
Weak Heart

You could always dump him. 
After sending his reply, Hunter wasn't so sure he should have. Taking another swig from his bottle, he types out another quick text. 
Sorry. We be thick headed most of the time. 
Id buy u a drink but u dont drink.
Every morning always has a sunrise. 
Just wait for it. 
Hitting "send," Hunter rolls his eyes. Finding his bottle empty, he waves for another one. Every morning always has a sunrise. That had been something he'd been told once... a long time ago. He'd quit believing it. Yet now he was passing it along. Did that make him a hypocrite? Or did he, deep down, still believe it? 

Kaylee gives Trey a hug around his neck and a sloppy kiss on the cheek, giggling for reasons only she knew. 

Having Trey pull her close too, Cindy returns his hug warmly. For the first time, she was holding the son she had not even known existed. And nothing could replace that feeling. "Yes... I'll call you." 

It wasn't until she was driving back to the hotel that the tears finally spilled over. She wasn't sure whether there was more pain or gladness in her heart right now. No matter. She must go on. She must go home. She must survive. 

Justin doesn't let go of Beth's hand yet and he gives her a soft smile. Seeing that shy little look in her eye made his own eyes twinkle. Maybe he'd known all along that she'd been waiting, and that's what had scared him the most. It felt rather silly now. 

"Yeah, you make sense." He nods. Lifting one hand, he rests his palm against her cheek. "I'm not disappointed," he reassures quietly. "I'm proud of you... no matter what you decide." He meant it too. He was jealous, and he did care for her, and he did want more than friendship, even if he hadn't been able to admit it until now. But... in the end... even if she opted for Zach... he'd be proud of her. 

"Just don't leave me in limbo too long, okay? I've got a weaker heart than most people know."

Garret looks down at Victoria, his fingers moving to interlock with hers on the swing's chain. A sigh finally emerges. He felt weary today and wasn't even sure why. "Good... because I haven't had enough of those walks yet." 

Finally letting go of her hand, he moves slowly around to sit beside her - there was just enough room for two to sit together if they didn't mind being cozy. Slipping his arm around her shoulders, Garret holds Victoria close. They had known each other just over seven years now. And from day one, they had known their futures would not easily be separated. Some would call it fate, but Garret wasn't sure he believed in that sort of thing. What he did believe was that over the last few years, he'd fallen in love. And forced to keep it a secret had become a curse they shared. 

Setting the swing in a slow motion, Garret controls it with his leg. "Funny," he muses quietly. "We're sitting here, hiding from the world in our own little peaceful corner. And the rest of the world hides from us." 

They rarely spoke of the conflict. The conflict between what they did to survive and what they knew was right. It wasn't easy to maintain any kind of conscious or conviction in a place like this. And if Garret were truly honest, he would admit that it was because of Victoria that he'd learned to have a conscious again. She was the one that had taught him there could still be good... that there could still be right and wrong, even if they were forced to do despicable things to survive. She'd put up with his stupid moves and he'd loved her for her stubbornness to maintain the lines her mother had taught her to draw. And in the end, Victoria had not only won the battle but she had won Garret's heart. And for the last few years, they had kept their promise of keeping their own relationship pure. No matter what they had to do on the job, when home again, together, alone... what they had would not be marred by bad decisions. And they had kept that promise. But the question they never asked was if they would ever know more. Their love was forbidden. And as such, they were locked in the prison of the shadows. 

Turning his head, a small smile finally creases Garret's lips. "You look beautiful today." He always told her that - but he always meant it. His free hand reaches over and his finger runs lovingly down the side of her face. 

"Maybe the next time you're sent out, you should insist on a bodyguard," he teases. "That way I could keep you in my sights." Still smiling, he shakes his head. "You showing up for the party tonight? I hear there's some high rollers that are supposed to show up."

I have to

Taking Kaylee from Cindy Trey holds her tight and looks her in the eyes giving her nose a kiss. He sure was going to miss her and without anyone seeing he had saved her scribbles to place in his room. A token of her and the love she made him feel.

   "You be good for mom ok Squirt and I'll see you again soon."

Looking to Cindy he gives a little nod. Moving in a little bit still holding Kaylee Alec takes his free arm and puts it around Cindy. He'd never hugged anyone before and meant so it was a little strange but at the same time it felt good and Trey liked that feeling.

   "I'll see you guys again soon. Call me when you get home safe?"

Hearing her phone go off again Katie rolls to her back and reads the message. A small laugh slips out from between her lips. At least he found humor in some of his silly jokes that was a plus.

Just boyfriend problems again and I wish kicking him would
make it all better.

Katie pauses for a moment as she reaches over and takes a swig of her drink. Letting out a sigh her stomach gives a growl. After not finishing her lunch she was paying for not eating anything but at the moment she really didn't feel like it.

I talked to him today and he totally miss the point that I know
he needs his friend time but it would be nice if at least once 
he asked me to go out with them too.

Sitting on the swing waiting...the birds flying high today. The warm rays of sunlight shown down and the breeze tossed her hair a little, she long elegant white and blue dress blowing in the same direction, making soft whipping sounds. Her face held little emotion, but her eyes showed a whole story that was never spoken. To be the granddaughter or a man so powerful, to be raised and trained to be the best of the best...even for her...to rebel would be the same as any other man.

Stopping the swing as a sound no normal person would be able to hear, but the sound was familiar, she could identify who it was and for that she was no scared though in the little white back bag that hung from her wrist was a small gun ready if she never needed it.

As the figure comes up behind her a soft smile finally breaks her lips. In the presents of the one she loved to show emotions was ok. And hearing he would not be heading away to soon was music to her ears. Life without him around was hard, lonely, even if they couldn't show there love, even an emotionless glance said a thousand words.

   "That is good news. I hate it when grandfather sends you away almost as quickly as you get back."

Finally turning slightly to look at Garret Victoria's locks fell over her bare shoulders as her eyes gave a twinkle with the little bit of sun light that made its way into there secret spot. There was everything about him Victoria loved, his deep voice, his looks and here...here it was not pramitted to look anything but your best and dressed up Garret look even better.

   "More walks are always good as long as they are with you Garret. So I will get in as many as I can."

Running her hand up the chain Victoria rests her fingers of his. A forbidden love formed, a secret formed within the shadows of the shadows. It was what pressed them on, what gave them hope and what drove them to continue.

As Beth felt Justin's soft lips on her hand for a moment she was a bit suprised. She had no been expecting that at all. She did not hate the feeling that shot through her hand it only surprised her.

Continuing to just listen to Justin Beth could feel the color come to her own cheeks. Hearing Justin admit he was jealous and that he wanted to be with her Beth's heart thumped in her chest. This is what she had been waiting to here, this is what she wanted to hear for so long and now...now was it to late? She had a date with Zach next week. Someone she cared about and seemed cared about her. 

   "Justin...I...I wanted to hear you say that for so long..."

Beth gives a laugh, this feeling this mixed emotion she had never felt this before, she never felt lost on who she should choose. This was all new to her.

   "Who ever though I'd be so confused with it all. I...it's not to late Justin but I need to go on this date with Zach next week. I have to see if what I feel for you is real and I'm not just attaching myself to you because you helped me. I couldn't do that to you at all."

Looking down at there hands Beth wondered if she was making sense, and if Justin would understand. Now it was her asked for time, to make sure she really did have feelings for Justin and than she wondered if Zach would understand or would it make a bigger mess.

   "Does...that make sense?"

Too Late

Hunter swallows another swig of beer before reaching into his pocket and seeing what the vibration was all about. Leaning on the bar, he swivels the barstool a little, ignoring the loud music and chatter around him. He'd won a race tonight, so he was celebrating. Funny... he was alone. But he could still celebrate, right? 

Squinting at his phone screen, he quirks a grin and quickly replies. 
So when we fall off our motorcycles we 
dont crack those thick heads open.
Wassup and who made the day crappy? 
I'll kick em for u.

Cindy's smile widens and she nods. "You'll find I usually don't give up very easily." She didn't want this to end. But she knew it had to. Looking to Kaylee, she shakes her head. "You ready to go, Pumpkin?" 

Kaylee blows a raspberry and shakes her head vigorously. "More!" She scribbles some more on the paper, the crayon clenched in her little fist. 

"Sorry... I need to get you back to the hotel so we can pack." 

Too soon, the three were standing on the sidewalk, Cindy holding Kaylee on her hip and looking up at Trey. Once more, it was hard keeping her tears in check. She knew she would see Jason again soon. She didn't have the same assurance about Trey. "Well... I'm really glad I came. Oh, and..." She fishes in her pocket, pulling out a piece of paper with her handwriting. "This has my address and my cell phone number. You can call or visit any time... any time at all." 

"Yes!" Kaylee throws up her arms then reaches out to Trey. "Up up!" 

Cindy chuckles and holds her out to Trey for one last hug. "Say goodbye, Kaylee." 

Justin swallows hard and instinctively leans his face into Beth's hand. It was soft and warm and it sent that odd sensation into his stomach again. Turning his head, he kisses her palm before taking her hand and cupping it between both of his. 

"You've said it," he replies quietly. "And you're always welcome." 

Searching her eyes, he can feel a bit of heat rising to his cheeks. "Beth, I..." He bites his lip. "I really am sorry for being such a grouch lately. I guess... maybe I didn't want to admit I was jealous 'cause..." He shrugs and his eyes fall to look at their hands. Maybe he'd been lying to himself all along. "Well, 'cause that would mean I had feelings for you and that always scares a guy like me." 

He gives a sorry sort of laugh and shakes his head, his eyes remaining down. He wasn't used to being on the intimidated end of things. His fingers caress Beth's hand. "But I guess it's true..." 

Though his cheeks were hot, he finally looks back up at her. "It just took me seeing you with Zach to admit it and now I'm afraid it's too late." 

"...No, he's been stalling. Pretty soon though, we're going to force his hand one way or the other." Medridge paces the office, using his cane with each step. "He's a smart one though. I'm intrigued by his reaction through this whole thing."

"Indeed." Garret stood nearby, feet spread and hands behind his back.

"I thought he might retaliate immediately as he has done in the past."

"Maybe his brother wore off on him."

Medridge chuckles. "Perhaps. Although in this case, I doubt anything has worn off on our experiment at all. No... no, this time we have found his very heart and we are drawing it out slowly and painfully."

Though Garret's posture did not move, hie eyes followed Medridge around the office. "Revenge, Sir?"

"Revenge?" Medridge stops and waves his cane at him. "Revenge is for the weak of heart. To take revenge is to wave the flag of defeat, for revenge comes from anger and when angry, no one may win the war. No, no... it is not revenge, my boy." He moves slowly to the far wall that displayed a map of photos, identities, profiles and more. Strings connected lives, families, pasts and futures. "Revenge would be to smite him down with a bullet and be done. This is study. This is the art of dissecting human nature at its finest to test man's strength and worth."

Garret eyes him with little to no emotion. "To what end?"

Medridge turns and smiles a wide smile. "To insanity. And when we have discovered the breaking point of man, we have conquered."

As Garret walks down the corridor several minutes later, his step was as confident and steady as always. But his stomach churned. It was happening more and more lately. A deep, loathsome boiling under the surface. It had started several years ago and had slowly grown against his will - and now he felt it almost every day.

His boots clicked on the slick tile and he paid little heed to the armed guards stationed at each door. They knew better than to threaten him. Armed or not, they'd be dead before they hit the ground. He knew it. And they knew it.

Down a flight of stairs and out onto the grand outdoor foyer overlooking the back yard of lush grass, trees and elaborate landscaping, his eyes were delighted with the beauty. But it simply did not compute. Not anymore. Iron bars surrounded the secluded property, making this an oasis in the midst of silent war. What people wouldn't give to be here. What they had given to be here. There was not one soul here without blood on their hands - including himself.

Down another few stairs, Garret's walk echoes on the stone path as his leather jacket creaked. A handgun was strapped in a holster on his outer thigh - a threat to anyone. But that was only the beginning of his arsenal. No one need know about the other weapons hidden on his person.

Heading through the flower garden, his eyes constantly take in his surroundings. The yard. The fence. The sky. The quiet swimming pool. The conversations happening at various points around the mansion. The quietness was haunting though. For as much evil resided here, there should be guns blazing, bombs exploding and people screaming for help. But it was silent. Still.

Garret turns at the corner of the path, aiming for the stand of trees on the edge of the property. He had reason to be here. It was often that he checked up on the security building to ensure optimum enforcement against any intruders. But today his reason was not inside the building. Instead of entering, he slips around the corner, his ears picking up the sound of the security camera buzzing as it turned to follow his movements. Not a squirrel went unseen on the property. But there were still shadows.

Bending to check a print on the ground, he waits until he hears the camera move again before he slips into the stand of trees. He walks only a short distance to where an old swing hung from an aged limb. It was evidence of an older life... a life before this one, where times were better.

Coming up behind the swing, his arms spread and his rough fingers curl around the rusted chains on either side. His nostrils pick up the sweetened scent of perfume, the golden hair before him stirring softly in a slight breeze. His heart beat a little faster. The churning in his stomach dissolved. She had always been able to do that to him when no one else could. She, the forbidden. She was the only being who had ever been able to bring a chill to his spine with just a look.

"I've been given another two weeks." His voice held a deep, mellow tone, held quietly in this small refuge of peace. "If nothing goes wrong, I may be able to stay even longer before I'm sent back to the States."

Back and forth. That's the way it went, depending on where he was needed. Gradually, he had become closer and closer to Medridge though, allowed more and more to remain on the estate. There were times he had been gone for months. And each time it seemed a little longer. As much as this place was a nightmare, in a twisted way, it was also a haven. And it was also home to his love. But it was a love only she knew of. For to have eyes for Medridge's granddaughter was to sign your own death sentence. She would never be at risk of his wrath, for she was his prize, but Garret walked a fine line.

"That gives us a few more walks together."

Thick Headed

As little pretzel crumbs fly everywhere with Kaylee's thank you Trey can't help but laugh for the first time is eye giving a familiar twinkle that could very well link him to his twin. Trey couldn't help it Kaylee just seemed to melt his heart and make it as soft as mush with her eyes that looked so deep but held no judgment. He was her brother, and she loved him.

   "Watch it there Squirt, you need to eat that breath. Doing both at once is not a good combo."

Sitting back and keeping the chatting light Trey enjoyed talking with his mother. Finding out more about her, about there family and he even shared about himself too. Every now and again looking to Kaylee and giving another laugh.

As the time draws to a closing some how Kaylee had found her way into Trey's lap some paper and a few crayons on the table for her to play with. Leaning down and looking over her shoulder Trey cocks his head just a little bit and looks at the picture.

   "It's a horse right? Wait no...a pig?"

Looking up again and smiling at Cindy Trey's smile fades just a little as his eye catches the time. He was having a nice time today with his sister and his mom. Now they would soon be leaving and he would be alone again. It was no something he was looking forward to, but it was something that gave him hope for the future.

   "I've really enjoyed it too. Thank you...for not giving up."

Just letting Justin run is finger over her palm Beth sits and looks up at him. The small flutter in her stomach returned that she had felt not to long ago. She'd pushed that feeling aside a while ago though because Justin made no move to be more than friends. But now...now she felt it and it confused her just a little bit more.

    "You don't have to worry Justin I will still be your friend, and I will still be around. Just because I have someone else I am spending time with too doesn't mean I am going to forget about you and everything you have done for me."

Letting her hand slip from Justin's Beth brings her hand to the side of his face and just lets her thumb run over his cheek for a moment. It was the first bold move she had ever made but she had made it anyways.

   "and if case I never said it before...thank you."

Walking inside and going right to her room Katie didn't even bother letting anyone know she was home. The rest of the day had been hard and tiring but Katie made it through some how. Now all she wanted to do was bury her face in her pillow and cry not understanding what went wrong.

Letting out the long sigh the reminder sound of her cell phone goes off. She had forgotten that Hunter had texted her before and she never replied or even ready it. Letting out another sigh she lets out a sigh.

Hey, sorry for the late reply. Had a pretty crappy day. You're a man so answer...why are you guys always so thick headed?