
This Time...

Hope can't help the small smile that surfaced as she shook her head. Compaired to where Gunner was a while ago he was doing ok now. He often rambled when he wasn't comfortable but she was use to that and if he was still coming to see her that was good in her eyes.

   "So what you are saying is its kind of like an itch you can't scratch?"

Looking down at her note pad and jotting something down Hope looks up to Gunner once more and cocks her head to one side for a moment just studying him before speaking again.

   "Sometimes its ok to itch, just not to much or you will end up bleeding. In other news you haven't told me how life in general, relationships, and friendships are going? Everything all right with that?"

Looking up at the knock Angel smiled as she saw Clint, and than look down at his hand shook her head. If it wasn't one thing with these boys it was another. They sure did keep her on her toes though and she couldn't complain about that as long as it was nothing to to bad.

   "How did you do it this time?"

Taking Clint's hand Angel was quick to work on it. It did in fact need stitches but only four of them. It didn't take long to get them in and cleaned up. Bandaging them and than getting more gause for cleaning.

   "Here is some extra dressing and three hydrocodone. You'll be as right as rain in no time."

Turning to start cleaning a some stuff up Angel stops and looks back to Clint giving a smile. She missed see him and Wendy more but she new life was life sometimes.

   "How is everything at home? I miss you guys."

   "You are part of the team...even if you don't know it yet."

Sapphire smiles at Garret before looking back to her food and taking another bite thoughtfully thinking. Garret wasn't so bad if everyone would just give him a chance. Even if Garret had mad some worse mistakes and done things bad more than other they still should give him a shot at having a better life.

   "I guess your right. I was blessed with looks and brains, just for...other stuff or something. What about you? You have to have brains because you are here, and there is no question about your brawn, but what else is under all that?!"            

The drive was fast and Chad was almost there in no time. His mind had wondered the whole way wondering if Rosalyn would really be happy to see him. He hoped she would be, and Clint wouldn't be in to much trouble for tell him. He had to see her though. He had to make sure she was ok. She had to know he still cared.

Pulling into the driveway he looked at the address again just to make sure he had the right place. Seeing it was Chad shut the car off and got out grabbing his cell phone and wallet. Tucking them into his back pocket as he walked up to the steps Chad took a deep breath. 

Knocking on the door He waited leaning against the railing. A million thoughts ran through his mind as he waited.