

Did Garret believe there was more to life than this? Than this prison of addiction to misery? He knew there had to be more out there. Otherwise, no one would choose to live. 

Victoria's question would go unanswered though. Garret's fingers run through her damp hair as his eyes silently plead with her not to ask about life outside these walls, lest they go mad with the desire for the impossible - freedom.

Leaving his forehead resting against hers, his hand moves down so his thumb can run softly along her cheek. "I'll be at dinner, but not to eat. I'm on duty until shift change at midnight." That meant that he would be stationed near the door of the elegant dining room, not allowed to partake in the meal with the others. Victoria would be within reach but he would be forbidden to even make eye contact. And he would wait and watch and hope that there were no disturbances. Yes, he'd be at dinner. But someday... someday he'd be able to enjoy a meal with Victoria.

Finding his lips on hers once more, he leaves her with a tender kiss. It was time for him to go again. "I'll be here again at midnight," he whispers. 

Justin's eyes flit open to find the living room dark. The television glowed but the movie had long since ended. Shifting just a little, he realizes Beth is still half on top of him and sleeping soundly. Though not wanting to disturb her, he thought better of the thought to just stay here. It would probably be better to let her have the couch to herself.

Moving slowly and as gently as possible, he slips out from under her, finding her pillow to put under her head. Spreading a blanket out over her, he bends down and kisses her cheek before brushing it softly with the back of his hand. 

Exiting the living room, he sees both the dogs and points to the couch. "Keep and eye on her," he whispers. 

Danitza follows his pointing and wanders over to the couch, turning several times before lying down at the end where Beth's head was. Zora follows suit, easing down next to her too. Justin smiles and makes his way to his own bed, leaving his door open, just in case.

Jared reaches back and swats at Grace's hand, but only before a bit of heat comes to his cheeks. Grace certainly didn't have a problem speaking her mind, let alone telling him off. Yet she had a talent for being nice about it at the same time. Sheepish for being put in his place yet again, his eyes drift to the sidewalk. Grace's hand on his shoulder though, brings his gaze back up and behind him once more. 

A grin slips out and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "Okay, okay... it's your time and your choice. Got it. Now..." He gestures forward. "Keep pushing or we'll never get there. I wanna figure out what kind of ice cream I like." Truth be told, he kind of liked how her hand  felt, and he wanted to move on before he could think any more of it. It was one thing to tease her with flirting... it was another to feel a genuine attraction that he assumed would be forbidden.

"My mom likes strawberry... but I think I might like something with chocolate."

Hunter nods slowly, mulling over the idea. "Sure - I'd love to see some of the scenery, as long as you think I can handle it. I mean, I rode a while yesterday but I'm still awfully rusty." 

That much was true. Even though he'd been pleased at how much he'd remembered the day before, he knew that he was far from a skilled horseman and he didn't want to get himself into a bad position. "Although Bonzai doesn't seem the type to run away with any riders." Hunter grins, still planning on riding the same horse, rough ride or not. It was the principle of the thing now, and he wasn't going to lose. 

Downing the rest of his coffee, he nods with satisfaction. "Okay...  Chores." The last thing he wanted was to have enough time to dwell on that stupid nightmare that was still lodged in his mind. Keeping busy would be the best way to get rid of it. "You lead and I'll follow."


As Garret comes around and sits down next to her Victoria leans into him a little bit. Her comfort, her shelter. Hearing he was feeling better she was happy. Victoria did not like seeing him so sick and it made her worry even if she never showed it as much as she wanted too.

Being pulled into the kiss Victoria's arms go around Garret as she accepts the kiss and returns it as well. Just letting her one hand run along his back these were the moments that Victoria loved the most. The moment when everything she'd even done was gone because Garret looked past it and loved her anyways as she did him.

Finally pulling away Victoria leans her for head against Garrets for a long moment with her eyes closed. Oh how she wished they could be like this all the time. To be able to let people know about there love, to not fear being found out. 

   "Do you think this is all there is to life? To walk in the shadows and never see the sun?"

Opening her eyes Victoria searches Garret's gaze. A gaze she could get lost in and not let it bother her one bit. His eyes where her freedom and through them she lived, strive and moved on. If this was all there was in life for them than she was happy to have Garret in her life. Without him...she would be far worse off.

   "What are your plans for today? Will you be at the dinner tonight?"

Laying with Justin and watching the movie Beth's mind went from on this to the next to the next. It was hard to settle on one thing right now but she did her best. Finally as the movie credits roll Beth lifts her head a little bit to look at Justin. Seeing he was sound a sleep she gives a little smile before laying her head down again. She didn't want to wake him when he looked so at peace.

Just cuddling down into him and letting the tv on Beth just lays there. The rythem of Justin's breathing making her head go up and down, up and down.  It was very lulling the patten soft, and comforting. Before long Beth was sound asleep too.

Going inside to get Jared's shoes Beth gives a little wave to him mom before explaining to her they were going to go out for a little bit. She didn't want to worry the woman if she went to look for them and they were gone. She seemed like to much of a nice lady to do that too.

Finally returning and waiting till Jared was ready Grace starts forward. It was really a nice day out and she was with nice company at least to her she was. Hearing Jared's comment though Grace stops and gives a little flick to his ear. Not enough to hurt but enough to get his attachen.

   "One of these days your gonna stop that or its gonna get old fast. This is my time not extra time and I spend my time how I want to and right now I am spending it with my friend getting ice cream and than after we are going to take a drive in your nice car. That hardly seems like a wast to me."

Resting a hand on Jared's shoulder Grace gives a small smile. She really did wish Jared believed her when she told him he was more of a friend than a pashent. It just had worked out that way and she did enjoy spending time with him. Now to make him believe it some how.

Giving a laugh Katie can't help but be entertained by her Uncle's reaction to Hunter wanting to ride again. Not often did he get surprised but Hunter seemed to be doing a great job of it. Just sitting back and letting them chat Katie continues to sip her coffee. 

Once the chatter was over and Mick walks away Katie looks to Hunter giving a nod at his comment. Keeping her own voice low too she can't help the giggle that slips out. She couldn't help but feel a little excitement herself.

   "Well after chores if you want we can take our first riding trip together. It might be fun and I can show you some of the trails."

So Help Me

Hunter gives Katie a smirk, but nods. So far, he was hurting more than yesterday, but hopefully once he got up and active it would wear off. He wasn't about to laze around all day - not after all those shenanigans with the guys yesterday. If he'd lost his title of city slicker, he wasn't going to gain it back 

As he sips his coffee though, it's Katie's previous words that seem to stick in his mind. The ones about willpower and determination. Was she implying he needed all that in order to not want a drink? Hunter had never thought he needed alcohol, and the last few days he'd been just fine without any. But was the desire for his bourbon this morning a sign that perhaps he was more addicted to it than he'd thought? 

"Ah, there he is!"

Hunter looks up quickly at Mick's enthusiastic entrance to the dining room. "Aw no.... not again." 

Mick laughs and shakes his head. "Don't worry. I'm not chasing you down. I figure Katie'll have you plenty busy today." 

"Hardly." Hunter shrugs. "She keeps telling me I'm the one that has to think up something to do. Although today I thought I might just decide to do some more riding."

Mick's eyebrows arc. 

Hunter catches the surprise and takes advantage. "Yeah, me and Bonzai got along so well yesterday, I figure we might just see if I could ride without falling off." 

"Please... whatever you do, take a different horse." Mick grins and shakes his head. "Don't ride him again just 'cause we razzed you. He really is the roughest horse in the barn." 

"Naw, he's one of my new friends. I can't ignore him now." 

Mick finally shrugs. "I guess that's up to you. You know which saddle you used - feel free to use it again." 

"I'll do that - thanks." Once Mick heads to get his own coffee, Hunter glances to Katie and lowers his voice. "So help me, even if you have to help me get on, I'm going to ride today."

"Oh." Jared felt a little silly. "I guess I didn't realize we were that close to wherever you wanted to get ice cream. Although it's not fair - you getting exercise and me just getting pushed along." He looks up at Grace and gives her a teasing grin. 

"Shoes... um... I think they're in the bedroom by the nightstand." 

Once Grace returns with his sneakers, he manages to get them on by himself without too much trouble before settling back again. Being pushed out to the sidewalk, he glances up over his shoulder. "About taking a drive, don't worry about it. I can have my mom maybe find somebody who can take it for a spin to get the cobwebs out. You don't need to waste your time with that today since you're already taking extra time for ice cream."

A warm smile spreads on Justin's lips as Beth calls him irresistible. He wasn't convinced that was necessarily the truth, but it did make him feel good that she at least thought he was. 

Having her crawl up close and cuddle into him, he wraps his arms around her. Feeling her against him, curling up with him, it felt... good. Her comment about him smelling good brings a chuckle to the surface... and a little heat to his face. Craning his neck, he kisses the top of her head. "I try." 

Rubbing her back gently, he turns his head to see the television and figure out where they were at in the movie. Lying here with Beth though was so comfortable that he realizes it might be harder than he thought not to doze off. 

Garret didn't like hearing about Roberts, even though it was nothing new. He and Victoria didn't used to talk about their missions at all... but lately it seemed it was becoming harder for both of them. 

Walking slowly around to the front of the swing, Garret eases down next to her, slipping his arm over her shoulders to pull her close. "Yeah... I'm feeling just fine now." He'd been forced to go one one mission already before completely recovering from his last... illness. But by now he was feeling himself again and quite capable to be back on the job. Not that he liked that. He'd almost rather be lying in bed miserable than out on the job and miserable. Although that might raise more questions with Victoria... and he wasn't yet willing to tell her why he'd been sick off and on, when he never used to be. 

"I missed you too," he responds softly. 

Turning a little, he brings his free hand to her chin to turn her face towards him. Leaning closer, he presses his lips to hers, letting the kiss flow deeply but gently. 

Smell good

Studying Hunter for a few more long moments Katie wondered if it was just a sleepless night that plagued Hunter or many more things. Hearing his comment about a drink makes her giggle but it confirms her thoughts. Withdraws from drinking could never be fun and she'd seen it a few times. It never looked fun and Katie was happy her first time drinking had been her last and she wasn't addicted yet.

   "Ah a drink might wake you up but it wouldn't last long. Will power and determination now thats what you have going for you to keep moving forward."

Giving a smile to Hunter and taking a drink of her own drink she lets the hot liquid slide down her throat. Even when it was hot out Katie still enjoyed her coffee in the morning. It was an important part of her day. 

Looking at Hunter holding his cup up Katie gives a laugh and shakes her head a little bit. Holding her own glass up and clanking it with his and than taking a drink.

   "To...a less sore day than yesterday."

Katie gives a little chuckle.

   "The shoes I can totally do. If you tell me where they are I can even run inside and grab them for you."

Hearing that Jared wanted her to drive him car Grace just stops for a moment and looks at him. She had seen his car out in the drive way and new how nice it was. She'd never been in a car that nice before let alone been able to drive one. In a way it kind of made her nervous thinking about it because if something happened she would have no way to replace it.

   "Well I was hoping we could walk to get the ice cream. It's good exercise, and such a nice day out...but how about afterwards we take a drive. You can even pick where we go."

Not still nervous it was turning slightly to excitement. Driving Jared's car might be fun and he would be with her so there was nothing to worry about there either.

Going behind him and starting to push forward Graces pushes him to the steps before stopping once again and coming around to in front of him. Once he told her where his socks and shoes were they could be off.

Finished with her cold treat Beth sets the bowl on the table before looking over to Justin. Watching him readjust himself she wonders what he is doing till be motions her over. Just continuing to sit there for a long moment Beth contemplates in her mind sliding over. She wanted to, she had wanted to for a long while not but she never had cuddled with anyone before. 

   "You irresistible you know that."

Giving a small smile Beth slides over between Justin's legs and trys to position herself comfortable for herself and him. It felt kind of strange but she figured if she just did what was comfortable than how could it be wrong. 

Finally Beth lays her head down on Justin's chest and lets out a small sigh. Even after a long day he still smelled so nice. Turning her head slightly into his chest she takes in a deep breath before laying her head on his chest again. In a soft voice she comments.

   "You smell good."

Feeling Garret's arms go around her Victoria brings her own hands up to his arms and holds them. Leaning her head to the side a little bit into Garret she new it was him, his walk, his smell, the way she felt in his arms. She could never doubt any of that for as long as she lived.

   "It's good to be back. I missed you something horrible this time around."

And it was the truth. No matter how much she was use to it, it seemed each time it got harder and hard to be away. And with each mission she want on it got harder and hard to not cringe and push away anyone who got close to her. She was Garret's and no one else, no one but him was aloud to touch her but if she wanted to live, to survive that was not an option.

   "The Roberts mission went smoothly. Like my grandfather had predicted he caved and said he would turn funds over to him as long as I came to visit again."

Victoria lets out a long sigh. She'd rather no go back there again but she new if it meant getting more information, more funding, she would be sent back. Fancy dinning, wine, buy new things it meant nothing. It was a front so she could be seen with whoever. It was empty, and cold.

   "I hated it. Everything means nothing without you being the one by my side."

Turning a little Victoria does her best to give a smile to Garret. Enough with the depressing talk she wanted to be happy. She was home, she was with Garret, and all her crimes had been washed away in his eyes. That was what was important.

   "How have you been feeling? Better? You look like you have a little more color than when I left. Not a day went by I didn't think of you, and couldn't wait to return home."