
The Hounds

   "I have faith that maybe one day your dad will come around. Till than I'll just continue to show him I don't plan on hurting his baby girl."

Returning Rosalyn's kiss Chad really did hope her dad would come around if it was in God's will. He wanted to get to know Jim, he wanted to show him he was a good man, and he wanted him to be proud of his daughter. He'd continue to pray on the matter and just keep doing what he was doing.

   "So how long can I keep you out tonight before your friends send hounds after me?"

  "I keep trying because you wont. One of has too."

Standing again Grace goes to windows and opens them letting the sun light on. She new Jared thought things looks dark right now and they did, but there had to be something good that would come from this. She had to believe that even if Jared didn't.

   "Also, I'm not letting you give up. I care about you way to much to do that. You mean a great deal to me, and I look forward to seeing you if not every day, than almost every day. Even if you are in a gumpy mood. So now lighten up, and lets get this recovery on the road again."

Sitting on the couch Katie was enjoying herself. It was great to be with the guys again and just listen to them play and joke around. She'd really missed that, and it was nice that they accepted her back like she'd never left.  It felt nice, and she really was happy she'd ended up coming inside.

As Jason sat next to Katie straightened making more food for him. As he strummed She smiled and closed her eyes for moment just listening. A flood of memories came back to her in that moment. Being with the band, going to consents, spending time with Jason and just listing to him play. They were all good memories, and it made her miss this so much. Even if she was welcome here at any time it just wasn't completely the same.

Opening her eyes a tear slipped from her eyes without her even knowing it was there. Wiping it away quickly she smile again looking at Jason for a moment before replying to him.

   "I know I am. Thank you for convincing me to come in tonight. I's been really nice, without a lot of good memories. I've missed very one so much."

Putting her phone back in her pocket Karla was making good time. Kip wanted to meet at 9 and it was 8:55. It wasn't odd that they would meet here so late, it was pretty normal for them and it was what they liked. Something about tonight though told Karla this was different. Kip had been distance and every time she wanted to get together there was some reason he couldn't. She didn't like to thinking the worse but it was hard not to at this point.

Coming up to there normal spot and seeing Karla smiles and gives a small wave but as Kip came into focus more her heart gave a leap. He looks horrible, far worse than she had imaged. It just made her heart race more and she new something bad was going to happen again. She tried to be cheery still, but she new it was a failed attempt.

   "Hey Kip! Good to finally see you again, I've been worried with how sick you have been. Feeling any better?"