

Getting the car back into place Ryan gives another laugh and shakes her head as they replace the tarp over the car. It was way to funny not to at least giggle just thinking about it. Tomorrow was going to be a blast for more than one reason.

Finally on the way back Ryan drives her car and things are very quiet. But continuing to drive Ryan doesn't say anything. Though at a stop light Ryan glances over at Alec he looked completely uncomfortable. She couldnt help but wonder if it was because of earlier.

"You gonna stay at the house for a little bit with Eli and I to watch a movie or do you have to go back to the dungeon right away?"

Continuing to drive again Ryan hoped Alec wasn't to upset with her that she blew up at him and Leo earlyer. She was just so frustrated and it just came out.

Fight postponed

Leo's eyes widen just a little as Ryan shows her displeasure. Alec's eyebrows raise. Both men look at each other, then to Ryan, then back at each other again. Neither wanted to back down. For Alec, there was fear and jealousy there, just having Leo around. He wasn't used to having a relationship with a woman at all, let alone having ever dealt with an ex before. For Leo, he was still angry that Alec had stolen Ryan, plain and simple.

An awkward silence fills the garage until Eli rolls his eyes. "She's right. But for pete's sake, don't have it out here - we don't have time to waste tonight. Leo are you staying or not?"

Leo throws Alec one more glare, the nods. "Yeah... I'll stick around. I gotta return a key anyway."

"Alright then." Eli relaxes a little, though still shakes his head. "Come on. Alec, get this car started. Let's move."

Once the four are out of Mark's garage, they're on their way back through town and to the deserted auto shop. And once again, Eli has a snack for the hungry dog on the other side of the fence. This time though, Alec is safe and sound behind the wheel of Roth's car and doesn't mind driving in past the dog. It doesn't take long to get the car back into the right bay and the replacement back out again.

Eli tucks the tarp around Roth's car and snickers. "These guys are so stupid... they never even noticed there was a different car here."

Leo returns the key that he still told no one how he got, and wanders back to the other three, folding his arms and looking at the painted car, now hidden under the tarp. "Nice."

Eli nods. "Okay, lets hit the lights and get out of here. Leo, can you drive the extra car? I can take you back out to Mark's to get your own car afterward."

"Yeah... sure."

Alec quirks an eyebrow and looks to Ryan. "Guess that means I'm shotgun with you."

With the shop dark and locked up, the place is once again deserted. The deed was done. And tomorrow night they would revel in their victory.

Heading back to the apartment, Alec sits in the passenger seat of Ryan's car and is quieter than normal. He and Leo had managed not to fight, but there was still tension and now Alec felt it with Ryan too. He wasn't quite sure what to do, so silence, for now, was what he chose.

With Destiny snuggling in closer, Chance moves his gaze from the television and just looks down at her for several long moments. She was comfortably watching the movie... he liked studying her when she wasn't looking back at him. He could study her face... her hair... her eyes. He sighs.

Moving his arm from under her head, he puts it around her shoulders instead so she can lean into him and rest her head on his chest. Going after a couple more pieces of candy, he sucks on them, enjoying the chocolate. Or maybe he was just trying to think about the candy instead of everything else that was on his mind. In the end, would he really do what he'd set out to do?

Not much later, the bag of candy is set aside and Chance is burrowing down further into the couch, swinging his legs up onto the cushions too. Letting Destiny remain in his arms, he kisses the top of her head.

If you dont

Turning around quick and seeing Leo in the doorway Ryan smiles and gives a wave to him. She was happy he'd made it tonight. They had started this with him, they should end it with him too.

"I do say we did a good job, even if Eli did most of it. Its good to see you Leo."

Hearing Leo wouldn't be at the race tomorrow Ryan's heart sunk a little. She always liked when he came to see her racing even when they were just friends. Not mention the look on Roth's face. Going to stay more Ryan stops as Leo makes his comment to Leo and Alec steps forward, while Eli steps in.

Letting out a frustrated sigh Ryan looks to Alec and than to Leo giving a shake of her head.

"Leo if we could handle it just the three of us we wouldn't have asked you to come. Alec, just because Leo makes a smart comment doesn't mean you have to go after him, just let it go. Leo stop trying to start a fight. If you both really want beat the crap out of each other than hurry up and do it, than get over it so I can have my boyfriend and my friend in the same room without having to worry about who is gonna swing at who first. This is redickulace and childish, if you both don't knock it off I am going to knock both your lights out myself."

Ryan turns around with a huff and goes to her car to lean against it for a moment. She liked it that Leo was warming up to her again and wanted to hang around. She missed his friendship and wanted nothing more to have that again with him. But she hated there had to be so much tension still with Alec and Leo. Why couldn't they just get over it and move on.

Once Chance was back on the couch again Destiny scoots closer to him and reaches into the bag to pull out some M&M's as the move starts to roll. Poping a few into her mouth Destiny makes a satisfied grunt.

"Sugar is good...movie is better, and watching it with someone special is the best."

Giving a smile Destiny turns her attachen back to the movie digging for a few more M&M before snuggling down farther into the couch and Chance leaning her head on his arm and just getting lost in his warmth.


Watching Beth leave, Justin gives her a little wave, and keeps an eye on her until she's disappeared through the brush. Turning back to the pond, he just stands for a while, staring at the calm water. Eventually he kicks off his socks and shoes and finds a rock to sit on and let his feet dangle in the water for a while. He'd be there another hour before finally packing up and heading home for the night.

"Mmm... I suppose since we spent the money to rent it, we really should watch it." Chance sighs, taking his time before finally sitting up so Destiny could sit up too. "Go ahead and start the movie. I'll be right back."

Leaving to go down the hall to he bathroom, he returns a few minutes later, but only after taking a side trip through the kitchen to grab the bag of M&Ms they still had.

Settling in on the couch again, he puts his feet up on the coffee table and opens the bag of candy, offering some to Destiny. "Gotta have sugar to stay up late," he concludes.

"There he goes." Reese watches the monitor with Hal behind a locked door. Alec would have thought Reese was gone for the night, but he would have been wrong. Shaking his head, Reese sighs. "Where does he get that card key from anyway?"

Hal shrugs. "Don't know. Have Dalton run an analysis to see whose card it is."

"Yeah... I'll do that tomorrow. Okay, so he's out of his room, how does he get under the cameras on the main floor?"

"I'd like to know that myself," Hal muses. "There's three of them sweeping the room at all times and he's not in here playing back footage, so I honestly don't know. But that's the only way out."

"Genius. Well, wherever he's going shouldn't be too bad tonight. We don't have any Agency men to take down. Just as bank robber. Wyatt's on the case for that one tonight - he's leaving from home. We got a tip a day ago about the guy meeting up with someone at a club. At least that will be one case we can solve and get the guy in here to question. Keep Brown happy that we're still getting something done around here."

Alec makes it to Ryan and Eli's right after dark in his frequently "borrowed" car. Hitching a ride to Mark's, the car is revealed, and Alec can't help but laugh.

"Roth is going to be so mad, he's not going to know what to do." He stands back with arms crossed, admiring Eli's handiwork. "Too bad it won't last long."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Eli shakes his head. "Best job and I bet it'll get ground out tomorrow night, the same night he sees it."

"Probably." Alec chuckles and gives Ryan a sidelong glance. "One of these days, he'll figure out not to mess around with you bunch."

A creaking door makes both Eli and Alec spin around, ready to fend off anybody who wasn't supposed to see the car. As it so happens though, it's only Leo. He'd had the past several days off work, so really was clueless as to how anything was going since he hadn't seen Ryan at all. Seeing he'd startled them, he grins and waves. "Hi, guys."

"Leo." Eli nods. "Scared the tar out of me."

"What? You wouldn't be doing anything sneaky now would you?" Leo teases. Letting his thumbs hang in his pockets, he wanders closer to survey the car. "Nice... real nice."

Eli chuckles. "That it is. What brings you here?"

"Oh, just figured I'd see your masterpiece before the race since I won't be there."

"Aw you're gonna miss it?"

"Yeah. Got a dance studio opening I'm going to be at and probably won't make it to the race afterward. Might though, but I doubt it." Leo runs a hand over the hood of the car and smiles. "Couldn't be more perfect."

Alec quirks an eyebrow just standing back and observing. He'd been put immediately on edge as soon as he'd seen Leo, bristling at his presence. "Dance studio, huh? Your girlfriend's place?"

"You get around, don't you?" Leo counters coolly. "Yes studio, but no not my girlfriend. She's just a friend who happens to be a woman but... I have a feeling you really don't know what that's like."

Alec takes a step forward, but Eli braces himself in between them. "We gotta get this car out of here," he mentions, trying to avoid a fight. "Alec, you drive Roth's car. Ryan, drive your own, and Leo, you can come with me."

"Well, I'd-"

"Either that or go home," Eli states flatly.

Leo's eyes narrow. "Maybe that's the best idea. I know you three can handle this without me anyway."

Back at TJY, the phone rings and Reese picks it up. "Yeah, hello, this is Reese."

"Dad... he's dead."


"Newton... the guy I was to arrest. He's dead. Found him in the alley beside the club."

"He wasn't even Agency!"

"Nope. But he's dead alright. Someone didn't want him talking. Coincidence?"

"It's becoming too frequent for any more coincidences. I'll call the station to have the scene taped off and investigated."

Heart set

Standing and still holding the bag with the fish Beth brushes herself off a little bit before bending down to pet the dogs once more before she was ready to leave. Standing up again Beth cocks her head a little and gives a nod.

"Just follow the path out of here and it sound bring me to my car. I am pretty sure I can find my way out. If not I still got your number I can call for help."

Giving another half smile Beth at least give Justin that so he new she did have a nice time. It was differnt to spend time with someone but it was enjoyable for the first time doing so.

"I'll keep the bench warm for u tomorrow."

Turning still holding the fish Beth makes her way back to the path where they came and soon disappeared down the path.

Getting pushed back once again on the couch Destiny seemed to get lost in the moment again. Everything else slipping away as Chance was hovering over top of her. Bringing her arms around Chance's neck and bringing him closer she whispers.

"I think we were here..."

Pulling him closer to her again Destiny press her lips to his and lets the the passion flow and linger the sweetness of the kiss going from her to him. Hearing the music continue in the background continue Destiny breaks the kiss as her eyes give a twinkle.

"We could always say forget the move and continue this session, but I know your heart is set on the move sooo...we better watch it."

Destiny pushes against Chance a little bit so if he moved she could sit up but if he didnt than she would be just extremely close to him.


As Beth catches Justin's eye, he wonders if perhaps he sees something new there this time... a little light, perhaps. It was a long ways away, but maybe the tunnel wasn't quite so long anymore.

Letting his hand drop as she looks away, he backs off, standing and looking out at the pond. Hearing she needed to leave, he nods. "I'll be back for Scott tomorrow. If I don't see you... keep the bench warm." He offers her another smile. "Can you find your way back out of here? I'm gonna stick around a while but I can lead you back to the main road if you want."

Chance grins and comes nearer, forcing Destiny on her back again. "Mmm... I think it was somewhere around here." Leaning in, he kisses her lips softly. "But it could have been here." He kisses her cheek. "Or here." He kisses her other cheek before grinning again, just pausing and looking down at her.

"I feel sorry for the next guy that gets this job... poor tortured soul." His teasing smile widens. In the background, the starting music for the movie begins to play and Chance sighs. "I guess that's my cue, huh?"

Sliver of a Crack

Taking the bag with the fish in it from Justin her hand brushes his. Beth looks at it for a long moment. The warm feeling inside returning. It was soft, warm...and it felt...good!

A the small sliver of a crack grew just a little more.


Looking up at Justin Beth's eyes dart from one to the other just looking into them deeply searching, looking, wondering. There was a kindness there that Beth had not seen before. Coming out of her thoughts though Beth breaks her gaze from his and looks down at the bag she held once more.

"I better get going. It was nice spending time here thought. I'll see you tomorrow at the hosp?"

Sitting over on her side of the couch Destiny waits while Chance makes his phone call. She hated ease dropping but she did listen anyways. Since something didn't seem right she just wanted to find out if it really was Toby on the phone before or not. So listening Destiny trys to decied but in the end she couldn't figure it out if it was or not.

Letting out a sigh she just continues to sit maybe it really was nothing and she was just being paranoid. Why she didn't know but it was possible she was with everything coming up her mind could just be running away with itself.

As Chance comes closer again Destiny gives him a side long glance a grin finally forms on her lips again as she turns to him her arms crossed.

"I don't think I remember..how about a little reminder?"


As he lies on the grass, a small smile spreads on Justin's face. Maybe this had been the right thing to do. Maybe he would find out how to be a friend to Beth. "You're welcome."

Sitting up again, he goes back to his backpack and pulls out a small cutting board and some plastic bags. Next, he goes to retrieve one of the bass from his stringer. Getting a fillet knife from his pack as well, he turns his back to Beth as he sets the bass on the board so she can't see him cut into it. Working with it for a few minutes, everything not edible goes into one bag to be disposed of later. But the two thick, boneless fillets go into another ziploc bag. Taking his water bottle, he puts a little water in with them then seals the bag.

Cleaning up the area so animals wouldn't be attracted to it, he goes to Beth, squatting down next to her and holding out the bag. "I like to put them in flour and egg and fry them on the stove... but they'd be good any way you'd cook them." He smiles a little, offering her the meat. "I've got a small cooler you can borrow if you want too."

Chance looks down at Destiny and sighs. "Party pooper. You're as bad as he is."

Closing his eyes a moment, he enjoys her hand rubbing his back. "Mmm... you're wicked. You tell me to leave, yet you entice me to stay." Leaning down he gives her one last quick kiss before he sits back and off of Destiny, standing to wander over to the phone. "You win - I'll call just so he doesn't interrupt us again 'cause I know he will and it would probably be right in the good part of the movie next time." Going for the phone, he dials without even having to think about the number.

"Yeah, Toby. You don't have to holler, ya know - I was right here." Chance wanders the living room with the cordless phone in hand, checking out the window and wandering some more. "Hey, have a little more faith in me than that, will you? Alright, alright, I'm doing it now."

Going over to the desk, Chance opens his laptop and clicks a few keys. "Yeah, I see it. Well tell him to stop! He's gonna blow the whole case if he-" He sighs and shakes his head. "Alright, whatever. Yes, everything is fine since I talked to you last. Can I get a little trust here?"

He scoffs at whatever Toby's response was. "If I would have known you were gonna babysit me long distance with this thing- Oh that's right, I didn't have a choice did I? It was you who sent me here, so unless you've got another agent up your sleeve for the job, let me do it my way, alright?" He scowls at the reprimand he receives. "Yeah, fine. Yes, tomorrow night I'll touch base. I don't know why you can't just go through Reese - he's all over this too. I feel like you're ganging up on me. ...I'm not paranoid! Look, did you get your questions answered? And I got the email from Kirk so we're all set and I can hang up now."

Sighing, he rubs his eyes. "Yeah. Tomorrow, I got it." Grumbling to himself, he ends the call and sets the phone down a little harder than necessary. His job would be a whole lot easier if Toby would just get off his back.

Wandering back over to the couch, Chance flops down in his own corner, his mood having been spoiled. Reality was back - this wasn't a game. Staring at the television, he tries to bring his blood pressure back down. Was it really such a good idea to be this close to Destiny? Things could blow up at any moment and it would just make it harder if she was attached to him. But it was her own choice... right?

Opting to go back to his happy self, he turns and crawls back over to Destiny, giving her a crooked grin. "Now... where were we?"


Still looking up at Chance Destiny had a strange feeling. Something just still didn't feel right to her, like he was hidden or trying to cover hit tracks for some reason. About to say more Destiny stops as Chance's lips brush against hers again, returning the kiss slightly Destiny looks up at him again once he pulls away.

"Maybe...you should call him back quick now? It shouldn't take you long and I am not going anywhere. That way its just done and out of the way for now. Not to mention he really did sound quite upset."

Continuing to look up at Chance Destiny gives a small smile her on hand rubbing his back slightly. Something didn't feel right at all, it was almost like her feels of Chance from the first day were slightly returning and she didn't like it. They started to get close, and she'd felt good feelings for him and now it was like taking a step backwards and she didn't like it. Not letting it show though Destiny didn't want to create an awkward situation. At least not right now with everything she had going on tomorrow.

Sitting down in the grass again Beth brings her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on them. So far she had, had a nice time with Justin though she said very little. It was differnt to spend time with someone but in a way Beth kind of liked it.

Hearing his question about the fish Beth thinks for a long moment. Only fish she ever bought was fish already made up from the market and she wasn't sure if he own stomach could handle preparing the fish herself.

"I've never cleaned a fish before, but if you want you can let the fish you were going to give to me go."

Turning a little to look at Justin while he was laying down on his back Beth just study's him for a moment. A small laugh escaping her lips as she watched Dantiza kick Justin.

"Justin...thanks for bringing me a long today. It was nice."

Old age

Justin takes a bite of his bar and chews thoughtfully. Though his eyes were on his backpack and organizing his things, his ears were listening and he was mulling over Beth's words. He knew it must be hard for her, especially if she and her sister had been close. He also knew the rules at Brookshire and no patient was to leave the premises. It did suck.

Interesting Beth had said what she had though... she was either assuming Justin had found out the truth, or didn't care if he had not and her words wouldn't make sense. Either way, he did know by his own doing, so he knew what she was talking about.

Zipping up his backpack, he stands and nods briefly. "And I shouldn't have wanted my dad to come home early from work." It was no more Beth's fault that Sarah had been witness to a tragedy, than it was his fault his father had died in a car accident.

Easing down to sit in the grass, he finishes his bar before lying on his back and putting his hands behind his head. Danitza, hot and tired from her playing, flops down beside him, rolling over onto her back and wriggling around to scratch her own back. One of her hind paws catches Justin's head and he throws her a withering look but doesn't chide her.

Staring up at the sky, Justin squints in the light but doesn't mind it. The sunshine felt good, even if it was a hot day. If he'd been alone, he would be going for a swim right about now, but with Beth here, he restrains from that activity.

"I got more fish than I need for supper if you want to take one for yourself," he offers.

Hearing Destin's question and seeing the look in her eye, the humor in Chance's gaze seems to fade just a little. Was she suspicious of him? "Well because with Toby, he's such a pusher that a couple hours to me seems like all day to him."

Chance searches Destiny's eyes, his expression a casual one. He shrugs. "Or maybe he's getting forgetful in his old age, I don't know." His grin returns. "Either way, he won't really auction off my desk - he's too nice underneath all that thick outer shell. So... as far as his threat is concerned..."

He leans on Destiny a little more, his face nearing hers again. "It really has no bearing on me... so I can just call him back later..." His lips brush hers. "...after we're done.... watching the movie."