

"What?!" Clint looks over his shoulder at Katie, smirking at her. "Thanks for the help there, Cousin. You're supposed to be on my side, remember?"

Chase's gurgling and mumbling is heard right before Clint's face is hit with what felt to him like a wad of macaroni salad. Without moving, his eyes narrow. "And that... would prove you wrong." He takes his napkin and wipes off his face before giving his son a stern look. "Watch it, or I'm gonna start throwing my food at you too, then Mommy's gonna throw us both in the doghouse."

Watching the little family, a smile makes it's way to Hunter's lips and he winks at Katie. He could tell she enjoyed watching them too, and in all honesty, he thought it was cute. She'd never said so, but he could tell that maybe in the back of her mind she hoped one day that might be her.

Mick grins at the guys, picking up on the fact that they could be pretty humorous if they got going. "Don't worry... we've got a lot of so-called 'growing boys' around here. If we have enough food to feed these cowboys, we got enough food to feed Chad."

It only took a few minutes for them to take down all the necessary personal information before Mick and Rosetta took them to the dining hall.

"Wait... Kaylee... no... you...." Cindy throws up her hands as her daughter escapes her clutches and goes zooming across the room. "That girl...." She huffs a sigh, too worn out to go chasing after her. Looking to Angel, she shakes her head. "She just never runs out of energy. Ever! I can't get her to sit still for anything!"

Having a bit of trouble keeping up with her own legs, Kaylee goes sprawling across the floor, only to pick herself up again and resume her wobbly trot. Passing by the front door, her timing is bad as it swings wide and she just about gets smacked in the head.

"Whoa there, little partner!" Mick reaches down just in time, stopping her with his arm and scooping her up so she's swinging upside down in his arms.

Kalyee screams but giggles at the same time, squirming to get let loose. "Down! Down!"

Mick grins and steps aside for the others. "You'll have to excuse this ball of energy," he explains. "She has an invisible racetrack in here."

"Down!" Kaylee squeals again, pointing towards a nearby table, her pigtails swinging in midair as she struggles to pull herself upright.

Mick follows her gaze and sees Eric just sitting back and grinning. "What'd ya do? Bribe her?"

Eric laughs and shakes his head. "No. I ain't got any idea what she wants."

Rolling his eyes, Mick sets Kaylee down and gives her bottom a light backhanded pat. "Get going, Dynamite."

Kaylee giggles and trots off again, throwing herself against Eric's legs and reaching up her hands. "Up! Up!"

Eric grins and lifts her up to sit on his lap, which immediately settles her down. He looks across the room at Cindy and shrugs. "Sorry! Want her back?"

Cindy smirks. "Keep her! It'll give me a break!"

Eric chuckles and kisses the top of Kaylee's head. He looks to his side at Stacy then "whispers" to Kaylee. "Think she's got any food to share with you, hmm?"

Mick makes sure the little girl is safely out of the way before turning back to the group. "Looks like we got room over here." He gestures to the almost-empty table where Jeff sat. "And... I see Katie over there." He points. "If you wanted to see her first, or we could probably pull the tables together so you could sit with her too."


Giving another smile to Mick food did sound good they could always put there stuff away in a little bit right? Would they really be imposing though if they just popped into dinner like this. Looking around for a second and than back at her friends April gives a small nod.

   "As long as we are not intruding to much food sounds like a wonderful idea and knowing Chad he is always ready to eat."

   "Hey...I...I...alright you got me there."

   "Honestly we might be twins but I am nothing like him promise."

Shaking her head again and giving a laugh April was ready to sign or fill out whatever paper work they needed to before following Mick and Rosetta next door. It felt a little strange being in a place they didn't know but that was the majority of her job anyways. She was excited to see Katie though and see the look on her face when she saw her.

Coming from the kitchen back into the dinning area Wendy gives a little shake of her head watching father and son. Chase sure was going to turn out like Clint, and have his charming good looks too. She could already see the little twinkle in his eye and she smile was to melt for.

   "Mommy has both her boy's food before they rip everything apart."

Giving a laugh she sets her plat down along with Clint's and a small plat for Chase. He was doing pretty good with eating softer kinds of food now and though most of the time he would use his hands he was getting the hang on his spoon too.

   "Alright boys dig in and don't make to much of a mess."

   "Fat chance of that Wendy. You know Clint makes more of a mess than the baby."

Katie grins looks down at Wendy, Clint and Chase. They had come a long way since the last time they saw her and it made her happy. Seeing them smile, and how happy they were together it was comforting and Katie was happy they deserved it.


Mick is just as glad when Rosetta takes over. He didn't mind a bit, since she kept better track of what they had open anyway, and she always remembered who was scheduled to come better than he did. April seemed a little more at ease talking with her anyway. Something still felt a little strange to Mick, but not enough for him to balk at the group staying here - if Katie knew this woman, they were welcome, as were any of Katie's friends.

Finding April addressing him again, he smiles and shakes his head. "Nothing extra needed, unless you plan to trash the bunkhouses, but I have a feeling y'all are a nicer bunch than that."

He glances to Rosetta again before looking back to April. "We were just ready to head nextdoor to supper. You're more than welcome to join us - we usually have enough food for an army." Clients were one thing - friends were another. Clients had the privilege and special treatment of quiet meals alone in the smaller room adjoining the main dining hall - friends were dragged into the clan whether they liked it or not.

Back in the dining hall, by now, Hunter was seated with Katie and a few others at one of the tables, waiting for the food, which was almost done. The baked chicken smelled wonderful, and Eric had been trying to steal a taste but to no avail - all he'd received was a swat with a dishtowel from Cindy.

Perhaps it was the rainy weather that had brought everybody in on time tonight, but it was a full house, bringing the delight of warmth and laughter as usual. Jeff had lost his place at the window when he'd gotten up to take his teacup back to the kitchen, and had found himself at a mostly-empty table near the door - where he had a good view of Katie, whether she knew it or not. He'd been watching Hunter this evening and was please with what he saw. Though he had his reservations about the young man, he knew he didn't have to worry - he trusted Hunter was not the type to mistreat his daughter.

"Food!" Clint holds his fork and knife in his fists and bangs them on the table loudly.

Chase squeals and grabs hold of his baby spoon, t0 wave it around as he sat in his high chair, drooling just a bit.

"Andrew..." Becky walks past with a pitcher of water, thumping him on the back of the head. "You're going to teach him bad manners."

Clint cringes at the sound of his first name, but he grins anyway. "Yeah, he's gonna be just like his daddy."

Chase grins and sticks the soft spoon in his mouth, despite there being no food on it.

"Mm... rubber." Clint reaches over and uses Chase's bib to wipe up some drool. "Your mother will be coming shortly with your food, Bud."


"Well, we didn't drive all the way from Nevada, not this time anyways. The four of us work together we are travailing mareanbioligists. We were actually a few towns over for a little bit working and we figured since we were in the area and as far as we new Katie was still here we might as well stop by and say hi before moving on."

April holds her smile and so did the others. She'd been able to sense a little apprehension in Mick's voice but it hadn't bothered her it just showed she needed to explain herself a little more. Now she hoped he'd understand a little better. She really did hope it was ok, and Katie wouldn't get in trouble for inviting them.

Grabbing her book Rosetta looks through how many rooms they had open right now and she gives a smile to herself. She could tell Mick was having a little bit of trouble trying to find the words to say but at the same time she found it kind of cute.

"Lets see we have, we have one room open with a double bed, and then two singles open. If two of you are married we could get the set of beds pushed together, and than each of you could take the singles."

Looking to Mick and than to Rosetta April gives a small smile again. She could tell most of the time it was Rosetta that handled this kind of thing. She seemed more comfortable and fluent with it.

"Mark and Tina are engaged but hardly married yet, so us girls could always take the double set of beds and than Chad and Mark can take the other two rooms. As long as they are comfortable with that."

"I spend most of my time locked up in a room with Chad, I think being separated from him will be nice for once."

"You love me Mark and you know it."

"Yeah like a hole in the head."

Tina just rolls her eyes before giving a nod to April. It was no strange for Mark and Chad to go back and forth with each other. Though they looked much different from each other some people could tell still they were related with there banter, twins as a matter of face.

Shaking her head and giving a laugh April looks back to Mick and gives a slight nod of her own as she eyes twinkle with life. Her's was rather hard but it was hers non the less and she made the best of every day.

"Yes, that will work find. We can pay for extra too if you want since it was last minute and this is slightly an inconvenience to you."

How many?

Mick lifts an eyebrow slightly as April introduces herself and the others. He glances over his shoulder at Rosetta, not upset, just a bit surprised with the whole thing. Turning back to April though, he tries not to put them ill at ease. "Well, Katie has a way of having friends come out of the woodwork," he comments ruefully. He smiles. "That's quite a trip for a last minute vacation," he adds. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, but it probably took a good sixteen hours or so from where Katie lived in Nevada to here. But perhaps they hadn't driven it all at once. Not that it mattered... it just seemed a little strange was all. 

"We, um... we might have room, yeah..." He rubs the back of his neck as he thinks. Were these paying folks or were they staying as friends and guests? He wouldn't turn anybody down, for sure, but housing four people for several days was a little different than one person, like Hunter.

Glancing between the men and women, he isn't sure if they're all just friends or what, but he wasn't sure how to ask that either - his guess would be that this was two married couples, but April hadn't said either man was her husband, so now it was hard to tell. "How many rooms would you be needing?"

Didn't call

Giving a knock and opening the door April steps inside the people with her following. Seeing the man and woman at the desk that seemed to be caught up in something she wondered if maybe now was a bad time or maybe they should have called first. As Mick comes over to them though April gives a smile it didn't seem like they minded to much.

   "Hello, you must me....Mick and Rosetta? I've heard lots about you."

Looking up from her desk Rosetta was a little surprised. She studied the woman for a long moment but she didn't seen to know who she was. That alone put her on edge for a moment Not many strangers came here knowing who they were and with the Agency run ins it was something to be leery of.

Relizing just how what she had said might sound April shifts a little bit looking to Rosetta and than back to Mick again. Giving a softer smile she continues.

   "My name is April, and this is Chad, Mark, and Tina. We know your niece Katie, we go to church with her in Nevada and she told us lots about the ranch in case we ever wanted to have some time away. So we were hoping we could stay for a night or two if you guys had any room."

Looking behind her at her friends she gives a small nod. She new everyone was a little nervous but she liked the way it felt here. It had a bit of peace and love in the air. Seeing the smiling faces of Rosetta and Mick alone seemed to set the tone and put a good start on things.

   "Sorry we didn't call first it was kind of a late moment kind of thing. If you guys don't have any room right now we completely understand and wont be offended."

 The laughing was contagious and Katie couldn't help but laugh right with the other too. But than again Kaylee always had that knack for making people laugh when they were having the darkest of days. The little girl was just good like that and she almost always wore a smile on her face.

   "It's only Kaylee we can share him as long as in the end I get him back."

Returning the kiss to Hunter Katie doesn't let it linger to much knowing there were other people around and Kaylee was surly still watching them. The small kiss was enough though for now and Katie leans into Hunter just a little bit feeling his comfort close to her. She hoped her last few days here would last a while but she new they would go quickly and than the ones till Hunter return to Nevada would come slowly.

   "Mmm...I sure hope its not to soon. I think she's still to little for that."

Looking down at Kaylee and than back up at Hunter she smiles again. It had been a nice sight seeing how he'd taken with the little one. Jason had been like that too quick to pick up on how to act with kids that was something Katie found very pleasing.

   "How about we get some grub? I'm starving."


Jason smiles and pulls a blanket up over Misty, giving her shoulder a little pat before leaving the room. After shutting her door partway, he pads back down the hall and downstairs, checking to make sure Alec was still sleeping soundly before turning off the television and the light. Slipping on his shoes, he makes his way outside, locking the door as he leaves. 

Breathing in the night air, it felt a little strange to be out alone this late. He was glad he'd come though. Now all he needed was to get some good sleep in the few hours he had left before going to work. 

Still lying on the floor as he feels the tap on his shoulder, Hunter jerks his head around, totally startled. He'd had no idea Katie was anywhere near, let alone this close. He must have had quite a surprised look on his face, because Kaylee, still comfortably seated on his stomach, starts to giggle all over again. 

As Hunter smiles, he can feel a bit of color coming to his cheeks. He'd kind of... gotten carried away playing with Kaylee. He couldn't deny he'd been having fun though. Laughing at Katie, he shrugs then looks to Kaylee, bouncing her a little to make her giggle some more. "I don't know... she's awfully cute. You might just have to call me every day to make sure I'm stayin' faithful." 

Kaylee looks up at Katie, giving her a cheesy grin. "Kate!" She scrunches her nose and shakes her head, making her pigtails bounce all around. "Hi." 

Hunter grins and finally rolls over, letting the little girl slide to the floor so he can pick himself up - which wasn't easy with his sore knee. Finally getting to his feet though, he leans down and gives Katie a soft kiss on the lips. "Mm... well, maybe you don't have quite so much to worry about after all. It'll be a while 'til Kaylee gets the hang of kissing." 

Sitting by one of the windows in the dining room, Jeff leans back in his chair and moves aside one of the light curtains as he sees a vehicle pull up. He didn't recognize it, nor the people who got out. For all he knew, these could be some expected visitors, although usually they didn't arrive at suppertime. 

Watching for a moment, he cocks his head. For some reason, they didn't seem like the typical visitors, but who knew? He generally stayed out of that end of things unless specifically asked by Rosetta or Mick to assist with someone needing companionship or a little extra boost. Since he'd heard nothing thus far, it was none of his nevermind. 

Turning back to his table, he sips the hot tea Becky had made for him, hoping it would help settle his stomach enough that he'd be able to eat supper.

"So are you coming to supper, or am I going to have to pick you up and carry you there?" Mick leans over Rosetta's office chair from behind, sliding his hands down to her side as he looks over her shoulder. Wriggling his fingers, he tickles her ribs before grinning and kissing her lips so she can't yell at him. "Don't make me go to supper alone," he warns, his eyes dancing with humor. "You know I'll make you pay dearly..." He moves to her neck, giving a teasing growl as he kisses her, knowing it would make her laugh. 

Quite suddenly though, there's a short knock at the office door before it swings open. Straightening quickly, Mick just about knocks his own hat off his head as he tries to regain his composure. He'd been so distracted with prying Rosetta away from her work, he hadn't seen anyone drive up. 

Clearing his throat, he manages a rather sheepish smile before walking around the desk to greet these four strangers. "Well, howdy." He nods politely to the women. "What can we do for you?"