
Both Nights Move One!

Giving a little sniff Thirteen jumps when she hears someone's voice that she wasn't to certain she new. Just look up at him for a long moment Thirteen didn't know what to say. She didn't know who he was though something about him seemed familiar. A strange pull that made her want to talk to this man.

"I...got a gift today from someone who wont let me know them so I can't even say thank you. I just want to meet him once, even if he never want to see me again after that. Everyone has a right to know there family ya know? Ryder says I should be thankful for the friends I have, and they are my family. But...there is still that hole in my heart."

Looking down at the ring on her finger again Thirteen can feel her eyes start to fill again. She'd grown close to Ryder and a few other people had become friends. Everyone here at the ranch was nice and treated her like family, but they didn't understand, her whole life she didn't know anything about it. Her last name, her mother, father, her childhood has always been the Agency, she didn't even know if there was anything before that.

Looking up at the stranger again it was to dark to be able to make out his face to well, but something didn't make her want to fear him. And why she told him everything she just did she didn't know.

"I can't feel the cold out here at the moment. I just wanted some air is was so stuffy in there and I...don't like when anyone but Ryder see me cry, and..now you."

Letting out a long sigh Thirteen tried to study the mans face in the dark. There was still something about him that made Thirteen wonder. Almost like she already new him, But from what she could tell she never met him.

"I'm Thirteen, and I don't know my last name."

Everyone helped finish getting the food ready and bringing it into the other room to set on the coffee table. A small cooler filled with ice, beer and soda set next to the table so when they wanted something to drink no one had to go far. The gifts sat on the ground on the other end for later.

Laughter filled the air as everyone helped. The girls making sure every little detail was right, and the guys just picking on them about it being all perfect.

Finally when all is ready the group heads into the living room taking there seats for the night. Seeing Carson clam the couch Dalton just looks at Dani raising an eyebrow before a grin form on his face.

Coming up behind Carson quietly it was amazing a man of Dalton's size could sneak around. Bringing his arms up and around Carson's head Dalton puts him in a headlock gently as not to pop his head off. Pulling him off the couch he can't help but laugh.

"Hey, your sister gave me full permition to move anyone who sits in out spots. So I was just following her orders."

Laughing again Dalton finally lets go of Carson and slips into the spot on the couch waiting for Dani to sit next to him.

"Ohh, you got the spot warm for me thank you."

Not being able to help the humor she found in someone putting Carson in a head lock and actually making him look semi small Misty lets out a loud laugh. Humor laced her eyes thinking the whole thing was funny.

Pattin the arm chair on she shakes her head looking at Carson. Raising and lowering her eyebrows a little she can't help it.

"Why don't you come here and sit with me sexy, we can squish on this chair together."

Laughing herself Jess gently sits down next to Axel out the love seat. Wrapping her one arm around him and the other on his chest she leans her head into him completely comfortable.

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