drop off as Garret's eyes move to behind him the hairs on his own next stand on ends. In Garret's eyes there was question and Nate wondered if he sensed something. There was no time to react though as the sound of a gun fired, and than a sharp burning pain hit him in the chest. He'd been shot, was that the intention, did Garret know, was Garret the target.

Falling to the ground in a pool of his own blood Nate doesn't move as so many things ran through his head of once. Was this it, was this the end, was Garret still there or did he take off. Nate's mind slowly quieted as things started to spin the pain increasing till finally everything went dark.