

Reese's eyes narrow at Dalton, his own nerves growing on edge. Just watching him go back to his work, Reese stands in the doorway for several moments, fingering the nameplate. "You know, Dalton... I guess maybe I expected you to be more willing to work with someone who is actually trying to help your friend. But if you want to make Justin's job harder, then I guess there's not much I can do about it. I'll keep him away from you from now on. But heaven forbid he need any information from you that could help Scott and can't get it because you're unwilling to work with him."

Spinning on his heel, Reese exits the office, closing the door behind him, forcing himself not to slam it. He knew Dalton was upset, but he felt like he was having to fight his own man on this and he didn't like it.

Walking only a couple feet, he has to come to a dead halt to keep himself from running into Justin. He'd thought the younger man had waited in his office. Looking him in the eye, he can tell by the disappointed look on his face that he'd heard. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be." Justin shakes his head. "It's not me he's mad at."

Reese holds out the nameplate. "It's not?"

"Nah. He's just upset about his friend and I'm an easy target. From some of the things he's said, I bet he's had some bad experiences with counselors too, so that's another strike against me. I'll stay out of his way from now on though - I don't want to stir up any more trouble."

"You haven't." Reese sighs deeply. "We're all on edge lately. Just... a lot going on." He starts walking again, Justin at his side.

"Well, if I can get somewhere with Scott, maybe that will be one less thing on everybody's minds."

Reese stops before they get to the main floor and he turns to Justin with seriousness. "Do you really think you can?"

"Only if Scott wants me to. And right now... he just isn't trying hard enough. But I think he will. It's just gonna take time."

"But we don't have time with him because of the Agency influence."

"Then we better pray that something will help him turn himself around before it's too late." Jason nods and holds up the nameplate. "Thank you. I'll continue to be in touch."

"Yeah..." Reese watches him walk away before sigh deeply. He wanted to go home. But the day was only half over.

Justin heads across the main floor, his eyes scanning the cubicles. Walking past Sapphire's area, he catches her eye and gives her a little nod and the best small smile he could. Unless she beckoned him, he would not stop. He had invaded enough today... done enough damage. This was a hard group... and maybe he had misjudged them. Maybe it was time he came here on invitation only and found other ways to deal with Scott. Even if Justin understood and didn't take Dalton's words too personally, they did leave him questioning himself. He'd get over it, but for the moment, this whole thing had just become very frustrating.

Chance laughs as he buckles up. "If you can handle linking arms with great Chance O'Mally, feel free. But if you're going into any clothing stores, I beg of you... let me guard the entrance."

Slipping on a pair of sunglasses, he grins. Destiny seemed to be doing pretty well today... almost seeming to enjoy herself. There was a lot of serious things happening... her safety... arrangements for her parents' burials... yet there was still some sunshine there and that was a good sign.

"And no... I'm not carrying your bags for you," he teases.

Keep him out

Dalton stays sitting looking across the desk at Reese his own face firm. He has his own emotions running around right now that he didn't even know how to deal with them.

"I wont bother seeing you later and so far the only person I see who had a problem with the name on the door was that guy that's helping Scott."

It was clear Dalton didn't like Justin without saying it even if he really wanted to. Still keeping his own tone calm he continues to look at Reese.

"And on that mention you can tell Justen to stay out of my office before I get irritated with him and something happens. I have no questions he can ask me that need to be answered, and I don't need him giving me peptalks. Other than that I have nothing more to say."

Going back to his work Dalton calms up a little bit sinking in his seat a little and looking at his computer screen intently.

Destiny gives a nod as she takes the keys and makes her way out the door. Stopping at the steps as Chance locks the door behind her. Waiting for him to come up next to her she waits for him knowing not to go father.

"You know...in a way I feel like I'm the dog waiting for my master."

Destiny gives a chuckle showing she was joking. Getting to the car she gets in waiting for Chance.

"Alright...here we go. Stay close to you, I think I can do that. Hope you dont mind if I link arms with you when we get there."

Destiny's eyes twinkle as she pulls out of the driveway and she heads down the street to there destination.

Creative suggestions

"Alright. The mall it is." Chance tosses Destiny the keys. "Just remember to stick close while we're there... a heavily populated area can be the best place for someone to be picked off unnoticed."

Opening the front door, he takes a glance around before letting Destiny out and then locking the door behind them. "Wherever else you need to go is fine. I just need to go to TJY sometime before the end of the day."

Reese was not surprised to see the anger flash in Dalton's eyes, nor was he surprised at the verbal response. It hadn't taken long for the two tech guys to become friends and Dalton would always be a vicious protector of Scott.

"I appreciate your intentions, Dalton." Reese reaches up and removes the nameplate. "But having a name on a door does not portray importance any more than it does saying he'll be back." He keeps his town quiet but firm. "Yes, Scott put in years here and he saw us through many hard times with his efforts and his work. He's lost more than a lot of people here just because he was dedicated to his job."

Never would Reese face a day he didn't blame himself for all that had happened to Scott. "But he has resigned this force. He is no longer an Elite agent. Keeping his name on the door will only be a sorry reminder to the other agents who pass, and salt on their wounds. I'm sorry... but it's time his name was removed. And I must ask that you respect my orders." His tone was still very calm, but it was obvious that he meant business. "If you'd like to take up this matter further, I will be working late and you are free to see me after hours. I've already considered ways in which we might honor Scott as a former officer and I'm open to creative suggestions."


Turning from Justin as he leaves Dalton goes back to his work to continue what he was doing. Weather he would see Justin again or not he didn't know but he really didn't care ether. He didn't like the guy and he wasn't sure if it was because he was a councilor or make it was just him in general.

Getting back to work Dalton looks up again seeing Reese. Giving a nod and a slight wave to him Dalton watches him for a moment.

"I'm alright."

Hearing he was here to take Scott's name plate from the door Dalton gets a little stiff. He new this had to be Justin's doing and a little more anger twords the man grows. Keeping his voice calms he looks at Reese.

"You can take it down Reese but I will put another one up. Even if Scott dosnt work here anymore, this is not just my office. He put as much heart into this as I have, and for that his name should stay. Its not a statement for me to think he is coming back, its saying he is just important in this place as I am."

Giving a smile to Chance and turning around to make it a little easier for him to clip the necklace Destiny breaths a little slowly so she doesn't move around to much for Chance. Giving a soft chuckle at Chance's comment Destiny turns around to look at him again smile.

"I'll make sure not to fly unless you come with me. Thank you."

Taking a few steps back Destiny can't stop smile as she looks back at Chance.

"I sure do want to drive still. I love driving. Figured we could head to the mall for a little bit before I go to set up a few things for my parents funeral. Than if we need to go to TJY we can."

Right thing

Chance turns around and it takes him an odd moment to respond to Destiny before he blinks. "Uh... yeah... yeah, sure."

Setting the keys down, he walks over to Destiny and takes the necklace, twirling a finger for her to turn around. Reaching around her, he lightly moves aside her hair so as not to get it caught in the clasp. He grins. "Just don't let this sucker fly away with you... I'd be in a lot of trouble."

His hand brushes her neck before he takes her shoulders to turn her back around. "There you are. Pretty as a picture." He chuckles, just a little color coming to his face. "Still wanna drive?"

Receiving no for an answer, Justin opens his mouth to say more, but then changes his mind. He holds up his hands just a little in surrender. Realizing there was another nameplate, his eyebrows rise slightly. He hadn't noticed there were two.

He was surprised when Dalton at least offer him that one, and he goes ahead and takes it. "Thank you... Dalton." A sarcastic remark wanted to come so badly, but he holds his tongue. "I'm sure I'll see you again."

Backing away, he fiddles with the nameplate in his hand before heading down the hall once more. But he wasn't ready to leave quite yet.

Ten minutes later, it's Reese at Dalton's office, knocking then entering. "Dalton... hi. I hope your day is going well." Wandering in only a short ways, he turns and looks at the door. "I've been asked to take this nameplate of Scott's off the door, and... I believe it's the right thing to do."
Looking up at the knock on the door Dalton eyes Justin. He'd said next time he stopped by he would call, and he never got a call so now Dalton was a little less happy to see him once again. Giving a nod though he was at least polite to him. Thinking about his question for a moment though Dalton shook his head.

"No, you may not take the name plate from the door."

Falling silent again Dalton lets out a long sigh. Looking around the room for a moment he gives a nod to the desk next to him.

"You can take the one from the desk though as long as you bring it back."

Looking down at his work again for a few moments Dalton clicks a few buttons to finish up the one thing he has been working on and finally figured up. Finished and looking up at Justin again Dalton cocks his head before standing.

Moving around his desk and over to Scott's Dalton picks up the name plate running his finger over it for a moment. Turning to Justin he holds it out to him.

Heading into TJY Hope was feeling ok today. She could feel better and she could feel worse. In about two hours she had a dr appointment to get some more tests done she might as well work a little before than to keep her mind off it all.

Walking across the floor she gives the best smile she can to the people she had called friends. Going to the breakroom first she wanted to get some water before heading to the interrogation room and start some work.

"Princess...? I think I'm far from a princess."

Exiting the bathroom Destiny's hair is wet still hanging down and over her shoulders. A light blue sun dress was her attire along with a pare of platform sandles. Coming into the living room she holds her necklace out to Chance.

"Can you clip this for me? I'll be ready to go after."


"Doesn't bother me to have you drive." Chance shrugs. Grinning as she walks into the kitchen, he hollers after her. "You're prolly right. If there's one thing I wouldn't be able to keep up with, it would be a woman's indecision and change of mind."

Doing a bit more work Chance eventually shuts his laptop and starts to get ready to go, putting on his boots and tucks in his black t-shirt. Opening up his gun case, he dons one of his holsters, checking his handgun before securing it on his left side. Fishing for his Elite badge, he pulls it out and grabs the chain to wear around his neck. If he was gonna be walking around with an unconcealed weapon, it might save some headaches to show his badge loud and clear. Lifting up his pantleg, he fixes his small sheath around his ankle and tucks away his knife out of sight. On the other ankle goes his derringer. That should be sufficient for today. Wallet. Cell phone. He was ready to head out. It was warm enough today that a jacket wouldn't be needed.

Wandering towards the door, he checks out the windows before jingling the keys. "Alright, Princess," he calls. "Ready when you are."

"A matching game... genius." Rick shakes his head as he hears about Justin's idea for Scott.

Justin shrugs and leans against the infirmary counter. "Yeah, well... I figured it's gotta be on his own terms. And the only way to do that without being here, is for him to do the unveiling of those faces himself. Alec figured Scott should know most if not all of them."

"But he hasn't wanted to try it yet."

"Uh-uh." Justin shakes his head. "Do we know how much time we really have with him?"

"No." Rick sighs. "Alec says it all depends on Scott. But what we do know is the longer it takes, the less chance Scott has of gaining control. Alec thinks probably one more episode and we might lose him."

"And any trigger could cause an attack." Justin purses his lips grimly. He didn't like the risks involved here, but there really was no other way. Scott would either conquer or lose everything. But it all depended on him and whether he would try to overcome this. Justin could only pray that Scott would choose to turn over those cards and begin the road to recovery. "Well... I just wanted to see if there was anything I'd missed. Thank you, Rick."

"No... thank you."

"Alec here today?"

Rick rolls his eyes. "He was. He's been slipping out under our radar lately though, so good luck finding him."

Justin chuckles. "Alright. Thanks." He wanders from the infirmary, a bit tired from the day, but at least he was in better shape than the last time he was here. Walking past an open office, he looks up at the door, seeing Dalton's name again, but noticing that Scott's name was still there as well. As far as Justin knew, Scott had resigned before being admitted to Brookshire. Whose hopeful thinking kept the name on the door?

Tapping lightly, he looks in on the giant behind the desk. "Dalton?" He offers a smile, though was cautious, remembering his last visit and how Dalton hadn't been very receptive. "Hi. Don't wanna take up your time here, but, I was wondering...." He thumbs to the door. "Can I borrow Scott's nameplate?"


Destiny laughs a little at the though of Chance barking. It was an odd mental picture to say the least but she was happy that Chance didn't bark or it would break her whole image of him.

"Ok, Well I know I wanna do something today but I am not sure what. So if I can drive it will safe you the hassle or trying to figure it out. I promise I am a good driver."

Giving a chuckle Destiny finish her milk before standing again and heading back into the kitchen. What she would do today she wasn't sure. Maybe go to the book store, she had to buy a new dress for her parents funeral, and she still needed to see all that up.

Offering a nod to Justin Beth takes a few steps around him continuing her rout inside. Coming to the doors she stops and looks back once at Justin before continuing on her way.

Coming to her sisters room Beth knocks and than enters a smile forming on her face seeing her sister seated by the window. Beth was always happy to come and see Sarah yet sad at the same time. But Beth would always come and never would she utter a complaint.

Not lonely

"Mm, it's a pretty quiet day as far as I'm concerned." Chance turns back to his computer and types a few things. "I gotta go to TJY at some point and get some info... otherwise though, you're calling the shots. I'm just the watchdog."

He grins a little. "The only thing I don't do is bark."

Seeing the look that passes on Beth's face as she falters, Justin cringes on the inside, thought he doesn't let it show. "Well, I wouldn't want you stuffed too full after having already eaten," he teases, totally bypassing her comment about her mother for her sake.

Lowering the bag of sandwiches, he offers a warm smile. "I don't wanna make you late. Take care, Beth."

Giving her a little farewell nod, he backs off, aiming for a nearby bench. Sitting down, he sighs a little before opening the bag and taking out one of the sandwiches. Beth seemed to be the type of person who was hurting, yet held everyone at arm's length. Not that she should trust Justin - they were practically strangers. But she'd seemed to want to accept his offer, yet had refused. The sorrow behind her gaze hadn't gone unnoticed.

Justin takes a bit of his sandwich, not paying much attention to how much he enjoyed the taste. Beth came here every day to see her sister, who didn't even talk. This was a mental facility. Her sister must have gone through some pretty severe trauma at some point. Beth had said she had no other family, and had just now mentioned the passing of her mother. She was sad her mother was gone though, indicating that had been a good relationship. Where was their father? Dead also? Was there a connection between those deaths and the current situation? Or were they simply distanced from their father, not including him when speaking of family ties?

Realizing how far his mind was taking him, Justin shakes his head, trying to stop. He had a few pieces, but not all of them, so there really was no point in trying to fit them together. Not to mention, it really was none of his business.

But he'd seen pain in Beth and if there was one thing Justin sought after in life, it was soothing others' pain. Sometimes it led to him pushing people when he shouldn't. Sometimes it led to his own heartache when people refused to let him in. Sometimes it led to him getting himself in trouble when he saw pain that a person refused to let go of and move on even though they knew how - which was why he was practically jobless now. But despite all the negative factors, he couldn't remove that God-given passion. It was his strength, which in turn made it his weakness.

Justin digs in his backpack for his can of fruit juice to accompany his sandwich. He'd sit here for a while and let his stomach settle, then head to town to pick up some groceries. Glancing around the grounds, he studies the buildings and the trees, diverting his mind to things of nature so he didn't contemplate issues to which he had no answers.

Several hours later...

"You look tired. You want to stay and rest a while?"

"Naw, I gotta go. I just wanted to drop off these groceries."

"Did you eat your lunch?"



"Yeah, Ma! I ate. Sandwiches were good."

"You're so skinny. You need to eat more."

"Ma... I try to look this way, ya know? Healthy."

Justin's mother eyes him suspiciously before moving about the kitchen to put things away. "I talked to Ranee today."

Justin's head shoots up from the magazine he was reading at the counter. "What did she want?"

"I don't know. Does she need to want something to call the woman who was almost her mother-in-law?"

Justin's eyes narrow. "Hardly."

"She's so sweet." She continues talking while her head is bent into the refrigerator. "I don't understand why you let her go."

"Ma, we've been over this a hundred times. Let it go." Justin closes the magazine and wanders to the fruit basket to grab an apple. "She was suffocating me."

His mother sighs and comes up to him, her eyes full of pity. "I know." She puts a hand to his face, looking up at him. "I just feel so bad you are lonely. You need a good woman in your life."

Justin humors her with a grin and a pat to the arm. "I'm not lonely. I like my life. I'm happy."

"With two dogs for company?"

"They're good dogs."

"But do they talk back? Support you? Travel with you and share their lives with you?"

Justin sighs and bites into his apple. "I gotta go."

"So soon?"


"Oh, did that job come through?"

"No, I never called them."

"Well, how can you expect to get a job if you don't even call them?"

"I don't want to work for the city. They don't like me and I don't like them."

"But what about all the people that-"

"I got a temporary job at Brookshire and that's enough."

"But you were so good at being a counselor and-"

"Ma." Justin sets his hands on his mother's shoulders and bends to look her in the eye. "I'm not going back into that system. I can't take the policies and politics. I like helping people but it's just gonna have to be some other way. I don't have the money or gumption to get back into school so for now I'll take the tidbits from Brookshire. It's enough. Really... I'm fine."

Worry shines in her eyes but she gives up for now. "What about money? Are you doing okay?"

Justin smiles. "I'm fine. Now... you gonna let me go?"

His mother chuckles softly. "I suppose so. Call me about Sunday - don't forget."

"I won't forget." Justin gives a short wave as he heads for the door.

"Aunt Gracie will be disappointed if you don't come!" she hollers after him.

"I won't forget!"

My Mother

Wrapping her own arms around Kyle Alice just seemed to melt into him. These moments, the two of them showing the love for each other, it was special, it was nice and every moment was wonderful.

"Mmmm...I guess we should eat even though I am content right here."

The smile on her face light and genuine, the twinkle in her eyes bright. Lunch had been forgot for a moment for her, and no reminded her tummy made a growl. Alice's cheeks turn a slight red color as she chuckles.

"I think my tummy just yelled at me."

Destiny gives a small nod as she listened to Chance. Things had been good last night that was great new, but if it stayed like that even better. It would take the Agency a few days to figure out where she was, but even than she hoped nothing happened.

Taking another sip of her milk Destiny thinks for a moment on Chance's question before answering. She really wasn't sure how she'd slept.

"I think I slept alright, the best I could considering anyways."

Moving away from the question Destiny changes the subject completely for now.

"So whats on our ta do list today?"

Understanding a little better why Justin looked so confused Beth can't hide the small smile. She thought it was kind of smooth of him for the way he worded, the time is set himself there, and his efforts it was defiantly a good try but Beth she...just....She couldn't.

"That is very sweet of your mother, I bet she does cook good. I had a bagel on my way over here or I would offer to help you. Chicken Salad is my favor. My mother she makes good chicken salad..."

Stopping for a moment Beth cringes.

"..She did...I mean."

Shifting her weight a little and wrapping her arm around herself Beth looks down at the ground for a long moment before up at Justin again.

"Sorry, I...I should get going inside. It was good to see you Justin like always."

Go figure

Kyle's smile widens. He hadn't thought that Alice would back off, but knowing for sure that she wanted to stick with him and share these times gave him a confidence for the future.

Pulling her closer, his hand comes up to cradle her face. "I do want you that close to me," he almost whispers. Cocking his head, his lips brush hers for an ever-so-light kiss before returning for a more passionate gesture as his arms slip around her.

Eventually drawing back, a smile is still on his face, his eyes sparkling with energy being held at bay so as not to ruin the moment. "I guess we better eat before the food spoils."

"Hey, good morning." Chance swivels a little in his seat, glancing back to see Destiny. "Things are looking quiet... a very good sign."

Stifling a yawn, he runs a hand through his damp hair, making it even more unruly than it already was. "Far as I know, everything stayed clear last night, so for one day into it, things are looking good."

Taking another swig of tea, he eyes her with question. "Sleep alright?"

Justin had been turned around and hadn't even realized Beth was coming towards him when she almost runs into him. He backs up a step as well, his eyes going a little wide. "Beth, hey." A sheepish grin tugs at the corners of his mouth. "Um, yes, well you see..."

He clears his throat and holds up the bag. "I'm in a bit of a pickle here. My dear mother, bless her, she sometimes gets the impression I don't eat right, so when I go see her, she generally gives me a lunch. I can't complain. Her cooking is great. Well, see..."

He looks around again, once more seeming to search for something before concentrating back on Beth again. "Today she fixed two chicken salad sandwiches and honestly they're fantastic but I can't eat more than one. I'm desperate to find somebody who will share my lunch with me so I can honestly tell my mother that they got eaten. I even have two cans of juice in my backpack. Go figure."

Justin's gaze roams the area and building then lands on the two sandwiches before bouncing back to Beth. "You don't know of anybody, do you?"