

   "I told you I could never forget you, and I meant it. You're one of a kind Rosalyn."

Brushing her cheek with his hand Chad looked deep into Rosalyn's eyes. They were endless like the find time he'd looked into them. They still held mystery and wonder as well as the did the first time he'd looked into them. There was always something there, something new to be expected and he liked it. It was one of the many things he liked about Rosalyn.

Hearing someone clear there throat and feeling Rosalyn jerk up Chad can't help but look up quickly himself. He'd forgotten they were out in public and didn't want to get Rosalyn in trouble or anything. He still remembered how she wanted to keep this relationship quiet for the time being.

Seeing Mick's hand extended to him Chad can't help the smile that spreads across his face as he keeps his one arm around Rosalyn. He was happy someone seemed to accept them before even knowing they was anything going on. If Mick accepted them than everyone else would too...right?

   "Hey Mick, Its great to see you again and be here. I really meant it when I said he ranch was amazing."

Giving Mick's hand a firm shake Chad kept his smile please that Mick had taking this well. It made him feel good and confidant that everyone else would as well. Feeling Rosalyn's arm tighten around him he can't help but wonder what that was about. Maybe she was scared he had come at a bad time and there was no room for him.

Hearing Mick's question Chad looks down at Rosalyn and gives a smile before looking back up at Mick once again. He had quite a bit of time he could take off work but how much he wanted to take at once was the mystery.

   "I was hoping to stay for a week if not a little longer. I'd like to get to know the ranch a little bit better this time around. That is if you have the space for me to stay that long."

Getting onto the back of the bike Katie wraps her arms around Hunter and was ready to take off when he was. She loved the way riding felt taking the long rout was no big deal to her at all. She enjoyed it an was happy Hunter had deiced to go that way.

Finally getting to there destination Katie thought ti was perfect timing and she was hungry. Settling down across from Hunter Katie gives him a smile before ordering. Letting her fingers lock with his she looks up at his eyes. Seeing the emotion they held and the depth there was something different about Hunter. Not bad different but something non the less.

   "So it helped you being there? Do you feel better about things now?"

Looking across the table at Ariel Trey tried to read her. There was no real expression though and Trey couldn't tell if saying something would be good or saying the other would be bad. When did this become so hard? He use to be able to tell a girl straight up when he liked her and not it seemed to have become harder with Ariel.

   "Well....I....I think it would be nice to go one more dates, and...spend more time together. I like you...but you know that because I told you once before. I just..."

Trey looks down at his food for a few more moments thinking about the words he wanted to say, about what was on his heart he'd only recently realized he had.

   "...I don't want to rune our friendship even if I want more."

How long?

Feeling Chad's hands on her face, Rosalyn stares into his eyes. And quite suddenly, it's as if all of a sudden she realizes that he really is here - right here in front of her. Blushing, her excitement is joined by shyness. It had been a little while since he'd been here, and having been so close to him for such a very short time prior, it felt almost like a dream - like she'd forgotten what his touch felt like. His words were so sweet... and he'd come... just to see her. 

Despite the sudden nervousness, as she's pulled in for a kiss, she feels as though she might melt right there. His kiss was sweet... passionate, but tender. Slipping her arms back around him, she can't resist returning the kiss. It still felt just a little awkward as she has to figure out once again how it should work, but as the world around her fades, the awkwardness does too. It didn't matter if she was nervous seeing Chad again or not - he made her feel safe, wanted and warm all over.

As he draws away, she looks up at him, biting her lip as a new smile emerges. She felt like a little girl who just wanted to curl up in his strong arms and stay there forever. "Of course I'm happy... I was afraid when I didn't hear from you again that maybe you'd forgotten about me." 

With her arms around his waist, she nuzzles her head into his chest and closes her eyes. Was this real? She hoped so. Oh, how she hoped so. 

As she hears someone clear their throat, her head snaps up and she looks to the side to see Mick standing just feet away. Her face grows even redder as she remembers they're standing in the middle of the barn - she'd forgotten about watching for other people's eyes. "Um... Mick... this, um... you remember Chad, don't you?" 

Mick can't help a smile, although there is just a little bit of concern in his eyes - not from any fear for his niece's decisions, but for the reaction of someone else in particular. He knew about Jim's opinion. He knew about the father/daughter discussion after a certain bouquet of flowers had arrived. He obviously knew about all of the secret letters as well. 

Stepping forward, he extends his hand to Chad. "Howdy. Good to see you again."

Rosalyn sticks like glue to Chad, almost afraid to let him go. Her eyes plead with her uncle for help, and she doesn't realize that her grip had suddenly tightened around Chad's waist. "He... just came to visit." She swallows hard, knowing that if Mick knew his brother would be unhappy, he had every right to turn Chad away and tell him he couldn't stay. "We have plenty of empty bunks.... right?"

Mick purses his lips and studies her face, seeing how badly she wanted Chad to stay. How could he say no to that? He didn't understand how these two could be this close after one encounter and a few letters, but who was he to say it wasn't possible? "Yeah... we do." He gives her a wink before looking back to Chad. Did he know that Rosalyn's father was not happy about her relationship with him? If he didn't, it wasn't Mick's place to tell - this man would find out soon enough. "How long you planning to stay?"

Jason grins as Misty approaches,  tossing her a wink. "How 'bout we take my truck? That way I get you the whole time instead of just part of it." 

Opening the passenger door for her, he stops her right before she can get in, to wrap his arms around her and pull her close for a passionate kiss. Drawing back, his eyes twinkle. "My mom tried to teach me dessert was for after supper... but I've always been rebellious."

"Mexican. I think I can handle that." Hunter nods and dons his own helmet before mounting up on his bike. Waiting until he feels Katie get on behind him and get settled, he fires up the engine. Aiming for the street, the bike lurches a little as he shifts gears. 

Smiling to himself, he reaches one hand back to give Katie's leg a teasing squeeze. "Hang on." 

The best Mexican restaurant really wasn't all that far from TJY, but for some reason it takes at least twice as long as it should have to reach their destination. Perhaps it was all the back streets and meandering that Hunter did, just to have Katie hanging on to him a little bit longer. 

Finally getting to the restaurant and going inside, Hunter chooses a nice quiet table off to the corner. It was a little nicer place than they usually went, and neither were dressed up, but he didn't care one bit if he got a couple funny looks from still wearing his leather and boots. 

Getting settled and ordering, Hunter leans his elbows on the table and just studies Katie in the dim light, a soft smile on his face. Quiet for a few minutes, he finally breaks the silence. "I'm glad to be back." His hand slides across the table to take hers. "I think I was supposed to stay in Texas that long though. I, um... thought through a lot of things after you left." 

Ariel cocks her head and takes a sip of her water, still trying to figure out Trey's motives. Was he saying he liked how things were, or he wanted to date, or...? Once again, she couldn't tell. He was being cryptic, whether he knew it or not. 

She takes another bite of food before giving him a teasing sort of grin. "You talking more casual hanging out like we have been or... something more than that?" Her expression didn't reveal if she preferred one over the other because in reality, she really wasn't sure if she wanted more or not. But she did want to know Trey's intentions.

As long as...

Finishing up what she had to Misty puts her folds away in her desk and puts away a few other things. Her day was done and she didn't want to worry about it much more. Spending time with Jason as well was part of the bright spot in her day. How could she not enjoy that.

Heading up and outside Misty finds Jason and gives a little wave and a smile coming up to him. She was happy they could spend the night together. She'd already told Alec already she wouldn't be home and he was ok with it.

   "Hey there hot stuff. Should we take your car or both?"

As Hunter puts his arm around her Katie can't help but lean into him. It was good to feel his arms around her again and she wasn't going to complaine. It had been to long since she had felt them and she was proud to have someone like Hunter next to her.

   "I'll keep an eye on you but how do you know we wont both get in trouble?"

Giving a laugh and going up and outside Katie gladly took the helmet from him and put it on only half way before replying. Where did she want to eat? What was she in the mood for? Thinking for a second Katie wanted something different, something she didn't normally have.

   "How about Mexican? I am kinda in the mood for that."

Thinking for a second about Ariel's question Trey study's her face for a long moment.  He wondered if she would miss him if he was going to be busy or not. Did she care and want him to still see her. He wasn't sure but he new he wasn't ready to say goodbye yet.

   "Well, I don't have a job yet...and when I do I will have more money to do things with you. So as long as you want to keep seeing me too than I'd like too."

As Rosalyn's arms go around his neck Chad can't help but pick her up a little bit and holding her tight. He was happy to see her again and seeing how excited she was, was nice and he was happy to see her this happy to see him. 

   "Mmmmmm....why else would I be here but to see you."

Putting Rosalyn down again Chad brings his hands to the side of her face tilting her head up a little bit to look into her eyes. Seeing there depth and the lift they captured him like they always did. His own heart pounded in his chest.

   "I wanted to take some time off and I figure what was a better way to spend it than with you."

Leaning into her Chad's eyes twinkle as he goes to put a kiss on her lips. Just letting how much he missed her and how happy he was to see her. Letting his hand slip behind her head he holds Rosalyn with his other arm. Just letting the kiss linger a little longer Chad finally pulls away. His eyes sparkled more now than they had his voice but a whisper.

   ""I wanted to surprise you...did it work? Are you happy I surprised you?"