
Cherry out!

Beth can't help but let her smile grow again. Justin was right everyone did needs friends. She'd just recently learned that herself and now having one, letting Justin in to know her she new what she had been missing and how much now she enjoyed he'd gone out of his way to become her friend.

"Well I was thinking about steak on the grill I finally pulled out, and baked potato and corn on the cob."

She really did love cooking for Justin and it made her feel even better that he liked her cooking. It made her feel good to be able to cook for someone and have them enjoy it.

"And than I was thinking about making some cherry pie. If your not all cherry pied out!"

Looking up at her brother Ryan found it hard to control her emotions. Her brother had always been there for her, and a shoulder to cry on. Why she just couldn't let him show in front of him now. Maybe because she felt a fool, or just silly she wasnt sure.

"I just don't understand Eli."

Looking down at her beer bottle again and picking at the label. Ty's words still played over in her head. Alec was with another woman, they were travailing together. She could put two and two together on what was going on there.

"It doesn't add up. Why?"

Walking around the pond with Susanne Chuck kept his fingers linked with Susanne's. He's been having a really nice time with her and there conversation had been nice as well.

"Being a little insane is not always a bad thing. As long as its not the bad kind."

Chuck cocks his head before shaking it a little. Sometimes he made no scene at all. But as long as Susanne didn't mind to much it was ok. Coming back around to where they had started again Chuck lets out a small sigh.

"Does the night really have to end?"