
Long time ago

Seeing the look in Eli's eyes Jimmy new just from that how much he couldn't stand Roth and how worried he was that Scarlet would be ok. Thinking for a long moment before next setting a beer down on the table for Eli new the story would be long and this might be the only thing to keep him in his seat.

Letting out a sigh Jimmy gives it one more thought about it. Something told him Scarlet would not be upset and might actually feel a little revealed that he had told him knowing she hated telling the story herself. Than if Eli really did care about her he would stick around though Jimmy couldn't help but wonder.

"A long time ago, Roth use to be much different than he is now believe it or not. He use to be kind, gentile and loving. Back than he and Scarlet dated and thats when I first met her. On there first date he brought her home to meet the family."

Looking Eli in the eye Jimmy gives a small nod that Eli had heard him right on his last comment.

"Roth is my son, and he and Scarlet were in love so much. She was such a nice, his mother and I loved having her around the house and she never hesitated to help us if we needed it. We thought for sure one day they would marry."

Letting out a long sigh and turning to pick up some empty glass Jimmy runs a rag through them collecting his thoughts. It was easy to see that this story even pained him to tell.

"About two years after Scarlet and Roth started dating his mother passed away. Her and Roth were very close and it hit him hard. We thought he would bounce back and be ok but he never did. So many things turned wrong, and he slipped farther and farther away from the boy we raised till soon we didnt even know who he was anymore."

Setting the glasses down Jimmy pulls out his own beer and sets it on the counter in the empty spot next to Eli. Walking to the end of the bar and lifting the divider Jimmy steps out and comes back over to where Eli is sitting down on the empty stool. Holding the bottle he doesn't take a sip yet.

"Scarlet stayed with Roth even though he on more than one occasion hit her, and abused her mentally. She still often came to check on me and see how I was doing. When I'd see a new bruise or cut I'd tell her why...why was she staying with my son when she new this was wrong. She would always tell me she new the Roth she had fallen in love with was inside of him still somewhere, and she just needed to wait out the bad."

Finally bringing the beer to his lips Jimmy takes a sip swishing the liquid in his mouth before letting it slide down his throat. Collecting his thoughts before he continued.

"After a bad night, Roth came home to find Scarlet asleep without cooking him dinner. He dragged her out of bed that night and into the kitchen not caring what damage he did along the way. That night ended with a lot of cuts to the face. The scars can hardly be seen if your not looking on her face, along with many you cant see else where. Her nose broken in three places if looking close enough you can see its slightly crooked as a resalt."

Jimmy takes another sip. It was hard to think of his son like this, his boy going from being so sweet to something like this. But her new also it was his own choose and his actions were his own.

"It was that night I took Scarlet battered and blood to the hospital and put a report in on my son for abuse. That night I talked some sense into Scarlet and told her to get out before he killed him. She finally listened to me...and moved. Roth spent a year and a half in jail we hoped when he got out he would have changed though I know Scarlet would never go back to him. But he didn't...jail made his worse."

Looking down at his bottle Jimmy picks at the lable. It would be close to closing time soon here and he didn't mind drinking a cold one knowing not many more people would be in. It helped calm his own nerved and keep him calm from just thinking about what his son had done to Scarlet.

"Since that day I've looked out for Scarlet and kept her close like my own. Her job takes her all over so she can keep her mind busy. Not staying in one place to long but always coming home. I watched her grow hard and tough on the outside keeping people at bay. The boyfriends she has tried to have never worked out and she was smart enough to get out before they got back. And it only made her tougher, but on the inside she had a soft spot that still wants love, and to feel the protection."

Enjoying the last sip of the beer Jimmy looks to Eli as his eyes study the younger man in front of him. Scarlet had been so excited to tell Jimmy about Eli there was something in him she saw, there was what she was looking for in him. He'd penetrated the walls.

"Not many if anything scares that woman, but Roth is a whole new ball game. He puts fear into her eyes. Tonight he must have over heard her talking to me about you. It didnt sit with him well as he still thinks Scarlet should be with him. Her grabbed her, said a few nasty things and than I grabbed him making sure he let her go. Than I told her to leave, and I told Roth to get lost. He's my son but I don't tolerate his behavior."

Continuing to study Eli Jimmy wonders what will happen next and what Eli will do. Be who Scarlet though he was, or walk away forever. Jimmy hoped it would be the first so he could see more smiles on her much deserved face.

What is it

As soon as Eli hears Roth's name, his eyes narrow, his blood running cold. He had no tolerance for that man - absolutely none whatsoever. Just the fact that Roth was still loose and able to do damage was enough to anger Eli.

Had it not been for Jimmy knowing he favored a shot of whiskey, Eli would have already walked out as well. He knew Jimmy looked after Scarlet, but Eli knew several places Roth might be and it wouldn't be too hard to find him. But for now, he stays put, wanting to know exactly what happened before he went after anybody. Not only was Roth still causing damage, but Eli had just lost a date and he was none too happy.

Downing the whiskey, he winces a little and looks to Jimmy, the anger clear in his eyes. "What do you mean they had a run in?" Something told him there was more to this. He wasn't sure why or how, but something in Jimmy's eye said that this was more than just a little roughhousing tonight. "What is it I don't know, Jimmy?"

Quick Run In

Looking up from her cubicle at the sound of a knock and a voice that followed Sapphire gave a smile at Justin. Hearing why he was there and that he was trying to help Scott she was a little surprised. Last she new Dr. Hawks and Hope were Scott's Dr's but maybe Scott needed someone else too so if thats what Justin was trying to do was help her brother than she liked him already.

"Sure, I was just finishing up with my work and I have a little time to spare before meeting my boyfriend so if you make it quick I would be more than happy to talk."

Sapphire's eyes sparkle a little showing that her comment about making it quick was only in a teasing manor. She had about an hour before she was to meet Gage for a movie so she had no problem talking with Justin at all.

Looking up as the door opens again Jimmy was sure it was Roth back for another beer even if he told him to leave. It had happened before playing this game of in and out but tonight he'd pushed Jimmy to far with Scarlet he wasn't messing around anymore.

Seeing it was Eli though he gives a nod as he draws closer coming over to him a little close as well. Hearing his question and seeing the confusion in his eyes Jimmy turns to the little cooler remembering what Eli had to drink last time and giving him the same setting it down on a little napkin.

"Yeah that was Scarlet you saw and I think she did mention something about having drinks with you tonight but that was before she had a quick run in with Roth before I broke it up."

Eying Eli for a moment he can see the confusion still on his face, and for a moment he hesitates. He new what Roth had done to Eli's sister and what Eli in turn had done to Roth. What would he do if he new what Roth had done tonight?

"Scarlet is a pretty special girl and she's like a daughter to me. I'd never let anything bad happen to her again or be put into a situation where she would get hurt. I told her to go home tonight. She didn't need to be here and if she stayed things might of gotten a lot uglyer than they already had."

Searching Eli's face Jimmy wonders if Eli new about Scarlet's past or not. His own face her new it said he new more than he was telling but really was it his place to say anything at all?

A moment to spare

Justin nods and gives Misty a little smile, taking a note as he answers him. He turns to Rick next, his eyes asking the same. "Would you agree?"

"Yeah. He likes classical music too," Rick muses. "Scott's always been pretty simple. Never took much to make him happy, ya know? I feel... very sorry that all this happened to him. He's just not the same Scott we all used to know."

"No, he's not." Justin shakes his head. "But that's why we're helping him... so that hopefully we can bring him back. He'll always have scars but... the old Scott is still there... just buried under a lot of pain."

Sighing deeply, Justin stands up, finished with Rick and Misty. "Thank you both for your time. I appreciate it." He shakes both their hands. "I may be back."

"Um, Justin, before you go..." Rick wanders over to the supply cupboard and pulls out a clean white t-shirt. "On the house. You can use the bathroom back here too if you like."

Justin's grin turns into a laugh and he finally accepts. "Okay. Maybe it would be best if I didn't scare too many other people, huh?" With his wry humor in tact, he disappears for a few minutes, returning with a clean shirt on, along with his face being void of the colored dye. Much more presentable, he nods his appreciation. "Thank you." He gives an extra little wave to Misty. "I'll probably be in touch."

Once he's gone, Rick stands quietly for a moment before turning to Misty. "Well... he seemed nice. I think I like him. Don't know if he can help Scott more than anybody else but... he seemed dedicated. Different, but dedicated."

Hot, sweaty and just a little frustrated from the afternoon at work, Eli finds himself enjoying a hot shower more than normal. The beginning and middle of his day had gone so well - lunch with Scarlet had been as fantastic as usual... he needed to end this day right too. Meeting her at Jimmy's was going to do just the thing.

After grabbing a quick supper and leaving a note for Ryan that he'd be back later, he heads out again, just as it was getting dark. Riding his motorcycle to the bar, he takes the shortest route to get him there right on time. As he's nearing though, he sees a figure leaving the front door. Scarlet?

Pulling up to the curb, Eli is just in time to see that it is indeed her, and she is indeed leaving. All that's left is her taillights disappearing down the street. He doesn't even have time to wave at her or ask her why she was taking off. She had said yes to meeting him, right? And he was here on time, right?

Eli considers pulling back out and following her, but for some reason, his gut tells him not to. Confused, he puts his kickstand down and dismounts, locking his helmet to his bike before heading inside. His wallet's chain jingles as he walks and he takes off his gloves, putting them in his jacket pocket. Entering the bar, he takes a quick glance around before spotting Jimmy. Something just didn't feel... right.

Coming up to the bar, he rests against it, giving Jimmy a nod. "Hey... was Scarlet just in here?" He was genuinely confused. "Thought I was supposed to meet her but I think I just saw her take off. You know anything?"

Run In

Justin seemed nice and Misty was happy to help him. She'd seen many people come and going in her lift without the help of counseling some were strong enough to over come it and some were not. And maybe this time around Justin could help Scott. Not that Misty thought Hope hadn't or she couldn't but now it was a little different since they were dating. One would have a tendincy to hold back where if you had no connection would not.

Hearing Justin's last question Misty sits back and thinks for a moment. There were many things Scott liked that always mad him happy, how could she pick three.

"Well I guess since your making me pick only three out of the hundreds of things that make him happy I would say..taking pictures, Hope, and Domino his dog."

Giving Justin a pleasant smile Misty looks to Rick before Justin again. It was so hard picking but those were maybe the three most important that Misty though made Scott smile."

Than once again the sun starts to set the time moving on not stopping for anyone. Moving thought the day for some all to fast but for other not fast enough. The night would hold many different thing some good and some bad. But in a bar across town a motorcycle was heard pulling up a little early tonight but there non the less.

Entering the bar a little early than planned Scarlet didnt care. It had been a few days since she had talked to Jimmy and with everything going on she had to admit she was excited to talk with him.

Looking up from the glass he was polishing up Jimmy smiles seeing Scarlet. He'd hopped for one reason she wouldn't have come tonight of all nights but now she was here and he couldn't tell her to leave. He could only hope no trouble would be started.

Taking note to the wide smile on Scarlet's face Jimmy new something good must have happened to her. It had been a long time since he saw her smile like that, and the twinkle in her eye...he'd seen it before for a little while but to see it again it made her eyes even more amazing than they already where. Waiting until she was a little closer so he didnt have to draw to much attachen Jimmy finally greets her.

"If I didn't know any better by that smile on your face I'd say you where very happy with how your bike came out?"

Sitting down at the bar and leaning forward Scarlet didn't even have a chance to scan the room to see who else was there. She new Eli wouldn't be she was early and she was to excited about talking with Jimmy to bother.

"It turned out better than being very happy with it. Eli did a beautiful job on it. Not only that Jimmy...I scored a man out of the deal too. Made it official today when he told everyone where he works I was his girlfriend."

Jimmy own smile forms even bigger on his face as her hear Scarlet's good new. She had been through so much she deserved to have something good to happen to her and so far from what he new and ever say the last time Eli was here he was a good guy.

"I'm so happy for you Scarlet. You better hold onto him huh?"

Though Jimmy was happy his face seemed to drop a little slightly. His eyes seeming to narrow, he was wrong now there would be trouble he new it.

"Don't you start."

Moving one of the stools out of the way and leaning on the bar facing Scarlet the smell of liquor on his breath. Roth gives a snicker, Jimmy words being ignored as his hand moves across the bar counter to Scarlet's hand.

"So your dating the great Eli McKade now huh? Didn't you know you once your mine your always mine. So Mr. McKade is out of luck."

Moving her hand away from Roth's quickly almost like it was on fire Scarlet glares at him. Her own smile gone, her own tone gone cold.

"I'm not your girl and I haven't been for a long time Roth now get lost."

The blood all seemed to rush to Roth's face at Scarlet's comment making his anger rang a little more. Grabbing her arm and holding it all to tightly He pulls her twords him in a rough angry mannor, snearing.

"You are mine, and Eli should be the one who stays out of my way, and you should learn to respet me. You wont be anything ever, and as soon as Eli see right through you He'll drop you so fast. Your just a peace of trash and you belong with scum like me."

Seeing quite enough Jimmy steps in reaching out and taking Roth by the collar of his shirt and pulling him over the bar a little. For being older Jimmy still had quite the strength.

"Let her go Roth now before I make you wish you never came in here today."

Waiting for Roth to let go of Scarlet Jimmy can see the fear in this strong woman's eyes and it killed him a little inside. She was strong and could handle herself until it came to Roth who scared her to death.

"Scarlet why don't you go home for tonight ok?"

Looking back to Roth Jimmy's eyes narrow not letting go of him right away.

"And you best get home too before I call the cops."

Letting go of Roth his eyes never leave him making sure Scarlet gets out first without any other problems from Roth.

Knowing Jimmy new best and only wanted what was best for her Scarlet moves away from the bar. Her date with Eli tonight totally forgotten as she was to upset. Making her way out quickly Scarlet heads to her bike putting the helmet on and revving her engine a signal to Jimmy she had made it there ok. In a few moments she off, and it would take no time to get home.

Just glairing at Jimmy Roth looked as though he wanted to say something, or even take a swing at Jimmy but something in his eyes showed hesitance. Jimmy would be true to his word and call the cops if he didnt back off. Turning without saying anything more Roth leaves the bar and heads to his car waiting a few moment before peeling out of the driveway, way to fast and heading to where ever his destination might be.


Rick nods as Misty speaks, agreeing with her about Scott's condition. When she looks at him, he takes his cue to pick up where she'd left off and he places his attention back on Justin. "In essence, we believe Scott doesn't even realize when he's hungry. Whether his stomach is telling his brain it's hungry or not, I don't think his brain registers it anymore just because of all the trauma he's been through. Like Misty said, it's like he's still starving."

Justin purses his lips, the look in his eye more than just gathering information - he was processing it and trying to solve it. "Do you think it's something that can be overcome?"

Rick is doubtful. "In all honesty? I don't think it is. I think this is something that will follow Scott the rest of his life. Which is why it's important he have at least one person close to him who is willing to help keep him on track, because he doesn't even know when he's skipping meals." He pauses, trying to sum it up in his own mind. "I think Scott was abused to the point of no return on this one."

Justin can hear the sadness in Rick's tone, and can see it in Misty's eyes too. These people weren't just coworkers or just Scott's doctors... they were his friends and they cared about him very much. "Is there anything else you believe is irreversible?"

Rick leans back in his chair to think, exchanging another look with Misty. "His immune system is shot. Some of that can be built back up, but I doubt he will ever be a hundred percent healthy again, even if we can get him to eat right. So far he hasn't gotten too sick, but if he catches a cold or virus, he'll go down pretty quick and hard just because his body has nothing left to fight it. Which again... is why his eating habit is important so at least he can be getting the nutrients he needs. Right now... he has nothing to fight with, not even extra weight."

"Yeah, I noticed that." Justin makes a couple more notes, then just sits for a moment, thinking. It was hard not to notice Scott's extremely thin frame. "Okay, well... anything else you can think of that might be helpful for me to know?"

Rick shrugs, really not sure if there was or not. "You know about his eye."

"Yep. That was included in the report about the initial incident. He seems to have adjusted well."

"He has - better than I expected. Some days I think he wishes he were normal, then other days he'll scare Susanne on purpose with it." Rick chuckles. "He's got a good sense of humor there - just hasn't been seen much lately."

"I noticed him rubbing his wrist yesterday."

"Mmm... yeah, he cracked that once a while back, before the Agency deal. Had a quarrel with another guy here over a girl."

Justin raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah..." Rick shakes his head. "Other guy had a temper, blamed Scott for stealing his girl and beat him to a pulp."

"Ouch. How did he respond?"

Rick remembered it well. "The only thing he wanted was for the girl not to know. She was close to the other guy too and Scott didn't want to hurt her. He was scared of the other guy for a while but never angry that I could see."

"Didn't get the girl anyway though?"

"No..." Rick grins wryly. "Scott did get engaged to her but... it just wasn't meant to be. She ended up with the other guy."

"Nice." Justin smirks a little.

"Surprisingly enough... Scott and this guy are pretty good friends now. Both of them have managed to put the past behind them and call a truce. I think a lot of it's for the girl's sake."

"He's got guts."

"Scott's got more than guts," Rick states flatly. "He's got honor. Respect. And more endurance than anyone gives him credit for. He deserves a medal for making it this far."

Justin nods thoughtfully. "So then he wound up with Hope?"

"Yeah. Rick made him see a counselor and she was it. I guess technically it was after Scott's sessions were over that they started dating. But he's refusing to see her, huh?"

"Mm-hmm." Justin taps his pen on the notepad. "I think it's a temporary state of mind though. The Scott that's at Brookshire right now isn't the real Scott. He was doing well though, wasn't he?"

"He was. At least we thought he was. He was eating well... picking up weight... happy. Then the Agency garbage cropped up again and it sent him on this downward spiral."

Jason takes a few more notes and converses for a little while longer with both Rick and Misty, gleaning all he could. They were a wealth of information and he was glad they'd been on his list to talk to. Finding he had just about exhausted this resource, he's almost ready to close his notebook. "Thank you both very much for sharing with me - it's been extremely helpful. I do have one question left..." His gaze is aimed at Misty first. "If you had to pick three things that made Scott happy... what would they be?"

Eli watches Scarlet take off, keeping an eye on her bike until it was out of sight.

"Yo, Mr. Popular..."

Eli turns around quickly at the sound of Tal's voice. "You talking to me?"

Tal gives him a little smirk. "Yes. You got brains enough left to help me finish on this Mustang or do I have to report it as a late job?"

Eli is quick to shed his jacket and aim for the small locker room. "I will be right with you."

"Uh-huh. Bring your brain back when you come."

"Who says it was gone in the first place?"

"Man, your brain was on that bike with that girl."

Eli throws Tal an inquisitive look. "That obvious?"

"Yes. Now hurry up."

Eli grins and does as he's told. Keeping busy would be a good way to end the day quickly. Then he'd have plenty of time to go home and get cleaned up before heading to Jimmy's after supper.