
I have to

Taking Kaylee from Cindy Trey holds her tight and looks her in the eyes giving her nose a kiss. He sure was going to miss her and without anyone seeing he had saved her scribbles to place in his room. A token of her and the love she made him feel.

   "You be good for mom ok Squirt and I'll see you again soon."

Looking to Cindy he gives a little nod. Moving in a little bit still holding Kaylee Alec takes his free arm and puts it around Cindy. He'd never hugged anyone before and meant so it was a little strange but at the same time it felt good and Trey liked that feeling.

   "I'll see you guys again soon. Call me when you get home safe?"

Hearing her phone go off again Katie rolls to her back and reads the message. A small laugh slips out from between her lips. At least he found humor in some of his silly jokes that was a plus.

Just boyfriend problems again and I wish kicking him would
make it all better.

Katie pauses for a moment as she reaches over and takes a swig of her drink. Letting out a sigh her stomach gives a growl. After not finishing her lunch she was paying for not eating anything but at the moment she really didn't feel like it.

I talked to him today and he totally miss the point that I know
he needs his friend time but it would be nice if at least once 
he asked me to go out with them too.

Sitting on the swing waiting...the birds flying high today. The warm rays of sunlight shown down and the breeze tossed her hair a little, she long elegant white and blue dress blowing in the same direction, making soft whipping sounds. Her face held little emotion, but her eyes showed a whole story that was never spoken. To be the granddaughter or a man so powerful, to be raised and trained to be the best of the best...even for her...to rebel would be the same as any other man.

Stopping the swing as a sound no normal person would be able to hear, but the sound was familiar, she could identify who it was and for that she was no scared though in the little white back bag that hung from her wrist was a small gun ready if she never needed it.

As the figure comes up behind her a soft smile finally breaks her lips. In the presents of the one she loved to show emotions was ok. And hearing he would not be heading away to soon was music to her ears. Life without him around was hard, lonely, even if they couldn't show there love, even an emotionless glance said a thousand words.

   "That is good news. I hate it when grandfather sends you away almost as quickly as you get back."

Finally turning slightly to look at Garret Victoria's locks fell over her bare shoulders as her eyes gave a twinkle with the little bit of sun light that made its way into there secret spot. There was everything about him Victoria loved, his deep voice, his looks and here...here it was not pramitted to look anything but your best and dressed up Garret look even better.

   "More walks are always good as long as they are with you Garret. So I will get in as many as I can."

Running her hand up the chain Victoria rests her fingers of his. A forbidden love formed, a secret formed within the shadows of the shadows. It was what pressed them on, what gave them hope and what drove them to continue.

As Beth felt Justin's soft lips on her hand for a moment she was a bit suprised. She had no been expecting that at all. She did not hate the feeling that shot through her hand it only surprised her.

Continuing to just listen to Justin Beth could feel the color come to her own cheeks. Hearing Justin admit he was jealous and that he wanted to be with her Beth's heart thumped in her chest. This is what she had been waiting to here, this is what she wanted to hear for so long and now...now was it to late? She had a date with Zach next week. Someone she cared about and seemed cared about her. 

   "Justin...I...I wanted to hear you say that for so long..."

Beth gives a laugh, this feeling this mixed emotion she had never felt this before, she never felt lost on who she should choose. This was all new to her.

   "Who ever though I'd be so confused with it all. I...it's not to late Justin but I need to go on this date with Zach next week. I have to see if what I feel for you is real and I'm not just attaching myself to you because you helped me. I couldn't do that to you at all."

Looking down at there hands Beth wondered if she was making sense, and if Justin would understand. Now it was her asked for time, to make sure she really did have feelings for Justin and than she wondered if Zach would understand or would it make a bigger mess.

   "Does...that make sense?"

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