
Didn't Mean

Ryan can't help but laugh at her brother. Sometimes he was a trip for sure and most of the time when he was still half asleep it was for sure. No matter what though Ryan loved him and he always kept her laughing that was for sure.

"Yeah he did. Figured if he didn't leave soon you'd kick him out or kill him. Guess he didn't want either."

Cleaning up the ice cream bowls and the cups that had been used that night Ryan puts them in the sink and than comes back to the living room looking at her brother and giving a shake of her head. going over to him she bends down and gives his head a kiss.

"Good Night Eli, I'll see you in the morning."

Angelica gives a little gasp at the water is splashed back at her. No shocked or surprised but pretending was still fun.

"You wanna play that way huh?"

Moving her foot back a little more this time she gives a bit of a bigger splash to Reese but not enough to get him totally wet. Another laugh slips out as Angelica bats her eyes at Reese a little bit.

Hearing the knock at the door Beth goes and opens it. Seeing Justin she gives a smile before stepping aside to let him in.

"Good Morning/Afternoon. I'm not sure what one it is since I only got up a little bit ago."

Beth gives a little laugh as she shuts the door and than heads to the kitchen knowing Justin would follow. Today on the menu was grilled cheese and tomato soup. She had originally planned on just making something quick and easy but she was in a rather good mood this morning and wanted to go with something that took a little more time.

"So how has everything been so far in your day?"

Finishing up helping Eric Ashlee slowly exits the take room and takes a deep breath of the nice afternoon air. Slowly making her way across the yard and to the bunk house her mom's form heading to the dinning hall catches her attachen. She still felt bad for everything she had said, and she hated being at odds with her mom.

Changing her course she heads to the dinning hall and enters. It was mostly empty and she spots her mom in the kitchen getting some coffee. Following after to her Ashlee leans on one of the counters.

"No wonder you can keep late hours with all the coffee you drink."

Ashlee trys to give a small smile but it still felt kind of awkward. She just wanted things to be ok with her and her mom.

Looking up from the her coffee as she stirs it Stacy was a bit surprised to see her daughter standing there and talking to her none the less. It had been a little while but Stacy hoped she would come around just letting her take her own time.

"I'm pretty surprised I haven't gotten immune to it yet."

Picking up the cup in her hands Stacy takes a sip and than just holds the cup looking down into it. What else could she say? It felt strange not knowing what to say to her daughter when it had never been a problem before.

Standing straight again Ashlee moves into the kitchen a little more and looks at her mother for a long moment. This was harder than she thought it would be but maybe thats what made it more sinsear.

"I...I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all those things I said the other day. I didn't mean them. I don't like being at odds with you."

A bit surprised again Stacy gives a small smile.

"You did mean them, but its ok and I forgive you."

Stacy new everything had been rough on Ashlee even if she had never voiced it before but it took her daughters words the other day to actually realize how much everything must had taken a told on her.

Giving a nod to the small table that was in the kitchen Stacy was inviting her daughter to sit down with her. Place the cup on the counter she lets out a sigh and sits.

"Ash, it took you the other day telling me I never cared before to realize thats what you really meant. But its not true, I have always cared, and always wanted to make sure you were safe even if I wasn't around much to say it. I forced you to grow up to quickly and that was wrong of me. Now we are here, and I can see your inner child trying to get out and I automatically expected you to still be grown up. I need to let you be a child and enjoy your youth while you still can."

Ashlee keeps her eyes down on the table picking at a indent that had probable been there a long time. Listing to her mothers words she is quiet till she comes to a stop and looks up at her.

"I know you've always loved me and cared for me I have never thought differently of that. I was just angry and wasnt to sure how to handle everything that was going on at that moment with Dylan. It hurt that you didn't trust me too."

Stacy's eyes held a bit of sarrow in them. That afternoon had been all wrong and how everything had been handled was too. If she go back in a way she now would see how differently she would do things.

"It's not that I didn't trust you Ash. I was so scared when we couldn't find you and if anything worse had happened to you out there I never would have forgiven myself for not paying more attachen.Your my life, and I don't know what I would do without you. God blessed me when he gave me you."

Ashlee can't help the tear that rolled down her cheek. She new her mom cared but she never new just how much. Everything became a little more clean and she understood why her mom had been so worried.

Standing up Ashlee goes over to her mom and wraps her arms around her giving her the biggest hug she can just burying her face into her shoulder.

"I love you Mom, and I am sorry."

A tear rolls down Stacy's cheek, a peace coming over her knowing everything was going to be ok between her and her daughter. This was a growing pain for them both, but they both were coming out stronger and wiser.

"I'm sorry, I love you too Ash."


Eli gives a start and looks up groggily at Ryan. "Hmm? Oh. Yeah. Bed would be good." Yawning, he pries himself from his chair and stretches. Scratching his head, he glances around, his eye still drooping. "Where'd Romeo go? He take off already?"

Reese's jaw drops in mock surprise at Angelica's teasing move. Lifting one eyebrow higher than the other, he returns the favor to her, giving her a light splash with his foot. The water was surprisingly warm and way too inviting. Grinning, Reese's eyes dance with humor... and a little bit of challenge too.

Zach watches Beth leaves and returns a little wave to her. Staying for a while longer and two more coffees, he finally goes home so he can get ready for work.

Arriving back at his apartment, Zack is met with a bundle of flying black fur. Laughing, he scoops up the dog in his arms, receiving a batch of very wet, slobbery kisses. "Heyo, Button, what's the matter, huh? You miss me?"

She answers with a playful little bark and he laughs before setting her down. "Yeah, I know, Daddy's not usually out all night. I'm sorry. Looks like you behaved yourself though." He grabs her leash and within moments is outside with her. The sky was gray as the early dawn broke and he takes in a deep breath of air. It wasn't country air, but it wasn't the worst city air either.

Walking around the grass with Button, he sighs with content. "I made a new friend tonight. At least I think so."

Button paid little attention.

"I'm going to see her again. Don't ask me what possessed me to go see her in the first place, because I don't know."

Finished sniffing around, Button looks up at him, cocking her head.

He laughs. "Yes, my new friend is a girl. Jealous?"

...Lunch at Beth's. Justin stood on the doorstep, never intruding without being asked in. He was glad to get away again for a little while today. He needed to run up to Brookshire, then the rest of his day was probably going to be spent returning calls to people who needed help with their computers. His mother had a ride to the hospital today, so he didn't have to worry about that. Yesterday hadn't been so bad, but he still hadn't gone in to see Jared.

Lifting his hand, he knocks on Beth's door. In the other hand was a small container of cookies from his mother.

The days were all a bit of a blur. It was so strange being stuck in a hospital bed and feeling restless, yet not having anything to do or anywhere to go anyway. Visits from Jared's mom were the highlights. She seemed like such a sweet woman and though it obviously bothered her that he couldn't remember her, she still smiled and still brought him homemade pudding or chicken broth the nurses let him eat. He had to admit, it was a whole lot better than the hospital food he was eating through a straw.

Conversations with Lydia never lasted long enough. Jared had figured out that she didn't drive, so when a visit was only for ten minutes, he assumed she had to catch rides. She didn't talk too much about her home life though... but Jared didn't even know what kinds of questions to ask, so he didn't. She mentioned church a lot... and cooking... and a few friends. That was about it, other than telling him a few stories from when he was a kid. Nothing rang a bell though, but it was fun to listen. There were times that she seemed to stop short or bite her tongue from saying more, but he didn't pry. He was sure that this whole thing was hard for her, too. Apparently, he'd been living with her - at least he didn't have a place of his own someplace that was going to pot since he couldn't be there to care for it. And at least he wasn't married or anything - that would be too much like a bad movie.

As far as his physical condition went, it was going to take much longer to get out of here than he liked. But on days when the pain was almost unbearable, he was reminded why he was here. Then, there was always the question as to whether or not he'd even be able to walk again. The doctor spoke of therapy... but only if there was some sign, such as him being able to move his toes, that would prove there were nerves healing. But so far, there was nothing. Just long days of waiting and sleeping.


Letting Tal get up Ryan new he did have to go. It's had been a long day for everyone and sleep would come easy tonight. Than there was always tomorrow where more time could be spent with each other.

"Oh I guess I can let you go this time than."

Ryan gives a smile as she follows Tal to the door. Just leaning on the frame for a moment she just study's him for a long time. Tal was one of a kind and Ryan was so happy to have him. He was special in more ways than he new and it was like a breath of fresh air every time she saw him.

"Good Night Tal have a safe trip home!"

Leaning in for a kiss Tal smiles than than backs away shutting the door behind her. If she didn't than she would never let Tal go tonight. Turning and leading to the living room Ryan pats Eli's arm.

"Hey, why don't you head to your bed. Your getting drool all over the chair."

Standing with Reese at the waters edge and letting the cool feeling wash over her feet Angelica felt so at peace. It was times like these they learned to live again and she definitely would remind Reese of them.

"I definitely can do that. Life's to short not to."

For a moment Angelica thinks back to her brother. His life had been cut way to short but he had always lived each day like it was going to be his last. Trying to not miss out on anything. Now Angelica would keep that close to her heart and remember that lesson.

Looking to Reese Angelica gives a small grin before moving her foot a little and splashing some water twords Reese. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips.

Giving another smile to Zach Beth gives a small wave and turns around to leave. Hitting the cool air it felt nice, and the warm feeling that passed over her even better. The smile she had planted on her lips seemed to be stuck there as the butter flys flew around in her stomach. A new friend, someone to hang out with, and was not half bad to look at either. It was a good feeling. She'd have to remember to tell Justin in the morning. He would be so proud of her.