

Eric was a little surprised Stacy decided to stay, let alone join him. He felt so...lost. He had no idea what to do or say...so he simply remained quiet. It was a long five minutes or so until he finally rolled over onto his back. He tucked Stacy in close to his side, and let out a long sigh as his fingers ran slowly through her hair. 

"It's not true, ya know," he mentioned quietly as his eyes glued themselves to the ceiling. "Any of it. They shouldn't have called me home."

Garret caught Nate's look, and recognized that he disagreed with Reese, but was respecting orders anyway. It was commendable, really, as far as loyalty went. But would he and Victoria ever stand a chance? More than likely, the answer to that question hung on today's events, which was not a reassuring thought. He gave Nate a little nod before getting in behind Victoria. He understood. And he had chosen to cooperate.

The drive only took about half an hour. Another Elite vehicle had followed, but stopped about two miles back to keep its distance. Inside was Gunner and Rick, in case Susanne needed medical attention onsite. But they wouldn't venture nearer until the trade was complete...

The rarely used dirt road appeared abandoned, which was good on a day like today. Reese drove the Elite SUV slowly, keeping his eyes wide open. Despite Garret and Victoria both saying Aaron was the only other Agency operative out here, he wasn’t going to take any chances.

The plan was simple. Make the trade, and as soon as Susanne was clear, Garret and Victoria would turn back. The only wild card was whether or not Aaron would be returning with them or left to go crawling back to the Agency with an unbelievable story.

They had to drive a few miles down the designated road until another vehicle came into sight. Reese slowed even more, and parked about twenty yards away, cutting the engine. Aaron was leaned casually against his car, arms folded, sunglasses shielding his eyes from the bright morning light. He remained motionless until Reese exited the SUV.

“Where is she?” Reese demanded loudly so his voice would carry the distance.

Aaron took his time opening up the back door, then reaching in and pulling Susanne out. Her wrists were tied with rope behind her back, and a blindfold kept her from being able to see anything. She stumbled forward and gave a little cry of pain as her ankle twisted.

Reese’s heart gave a start, but he didn’t move. “Susanne? You okay?”

She recognized his voice, and nodded. “I’m alright,” she assured, even though she hurt all over, and everything inside was screaming for her to run.

“Now show me mine,” Aaron called over.

Reese motioned to the car, and inside, Pete nodded to Nate. “Time to dance.”

Across the open field, Jason kept watch on the scene through his rifle scope. He was well-hidden in a large oak tree, sprawled out on a thick branch, his legs his only security from falling. It had been a long time since he’d been in a position like this, and despite the dangerous situation for Susanne…he couldn’t deny a small part of him liked being back to what he was good at.

Garret was first out, and kept a close eye on Victoria as she followed. He eyed Nate as well, hoping this whole thing went down the way they all wanted. He would do his best, but could make no promises.

Aaron set his sunglasses up on his head and squinted at his fellow operatives. They seemed unharmed – typical of the Elite to go easy on their prisoners. They were always so weak. “Uncuff them,” he called.

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Reese returned. “They’ve got keys on them – you can take the cuffs off later.”

“And I’m calling the shots.” Aaron retrieved a handgun from his back and pointed it at Susanne’s head. “Apologies for the pun.”

Reese bristled, and turned to glance at Garret.

Garret nodded. “Do as he says. I’m not going anywhere – you know that.”

“No…I don’t.” Reese neared anyway, and uncuffed him first, then Victoria, giving her a warning glance. He was being forced to trust them both on Susanne’s life, and he didn’t like it one bit.

Watching what was going on, Aaron was sure that Garret and Victoria would take down the Elite agents as soon as they were free, but…they just stood there. No one was even pointing guns at them. Why didn’t they take them all out? It was child’s play for them. It was as confusing as when Aaron had seen Garret try to help that other agent…wait…was that the same guy with them now? He hadn’t died after all. Something wasn’t right here. He grabbed Susann’s shoulder, and put the gun closer to her head. “Send them over,” he barked. “Now.”

“Let her start walking first,” Reese countered. “Meet halfway – that’s what we agreed to.”

“Do you think I care?!” Aaron gripped Susann’s shoulder tighter, making her wince. “Send them over. Now. Or she dies, and it’s on your hands.”

Garret gave Victoria a sidelong glance. He had a bad feeling that even if they went the whole way, Aaron was going to kill Susanne anyway. “He’s starting to panic,” he spoke quietly. “Let me go first.” Not waiting for Reese’s permission, he held up his hands and took a couple steps forward.

“Garret,” Reese hissed. “Get back here.” Being ignored, he threw Nate a new look of warning.

Garret called to Aaron. “Just send the woman over first, Aaron. Victoria and I are on our way.”

Aaron’s eyes narrowed. “What is wrong with you? First you helped that agent, now you’re going all soft. Did they brainwash you or what?!”

“No, no they didn’t. But there’s more to this than you realize.” Garret took another step. “There’s more at stake, but I can’t explain until this is over.” He glanced over his shoulder to make eye contact with Nate, before looking back to Aaron. “Stick with the deal you made with Reese and let Susanne start walking. Then they’ll let us walk, too.”

“What’s stopping you?!” Aaron grew more nervous. This was all wrong. Everyone was focused on Garret, and now even Victoria wasn’t acting. Why? What were they really doing? “Both of you get over here now, before this whole thing goes south.”

By now, Pete had exited the vehicle with Katie, standing nearby, ready to draw his sidearm if need be. How unstable was this guy? Would he make good on his threats, or was he just a bunch of hot air?

Garret shook his head and took one more step. “Aaron, listen to me. I know you trust me. If you don’t let Susanne start walking, they’re not gonna let me or Victoria cross the distance. Reese will stick to his word – stick to yours and we’ll make it out of here alive.”

“Are you joking?” Aaron shook his head. Susanne whimpered and he threatened her by pressing the gun harder against her head.

“No, I’m not. Just trust me. Please.”

Please? Garret was asking and not ordering, and that was not right. Not right at all. Aaron suddenly became afraid that he might be the target here. He didn’t know what was really going on, but out of nowhere, he now sensed that his own neck was on the line. And it felt like he was being betrayed by Garret.

Pete stepped closer to Nate and Reese as he saw Aaron shifting his weight. “We gotta let them go,” he mentioned quietly. “He’s gonna kill her.”


Entering the bunk Stacy just stands at the foot of the bed for a long moment. She new Eric was shocked, angry, and hurting. Though she didn't know all the details, her heart still ached for him. Coming around to the side of the best Stacy sits down before laying back and draping her arm around Eric just holding him.

   "We don' have to talk than, just as long as I can just be close to you."

Katie gave a nod at Reese request. She wasn't to sure what to think about this whole ordeal, but she was happy to help. It had been a little bit since she had been in the field and missed it.


Looking at Reese Nate gives a nod. Everything that happened a few hours before still fresh in his mind but he'd at least been able to push it aside at the moment for the sake of the mission.

Shifting Nate moves twords Garret and Victoria his eyes said so much and how sorry he was. He felt terrible that he had gained Garret's trust and now it seemed runed. He really had been trying so hard for him.

  "I guess its now or never."

Victoria rolls her eyes before jumping in the SUV. Everything here was so strange. The way they talked to each other, the slight worry she just didn't get it.east been able to push it aside for now. He just wanted everyone safe and he needed his head on straight to do that.


Hearing Stacy at the door, Eric was tempted to tell her to go away. But he couldn't. No, he didn't want to talk, least of all about the current mess he was in, and least of all with Stacy. What must she think now? Some guys would lose their girl over something like this. What about Stacy? 

He finally groaned before mumbling just loud enough for her to hear him. "No...but you can come in."

He didn't move, leaving his face hidden in his pillow. It was rare he wasn't open with Stacy, but at the moment, he was too hurt and confused to even try expressing how he felt. Not to mention, his head and back hurt enough that he didn't even want to move. 

Hearing her enter, he sighed. He knew he was being childish, but he was just miserable enough not to care. "Surprise, surprise," he muttered into his pillow. "I'm home."

Reese watched Nate walk away, not even trying to reply. His words stung. It wasn't often Reese had this kind of disagreement with one of his officers...one of his friends.

He leaned back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. "What am I doing wrong?" He wondered aloud. 

It was an hour later when he was with the others in the parking lot as they prepared to get into the Elite SUV. He hadn't discussed anything further with Nate, which was creating a tense atmosphere, but there were more important things at stake. 

"Okay. Everybody know what they're doing?" 

Garret stood next to Victoria, both in cuffs, but at least their feet were free. Along with Nate, Reese also had Pete and Katie as backup and help with Susanne if necessary.

Pete glanced around and nodded. "All set." 

"Good." Reese nodded to Nate. "Load them up. Let's go."

No More

Leaving the room with Reese Nate hooked his thumbs in his pockets. Hearing what Reese was saying Nate couldn't help but be a little irratated himself. This was very unlike him, and he didnt like it at all.

  "They don't think you are stupid or naive. A little respect is all they asked for and yes they are Agency agent but they still deserve a little more than what you are giving them."

Nate didn't unsally talk to anyone this was but he'd really had enough at this point. Enough of everything. Looking back at Reese Nate searches his face for a long moment.

 "I've never once gone against your orders before so I'm not sure why you are acting like I know. All I know is you put me in charge of Garret and you are making my job a whole heck of a lot harder. So I don't know what your problem is but if you dont start trusting them, and letting me do what I need to do than I dont want to be Garrets handler anymore, and than good luck getting anything from him. But I just can't do it if you are going to be pulling the other way everytime I make a good step forward."

Not giving Reese time to answer Nate turns around and heads down the hall. He needed to get ready for the whole exchange, and he needed to calm down. He'd said what was on mind and that was that. It was time to get his head in the game and do what needed to be done.

After Eric leaves Rosetta gives a nod to her husband. It was clear as day what he said was true and Eric was scared. Being a single father Rosetta didnt know what he would do. But they would all be there to help him.

   "Can't say I blame him. I guess I would be too."

Giving a small smile to Jeff she rested a hand on his arm before continuing her way to Eric's bunk. She'd seen he was back and had been happy. She really had missed him. Even now when he seemed in a fowl mood she still missed him.

Knocking on the door Stacy stands for a moment before knocking again and just opening it a little bit.

   "Eric? I saw your truck outside. Want to talk?"


Feeling Victoria's hand on his, Garret glanced down at it before interlocking his fingers with hers and taking a deep breath. He knew she was trying to calm him down, and truth be told, she was probably the only person here who could. 

He finally sat back down in his chair as Nate talked, though his eyes now remained glued to the table. He felt stupid for ever coming here in the first place. How had he ever expected this to work at all? He knew what he wanted but had he been so foolish to think he'd ever get it? Especially by coming here? He felt as though Reese wanted to break his will before allowing him to stay...and he was getting closer to the brink of giving up. 

"I guess I have little choice in the matter," he finally answered through gritted teeth. "You want to risk your agent's life, go ahead. We'll do what you want." He had to believe Victoria would play along, if only for his sake.

Reese quirked an eyebrow. That easy? "That's more like it." He straightened up as the room calmed down again. "We will play it out just like I described. As far as a backup plan..." He glanced at Victoria, then Nate. "...or getting a hold of Aaron, I'm not actually as dumb as I look. I've got it sorted...on a need-to-know basis. And you two," he gestured to Garret and Victoria, "don't need to know. All you gotta do is fake a trade like I just described."

Garret had a very hard time not standing up again, as his anger bubbled under the surface. "You're not planning on harming Aaron, are you?"

"Says the Agency assassin." Reese smirked. "Aaron kidnapped an innocent woman, has done who knows what to her, along with threatening her life, and what? I'm supposed to take it easy on him?"

"If you just give me a chance..." 

"That topic is closed. We leave in an hour." Reese nodded to Nate. "A word, if you don't mind." 

Once the two men were out in the hall, Garret bent forward to rest his head on his hands. At least he now was alone with Victoria...and he was too mentally exhausted to even act on it. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. "For dragging you in on this. It's what I wanted...not what you or Aaron wanted." 

He lifted his head again and took her hand once more. "Help me get their agent back like they want...then after that you can do whatever you need to do. Just don't hurt anyone...they're a little dense, but they mean well."

In the hallway with Nate, Reese tucked his hands in his pockets as he thought. "I've already called Jason," he admitted. "I know the old road, and there's an adjoining field before a treeline. Jason's going to be there, out of sight, with his long distance rifle. If Aaron tries to pull anything, Jason's got orders to take him out. If he tries to run, Jason's got orders to stop him. And if Garret and/or Victoria try anything...they're going down, too. I'm not willing to take any more risks." He knew Nate wouldn't necessarily like that last part, but he'd made up his mind. "They can think I'm stupid and naive all they want, but it's their necks on the line out there, too. And no - I do not want them to know about Jason. Garret is too keen on keeping Aaron safe for some reason and I don't want him warning Aaron and having the whole thing blow up."

He looked Nate in the eye. "These are my orders. Got it?"

Eric blinked at Rosetta, disbelief mixing in with the shock. "Wait, so...you guys actually think this could be the truth?" He held up the letter. "Coming from Dana?"

“You mean that they’re yours?" Mick shrugged. "Trust me, this was all quite a surprise. We might have taken the babies in regardless, but yeah…assuming they probably did belong to you…that’s why we thought you should come home. We just didn’t want you driving back upset.”

Eric’s jaw muscles tightened. Tossing the letter onto the desk, he shook his head. “Naw… heck, no. You can’t expect me to take this seriously.”

Mick cocked his head. “So…it’s not even possible they’re yours?” 

“Dana is a conniving, devious liar.” Eric’s eyes turned into a dark glare. “And you two – and anyone else around here – fell for her little ruse. I cannot believe you called me back for this.”

A bit surprised, Mick glanced to his wife, then back again. “Well…it…seemed rather important.” 

“Only if it were true.” Eric’s voice had become angry. “I lost out on a huge job because you guys fell for a scheme where Dana wanted to ditch her kids! As much as you didn’t trust her, I’m amazed you're actually considering believing her now.” He threw up his hands in disgust. “Looks like you’ve got your hands full the rest of the week or however long it is now. Me, I gotta go look for a way to make up for the money I just lost.” He spun on his heel and aimed for the door.

“Do you want to see them?” 

Eric stopped at the door and took a deep breath, his back still to them. “Why? They’re not mine.”

Mick pursed his lips. “How sure are you?” 

As much as Eric wanted to, he couldn’t say he was a hundred percent sure. But it just couldn’t be true. 

“You two were married a few days, right? And, you never…?” Mick cleared his throat. As much as he disliked Dana, she just wasn’t stupid enough to do this without there at least being a good chance. “I mean, I assume you two…”

Eric’s face turned at least three shades of red before he threw a glare over his shoulder. “Shut up! Intimate details of my incredibly brief married life are not up for grabs!” Especially in front of his own sister. “I was told…” He bit his tongue. “Well, that’s none of your business either. I’m not the father. End of story.”

Mick wasn’t convinced. “We did talk about a paternity test, but that’s not our call. We’ll have it done if you want to be sure.”

“What I want is for people to stop trying to run my life!” Eric’s words were spat out in anger. More than that though…he was afraid. He wanted to tell Mick and Rosetta to forget it. No tests, since all of this was just a bogus trick. But he knew as slim as the chances were…this could be real, whether he wanted to admit it or not. And he did need to be sure. “Have ‘em tested. The Elite has my DNA already and I don't trust anyone else. Let them prove I’m right, then at least I can walk away with a clear conscience and people will stay off my back.” Forcing the conversation to a close, he stalked out the door, letting it fall shut behind him with a bang.

Mick let out a low whistle as he looked to Rosetta once again. “Is it just me…or is he terrified those babies really are his?” 

Eric’s stride was one of purpose as he went back to his truck and grabbed his duffel bag. Slamming the door shut, his next destination was his bunkhouse. He was angry he’d been called home. Angry at Dana for being so heartless. Angry that he was out a chunk of money he’d planned on. And angry at himself for feeling so angry. 

Suddenly a strange sound caught his ear and he stopped for just as moment, turning to look over his shoulder. His eyes spotted Becky just outside Angel’s office, rocking a crying bundle in her arms. And for just a moment, his heart was torn. Starting back towards his bunkhouse though, he caught sight of Jeff out of the corner of his eye, and he held up his hand and kept walking. “Not now,” he growled. He was in no mood. He was too upset, confused and embarrassed. All he wanted was a hot shower and something for his worsening headache. 

Jeff had been ready to greet his brother, but clamped his mouth shut as Eric stormed by. He turned back around and almost ran into Stacy. “Whoops, sorry,” he apologized. “I better get those eyes in the back of my head looked at.” Though he smiled, his eyes were full of worry, and he glanced to where Eric had just disappeared into his bunkhouse. “Just a wild guess, but I think that bear is actually Eric in disguise.”  

Getting inside, Eric threw his bag in the corner and tossed his ball cap on top of it. His heart was racing, and his hands were shaking. He had so many mixed emotions right now, that he didn’t even know how to sort through them. Not only was he possibly facing a very real and very dramatic change in life, but old wounds were being ripped open as well. He knew his family loved him, but it felt like his life was being laid bare for everyone to gawk at – including the reminder of his stupidity with Dana, leaving everyone’s imaginations to run wild about their short-lived relationship. It was upsetting, and it was embarrassing. If the ground could open up and swallow him right here, he’d let it. 

After slipping off his boots, he shed his suspenders before pulling off his t-shirt and throwing it towards the laundry basket. But instead of hitting the shower, he flopped down on the bed to lie on his stomach and bury his face in his pillow. His head as pounding, and his back ached something awful. Maybe if he stayed here long enough, he’d find all of this was just a bad dream.


Victoria couldnt help but roll her eyes at Reese's sad attempt of a plan. She didn't know how this was even going to work. It was the dumbest, least thought out plan she had ever heard. But seeing how confidant Garret was Victoria new she would go along for him.

  "What if Aaron dosnt agree to that? Do we have a backup plan?"

Her comment was cut off though by Garret's outburst. Looking to him she just scans his face and body language. He was mad and scared at the same time. He really did want to be trusted by these people and he wanted it bad.

Though her hands were cuffed she could still move them enough to place a hand on top of Garret's. She new he was angry, and he could lose his temper face and that was the last thing he needed to do right now. That would gain anyones trust for him.

Looking across the table at Garret Nate runs a hand over her face before giving a sigh. Nothing could ever be easy could it? Not even once. He could see where Reese was coming from. He just wanted to keep his people safe and not let go of the best links to the Agency they had.

   "He does have a point Reese. If we dont do something about Aaron he might try again, or worse kill someone to his point across. Garret has had many opportunity to harm us, and yet he hasn't."

Glancing at Reese and than Garret again Nate couldnt help but wonder what it would take for both of them to trust each other. Both had there reasons not to but it had to end somewhere.

   "Also, if you want us to trust you, you are going to have to trust us too. It's a two way street and I think Im doing a pretty good job of proving to you, you can. So I wish you would. Till we can trust each other this is never going to work."

Rosetta can see Eric's face pale as he read the letter. She did feel bad for him and really couldn't imagen being in the position he was in. 

  "Yes, two twin girls. they are the most adorable little things, but we were just as surprised as you are really."

Looking to Mick Rosetta smiles slightly. She was happy he was here with her and agreed to this. They were a team and she would of hated letting the babies go. It hurt her heart so much to think about a mother just giving them away so freely.

   "We didn't want to just take them because it would be your desition and on top of that we didn't even know if they were really yours. So we have a week to figure it out, or the babys will just go to social services till they are adopted else where."