

Hearing Aaron shuffle around Victoria gave once glance at him seeing him get into position to take his shot. It didn't matter to her or not if the guy down there with Garret died or not. All she new is Garret was there and from some reason he looked as though he didn't mind. It made little to no sense and caused Victoria to believe that they had done something to him, or were holding something over his hear in order to make him stay. What she didn't know, she didn't know a whole lot of anything.

Looking back out the window for a moment Victoria catches Garret move slightly and look over her shoulder right in there direction. Did he know they were there? If he did was this a message to them...could they have this all wrong and this was a bigger part of a plan he had? Not wanting to take a chance Victoria can hear her voice come out strong.

   "Aaron...NO, WAIT!"

Seeing he was not heeding her words Victoria is quick to move next to him and give him a shove jerking his arm. It was to late though and the gun still goes off. Growling under her breath and pushes off of Aaron and stands up.

   "You stupid idiot...I said to wait."

Looking to see where the bullet went Victoria can see it hit the intended target as he slumps to the floor. Anger flashed in her eyes even if she wasn't looking at Aaron. He could of cost Garret everything.

   "Reese is a softy because he takes care of his own. We are all family to him, and he'd do anything for family. I know it probley seems strange but.."

Nate's words drop off as Garret's eyes move to behind him the hairs on his own next stand on ends. In Garret's eyes there was question and Nate wondered if he sensed something. There was no time to react though as the sound of a gun fired, and than a sharp burning pain hit him in the chest. He'd been shot, was that the intention, did Garret know, was Garret the target.

Falling to the ground in a pool of his own blood Nate doesn't move as so many things ran through his head of once. Was this it, was this the end, was Garret still there or did he take off. Nate's mind slowly quieted as things started to spin the pain increasing till finally everything went dark.

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