
Best Seat

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498

If i was just getting away then...
im sposed 2 come back...right?


Eric felt rather like a yo-yo as once more his eyes quickly rise. She'd just... wait... she'd...

He had no idea the surprised and almost dumb expression on his face as she sits down next to him. Recovering though, he finds his lips curling into a new grin. "Becky better make an extra pot of coffee for both of us when she makes breakfast," he teases.

It was silence that reigned during the next few minutes. But instead of feeling awkward like he'd thought he would, Eric felt quite peaceful. He wasn't sure why... but the first impression he'd had of Stacy... well... she'd proven him wrong multiple times now, and he was glad.

A new thought occurs to him, and he studies Stacy for a moment, locking eyes with her. Standing suddenly, he steps off the porch and motions for her to follow. "Come on." Making sure she was following, but offering no explanation, he leads the way past the rest of the bunkhouses and across the driveway. It doesn't take long to reach the barn where he quietly opens the door but leaves the lights off. Leading the way slowly through the dark, he's still silent as he climbs the hayloft ladder, ensuring Stacy made it up okay too. Knowing the loft well, but realizing she probably didn't, he takes her hand to lead her through the maze of hay bales until they'd reached the far end. Letting her go, Eric unlatches the large door and swings it open. The moonlight streams in upon them, illuminating the loft in a subtle glow. It was quiet up here - sheltered from the chilly breeze. The view looked out across the pastures to the treeline in the far distance. The outline of sleepily grazing horses could barely be seen. And it was the perfect vantage point for watching the sunrise.

Leaning on the open doorframe, Eric turns to give Stacy a thin smile. "Welcome to my secret hiding place. It's the best seat in the house for waiting on the dawn."

Easing down to sit on the wood floor, he leans back against the hay bales and looks up at her, unsure if she wanted to sit too or not. "The view of the stars isn't bad either."

Like Him

Re: Text Message
To: Dylan
From: Dan

Nah, that wasn't giving up, only getting away!


Hearing Eric's offer Stacy can feel a little bit of heat coming to her cheeks. She really meant maybe they could watch a sunrise but she didn't expect for him to offer now. She was taken aback a little but far from offended. It had been a long time since she watched a sun rise if ever.

"I think...I'd like that since you offered."

Moving and sitting down on of the steps Stacy smiles looking up at Eric as the moon bounced off her eyes and the lite warmed her face. She wasnt sure if he was going to sit next to her or not but she didn't mind.

This was ok right? They were friends so it was ok? She liked Eric he was nice and he was good company. Her rounds were done So now she had some time to spare. Why not enjoy a litlte time to herself with someone else she liked. Eric was a good guy and she enjoyed sitting with him even if nothing was said. He seemed so different than the cocky truck drive she had met on the road.


Dylan stares at the phone for several seconds before picking it up again. Part of him didn't want to see what Dan had to say - he'd rather sit here in misery and follow through with the temptations. And part of him wanted to read the reassurance he knew awaited.

Finally flipping open the phone, he reads Dan's message and bites his lip. Don't give up? He looks at the gun then back to the phone.

It's close to ten minutes before the revolver is placed in the bedside drawer and Dylan's thumbs type out a response to Dan.

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498

I guess I gave up the day I left.


Eric can feel his cheeks grow just a bit warm. It had been a long time since he'd had even close to an ounce of confidence when it came to his speech. He knew he usually had bad grammar - he just hadn't been able to wrap his brain around proper English since several areas of his brain had been jarred. Having Stacy recognize and appreciate his words... a new tingle of warmth came out of nowhere and he finds himself glancing down.

At her next comment though, his eyes snap up again. It had been a long time since he'd just waited to watch a sunrise. Surely she wasn't serious though. Catching her gaze, he suddenly sees a reflection of the moon and a soft smile spreads on his lips. "Why wait?"

As soon as he'd said it, he regretted it. What was he thinking? Stacy would probably rather give him another speeding ticket than spend time with him. Not to mention there was the little matter of Jeff that had not slipped his radar.

His eyes fall to the ground once more, and he wished he'd kept his mouth shut.

Goodness Only Knows

Hearing the buzz from the phone again Dan lifts the phone. His heart still raced as he waited to see what Dylan had said again.

Re: Text Message
To: Dylan
From Dan

No he wouldn't and deep down you know he wouldn't.
You're dad it hard on you but he loves you just the same
even if it doesn't seem like it. He's wants you home
as much as anyone, I can see it in his eyes.

Don't give up Dylan, not yet!


Leaning against the railing and just listing to Eric it's not till a few minutes pass that she realized she had been staring at him. Tonight his words just seemed to flow in a mannor that almost seemed to hypnatise her.

"Now if anyone ever tells you that your grammar is bad you can send them to me and I can tell them something different."

Shifting a little bit Stacy gives a smile to him just letting the moonlight glow on them both. Searching his face for a long moment Stacy lets the quiet linger for a long moment. There was something about the quiet that wasn't awkward with Eric.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't delay you any longer. One night we will have to maybe wait for dawn together. Goodness only knows I never sleep."

Giving a nod Beth can't help the sparkle that appeared in her eyes. Doing something different, finding a new way to spend her time might be fun and working with pets might be fun too. She already liked them so a more hands on experience would be neat.

"Maybe I'll go and talk to them. I think that might sound like something fun to do with the extra time I have."

Old Friend

Dylan sits on the floor beside the bed, his fingers running over the smooth coolness of the revolver. His thoughts were desperate... lonely... dark.

The buzzing phone makes him jump. He hadn't expected a response that fast. Trading the gun for the cell phone, he flips it open to read Dan's message. Leaning his head back against the mattress, he closes his eyes. He wanted to believe Dan. He wanted to believe that there were people who really did care. He wanted to believe that it was a good enough reason to see tomorrow. But the claws that had latched onto his soul only tightened their grasp.

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498

You cant come. Not here.
Maybe people care but dad would kill me
if i was home anyway 4 stuff ive done.


Hitting the send button, he resumes his weary posture against the bed. Setting the phone down on the floor, his fingers again find the revolver. He'd be alone for at least another hour.

Straightening a little as he sees a moving figure, Eric quickly relaxes when he hears Stacy's voice. He had thought she'd be done with her rounds by now, figuring it a good time not to startle anyone. Looked like his timing was still off though.

A soft chuckle surfaces at her comment. Shifting a little and bringing his legs in so he wasn't blocking the porch anymore, he makes room in case Stacy wanted to sit on the steps. "Naw... the stars were calling me out tonight."

Glancing up at the sky he breathes deeply the cool air. "The night is kinder," he muses quietly. "I rarely get in the way, make blunders or make a fool of myself in the dark - least not that nobody can see." He looks down at her with a wry sort of grin. He was kidding... mostly.

"Mind was too restless to sleep," he admits. "Some people take a pill. Me, I embrace the darkness like an old friend. We shake hands, laugh and sit a while, reminiscing about times forgotten." Eric's eyes drift back up to the sky, his voice mellow and quiet. "I tell about my days, though it matters not - for he was there at every sunset. He speaks of long summer evenings and I smile - for I was there at every one. We dance in the glory of good memories and weep in those forgotten. We sing amidst choruses of crickets, and sit in silent respect - remembering moments of peace. And we wait... together to watch the dawn. As the rays begin to spread, our shadows once more appear. Our time together has ended once again. But we part not with tears for we know we'll meet once more . He in his cloak of black, me with readied soul... On a sleepless star-filled night."

Lowering his gaze to Stacy again, his new grin is a rather sheepish one.

Zach perks up a little and quickly nods. "Yeah, actually - the shelter is always looking for volunteers. Especially now, since one of the gals that work there moved and no one's taken her job yet. There's all sorts of stuff to do from feeding to cleaning cages to paperwork to just giving attention to the animals." He shrugs. "There's always the downside for animals that don't get adopted but... this place really tries hard to find homes and their success rate is pretty good I think."


Hearing his phone go off Dan sits up from bed. He wasn't sleeping only watching a little tv and just relaxing. He'd been on the verge of drifting off though. The message came just in time before he was fully out.

Reading Dylan's message Dan can feel his pulse start to race. Something was wrong he could feel it. Dylan's text was all to alarming. Hitting the reply button and letting his fingers fly Dan only hopes to talk Dylan out of anything dumb he might have been playing.

New Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

You have people who love you, enjoy your company, and
would give anything to have you home.

Dylan...let me come get you plz?


Sending the message and leaning back against the wall Dan closes his eyes and says a quick prayer. Dylan was like a little brother to him and he'd never want anything bad to happen to him. He just wanted God to keep him safe.

Making her normal rounds Stacy walks slowly as she nears the bunk houses. She always did her best to walk a little slower, and a little more quiet when she was in this area. Tonight it seemed extra peaceful out and Stacy enjoyed it. Sometimes she wished the ranch was just a little bit bigger so she could walk longer. But than reality set and she was thankful it wasn't too.

Rounding the corner moment on one of the porches caught her eye. Taking a quick moment to let her eyes adjust to who it was. Finally being able to make it out a smile comes to her lips. It was funny how when she saw Eric a smile just seemed to make it's way to her face. There was just something about him. Maybe it's how good he was with Ash, or how nice he was in general.

"You know we really have to stop meeting like this."

Coming closer Stacy was still smiling as she studied Eric for a long moment. She wondered if his odd sleeping habits were due to him driving truck at one time. Whatever it was, it was nice once and a while to know someone took later hours just like she did.

"It's a nice night out today. Clear, crisp, and just peaceful. Couldn't sleep?"

Beth gives a smile to Zach and shakes her head a little bit. His list on stuff he liked to do was a little longer than hers. She was still learned what she liked and what she didn't. Zach seemed like he liked to do a little of everything so that would make it easy to find stuff to do.

"Nah, your not shallow since I was the one who asked about it."

Leaning back in the chair a little bit Beth looks around the dinner for a long moment. Looking back to Zach again she gives a smile. She'd like to start doing things she normally didn't do. Get a few hobbies and just have a little fun. She wondered if Zach could help with this.

"You think the shelter is still looking for volunteers?"