

Did Garret believe there was more to life than this? Than this prison of addiction to misery? He knew there had to be more out there. Otherwise, no one would choose to live. 

Victoria's question would go unanswered though. Garret's fingers run through her damp hair as his eyes silently plead with her not to ask about life outside these walls, lest they go mad with the desire for the impossible - freedom.

Leaving his forehead resting against hers, his hand moves down so his thumb can run softly along her cheek. "I'll be at dinner, but not to eat. I'm on duty until shift change at midnight." That meant that he would be stationed near the door of the elegant dining room, not allowed to partake in the meal with the others. Victoria would be within reach but he would be forbidden to even make eye contact. And he would wait and watch and hope that there were no disturbances. Yes, he'd be at dinner. But someday... someday he'd be able to enjoy a meal with Victoria.

Finding his lips on hers once more, he leaves her with a tender kiss. It was time for him to go again. "I'll be here again at midnight," he whispers. 

Justin's eyes flit open to find the living room dark. The television glowed but the movie had long since ended. Shifting just a little, he realizes Beth is still half on top of him and sleeping soundly. Though not wanting to disturb her, he thought better of the thought to just stay here. It would probably be better to let her have the couch to herself.

Moving slowly and as gently as possible, he slips out from under her, finding her pillow to put under her head. Spreading a blanket out over her, he bends down and kisses her cheek before brushing it softly with the back of his hand. 

Exiting the living room, he sees both the dogs and points to the couch. "Keep and eye on her," he whispers. 

Danitza follows his pointing and wanders over to the couch, turning several times before lying down at the end where Beth's head was. Zora follows suit, easing down next to her too. Justin smiles and makes his way to his own bed, leaving his door open, just in case.

Jared reaches back and swats at Grace's hand, but only before a bit of heat comes to his cheeks. Grace certainly didn't have a problem speaking her mind, let alone telling him off. Yet she had a talent for being nice about it at the same time. Sheepish for being put in his place yet again, his eyes drift to the sidewalk. Grace's hand on his shoulder though, brings his gaze back up and behind him once more. 

A grin slips out and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "Okay, okay... it's your time and your choice. Got it. Now..." He gestures forward. "Keep pushing or we'll never get there. I wanna figure out what kind of ice cream I like." Truth be told, he kind of liked how her hand  felt, and he wanted to move on before he could think any more of it. It was one thing to tease her with flirting... it was another to feel a genuine attraction that he assumed would be forbidden.

"My mom likes strawberry... but I think I might like something with chocolate."

Hunter nods slowly, mulling over the idea. "Sure - I'd love to see some of the scenery, as long as you think I can handle it. I mean, I rode a while yesterday but I'm still awfully rusty." 

That much was true. Even though he'd been pleased at how much he'd remembered the day before, he knew that he was far from a skilled horseman and he didn't want to get himself into a bad position. "Although Bonzai doesn't seem the type to run away with any riders." Hunter grins, still planning on riding the same horse, rough ride or not. It was the principle of the thing now, and he wasn't going to lose. 

Downing the rest of his coffee, he nods with satisfaction. "Okay...  Chores." The last thing he wanted was to have enough time to dwell on that stupid nightmare that was still lodged in his mind. Keeping busy would be the best way to get rid of it. "You lead and I'll follow."

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