

Looking up at her Uncle Bree gives a tiny nod. Today had been an ok day so far. She still didn't feel like being around anyone but she had spent most of her morning looking out the window and watching people move around, seeing some kids playing in the yard her heart yurned to be out there but she just....didn't have the ambition to do so.

"Ok yeah, I'll talk to her now."

She didnt know if talking to Hope would do any good or not with how she was feeling but if it would help her Uncle, Gunner and herself just a little than is was worth talking to her.

Walking into the auditorium arms linked with her brother Ryan felt so strange. It wasn't every day let alone at all she wore a dress, with a little makeup and her hair done up on top of her head. Looking around and finding the seats a wave of disappointment, confusion, and a strange pang to her heart comes over her.

"This has to be wrong Eli Leo wouldn't do that!"

Ryan scans the seats again but those two were the only ones together that were open at this point. Why would Leo do this? It was so strange and out of character even for him.

"Come on lets sit down anyways since we are here. Pops would be rolling over in his grave if he new about me in a dress let not wast it ok? Maybe Leo will still come."

Ryan tried to look hopeful and hide the tears that were behind her eyes. If Eli saw her cry he'd freak and Leo just might end up dead.

Entering the house with Kip once again Karla gives a little jump as Twila comes up to them. Scuffing her foot on the ground Karla does not ook up. Now that she new Twila new, that ment so did everyone else and it made her feel that much stranger.

Karla couldn't help a little bit of anger that came over her. Not at Twila but just everything and she didn't know how to express it. She didn't mind Kip's comfort but everyone else was making her feel awkward. She didnt want to go shopping, she didn't want people buying her stuff.

Turning to Kip Karla looks up at him she didnt mean for an anger and pain flicker in her eyes it was just all her emotions and stress coming out.


Jade giggles as she's left on the straw and she sits on her hands, still watching Dan work. "I'll probably take the bus, so you can take me to the station if you want... I'd like that."

Staying with Dan a while longer, she eventually knows she needs to do some work herself, so she wanders back to the main buildings to see what she could do. She would come back to the barn for the evening chores when she could help out again. Being with Dan made the barn work totally worth it. But she had to wonder... once her father was back, would that change?

Kip keeps his arm around Karla, helping her step back through the debris and walk towards the car. He doesn't say much - there wasn't much he really could say. He felt badly though and just wished he could fix everything.

More than just sifting through rubble needed to be done though, so it's several hours before they can finally get a bite to eat then head back to the house. By the time they get back, the others have been to Theo's and back again as well.

Seeing the two enter the house, Twila is there and immediately comes over. "Oh, Karla... Erik told us what happened." She gives Karla a gentle hug. "Anything you need, you just say so, okay? When you're ready, we're going to do some shopping so you've got some clothes and anything else you need."

"Oooh, Ryan in a dress," Ron teases. He holds up his hands, pretending to use a camera to take a picture. "Don't give the guys a heart attack now."

Getting back to work, the subject of Leo is dropped. Minds focused on engines instead and the day progressed quickly. In a matter of hours, the guys were wrapping things up and heading out, leaving the garage for another day.

It wasn't too much later after the sun had set that Eli had Ryan's arm linked through his on their way into the auditorium. Though having put up a fuss, he'd relented to dressing a little nicer tonight - still in jeans, but they were black, and a light blue collared shirt was tucked in  under a black blazer. His hair was a little unkempt, but it usually was at that length.

Wandering down one of the aisles, Eli scans the crowd, coming to the front row. Others had already filled up the other seats, leaving two. Eli looks down at Ryan with an annoyed look. "Two seats... your boyfriend got two seats. You do realize that this means he set us up, right?"

"Hey, Bree?" JT sits on the edge of the bed, giving his niece's arm a pat. It had been a slow day, but stress still hung in the air. "You feeling up to talking to Hope? The sooner she can write an evaluation, the sooner we can start winning this thing. What do you say?"


Dan gives a little laugh as he pulls Jade into his lap just letting her nuzzle into him. He loved having her close to him, felling her warmth just wash over him and full him to the brim with happiness.

Giving a small chuckle at her comment Dan keeps his head leaned into hers giving a small shake of his own with his arms still tightly wrapped around her.

"Ha, I think your confused and its the other way around. Your amazing Jade you deserve all the good things that come your way in life."

Tightening his arms one more time Dan gives Jade a hug and another kiss to the top of her head before letting her slide back down to the hay. He hated to let her go but he did have more work that needed to be done.

Going back over to his shovel Dan picks it up going back to work, but stopping and throwing a wink at Jade her grins.

"Just let me know what day your leaving. We can do our little thing before, and than I will even drive you to the airport if thats the way you gonna be going."

Just leaning into Kip for a long moment Karla holds the bandanna letting her tears fall slowly. She was morning the lose of someone dear even if he was just a dog. She had had Rin since he was a puppy and had been through everything with her. Whenever she needed someone he was always there. Even in this act he had saved her life giving his own

Swipping the tears from her eyes Karla sands up letting out a long sigh and still leaning into Kip a little bit. Taking the bandanna and pushing it into her pocket she looks around the area once again.

"Yeah we can go now. There is not much left. Everything I was looking for is gone."

Karla wraps her one free arm around Kip as they walk just soaking up the comfort he offered. She just needed that right now and was happy Kip was willing to offer it.

Letting out a sigh as she fiddled with the stuff on the workbench Ryan was about to reply to Miles when Darrel calls her. Looking up she found it off he called on the work phone and not her cell.

Rolling backwards just a little bit she picks up the phone on the wall. Covering the mouth peace and holding it down just a little ways she yells.

"I got it Darrel, thanks."

Waiting for help to hang up Ryan puts the phone up to her ear. Listing to her brother on the other end her facel expression changes and saddens just a little. She hated the feeling of disapointment and wonder if Leo was going to be there or not. Next time she saw him she was going to HAVE to ask. It was starting to bother her to much not to ask.

"Don't worry bro, if he stands us up you wont have to kill him. I will. I'll be leaving the shop soon than I will be home"

Hanging up the phone Ryan puts her head in her hands for a moment letting out another long sigh before standing up. Composing herself she looks around the shop and gives a small smile.

"I better get going so I can get ready for tonight. I'm actually going to put a dress on. Go figure. I'll see ya guys tomorrow."


Jade automatically leans into Dan as he puts his arm around her, a small grin on her face. She'd never say no to his warm comfort.

Craning her neck to look up at him, she gives his lips a little kiss. "I'd like that."

Nuzzling into him a little more, she wraps her arms around him. "I don't deserve a boyfriend like you, ya know that? You're too sweet."

"Hey... yo... Sparky, you alright?" Jim waves a hand in front of his brother's face.

"Hmm?" Sparky snaps to reality, straightening from leaning on his pitchfork. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

Jim sighs a little, hearing the irritation in Sparky's tone. "Look... I don't wanna fight, alright?"

"Me neither. I just... I'm sorry about everything, and that we can't agree."

"It's not that we can't agree, we're just worried about you and we care." Jim's shoulders droop a little. "I'm sorry we...I... jumped on you before. I could have handled it differently." He searches Sparky's eyes, knowing why he was on edge. "How serious is it?"

"Don't really know." Sparky shrugs. "Depends on what the doctor says today and... she told me she'd have to have surgery... and that's always risky."

Jim nods and gives Sparky's shoulder a pat. "It'll all work out."

"I know." But that didn't mean Faith would survive. Sparky purses his lips tightly. "You gonna stand in my way?"

"I don't think so." Jim folds his arms and sighs. "Just... promise me you'll be careful."

Sparky runs his hands along his pitchfork. "Do you really think I'm... I'm not?"

Jim shrugs. "Who am I to say? I know I came across with a strong opinion, and maybe my feelings haven't changed. But I hope you prove me wrong. You deserve to be happy."

Sparky watches as his brother walks away, then takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Maybe the tension with his siblings would eventually dissolve. For now though, his mind was as far away as town was from the ranch. He just wanted to know what the doctor said, but he'd have to wait until Faith got back first.

Miles scoots out from under his car, squinting at Ryan's question. "He done you wrong or something?"

"Miles," Jed chides. "None of your beeswax."

"Well she started it!"

Jed smirks and saunters over, cleaning a wrench with an old rag. He glances to Ryan and shrugs. "Yeah, he's been a little odd... odder than normal that is. Darrel doesn't seem to be worried about it though. Which is strange in it self, come to think of it."

"Yeah." Ron hollers from the car he's working on. "If I missed as much work as him lately, Darrel would can my rear."

Jed grins a little and looks back to Ryan. "I don't think it's anything to worry about. I mean... this is Leo. A little strange, but solid enough." He chuckles. "Besides, last I knew, he couldn't get enough of you."

"Yo, Ry!" Darrel yells from the office. "Telephone!"

It was Eli. He'd accidentally dialed the shop instead of Ryan's cell phone, but decided to wait. He could hear Darrel yelling for her, and leans against the car as the gas pump ticks away. Hearing his sister get on the other end, he covers one ear from the passing  traffic. "Hey, Speedy, yeah, um, Leo just called me. Said he had something come up and he'd be late tonight. Apparently he wants us to go in the center auditorium without him and get our seats."

Eli rolls his eyes, annoyance in his tone. "If this is some setup to get me to some foofoo musical while he sits back and laughs, he is so dead."

Kip trails behind Karla, staying out of the way and letting her sift through what she could. Setting his hands on his hip, he sighs, looking around at the devastation. It was a sad sight, even for someone who hadn't lived here.

Glancing over in time to see Karla find the bandanna, Kip's stomach does a flip. Rin had been a beautiful dog that Kip had started to befriend. He liked animals, and knowing that Rin had died in the fire... it made him sadder than he'd like to admit.

Seeing Karla's tears, Kip immediately goes to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "It's okay," he assures. He rocks her a little, rubbing her back. "We can go now if you want."

No one ever said

Starring out the window for a long moment Karla just looks to where her apartment once stood. She'd herd Kip buy didn't reply. Even though her apartment hadnt been busy, and she often hated it herself it still had been home.

Finally figuring it was now or never Karla looked over to Kip giving a nod and getting out. Slowly making her way twords the pile of ash, broken wood and rubble Karla is stoped by a police officer but it let past when she told him who her and Kip were.

Letting out a deep sigh she starts to look. The time seemed to slip by but to Karla it couldn't go fast enough. It was hard seeing that all her stuff had gone up in smoke. Finding a badly burned Nintendo it had been her entertainment for a long time, even if recently she hadn't used it much. Books particle burned. Her bed, cloths there was really nothing left.

Turning to leave this mess behind and what she life something caught her eyes. Bending down and moving some chard wood a red hanker chef was revealed that had not been burned at all. That was odd, everything else had been burned pretty badly but this only had a few dirty marks on it. Maybe it was meant to make it to keep the memories of her friend alive. Looking up at Kip Karla could feel the hot tears roll down her cheek slowly.

Setting her keys down and flopping in one of the chairs at Mile's work bench Ryan lets out a long sigh. Leo had been so distine the last few days it felt so strange and as much as Ryan tryed to ignore it she couldn't. Maybe it was just her but it felt like something was totally off.

"Have you guys noticed anything strange going on with Leo other than not coming into work sometimes?"

Ryan hated doubting Leo but it just happened anyways. Tonight they were going to be going out the three of them but...Ryan didt know if he would cancel that too.

Continuing his work Dan listened to Jade talk. He could tell something was wrong from the moment she came into the barn and though he was a little on the busy side today never would he turn her away. As long as she didnt mind him work and listing than he had no problem.

Though stopping for a moment and looking over at Jade. He could see the disappointment in her eyes that she really did want to spend Christmas with him, and he wanted to spend it with her, but family should always be first.

Setting the shovel down Dan gives over to the bales of hay and hops up next to Jade. Putting her arm gentily around her shoulders he gives her a squeeze letting her lean into him.

"I know you don't want to go, but its nice that you will anyways. Things might not have always been great but she's the only one you have."

Leaning his head down on hers for a moment Dan gives the top a small kiss. Than pulling away a little he cocks hia head to tilt her chin up to look at him. Giving a soft smile he just searchs her eyes for a long moment.

"Maybe the day before you leave we can have our own Christmas celebration. No one ever said it actully had to be on that day."

Spending Christmas

Kip offers the best smile he can and reaches over to take back Karla's hand. "I'm sorry if it's intimidating," he apologizes quietly. "But you can quit saying thank you... it's just... what we do here. I got helped out once and... I guess I wanna do the same. So... at least until you're back on your feet... this is home."

Giving her fingers a little squeeze, he retreats to finish his breakfast. It didn't take too long until plates were cleared off the table and Kip had grabbed his wallet and keys. He leads the way out to his car and waits for Karla, then slowly makes his way towards the burned apartment building.

Arriving, the black pile of rubble is still smoldering. There were other vehicles there, and a few other people were there sifting through what they could, looking for any pieces of belongings that might have survived.

Kip pulls up to the curb and just waits for several moments. "I'm right here," he assures. "Whenever you're ready."

David thinks, his eyes squinting a little as he processes Angelica's idea. "That might be good. Do we know who the judge is yet? I mean, I don't know if we could get anyone to changes judges just on what they might consider to be a whim. But... if we were to get a few cases tossed in this judge's direction, they might be glad to get rid of one or two."

He grins a little at the thought. "Thing is... I can think of the most honest judge ever and they're still not gonna want to let Gunner off the hook. Or even JT for that matter - we haven't even touched on him. Gunner might lie that he forced JT to help him, but I know JT won't lie. So we got two people we need to cover. And really the only thing I can think of is making the judge see how awful a place Crescentview is - or at least with one patient, so it warrants a break-in."

Sighing, David starts looking through his papers again. "It's gonna take a while. First step is proving Bree was hurt. Soon as you hear from that counselor we get the ball rolling. And I'll work into the night..." He focuses on data, though his teasing tone reappears. "...while you go out and have dinner."

"Hey, it's Ryan!" Jed grins from the other side of the garage as she comes in. "If you're lookin' for Leo, he's not here."

A grumble comes from under another car. It was Miles. "Called in again. Eli was in here fifteen minutes ago looking for him too."

"So... Mom wants me to spend Christmas Eve and Day with her and Ben." Jade couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes. Her legs dangle off the edge of the low stack of straw bales as she watches Dan work. "She wants to give me stuff for Dylan too for when he comes here so..." She shrugs. "I guess I should go. Since Dad's not gonna be around here anyway."

Sighing, she picks at a piece of straw. "I guess I was looking forward to spending Christmas here... But I don't want to leave Mom out. I just... I don't know. I guess I wanted to spend it with you, too."