
Like a log

Feeling Pete's arms go around her and hearing his words Nikki can't help the laugh that comes out. Holding the plate out the little farther she looks over her shoulder a little and grins. She did think this was rather amusing.

"But...you said it wasn't good...so first words are true words..."

Giving another laugh Nikki trys to move a little bit but can't with his arms around her. Just just holding the cake out Nikki stays but. Feeling a rather hard tap to her leg through Nikki looks down at her mother who was whacking her with her cane.

"Ouch Ma, who's side are you on here?"

Carol gives a laugh but continues to whack her daughter in the leg before she says anything.

"I am on my own side, I want my cheese cake back..."

Giving a glance behind Nikki at Pete Carol smiles before looking to Nikki again.

"And give the poor boy his own cake back before he shrivels up right there."

Letting out a long sigh Nikki looks to her mom and finally gives in bringing the plate back to Pete so he could finish his cake.

"Alright...here you guys go and Pete you can have the left overs we wont need more than a peace each."

Having a lovely meal with Gage Sapphire had enjoyed the pizza and to her own surprise there was a little left that she told Gage to take for his own meal at work. She didn't need the extra's at home they would only go to wast.

Pulling into the parking lot and putting the car into park Sapphire hardly wanted to say goodnight to Gage already. They has spent the afternoon together, but it just didn't seem like enough to her. So hearing Gage ask if she wanted to come inside Sapphire perked up a bit.

"Sure I don't see why not. I can just hang out while you get ready. It will give you someone to talk to, and keep me out of trouble."

Giving a laugh Sapphire gets out of the car and waits till Gage pulls up along side her so they could walk into together. Taking his left overs to the fridge and getting her own drink Sapphire takes makes her way to the little card table to site down as she talks a little louder for Gage to hear her while he got ready.

"So...tomorrow I probably wont see you right? Your going to sleep like a log when you get home."


Pete's eyes widen as Nikki calls his bluff, scrambling to save his plate, but having it slide from his grasp. "No! No, no!"

Out of his chair in one movement, he grapples for the cake, slipping behind Nikki and stopping her as he puts both arms around her. "On second thought, I'm sure it's fine," he reasons, laying a hand on his plate again an taking it while still behind her. "You wouldn't want to starve a poor man, now would you?"

He looks over Nikki's shoulder to Carol. "You wouldn't let her do that to me - you're much too kind."

"Mmm, okay, that sounds good." Gage nods his approval at the simple topping suggestion for their pizza.

Enjoying the time and the meal with Sapphire, Gage joins her in small talk, a little bit of talk about TJY, but mostly just about their days, plans for the next time they had days off, and what he might like to do someday.

By the time they leave Mom and Pop's, he's starting to feel a little drowsy, but he shakes it off, knowing that it was too late now for any sleep before work. If he sacked out, he'd never wake up in time to go.

Getting back to his apartment, he just sits in the car for a few moments before swinging his gaze back over to Sapphire. He had to be at work in an hour now. "Wanna come in for a few minutes? I gotta get ready for work but... you're welcome to."


Nikki can't help the giggle that escaped her lips at Pete's comment. She was happy he liked it, though at his mention to them hating it she did look down at her own and pick at it a little before looking up again.

"Nope, nope if its that bad I'll just throw it out...its ok we have ice cream."

Standing Nikki reaches out to take the cheese cake and than collect Pete's plate that only had half of his gone. It was easy to see she was playing around, but she did it anyways just to get a rise out of Pete.

Smiling at her daughter Carol gives a nod of her head as Nikki starts to clear the cheese cake.

"Thats right, we don't want you to get sick or anything. Than it would be on our head and we would feel so bad."

Contemplating for a moment Ryan finally sits up on the couch. Eli did snore like a monster when he was sitting up, and she did have to work tomorrow. So the last thing she needed right now was him keeping her awake. Giving a laugh she stands and stretches.

"I guess your right, you do snore pretty loud."

Collecting the plates from the table Ryan brings them to the kitchen before returning to the livnig room once again.

"We are going to have to do this again. It was really nice. I better head to bed now. See you in the morning Eli."

Sapphire gives a nod as her eyes sparkle with teasing in them. She liked to tease Gage sometimes and he accepted it well knowing she was only joking.

"So extra olives got it."

Looking up from the menu at Gage Sapphire finally gives a little chuckle and decides not to torture Gage to much. She was happy he was starting to find his likes and dislikes, it was good to see him making designations.

"How about just cheese and pepperoni. Thats sounds good to me today."

All myself

"I just want pizza." Gage laughs and reaches across the table to take Sapphire's hands in his. "I don't care. Wait... no, I do. No olives." He grins. That was one thing he'd found he did not care for. "Otherwise, it's your pick."

Retreating to lean back in his seat, his eyes roam the inside of the restaurant, lingering a moment on the kitchen door. He was trying hard to get on with his life without baggage of the Agency, but sometimes he just couldn't shake it. How did someone like Carson manage to get out and get this far? Why was Gage struggling so?

"Anytime." Eli ruffles Ryan's hair again. "You can stay here for all I care. I'm comfortable. But you know since I'm sitting up that I'll snore, then you won't get any sleep at all."

He chuckles, sliding his feet off the coffee table. He knew well enough that she was probably missing Alec, whether she was sticking to her guns or not. And he felt badly. But there wasn't a whole lot more he could do.

Finally dropping his gaze, Pete picks up his fork and tries a bite of the cheesecake. "Mmm." He closes his eyes, savoring the taste. "Yep... it turned out alright. No wait." He glances to the rest of the cake, then Carol and Nikki. "It's horrible. You'll hate it. You might as well just give it to me so I can take it and eat it all myself."