

Looking up at Eric again Thirteen studys his face. Now that he was sitting next to her the light from inside reflected off his face and she could see him better. There was something about his face, a glint in his eye that she had seen before....she seen it in her own eye.

Letting him whip her tears is gave her a chance to look even closer at him as he leaned forward a little. Studying his face she couldn't help her heart seemed to race for a moment. There was just something about him that was comforting and that alone was strange to Thirteen, the only other person like that was Ryder.

"The...barn? I'll have to remember that."

Giving a long sigh Thirteen looks out into the dark for a long moment. Trying to straighten her own mind out so she could go back inside she turns her head looking at Eric's hand for a long moment. Finally reaching out and placing her hand in his Thirteen stands.

"O..ok, I'll walk in with you. Thanks Eric."

Giving a smile Thirteen leads the way back inside, this time her head held high though her eyes were still a little confused she felt better already.

Attempted comfort

Eric's heart went out to the young woman before him, and now he knew without a doubt who it was. At first he thought surely since she was here, she now knew Trent was her father, but her words proved otherwise.

Seeing more tears, he immediately sets his bag down and moves closer to her, but is careful, not wanting to scare her. "Hey, it's alright," he croons. "The people in there - they're just trying to be nice." He really had no idea what had gone on, so he was winging it, pulling out everything he could think of to comfort Thirteen and get her back inside.

"When they ain't had a hole in their hearts like that, it's kinda hard for them to relate, ya know? So they just go on and try to patch it up best they know how." He reaches in his back pocket to pull out a faded bandanna. Slowly extending it to Thirteen's face, he wipes away a few of her tears.

"Well I'm Eric, and it's nice to meet you, Thirteen. I'm right glad I came around when I did, otherwise you mighta been a frozen popsicle if I'da come later." He grins a little, cocking his head. "But it is cold out here, whether you can feel it or not, and there's nothing about tears to be ashamed of." He winks at her. "Next time though, take my advice go straight for the barn. With everybody else inside, all the barn's got is a bunch of horses who don't mind a bit if someone cries in front of them. Matter of fact, I think they kinda lend a hand on the feeling better side of things." He lowers his voice almost to a whisper. "I know that from experience... but don't tell nobody."

Drawing back he tucks the bandanna back in his pocket and offers a hand instead. "They're probably not expecting me," he explains. "Probably think I'm not gonna make it for Christmas, bein' so late, so I'm a little scared to walk in there myself and break up the party. You wouldn't walk in there with me, would you?"

Feeling Dalton put him in a headlock, Carson gives a yell, trying to battle back, but it's hard around the furniture, not to mention Dalton's size.

Once the couch is free and Dalton is seated, Dani runs and jumps in next to him, sideways so she's leaning back against him with her feet taking up the rest of the couch. Laughing at her brother, her face flushes a little, the amusement in her eyes.

"I'll be a lassoed mongoose." Carson puts his hands on his hips. "I can't believe you-" He gets cut off by Misty's invitation to the big chair and he quirks an eyebrow, sauntering over to her. "I don't know about you, but I don't plan on getting squished. C'mhere you crazy sheila."

Yanking Misty out of the chair, he swings her out of the way and picks her up off the floor. Setting himself down in the chair, he lands Misty in his lap and swivels the chair around to face the television. "Now behave yourself or I'll kick you off."

Dani can't help her laughter and she shifts around to get more comfortable on the couch that was now hers and Dalton's. Resting her head on his shoulder, she steals a kiss to his cheek before slipping her hand into his.

Slipping his good arm around Jess, Axel lets her lean into him, giving her a sidelong glance and a faint smile, letting her know he was quite content in this position as well. "Now that we're all comfortable..." He clears his throat. "Someone want to start the movie?"

Both Nights Move One!

Giving a little sniff Thirteen jumps when she hears someone's voice that she wasn't to certain she new. Just look up at him for a long moment Thirteen didn't know what to say. She didn't know who he was though something about him seemed familiar. A strange pull that made her want to talk to this man.

"I...got a gift today from someone who wont let me know them so I can't even say thank you. I just want to meet him once, even if he never want to see me again after that. Everyone has a right to know there family ya know? Ryder says I should be thankful for the friends I have, and they are my family. But...there is still that hole in my heart."

Looking down at the ring on her finger again Thirteen can feel her eyes start to fill again. She'd grown close to Ryder and a few other people had become friends. Everyone here at the ranch was nice and treated her like family, but they didn't understand, her whole life she didn't know anything about it. Her last name, her mother, father, her childhood has always been the Agency, she didn't even know if there was anything before that.

Looking up at the stranger again it was to dark to be able to make out his face to well, but something didn't make her want to fear him. And why she told him everything she just did she didn't know.

"I can't feel the cold out here at the moment. I just wanted some air is was so stuffy in there and I...don't like when anyone but Ryder see me cry, and..now you."

Letting out a long sigh Thirteen tried to study the mans face in the dark. There was still something about him that made Thirteen wonder. Almost like she already new him, But from what she could tell she never met him.

"I'm Thirteen, and I don't know my last name."

Everyone helped finish getting the food ready and bringing it into the other room to set on the coffee table. A small cooler filled with ice, beer and soda set next to the table so when they wanted something to drink no one had to go far. The gifts sat on the ground on the other end for later.

Laughter filled the air as everyone helped. The girls making sure every little detail was right, and the guys just picking on them about it being all perfect.

Finally when all is ready the group heads into the living room taking there seats for the night. Seeing Carson clam the couch Dalton just looks at Dani raising an eyebrow before a grin form on his face.

Coming up behind Carson quietly it was amazing a man of Dalton's size could sneak around. Bringing his arms up and around Carson's head Dalton puts him in a headlock gently as not to pop his head off. Pulling him off the couch he can't help but laugh.

"Hey, your sister gave me full permition to move anyone who sits in out spots. So I was just following her orders."

Laughing again Dalton finally lets go of Carson and slips into the spot on the couch waiting for Dani to sit next to him.

"Ohh, you got the spot warm for me thank you."

Not being able to help the humor she found in someone putting Carson in a head lock and actually making him look semi small Misty lets out a loud laugh. Humor laced her eyes thinking the whole thing was funny.

Pattin the arm chair on she shakes her head looking at Carson. Raising and lowering her eyebrows a little she can't help it.

"Why don't you come here and sit with me sexy, we can squish on this chair together."

Laughing herself Jess gently sits down next to Axel out the love seat. Wrapping her one arm around him and the other on his chest she leans her head into him completely comfortable.

All kinds of feelings

Being drawn into Dalton's arms, Dani grins, never tiring of his big strong arms and the way it felt like she was in a safe haven every time he embraced her. His comment brings color to her face and she looks up at him, her blushing cheeks bringing out her blue eyes. "Thank you."

Her hand smooths out a crease in his shirt and she smiles. "You look pretty handsome yourself, you know that?"

Sliding her hand down to his, her palm is enveloped by his own. "I told Carson we had dibs on the couch." She giggles. "So if anybody sits in our spot... you'll have to move them."

"Mmm..." Axel returns Jess' light kiss, putting an arm around her waist. "I'm feeling better now that you're here." He grins, giving a little shrug. He knew she'd want a better answer than that. "I'm doing alright. Hand kinda hurts at the moment, but I've been swinging my arm around more than I should have too."

His eyes dance with humor. "Now that you're here though, you can do my running around for me. So don't tell Misty."

"Hello." Carson laughs and slips both arms around Misty as she kisses him then leans on his chest. He sighs deeply, content in the moment. There weren't too many times he liked getting together with other people, but the six of them here he liked very much, and it was nice they could spend Christmas Eve together. Carson couldn't remember too many good Christmases, and this year meant just a little more to him after his life change. It felt good. It felt right.

Pulling away, Carson steers Misty to the kitchen counter. "Help me finish up here and we can go pick a movie and gorge ourselves on food."

Jason grins as his fingers strum his guitar and his eyes finally find Katie again.

Well, I'm glad you like listening. I guess I don't mind so much getting asked to play... if it makes someone smile, then it's worth it. Good practice anyway.

He winks at her as the current song comes to an end.

Do a poor fellow a favor and bring him some eggnog?

Watching Thirteen open her small gift, Ryder can feel his blood pressure rise. It wasn't the gift itself - it looked like a very nice ring, and it was very pretty on Thirteen's hand. But he knew who had given it to her. Who else wouldn't have signed it? It was to "Thirteen" and not "Jasmine" but it didn't matter - Ryder knew.

And when Thirteen looks to him with question, he wants so badly to tell her who it was from. He wanted to tell her that the father she was looking for was right across the room and that these people here... half of them really were her family. But he couldn't. He'd made a promise that he couldn't break. So instead, it was his heart that broke as he watched her walk away.

Turning, he scans the others until his eyes meet Trent's. A blazing stare is shot in his direction, confirming his disapproval of how it had been handled. Ryder knew good and well that Trent cared. It had been a nice gift to Thirteen. But how he did it was the problem and Ryder could strangle him for it.

Trent feels someone's eyes on him and he looks up in time to see Thirteen disappearing out the door, with Ryder in the forefront, glaring at him. Trent immediately drops his gaze and sinks back a little farther from the others. He hadn't meant to upset her... he'd wanted to give her something nice since she'd grown up with so little. He just wanted her to have something special that would last. He just... hadn't been able to sign his name to it. It looked like he should have just refrained from the whole idea though. It hurt to think that he'd made things worse.

The wind was howling outside, rattling the windows and making everyone glad they were indoors. One was outside though, stepping out of the taxi, paying and being extra careful on the ice. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and slowly limps to the porch, his head bent against the wind.

Through his jeans, no one would be able to tell the outside of his left leg was black and blue from hip to ankle - it had been a miracle no bones had been broken with bruising so deep. A small bandage on the side of his head could just be seen sticking out from his red baseball cap. He should have stayed at the hospital, but he'd put up enough fuss that they'd release him on a few conditions that he'd promised.

Making it to the steps, he almost misses the figure sitting huddled with her head down. That wasn't right... he could see through the window and could tell that the celebration was going on, but what was this young woman doing out here all by herself?

"Say now..." Eric leans on the railing, favoring his sore leg. "It's too cold for you to be out here like this." He smiles gently, unable to help but notice the striking family resemblance. Immediately he wonders if he knows who this is. "They didn't kick you out, did they?" He tries to tease as a way to coax her back inside - it really was cold out tonight and he hated to think of anyone sitting out here, let alone by themselves.


Sitting with the large group Rosetta does her best to just let her mind focus on the family, the group together. For everyone sake and for BJs. This was his first Christmas at the ranch and the last thing she wanted to do was rune it for him.

Sing the songs Rosetta hold the small boy close helping him with the words and laughing softly as he tried to sing his little heart out. But soon, as more food came, and movies played, gifts were given BJ couldn't contain his excitement and wanted to be right in the middle of the action jumping off and couch. Rosetta just smiled as he opened his gifts and showed her what he got, watching him, he really had gown in the last few months.

Faith finds herself sitting on one of the chairs closest to where Sparky was, yet still far enough away she couldn't just reach out and touch him. Her eyes were continuously on him, only once and while leave to just glance around the room. She loved being here, she loved listing to Sparky, simply she loved him.

Don't mess up, oh oh....ahhhh....

Katie couldn't help but mess around a little bit with Jason while he was up there playing. She new, he hadn't really wanted to, and that what she was doing would have been enough to make him mess up. So if this made him smile than her mission was complete.

Mmm...I love listen to you play Jason...it sounds so soothing.

Keeping his arm tightly around his wife and daughter Wes enjoys the time they have. Once he was gone he didn't know how long it would be or what would happen. He worried so much about his family, and no one had any idea how much he didn't want to go. But he new he had no choose in the matter. He had to go when he was called. So he would soak up all the family time he could right now. The laughs, the smiles, the jokes. His family was what was most important and if he couldn't take them with him, at least he could take his memories to get him through those long nights.

Giving Cindy a kiss on the top of the head Wes tilts his head a little to look down at her and smile. His eyes giving a twinkling showing his love for his family.

"I love you Cindy!!"

Sitting in the dinning room Bree still had the far away look in her eye. Her mind was bouncing from one thing to another. Being out here with everyone listing to the music it only made her think of the one thing she didn't have. Maybe tomorrow JT would be able to get someone to talk with Gunner, than maybe if she talked to him things would be better. Bree could only hope with all her heart, that her Christmas wish would come true.

As the single gift is handed to Thirteen she holds it for a longest moment. She fingers the paper, and the ribbon that added to it. She'd never been given a gift before and for a moment it was almost like she was in shock.

Finally though her fingers find the edges of the paper. Sliding her fingers under it gently she lifts the table from all the side till she is holding the soft box in her hands. Opening it and seeing the ring that lied in the velvet cloth Thirteen felt like all the air had been sucked from her lungs. Words would not come, as there was a glint of a tear in her eye. Fingers trembling she let them brush over the diamonds and the green color stone that was set in the middle. It was so pretty, and she'd never been given something like this before.

Looking up her eyes find Ryder there was question on her face who had given this to her? And in the pit of her stomach she new. It was a feeling that was strong.

Moving her head to look down again Thirteen had a large amount of emotions built inside of her. Taking the ring from the box her fingers still trembled, gently she slipped in on her finger. Holding out her hand to look at it, the light seeming to bounce off of it.

She wanted to say thank you, but who was she to thank? She wanted to feel happier than she did, but still there was the lingering feeling, the empty hole of where this ring had come from.

Standing Thirteen looks around the room quick and than looks to Ryder. She needed some fresh air, and if she was going to cry anymore she'd rather not do it in front of everyone and rune there nice time. Moving to the door Thirteen exits but doesn't go far. Finding the steps she sits down her face in her hands. Everything felt so good, yet so confusing at the same time.

Dalton can't help but raise an eye brown as Dani goes darting from one room the to the next, happing to look down the hall at just the right time. Feeling a bit of color crawl up the back of his neck as he looks away quickly not being able to stumble over his words.

"I...um....I...di...did know what you...wanted me...to..."

Dalton gives a cough trying to straighten out his own words. Roll his eyes at himself he looks up at Carson again.

"I didn't know what you all liked to drink so I have some beer, and a few kinds of soda. I hope that's ok."

As Carson takes a few thing from him Dalton gives a laugh and follows into the kitchen the other two girls close behind.

Coming up to Axel Jess gives a smile and shakes her head a little. Wrapping her arms around his neck to him him a nice long hug.

"If we didn't preen than you would think we didn't care and that would be a horrible lie."

Pulling away from the hug Jess gives Axel a little kiss on the lips before looking into his eyes her smile never fading.

"How are you feeling?"

Depositing what she had herself Misty puts the bags of gifts on the floor and food on the counter. Turning around and bumping right into Carson she gives a little blink before as smile forms on her own face.

"Why hello there."

Giving Carson a kiss and leaning into his chest Misty gives a giggle leaning her head on his shoulder. She was so happy to be spending this time with the group of friends that had formed. Alone time with Carson was always better but that would have a lot of time for that late. Now was the time to shair laughs and joy with others.

Hearing Dani's voice Dalton turns around a big grin on his face. He always loved seeing Dani, her smiling face, it was one of the best things Dalton had in his life.

Taking her in his arms Dalton gives her a hug resting his head on top of hers. Taking in the smell of her shampoo. Finally letting her go Dalton looks down into her eyes his own giving a twinkle.

"You look beautiful."