

Misty smirks at Carson as she gets into the car. Buckling her seat belt she looks over at him a little humor in her own eyes.

"Maybe you don't wanna see him because he reminds you to much of yourself."

Her eyes twinkle with the humor in them from teasing Carson once again. Reaching over she takes his hand giving it a slight squeeze to show she was joking. Bringing it to her lips she gives it a kiss before leaning her face on it slightly.

"You brother seems to have found himself a girl. She seems pretty nice. Spunky like him, she is part of the street racing outside of town. Who knows maybe she can tame him. Than again many not seeing as he is a Banks."

Giving a little jump Areith's eyes flow open as she sits up and looks at Wyatt. Receiving the kiss she is still a bit startled but gives it back to him willing. Though when he backs away from the kiss she gives his arm a wack.

"You scared the crap out of me. And if it had been anyone else I woulda punched them in the face."

Aerith's eyes dance as she looks back at Wyatt the love for him so clear in her eyes. They had spent so much time together over the winter that now summer was here again she was looking forward to camping trips and more fishing for sure.

"Get in the car you knuckle head before I change my mind on lunch and than tell me were you want to go."

Ryan can't help but let out a roaring laugh as she listens to her brother and Alec go back and forth. She liked they were getting along and she couldnt help but see there minds working together.

"I think I'm a little scared now with the both of you plotting."

Giving another laugh Ryan looks at Alec over her shoulder giving him a quick kiss.

"I don't know my car is pretty important to me, but...I guess if you very gentil with it, I can turst you. But you hurt my baby Eli...and so help me...Alec will take it out on you."

Ryan slicks her tong out at Eli clearly joking around with him and having a good time over it.

"Can I wear camo paint and be a big and bad too since you guys are the brains I can be the looks."

Hearing the knock on the door Dalton rushes to answer it a big smile on his face. Opening the door the smell of Chicken parm wafts through the air.

"Hey there cutie, I'm been waiting for you."

Opening the door more for her Dalton waits for her to get inside before shutting the door behind and him hurrying back to the kitchen knowing Dani would follow. Waiting to see her again Dalton pulls his hand from behind his back revealing a dozen roses.

"Pretty flowers for my pretty lady."

Searching Dani's face for a moment Dalton can see the look in her eyes the same he had seen before. Something was wrong, he could tell and still feel it though he wasn't sure what it was.

Coming a little closer with the flowers Dalton brings a hand to her face before leaning down to kiss her lips gentily and than back away searching her eyes.

"Dani, are you ok?"

Confusing emotions

Wyatt straightens up his desk and grabs his wallet before heading to the exit. Giving a wave to a couple others, he gets outside and squints a little in the sunshine. Spotting Aerith's car, he grins.

Coming up along the driver's side, he keeps an eye on the mirrors, seeing that she hadn't yet spotted him. Then leaning down in the open window, he puts his face close to hers. "Hey."

Waiting for her to turn, he just in the right place to give her a kiss on the lips before offering a teasing smile. "Shouldn't let a guy sneak up on you like that, ya know. He might think he could get a ride from you or something."

"Ah." Carson nods, still thinking. Justin, huh. "I was thinking about Scott today, wondering how he was doing. I heard Alec was actually helping out - surprised the tar out of me on that one."

Finally getting into the car, he slides in behind the steering wheel and starts the engine, waiting for Misty to join him. "Though I also heard Alec was still getting himself into plenty trouble, and that did not surprise me." He rolls his eyes. "And people wonder why I don't want to see my own brother."

Ryan's teasing makes Eli quirk an eyebrow, though he doesn't respond quick enough. Instead, Alec catches the look on his face and nudges Ryan. "Uh-oh... I have a feeling your big brother here has at least one bad boy bone in his body." He tosses Eli a grin. "I bet you could pick those locks quite well yourself."

Eli chuckles and leans back, putting his hands behind his head and gaining a mock proud look. "Never was good with the locks. I was just the mastermind."

"Oooh, mastermind, eh?" Alec laughs. "Touche. So what time is this going down anyway?"

"Eleven tonight. When everybody is good and gone and it's nice and dark. You two can take Ryan's car and I'll drive the one from a buddy that will replace Roth's until we switch his back. Then when we get on over to the other garage, I can take Ryan's car... unless she'd rather drive her own than ride with you."

Alec cocks his head and puts his chin over Ryan's shoulder to look at her eyes only inches away. "What'll it be, Babe? You gonna choose your car over me?"

Dani sits in her car for the longest time, her hands still resting on the steering wheel. Her whole day seemed foggy and she didn't even know why. Ever since she'd been to TJY that morning, it was like her mind had been pulling her in a million directions at once, without explanation. She had a bit of a headache now, and her stomach still wasn't quite settled from the lunch she'd had. But she hadn't wanted to cancel her date with Dalton.

Taking a deep breath, she again sees the pieces of stapler scattered on Dalton's office floor. Why did it bother her so much? So he got mad and threw something at the wall. She sometimes lost her temper too and she knew he wouldn't hurt her. He was a big teddy bear when it came to her and she knew it. But it was those pieces... imagining the stapler bouncing off the wall and imagining how it sounded...

Dani shakes her head and finally gets out of her car, shutting and locking it. Making her way up to Dalton's door, she stops halfway and looks at the sidewalk. Suddenly part of her didn't even want to be here. It was confusing... she always wanted to be with Dalton. But it was like part of her wanted to go home and go curl up in bed with her favorite blanket and just cry. She wasn't normally one to be emotional... was something out of whack with her or what?

Turning around, she almost does walk right back to her car, but she stops herself and once more turns to continue to the door. They were going to have supper... and ice cream... and probably a movie. She'd even brought his favorite ice cream toppings. Her weird reactions were absolutely ridiculous.

Finally she rings the doorbell and waits, hoping her strange mood wasn't written all over her face. It was obvious that Dalton had had a hard day and she wanted to make it better, not worse.


Giving a smile and a shake of her head Reese new her to well. Back tracking a little Angelica opens the draw to her desk and slips her wallet back inside. If she didn't need to bring it she wouldn't it was one less thing to keep track of.

Finally exiting her office Angelica catches the last bit of Reese and Wyatt's messing around. A smile forms on her lips as she watches for a moment a soft chuckle escaping. It was so cute to watch Reese and Wyatt play around the bond between it was strong and something she liked seeing.

Just leaving them be Angelica makes her way to the door to wait. She didn't mind how long it took Reese she'd wait for him knowing he did have other stuff to do before hand.

Sitting outside with the windows open Areith waits for Wyatt. On the days off that the restraint was closed Aerith often met Wyatt for lunch and today was no different. She liked how there relationship was going and the time they spend together, it was always nice and she enjoyed it.

Leaning her head back aganst the seat Aerith enjoys the sun shine a smile on her face as she waits for Wyatt.

Sitting in Alec's lap a grin forms on Ryan's face. She couldn't help but love her brothers plan her own little payback for what he had done to her. Being in on her brother's plan along with Alec it just had something about it she liked.

"We separate...sometimes...hardly ever...but sometimes. Anyways thats not the point here.."

Ryan grins again her eyes dancing. Leaning against Alec a little she puts her hands over top of his thinking for a long moment.

"And your going to want me to be the look out right? Or do I get to be up front in the actions too? I do have to say this is kind of exciting. I didnt think you had the bad boy bone in your body Bro."

Sticking her tong out at Eli she follows it up with a quick teasing smile. She was a bit surprised that Eli would come up with something like this but she only was teasing him anyways.

An array of scenarios

Reese manages a weary smile and he nods. "Yeah... lunch away from this crazy lot sounds great. You always know the perfect solution."

His eyes find Angelica's and just linger there for several moments, his smile seeming to soften but not leave his face.

Snapping back to attention, he stands up. "Alright... just let me go make sure I don't leave too many things hanging and I'll meet you at the door." Leaving her office, he stops and pokes just his head back in. "And no, leave your wallet here. It's on me today."

Wyatt was just coming down the hall and he stops, a teasing grin on his face before his dad turns around. "Mmm... got a lunch date, do we?"

"And what business is it of yours?"

"Oh, I don't know." Wyatt tries not to laugh as he gives a dramatic sigh. "What a cute couple..."

"I oughtta...." Reese comes alongside and puts his son in a headlock to drag him down the hall with him.

"Ack! Help!" Wyatt laughs and struggles, but not too much as he stumbles along beside Reese. "Alright, alright, alright, I give! I've got a lunch date too! Happy now?"

Reese stops and releases him, catching his breath. "Aww... you and Aerith... what a cute couple."

"Ma'am, is your computer plugged in?" Justin flops his head down on his desk, still holding his phone to his ear. A groan wanted to come so badly, but he keeps it at bay. "Yes? Alright. And you've tried the power button? Well I don't know, I'm sure it's on the tower. I'm sorry, but I don't know what your computer looks like. Look for a round button..."

Getting off the phone a half hour later, Justin feels like pulling out his hair. "Why did I ever offer tech support?!" he yells at no one. Jotting a quick note, he reminds himself to call the paper tomorrow and remove the ad. He needed the money, but this was ridiculous.

The phone rings again. "Yeah, hello? Oh, Mr. Whitaker, hi. Yes, I looked at your porch yesterday and I'd be happy to fix it for you. Just cost of labor and new lumber, but that shouldn't be much. Uh-huh..." He writes while repeating instructions aloud. "Don't go inside the yard. Mean bulldog." His pen goes flying across the room, though a smile was pasted on his face. "Yes sir. Friday. Okay. Yes. Goodbye."

Hanging up once more, he spins around in his computer chair. Minor maintenance wasn't quite as bad as the tech support, but he'd had some doozies lately. "I think I need a therapist," he mumbles.

Wandering to his kitchen, he grabs an orange and heads to the living room, switching on the television. He'd relax for a while then get started on more of Scott's case. He had some puzzle pieces he wanted to fit together before tomorrow. And he had to remember to go in early in the morning to make sure Scott was in good enough shape before Sapphire would arrive.

"Okay... so we're gonna go in, get the car, do a little switcheroo and take Roth's baby over to Mark's shed on the other side of town." Eli doodles on a piece of paper at the kitchen table as he talks of that night's plans.

Alec cocks his head. "And you want me for...?"

"There's a couple locks... one on the gate around the garage and then the garage door itself." Eli gives Alec a sidelong glance. "They can't know anyone was there so breaking anything is out of the question. And... I figured with your, uh... expertise... that you were the man to call."

Alec laughs and leans back against the wall as he sat sideways in the chair, his feet up on another chair and Ryan still tucked into his lap. "Need to break into a building, call the crook, right?"

Eli grins. "Why not?"

"Okay... yeah, I can do that, but what do I get out of this whole mess?"

Eli knew Alec wasn't really serious, but he bites anyway. "I'll let you drive Roth's car over to the other garage."

Alec's eyes spark with mischief as his arms tighten a little around Ryan's waist. "Mmm... do I get someone to ride shotgun and look out for cops?"

Eli roll his eyes. "As if I could separate you two if I wanted to."

Alec laughs again and kisses the back of Ryan's neck. "Mm-hmm." Thinking a moment, a new question comes to mind. "What about your girl? Won't Roth blame her too?"

"She's out of town... he'll be mad but nothing can come back on her."

"And um... just what kind of paint job are you planning for Roth's car?"

An almost-evil grin spreads across Eli's face. "Oh, you'll find out. I'll need both your guys' help on the paint job to make sure it can be done quick enough."

Leo sits in his car, looking out at the lake that shimmered in the late afternoon sunlight. He sighs. It was just one of those days. He'd had a short day at work and after that, he'd found his way here. Tonight at Baxtor had been canceled... he hadn't talked with Cassy all day... and he was bored.

His mind drifts to Ryan, Eli and Alec. He knew what they were doing tonight, and he had to admit that he approved of the shenanigans. Roth deserved every bit of it. But somehow, even though Leo had been invited, he felt left out. It was a silly feeling and completely self-inflicted. But it made him sigh anyway as he continued to look at the water.